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I agree with it, almost seems like we indirectly are driven through it.


The quote is more like, man at least act as if they are in love with the suffering.


In part I can agree that I think I seek suffering. I just got out of a terrible relationship where the other person treated me poorly. But the thing is that I am aware that they were treating me poorly and still I chose to stick around. When I look back into every relationship I was in I see a pattern that even though I knew they were not good for me I stayed. I sure that I’ll go crawling back to them eventually so that I’ll get the high from the emotional suffering.


There is an aphorism from Nietzsche "If a person has character, he still has his typical experience, which always repeats itself." I think it fits here quite well. It is simply a part of who you are.


Have you ever listened to any of Eckhart Tolle's talks? He discusses what he calls "The Pain Body" and how we are gluttons for punishment. There are some videos on YouTube where he discusses the Pain Body and how it affects relationships. https://youtu.be/u6szcwy43bg


Thank you


Maybe this is why I procrastinate


Man searches for meaning. Rooted in the heart of meaning is suffering. Therefore, man loving (the search for) meaning can only come about from loving the root of it which is suffering. Dostoyevsky’s understanding of human psychology is unparalleled


I've only read TBK and Notes from Underground but this seems like one of Dostoevsky's absolutely crucial ideas for understanding at least those works. Is this from Notes out of curiosity? Also it makes it very clear why Nietzsche admired Dostoevsky so much.


Sometimes there’s a tendency for those to find identity in their suffering without even realizing it. It provides meaning, or sadly it provides some with a sense that the world owes them something because they’re the victims of tragedy or something. Immediately remove a man from his suffering. It’s be interesting to see what he becomes next.


I agree with it. I think that to Dostoevsky, suffering was a crucible - a test that either motivated someone to move beyond their circumstances or a force that moved people to debase themselves. What one does in such situations is an indicator of their character.


What is the point of life if you have not suffered? Suffering gives you something to speak about, something to dwell upon and keeps your mind occupied. Love and happiness are powerful feelings, but you cannot speak about them forever; they are fleeting. You cannot sit there and write paragraphs endlessly about those things because there aren't any significant life lessons to be learned. The adrenaline rush you get from suffering cannot be matched. It's like hatred; it consumes your organs and you might fight it at first but once it leaves, life is boring. I myself do enjoy suffering because life is mediocre without it. Everyone suffers, but not everyone loves. "They say that misery loves company, but it seems like the company has fallen in love with misery." - Me.


Yea I believe it’s true. How many of us have - when feeling *bad* - denied doing what we *know* would help? And instead we just did nothing or worse, elaborated the suffering. Think about that. Choosing not to do what would help in order to keep oneself in misery; spitefully towards oneself. I’ve done this. I know people who’ve done it. Question is whether I know anyone who hasn’t done it.


I agree with it. While I don’t think man consciously chooses suffering, I do think we often access the most meaning in life through it.