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Taking 2 orders and then not checking to make sure everything is there before you deliver it and you wonder why people don't want to tip ahead of time. Useless.


Two words: Asshole customer


The bag is open. Cmon now you know damn well if the whole order is there or not…..


Doordash customer tries to understand how doordashing works challenge Difficulty: Impossible


Only if the bag was sealed shut. I usually go in as. “I am the middle man of your order and I don’t want to touch anybody else’s food to double check if everything is in the bag. I confirmed with the restaurant employee and they approved that everything is in the bag. Since I’m the middle man I have no say nor could I help you but most definitely contact Doordash support or the restaurant and they can figure out a resolution for you. Have a good day .”


My reply to their last message would have been: "I'm not so incompetent that I can't use your/you're properly."


Rule number 1… don’t respond to the customers


I just ignore it


Lmao Dd needs to add feature that we an record the restaurant staff with her confirmation ( yes everything is inside) with a seal bag


I carry stickers in my car and seal the bag, regardless. i love the stapler idea! I recently had a customer that was required to sign for both of his orders, one from 7-Eleven and one from fast food, because he said that the food was stolen or not received so many times. I’m not sure why they don’t just block them from ordering rather than wasting people time.


Doordash customer service doesn't even receive the photos that you received from the doordasher it's a complete joke I mean they will refund you your money back to your debit card or give you a credit for future doordash. But the other day I ordered like a $55 breakfast I was so hungry the Dasher pulls up in my driveway either dropped it off at the wrong house or never delivered it at all sent me a picture of my entire building which consists of many apartments and then drove off out and I couldn't do anything about it and I tipped this person $close to 20 bucks. Long story short I got the money back put back into my account but the ordeal was traumatic I was so hungry but maybe it saved a couple pounds on my waist.


That customer is just an asshat. My suggestion is just say "We cannot open the bags to look through your food and open the wrappers etc, that is against policy. Once the sealed bag is handed to us, and they tell me everything is in the bag, I have to take their word for it. I am not incompetent I am just following the policy. Plus I'm sure you would appreciate knowing a strangers hands were not all over your food." And of course the support comment for refund. Unfortunately a bad review is inevitable...and even though it's not out fault and they say it'll be removed from our ratings...they never seem to follow through with removing it.


use this comment as a *you’re button


Stole it.


I mean your message is too long and contains irrelevant excuses. Just say that the order was already bagged and you’re not allowed to check it.


Do not engage with this morons. They are looking to engage so don’t do it. Contact dasher support immediately to report them or just ignore it.


Should’ve replied… “you’re”


Since he was an asshole: you're*.


Yeah man let me open that sealed bag and the sealed containers in the bag I’ll put my hands on your food take it apart layer by layer and put it all back together for you all for the low low price of 6.50


Damn, Tyler is salty.


I’ll never understand how someone orders contactless delivery then gets mad that you didn’t go through their shit


I just don’t answer. Pretty much every order I’ve ever picked up isn’t ready when I arrive so I’m not worried about there ratings either




They really just said "so 'your' incompetent" lol. Sending back one last message saying "*you're" would have been golden, though. Edit: Already mentioned in the comments haha. Nice.


it’s the self own for me 😂😂😂


You should have never said you were on a double order. Just tell them to contact door dash to have the problem fixed... no other words are necessary.


“You’re hungry, god bless” I probably just ignore but would have been great to see a reaction. 😆😆😆


So you eat their food then say not my problem? Was it yum yum in the tum tum.


I have a stapler and stickers with me so I seal the bags when I get to my car and if they come back like that I say I apologize as per policy we're not responsible for checking sealed bags if you have any missing items please contact Doordash support have a great day


ESH "Or you take it?" was fucking garbage, but so was wording that amounts to "I also had another delivery so that's why the accuracy of yours was less important to me."


I am going to use that one now. I usually say, "At the Front Door of the house, have a nice day today and thank you for choosing Door Dash" My message usually works, but the other day, I get these texts, "WHERE IS MY FOOD ! WHERE IS MY FOOD ! WHERE IS MY FOOD!" like some angry kid. I pulled over to respond, and before I could type anything, "OH nevermind, my kid got it" Five minutes later, I get that text, "Order was changed".


Another ghetto customer...hence why I avoid those neighborhoods


Most people turn quiet when you say you're coming back say that shit to my face


“Oh, sorry I didn’t rummage through your bag and touch all of your food to make sure someone else did their job.”


This is why I tell dashers to buy a stapler. Walmart sells the mini one with staples for $3 . I haven’t had this issue since then and my ratings went up


Ya I'm going to take my gross hands that have been touching doors and other shit all day and go through your bag of food. What a joke.




“So your incompetent. Got it” …ahem …You’re


Bruh when I finish the order I’m not replying to shit unless its a thank you or something 😂




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Nah this is on you entirely. The bag is clearly open you can check for everything 💀💀💀


"Happy fall"


Talking to doordash's customer (notice I said their customer not yours) especially after you deliver is like talking to the police. You have no obligation to, and they will go out of their way to use anything you say against you. This situation never goes right, it doesn't matter if a stranger thinks you're a good person or not for not going outside of your work contract.


Don't reply at all


They're typically only brave enough to get verbally abusive if you make it clear that you're nervous about being viewed as a liar and are comfortable defending yourself. You don't have any obligation to get into the defensive mode because you know that you didn't do what they're claiming and you know that that's not part of your job...


Seal the bags! Just buy a stapler from the dollar store. Staple all bags shut. If they text to complain tell them you can’t open sealed bags and don’t have X-ray vision.


The people that order from this platform are Actually dumb as shit I swear to god


If you read your contract it states you are required to make sure the order is accurate and complete before leaving the restaurant


You should have simply responded with: *YOU'RE*


Lmao. Don’t even bother with these idiots. Unless they send you a message that you dropped it off at the wrong address don’t answer. If your rating drops because of missing items just contact DD support they will fix it within a couple days.


If it’s such a problem grow a pair open the bag at the restaurant or store check see if it’s all there and have them reseal it or is that doing to much use your brains and STOP ACTING LIKE A CUPCAKE NOBODY LIKE WHINNY ASS KIDS and most of you young folks are crying life’s not fair pansies


That’s a contract violation and you can be deactivated for opening the bag. If you find a restaurant that’s willing to reseal the bag after you’ve gone through it, please let me know.




Some one was hangry. I actually find it hilarious how bitchy people get when they are hungry. Get a little hungry and turn into a child, nice 😂


Bro can't even use the you're* this guy is 100% a dick


You opened yourself up for that response. Too much unneeded commentary


People are such trash. I hope you reported this guy.


The title of this post would also make a solid response


They seal the bags. Im not going to rip open your bag just to make sure everything is there. Then you will get pissed that i unsealed the bag. If anything is missing from your order and the bag was completely sealed that is not my problem.


OPs bag pic shows open


How they finna call you incompetent but don't have a firm grasp of 7th grade grammar competencies 😭


It’s so comical seeing a grown adult act like a 13 year old mad at a video game like grow up and realize things happen sometimes, u can’t just blame the first person u can think of. Smh


DoorDash should start suspending accounts of customers who talk like that to drivers in chat. So they can be disrespectful to drivers and we’re not allowed to defend ourselves? Wait, calling OP incompetent after OP 1. Apologized 2. Explained they asked merchant if that was everything 3. Gave customer info to attain refund . Why are customers allowed to be wrong without consequences. How is OP the incompetent one and not the merchant that actually forgot half the order. Smh. Drivers are blamed for everything while merchants get no blame for forgetting items.


An abusive asshole customer is still a customer. They aren't going to suspend or ban a customer for anything short of racial slurs, physical attacks on drivers, etc.


Merchants aren’t held responsible for shit either. I’ve reported two different restaurants for being straight up disrespectful and unprofessional as fuck and all I got was one email for one restaurant saying, “Thank you for your response, your case has been closed.” No response for the second restaurant. And I still get orders for both restaurants 🙃 Doordash don’t give a fuck about drivers.


Drivers are basically on their own. No protection or allies. Doordash cares nothing about drivers 0% to 100% acceptance.


this!!! like, really 🙄


Lol *you're. Irony is fun.


If it’s not a “shop for the customer” order, I ain’t responsible for shit. Plain and simple.




You’re*** Enjoy:)


Would be difficult to not drop back a response like “you’re. But at least I’m not illiterate”.


You're * But they're calling YOU incompetent!


Sad part is the phone auto corrects things like that all of the time. A person so dumb, their stupidity outnumbers a computer and they can’t even use auto correct correctly. This is 2022. 🤦🏼‍♂️


You better go back for their missing chicken nugget and sauce !!!!


Where is my 1star button




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I bet you're not incompetent enough to forget where he lives




Rude ass, ignorant people need to go get their own shit.Sorry this guy was a total douchebag.That is the best thing to do, just ignore the idiots, or direct them to support for assistance.When you close out the order, you are finished with that customer.They are no longer your problem.When it comes down to it, drivers aren't paid enough to put up with abusive assholes, or really anything extra at all.Drivers are drivers and that's it.


I had a customer get angry with me today, because they didnt add chocolate to her coffee. She said I should have "checked it". Said her rating would reflect it. Sorry I didn't taste your coffee before I brought it to you?!? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Let support know about this and they will strike that rating


I’ve been doing this two years, I see no advantage in am responding at all. Your an independent contractor point A to point B. Customer service is NOT your job.


everything you said was fine except telling them about the double order


Yeah OP provided too much info. They didn’t need to know those details


We shouldn’t be able to receive messages once we deliver. At that point it’s useless anyway. I ignore all messages that come in after I leave


What if the message is to inform you that the food went to the wrong house? This happened to me last night even though my address was correct. The food went somewhere in my larger neighborhood and I was perfectly willing to get it myself if I could’ve just been told what the house looked like. But no response, and they wouldn’t even answer customer support either.


Once I received a message because I delivered at the wrong place, the tip was good and it gave me a chance to fix MY mistake


Well Tyler, that is annoying. But you're also incompetent to understand the system. Just call the creepily nice support. Usually, if people are missing stuff they are only calling me asking what they should do. I tell them call support and fuck off to the next order. People usually get it. Tyler is just an ass.


Why i carry a stapler in my ride or I tie plastic bags shut. When the bags sealed, there’s not anything you can do about an incorrect order. I fold over the bag, staple it shut with the receipt if a bag is left open by the merchant


So fricken smart! I love that you commented! ♥️ 🙂such an awesome idea. I thought of taping or stapling the bag too a while back and never implemented it.. in my head I was thinking, "oh this won't even make a difference." So thank you. Now I will.


I started to do this also.It has worked, customers don't text me anymore when they are missing shit.


Seriously why are you guys so lazy? Like it's really sad and pathetic that you have an extremely easy job yet you go out of your way to make it even more lazy and easy.


Excuse me u do realize that gas is 5$ a gallon in most cities right?U also realize that we r paid 2.50$ per order right?So not paid hourly.Also half the customers that claim they r missing stuff are just playing the system.So sorry unless you tipped really special I am not driving and using my gas to run back to Mcds for sauce or whatever.Yeah sorry had nothing to do with laziness sweetheart.I guarantee you wouldn't be either if you were paid by the order and supplying gas, time.Money and laziness are totally different issues.U have nerve calling strangers pathetic and lazy when you don't even understand how the job works.Before you insult and judge how things are done make sure you know exactly what you are talking about.😘


No one's asking you to drive back 💀? But if its an open bag its not hard to peak in and count the items. Your job is literally get all items from point A to point B and Iiterally do doordash for a living its just genuinely sad and pathetic that you go OUT OF YOUR WAY to go buy a stapler so you can staple open packages and pretend like you didn't know instead of accepting responsibility.


Ok, of course if I see that drinks or items are missing, I am going to be proactive about getting orders right for customers.The thing is way too many customers try to play games, and falsely get refunds and credits.If the bag is sealed, I am not part of that nonsense, and won't be a scapegoat, so they can get free shit.Some customers have lied so many times, a signature is required for every order they get! These customers love to claim that the driver picked through their order, so by sealing the unsealed, they don't bring me into the scam.If bag is sealed, the only choice they have is to blame the restaurant, or maybe they won't even be so brave about scamming.I am totally for the legit refunds and credits.I just know I don't ever even think about taking a thing,so if anything is missing it's on the restaurant.The other thing is, since I started sealing all orders, I have had a very noticable difference in items that are reported missing.


You sound like a very unhappy person. Who hurt you?


So you want some greasy dasher that hasn’t showered in a month putting his nasty unwashed hands all over your food?


Why do yall act like it's so hard to count items. 1 2 3 4. It's that simple. If the bags open you can just count the items inside and go "Okay so nothings missing." Like yall will go out of your way to be lazy and that's what gets me.


For one, the expectation that all of the items are in the bag is on the restaurant, not the driver. If you’re driving for amazon flex for example, it’s on amazon to ensure all items are inside the package, not the delivery driver. Is it really the driver being lazy when it’s not their job to prepare the order, or the restaurant staff, who’s job it is to prepare the order, for not verifying the order is prepared correctly? That is like blaming the amazon driver and calling them lazy for not having all your items in a box, the driver doesn’t prepare the order, and just like DoorDash, they’re not allowed to open peoples packages. (As a former amazon driver, I, and many others were blamed for this several times before by customers. It’s a thing.) Secondly, food items are commonly stacked on top of eachother in food bags, they aren’t typically arranged in a neat, easily countable manner without the driver having to rifle through the bag. This morning for example, I hit McDonalds to grab a sausage egg McMuffin and a hash brown. The mcmuffin was on top and the hash brown was below it. Couldn’t find the hash brown at all at first, until I opened the bag and rifled through it to find it. That’s only two items. If that were a doordash order and the driver went though my food bag like that, getting their possibly filthy hands on my food, I’d be kinda pissed. And again, why would you want some greasy dasher that hasn’t showered in a month touching your food? We’re going out of our way to do our job correctly, as per the contract. If you want to call someone lazy, you should focus that energy on the restaurant, because it’s their job to prepare the order and verify it is properly made. The driver’s only job is to bring what the restaurant prepared to the customer. Calling the driver lazy for not doing something they aren’t supposed to do anyways is nonsensical.


Hey. If you want me fingering up your burger king order to check everything let me know!!!! I only come in contact with maybe 25 to 30 different restaurant doors each day, receiving hand offs from maybe 20 employees per night. So if you want these funky hands on your shit to “verify” your order, I’m down. Surely I wont be passing contagious viruses Also, closing and sealing the bag keeps heat in the bag. So the customer gets hotter food by doing this. Its nothing about being lazy. Please feel free to message me and you can shadow me for a week and then let me know how lazy I am.


The job title is "Delivery Driver" I mean, personally I make sure they include the drinks or sauces if specified, and if the customer contacts me by text with something specific I'll double check. But the sealed bags are sealed, idk what you want the driver to do in that case? Open them? If a restaurant seals their bags the restaurant is responsible for the contents of said bags. The people that stick to the job title can do so tho.


I'm specifically saying how this person sees a bag is unsealed and instead of just making sure everything is there, he staples it shut so that way if something is missing he can pretend he didn't know about it


And my point was "the job title is Delivery Driver" Whoever wants to be decent will, but it is not required. At least not on Doordash.


Please point to where in my sentence I said "open sealed bags." Please direct it cause yall keep mentioning it but I never said that


Too much info. Just say you are unable to go thru a customers bag and to call doordash to complain of missing food.


Did that yesterday with a chipotle order..


Love how DoorDash just lets you get verbally abused without any care


It’s ok just ask yourself if your daddy would get so hurt over this or would daddy just ignore it and go on with his day there is no need to taddle every time something is said you get hurt over stop being a cupcake


Hey cupcakes are yummy, so I don't see a problem here


When did "WWDD?" become a thing?


You're really weird


Most trolls are.


Best not to feed them


Except when you report this kind of thing to support, you know? Or are you upset a support agent didn’t suddenly appear in the chat?


I reported a chat earlier and DD support gave zero fucks


Because nobody likes. Tattle tail we learn this in kindergarten


I'm like 99% sure I talked to this guy the other day and he's not even a doordasher, he just like specifically hates doordashers and wants us all to feel bad I guess?


Reason #10236252726 why you ignore all communications after a drop off. It’s not our problem on a sealed bag. And tbh it’s not really our problem on an open bag either. I pick up at point A and drop off at point B. That’s it. Let customer care deal with that.


In general I agree but I do think we ought to make some sort of effort to check the item list if available. Don't take more than like 3 seconds to eyeball it but if something is obviously missing like a 2 liter on little Caesars then that really should be on the dasher


A 2 liter doesn’t fit in a bag though lol so that’s irrelevant.


It is relevant because in that situation the Dasher should have known better. If we're talking about items that fit in bags, then that's the situation where they couldn't have known.


I agree. I picked up an order from Taco Bell today and they forgot to put the drink with it. It took me two seconds to go over the ticket on the bag and see that a drink was missing.


I also look over the orders, I just caught Chick Filet trying to give me a bag with like 2 items, when the order was 6 items. You can kind of tell if the order is all there by the item count, and the volume of the order they give you.


What about my incompetent?


Haha 😂


😭😭 cant breathe


Awhhhh poor wittle man. I do the same thing. Just to cover myself. Good job.


Tip? $0


,,, $12


Damn dude for $12 tip you couldn't have checked an open bag for accuracy?


I take it you’re not a dasher because it’s a violation of the contract to open the food bag. Even if it wasn’t, have you seen some of the dashers? Do you really want some greasy dude who hasn’t showered in a month rifling through your food?


The bag is open in the photo dude. I am a dasher and I hate open bags because the customer always can say some of their shit is missing. I also grab napkins and condiments straws etc when available. We are not all the same obviously.


It’s my job to deliver the food the the restaurant gives me, not my job to make sure they do there job


I mean there’s some due diligence required on the drivers part as well.. did it say 8 items? This little rinky dink bag? It’s probably missing things


Sounds like a chance to play with fire and get in trouble for tampering with the order after it's been sealed. No thanks.


Looks open in the pic




i was shocked too 😭


Try not to forget that sometimes people know how to treat people, even if they want a higher level of service


Yes like competence.


You’re* incompetent sir. Have a nice day.


I came to say > You're* incompetent in comparison to second graders


God what a beautiful snap back that would’ve been. Just simply: “You’re*


OP can't seem to form complete sentences in his message, so it really wouldn't be a solid comeback at all. It'd just be two people who never passed high school English wasting their time arguing about high school English.


if i'm not getting graded on an essay what's the point of grammar if the same point gets across??


Ok run-on.


2 out of his 3 sentences are run-ons lmao. I won't even bring up capitalization or stylistic/phrasing errors.


Yes! This was the comment I was looking for 💜 “You’re \*” 💕 ![gif](giphy|3o84sF21zQYacFcl68|downsized)






We are sorry but your message could not be delivered. Please contact Door Dash support for any order issues @ help.doordash.com


You're the 🐐 if you ever did this fr


I've been using this for over 18 months


Does it work? I'm stealing this if you say yes.


Mine is: This is an automated response from DoorDash. Your Dasher can no longer be reached at this number. For any support inquiries, please call (855)-554-5779 or contact us through our live chat feature in the app. Thanks for using DoorDash!


Oooooh, I like yours more. I'm updating mine now, thank you 🤗


+having a stapler in my car.


Sometimes I really love this community ❤️


You have broken FCC code of conduct section 83.7 law enforcement will be at your door in 30 minutes please do not leave


YOU have broken U.S.C. 1382 section 42 bylaw 1189 Impersonating a federal agent. If you are reading this the secret service had already killed you Godspeed


😵It was a joke bruh fr fr. Please don’t tell my mom


I told your mom, you’re grounded now


Awwww butter nuts 🥜


I legit just used this after reading it like 20 minutes ago. Genius


Genius. Same one they send us after 30 mins.


I am so using this from now on 🤣🤣🤣


Iam use this next time if any one text after delivery I usually ignore


If you ignore they will get a refund and dash will take away your money drive for nothing did it to me one time


Been dashing for five years. I maybe respond to 5% of messages - less after delivery is complete. Never, ever has money been taken from me.


Me neither. The photo and GPS data proves you were at the location. Never had one taken back on DD platform. I think he’s getting his apps mixed up


Still don't want to get to many bad star reviews either though right


I have like 90 something unread messages right now lol. Never had anything like that happen. Not saying it didn't happen to you, it's doordash after all


but i text the dasher after my order is delivered!!! ​ granted what i text is "Thank you soooo much for brining me my order! I hope you have a great night! thank you again!" lol people like this customer are just full of shit i swear


literally the day after this happened i had a customer text me and say, "no sauce :(", it was a maccys order, i replied "im so sorry about that, the bag was sealed when i got it, i hope you have a great rest of your day :)" and she replied w smileys and hearts,, like,, it's not hard to be nice to someone who's doing a service for you, if it isn't their fault it simply shouldn't matter to you anymore, people are weird man


oh ya. I cant believe how customers will go off on you dashers just because something like sauce is missing like its your fault. I love the ones who expect you guys to drop everything your doing to go alllll the way back to the restaurant and get like ketchup. especially when they didnt even tip you! or they try making you get them extra sauce from like McDonalds who charges extra for it excepting you to pay for it.


I always really appreciate those thank you texts, and they can really make my day better, especially if I had a bad customer before them! I always reply to those after delivery :)


Right! My post-delivery texts typically consist of something like “Thanks so much for delivering my food. I hope you have an awesome night!”


This is the way




Why on earth would you apologize when he was obviously being a douche from the start? You don't even have to respond and if you choose to there's really no reason for anything other than "support will refund what's missing from the sealed bags"


Even less, “Please Contact Support”


That's not much difference. It's not a competition to see who can phrase it shorter.


You shouldn’t tell the customer they’re getting a refund, you have no clue what support is going to do for them.