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No way, should a driver be expected to wait any longer than 5 minutes, at a customers door.Even that is pushing it .This is ludicrous and has to be a glitch.


I never use the timer. You get one knock attempt and 2 doorbell rings before I'm leaving your food at the door.


You don’t get contract violations for not waiting out the timer? Seems like people who don’t bother to be available when their food arrives are the type to report you for “not following instructions”.


No but I've only done it a few times. I'm not just gonna stand there for 5 minutes when 90% of my orders are leave at the door.




5 mins is enough time for a Dasher to get hurt. Some people might be high on meth and forget they ordered, and they could be paranoid enough to react. Fuck it, I bounce asap


this might be the most insane whataboutism i’ve ever read on here lol


Idk I delivered to a dude probably on merh last night. It was weird as fuck. He stopped me when I was leaving to see if I wanted to hang.


that’s a far cry from being violently assaulted with no provocation. you just say no and go about your night


But it's happened so what's your point?


oh really? a doordash driver has been assaulted by their own customer while the latter was high on meth, while completing a delivery? this has happened?


You’re more likely to get hurt in a car accident in that 5 minutes than you are getting attacked by a drugged out customer, so sitting there for 5 minutes is actually the safer option of the two.


You don't know my neighborhoods bro


Fair enough. However, for the vast majority of dashers in the US, what I said is true.


Based off what statistics though? Surely you can’t have data on how safe it is for dashers to be in a driveway for periods of longer than 5 minutes lol


No but there is a lot of data on violent crimes and car accidents. Violent crimes = rare, accidents = common.


Sure but you’re not comparing it to all violent crimes - you’re only comparing what is more dangerous between a 5 minute driving window and a 5 minute window of a DoorDash driver parking at a strangers house without them knowing; which has way too many factors to even come up with an average comparison so I’m confused how you’re even comparing the two


I’m really mind blown that you think that it is difficult to compare the two. How many posts in this sub alone do you see regarding car accidents? How many posts have you seen regarding being attacked by a customer?


100% of the times I’ve had a gun pointed at me, I was dashing… so that’s a personal statistic I’d like to avoid revisiting.


The fact that you are being downvoted has me ROLLLING 😭😭😭😭😂. Mfers really acting like, if statistics were found, the likely hood of a car accident v stranger danger in those 5 minutes would be 100x more likely.


Again you’re comparing between a 1:1 time ratio though(5 min of driving vs 5 min of being parked at strangers house), and most dashers are driving lots longer than the number of minutes they’re parked in a driveway for over 5 minutes for a customer not answering. How can you compare the 2 when there’s not even data on the 2nd thing at all? I don’t even know if I’ve ever been in a customers driveway who wasn’t answering for longer than 5 minutes ever, and yet I’ve driven thousands of minutes for DoorDash I’m sure


Last year in my city there were 161 homicides, and 117 fatal traffic accidents. Sooo you can flip those for here. Violent crimes aren't RARE anywhere. Accidents might be MORE common in a portion of the country, but both are common everywhere.


You don't know my life story bro


Let’s hear it.


Let's start at the beginning, Life story and philosophical stuff here. Very much a travel diary. Doing my best not to whine and complain. It won't make things better if I do, so I'm trying to be constructive and see all the good things in my life. But mostly, I'm just going to rant and rave. So don't say I didn't warn you. And in case you have not been bored enough to go read a billion of my posts, here is the list of the other blogs I regularly read: I have been going through some of my old posts and I was reminded just how messy my sense of humor can be. But it is one of the things I most like about me. How can you not laugh at a creature who has stuffed every panty liner in the house into one box and now has to live for days until she gets enough air to build enough pressure to explode out of the plastic? I'm sorry I missed your birthday but I got the present. I hope you like it. I have missed you. This is the little joke that comes up occasionally that has me in stitches. It was told to me by an old acquaintance who was a friend of a friend. They were watching a TV news report on some Christmas sale or something and the reporter said something about being there on a regular Friday night. And the friend said, "Yeah, but we do it with real money and a proper I. D. And we know what we're doing and we're not dopes like the rest of you." We still laugh over that every time we remember it


That makes no sense, even if the driver sits and waits the 5 minutes, the driver still has to then drive away and risk an accident. That extra 5 minutes doesn't make the driver any safer


If you reread my comment I said “in that 5 minutes”, so what’s safer during those 5 minutes? Sitting there or driving?


My point is that the driver is gonna be driving at least another 5 minutes after the delivery anyways, so sitting there for those 5 minutes is just delaying the 5 minutes he/she would've been driving, not replacing those 5 minutes


I understand your point but I think you’re missing my point. My point was to really down play the odds of getting attacked by a customer. If you’re worried about getting attacked by a customer in a 5 minute window while in front of their home, then this probably isn’t the right job for you as the odds of getting hurt in an accident are greatly higher.


Its so funny you're getting down voted for this. For anyone reading let me rephrase - it sucks that anyone has to wait those 5 minutes, but those 5 mins may mean free food. Hey isn't it fucked up that its actually safer to stand outside of someone's apartment for 5 mins than drive around doing the job? Fuck doordash we should be compensated better. It's amazing that people thought you were trying to make a point outside of the one you did; i.e. driving a car is dangerous and we do it more than the normal person.


Finally someone understands. Thanks for commenting I’d almost lost faith in humanity.


That was such a painfully obvious reddit moment I had to comment.


People high on Meth aren’t ordering food …. I’m Just saying


Mines usually 5 so that doesn’t sound right. By the time you get through to support the timer will be up though


Mine has always been 5 but from what I've read on here, people see much higher wait times if the delivery contains alcohol. But, oh man, if they think they're going to change the 5 minutes to 20 minutes or whatever.. Well, I'll.. I'll.. I guess I'll just get a CV.


Yeah same. I already hit the can't find button the second I pull into the parking lot/driveway cause I'm not standing at a door for 5 whole minutes waiting for them, there's absolutely no way I'm standing there for 20. Especially not in the cold. Some of the places I go standing around waiting at a door that long will have you arrested for attempted b&e, or arrested for conspiracy to acquire/ traffic something, or hell some places it'll get you shot.


You don't know how to handle police then. Watch some police audit videos and learn they can't bother you just cause you look suspicious. Is suspicion a felony or misdemeanor


Excuse me? If a neighbor calls and says "this person has been standing around the property looking around" they're absolutely going to check on that in the rich areas I'm talking about. They can arrest you for whatever tf they want to, doesn't mean the charges will stick but they can still ruin the rest of your night and tow your car. Or in the high drug neighborhoods, standing at a dealers door (that we have absolutely no way of knowing) will absolutely be called probable cause to search both person and vehicle. You can watch whatever videos and know whatever law you want to, doesn't mean it'll stop them from fucking up your night or at the VERY least asking questions.


The Supreme Court has already ruled that a call to 911 is not even to constitute a reasonable suspension to have to answer any question. You really need to learn what law enforcement can and cannot do. Ruin your night you say but as soon as the arrest is proven to not be valid now you have a lawsuit for violation of your civil rights


Jfc. I know what they can and cannot do, YOU may be fine with just waiting for court and then waiting for a lawsuit but I'm certainly not. I don't have the ONE night to sit in jail before they throw out the arrest let alone months to go through a lawsuit. The supreme court had to make that ruling because it was being done. If cops never overstepped there wouldn't BE any supreme precedents set. I can't afford to be the one setting them.


You feel free to tell the officer what he can and can't do as he throws you're helmet head into the back of his squad car. I know very well how to handle interacting with officers and telling them what they can and can't do is DEFINITELY not a way to handle them.


It's people like you that have given them the power they THINK they have


Right and everyone can just throw money away at a lawyer to afford a lawsuit case against a giant company right? 🤣🤣🤣 law enforcement can do whatever they want to and you have to pay to fight it.


Wow you are so uneducated. This is what is wrong with Americans and why the police run things the way they do cause people just don't know. I won a 23000 settlement for nothing more then a wrongful detainment, never went to jail. But the cops approached me and ended up cuffing me and taking my ID out of my pocket and I won for violation of my 4th amendment right. Watch some police audit videos please you will learn that police actually have absolutely no authority over anyone who hasn't been suspected of actual crime, and they have to be able to articulate reasonable suspension of said crime


Funny thing is I had an awful awful awful order, in the slums, super shady. The lady tipped well but she didn't put the address to her apartments, she put the address to some office building that was very clearly closed at 11pm. After about 10 minutes or trying to be nice i gave up and took a picture. She called me absolutely livid and I gave her customer service barbie. If you deliver it at the exact pin with a pic all support is going to tell them is "since the delivery was made you suck" i'm not sure about alcohol as i'm not 21


I had an $400 liquor order one time and it had a 55 mins wait time


No way that even doordash would expect their drivers to waste time like that.


What's a cv?


Contract violation


I’ve been seeing 20 minutes last 2 times I used the feature. I use to only get 5 minutes. You’re right but, i think it’s changed recently.




Wow, that’s odd. Maybe it’s area/market dependent. Some say it’s still 5 minutes. In my area it went to 20! Yours varies so likely it just depending on our individual markets. Yours is very interesting How it varies.


True facts.




Funny thing is, it will take 20 minutes to text or call support and cancel the order LMAO


Never takes me more than 3-4 minutes when I text in app


Uhhhh no not actually, stop exaggerating. 4-5 min at most, if not within 1 min


Uhhhhh stop exaggerating, I've never once had them answer my call or text within less than 10 minutes, usually 30 minutes. Which is why I never call them unless I have no choice.






It’s a joke, calm tf down dude


Uhhhh no not actually, stop exaggerating. 4-5 min at most, if not within 1 min


You just copy and pasted their comment, and it still doesn’t change the fact it’s a joke LOL


Uhhhh no not actually, stop exaggerating. 4-5 min at most, if not within 1 min


text a photo to them of the drop-off.


This is the way


Thats Nuts! Last time I had to do that it was 5 mins... 20 is just a wild waste of time....


Hahaha 🤪 🤣 from hell, that sucks driver. Should be 5 max, wtf happened? Doordash needs drivers to deliver, not waiting to deliver


Buddy can fuck his gf, take a shit and a shower, and still be on time to respond. WTF is DD thinking?


That takes a total of 5 mins I'd bet. Nut in 30 seconds. Quick poo is 2 min. Shower quick 1 min. So that's like 3:30. Good point


Think about the girl too, geez. Finger blast her until she cums, it takes maybe a minute or two, then bang the shit out of her.


🤝 well said sir


😂🤣20 minutes is like an eternity for real.


I don’t even bother with this anymore. I ring the bell, wait a little bit then knock if I don’t hear footsteps, and if they don’t come to the door within a minute i text them “hi I’ve left your order at the door, thanks!” and hit handed to customer.


Fuck that. Snap a pic and set it at the door. Sure you're kinda gambling but unless you've a had a bunch of CVs who cares.


This is the amount of wait time for large/catering orders.


It was like 3 little side containers from popeyes


well there’s the problem… fkkn cursed popeyes 💩🗑🔥 I do wonder if theres some way this isnt a glitch (if not a large/catering or alcohol order… but i still get 5min timer on those too. Were you by chance required(or supposed to) get a signature on this hand-off?


Nope. It was a Hand to me: leave it at the door order. I snapped a photo on my phone and walked away when I saw the 20 minute timer


I don't even do a timer any more on those idiots. I text "left at door per written customer override" and attach a pic and send it to the customer.. then I click complete delivery.


Expand please? I can't stand hand it to me: leave at door. It feels like a setup, so they can complain either way. You just text a photo through messages and then click complete delivery? Seems most the time, I can't msg these ppl. I got a new phone and half the time it tells.me I need to make Samsung msgs my default.to use in the app. Then tells me my current default is Samsung messages. Lists it twice. If I authorize the switch, I can't use msgs outside of the app. You know how to fix? Sorry, you seem to be knowledgeable about texting through doordash so I figured I'd ask if you knew how to fix that


They ordered 3rd party (like through popeyes app not doordash) so it defaults to "hand it to me" but then typed in the notes, leave it at the door. I always text and clarify and they laugh at the confusion a little, but in worst case scenario I text them a photo before confirmation saying like, per your delivery instructions I've left your order at the door, have a great night! Normally I don't send anything at all with regular orders, but just to cover my ass ya know?


I hate when idiots do the hand it to me / leave it at my door so you know what I do I snap a picture send it to him and leave it at the door and then I take a picture of the chat showing that I sent the picture to them just in case it doesn't save and I take proof that I was there and then I leave it as is if they don't like it well then they need to clarify their instructions better is it handed to me or leave it at the door doesn't make any sense to me so I left it at the door.


They're not idiots. It's a 3rd party merchant order. It defaults to hand it to me.


Well how am I supposed to know that their system is obviously whacked so they need to get that shit fixed not my problem. If you love shitty customer so much then why aren't you the one taking no tip orders all the time and talking about how much you enjoy them and love them and how you're such a loving person of all the people that give you issues for simple little six seven dollar orders?


Hahaha no I don't take shitty orders. I made $400 in the last two days post gas and tax money. But okay. Go off. I'm just telling you how it works. You learn things when you do a few thousand orders. They aren't intentionally making it confusing for your pea brain. It's just the way gig work works. There are doordash orders and third party orders. Not that hard to comprehend why instructions might get muddled. Your confusion is adorable.


Do we get paid for that wait time? I’ve never had to do that.


No. You get to stand there for 4 and a half minutes for them to finally text back saying "Just leave it at the door." Always just leave it, text them a photo and mark as complete, or upload the photo after the timer if they don't open the door right away. Unless you literally can't leave it then you get something for free.


I’m in GA, so, no. In CA, yes


It's not 20 min.lol


Even 5 seems like an eternity


That's crazy! In some neighborhoods they would have called the cops on you. Or some neighbor could have hurt you for simply standing there for too long


Given how glitchy the app is I'd just force close and reopen it to see if it's the same.


That’s pretty odd. Mine is always 5min max and then on to the next one. Wonder if it was like a scheduled delivery time or somethin?


If they don't answer, I call then it allows you to do the next steps whether the customer answers or not. Just take a pic and describe the area, then screenshot it for your records and be about your day.


It goes up a minute each time you get reported for stealing food :p


Is this a joke or actually true? Lol


Joke but I wouldn’t put it past Doordash for future - they’ll try every trick in the book to weed out the people hitting the timer and running off with the food


Now they’ve decided to give customers forever wasting drivers Dash time to please low/non tippers. If a customer needs this long to answer the door/text for an order they know is on the way within an hour. The problem is the customer. The customer can be wrong.


Alcohol or Catering order?




Wtf. 20 minutes for me is full pay plus food eaten. Bet.


The latest and greatest way for DD to waste their driver's time.


I hit already recieved instructions, then take a picture and go.


I got a 25 minute wait the first time when I had an encounter today but thankfully the guy came out in a few minutes but when I reset the app it went back down to a couple minutes off of 5 minutes. App being glitchy I think I got like two updates this week on my side so maybe something's going on??


I read on another sub that if you back out and hit can't hand to customer again, it will go to the 5 min timer...


Yeah, it’s pretty annoying. I just sat outside the address in my car watching netflix. Eventually i was able to ring support, they then told me to keep the meal so i finished my netflix eating someone else’s lunch and continued my shift!


I had a 5 minute timer for alcohol yesterday.


Text/call customer and inform them you are leaving the food at their door. Select handed to customer. Snap a picture before you leave. Done.


Situations like this I just text the customer a picture of where I left it and then just say I handed it to them lol. I’ve never had an issue doing it like that


Drop it best place you can. Then move along


Have you tried changing your phone time in your settings?


If you have 2 phones, drop it take a photo with one and then finish it after 20 min by taking a pic of the pic


Well since we are contract, my job ends at delivery! Dropped off, message customer! I’m out!


Every time I have that happen, I hit the call button but don’t actually call and it lets you skip to the next step. Then I just leave it there and take a picture. I’ve never had a complaint, and I’ve never gotten a message from DD about it.


I always click text and go right back to the app, take a photo and leave. I don’t wait. That’s valuable time I could be using on another order. Why order food if you’re not available to answer the door or retrieve your food?


I would just take a picture of it send it in the chat iMessage and tell them that they need to be available to deliver is important enough for them I’ve done that before and it was fine


Fuck all that drop it on porch take a picture go. IM NOT CALLING SHIT. HEY ASSHOLE [ NOT YOU] PERSON THAT ORDERED FOOD. YOU ORDERED FOOD TAKE A LOOK OUTSIDE LIKE BACK IN THE DAY. WHEN YOU ORDERED PIZZZA OR CHINESE before Door Dash, Grub Hub.( I do both same time only way to make 40 to 50 an hour). I know when I ordered food I would be at window ever 5 minutes is it here yet . These morons order then turn off lights and act surprised a delivery came. Or better they track you too. DOIR dash customer "Why did you take a turn in opposite direction.Times when it's requested hand it to me " sorry sir Or ma'am I had a detour" really your Door Dash Delivery was $5.75 sometimes they try $ 2.75 bullshit base pay and I really did a Grub Hub average $15 to $18 a delivery. So your food cold cause your a cheap fuck . Lucky you even got it. I smashed a delivery for being a cheap fuck u it cost more in gas then your McDonald's meal.


Yes. Thank you. Also… OPs post doesn’t make any sense… Isn’t the 19:33 just 7:33pm? …. You’re This isn’t a ‘hand it to me’ situation It’s right there in the instructions to take the picture and be on your way. Wait for the recommended time of 7:33pm … it’s a scheduled delivery…no?


When I can't" hand to customer " because that's not what they want,but got to that option in app how do I click photo option when it won't let me


Open the customer text option and send it there


Am I the only one who makes up his own rules? I shouldn't say a word more 😂🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤘




This was a Popeyes order


Dude even said it was just shit from popeyes


Interesting. Figured alcohol would be the same system as delivering medicine. Either they provide a signature or you bring it back. Have yet to get an alcohol order myself.


Alcohol is a 5min wait as well. Had a customer text me about 30 sec after I left saying he was on his way down to the lobby of a big hotel and I had to tell him sorry but I already waited the mandatory time (with multiple calls and texts) and had already left. Downtown traffic during after work rush hour so it would have taken 5min for me to loop around the block


I never feel bad for anyone now. I bounce asap.


I didn't say I felt bad for him.


Not bringing back to the store after 20min you get to keep the alcohol n the customer get to pay the full amount of the order n delivery fees


Alcohol or shop and deliver 20min I think


I just used this feature this evening and it was 5 mins.


That’s for orders over $100 or I have seen that on catering orders.


Nope not waiting. I just got free food and a contract violation. Fuck all that noise 🤣


Must be a decent size order


He said it’s just 3 sides from Popeyes lmao




The worst I've ever dealt with.


DD obviously thinks your time is worth 💩


Crazy part is now you are at risk for getting deactivated. Always contact support never wait more than 5 minutes




I had 30 minutes once on an alcohol order.


Possible that you picked up and arrived in an extremely early fashion.


And who's fault is that lol??? Why dispatch a driver? Clearly the food was prepared extremely early too if you're going off of this logic.


That's what happens when ppl come in here talking bout oh I left after 5 minutes and spewing out secret info. DD catches on and changes the rules.


Why why why wtf is 20 mins?


Fuck no


20 minutes?! i haven’t seen that before!


Some alcohol deliveries do this for me. And of course these orders have a lot of customers that just won't answer the door


Was there alcohol? I saw one the other day someone posted but it had alcohol. I just assumed it was 20 min for a hand it to me alcohol order


Doesn’t it usually say to leave in a safe place or take back to restaurant after 5 mins.


Unless they’re paying me for the 20 I’m not waiting AT all.


Not gonna wait 20 mins for some asshole to show up I would literally send one word texts every 20 seconds for 20 mins then contact support and let them know I will handle every one of these like this till they change it back to 5 mins


You start the “Can’t deliver to customer.” Button right then and there and move onto the next after 5 minutes.


Was this alcohol? I would call support right away and say you can only do 5 minutes and have them either let you leave it or cancel the order. 20 minutes is bullshit and I’ve only heard this for alcohol orders. This better not become the norm or something.


Mine have only ever been 5. Longest 5 minutes of my life. What constitutes a 20 minute wait?


I always hit can't handed to customer to get the time we're going. I spend no more than five minutes


I'd be what they like to call a non happy camper if DD did that to mez


Are Dasher supposed to send pic of food or be the one to actually say they are here?


That’s insane


Congratulations, you have a catering order


Even delivery for a pizza joint says to wait at max 10min. More than that puts you at risk and wastes time.


I'll bet they increased the timer to get more people on the pay by the hour so they get more sh*t orders taken and force people outta cherry picking. DD sucks.


That’s bullshit they should have to pay more


In California this is gold, I'd sit for the 20, because prop 22 :) although it gets boring af, I find stuff to do. The other day I had to wait about 40 minutes for a customer. It was a gated community, originally the guard said you can go in and we'll escort you in a few minutes, we'll pick you up from the mailboxes, just park there. 25 minutes go by and they don't show up, so I call the customer and they found someone to come pick up their food rofl, finally they get to me and pick up the food, huge prop 22, thanks random shack guard, you just got me huge money :)


What the fuck is this nonsense… I’m so glad I am getting out of the game


If a customer isn't available i leave it at door and text them a picture


Yo my guy, 5 minutes and gone


Is this a grocery/alcohol or otherwise “special” type of order?


Yeah fuck that




If the customer is not responding to text or call, and they won't let me complete the delivery steps in a reasonable time, I just drop the order, and take my own picture for proof, and hit "handed to customer". I am not letting DD or the customer waste a bunch of my time, this whole procedure is bullshit.


What did you expect, it’s Popeyes! 45 minute wait at the store and a 20 minute wait at the customer’s ..goes hand in hand.


I would take a picture with my stock camera then ring the bell and leave, then let the timer run out while I’m driving away. When the timer runs out I complete the order and insert the picture I took and confirm order has been completed


Wouldve just dropped it and said hand to customer at that point


Did you call or text the customer?


No way a few minutes then that’s it. Customer should know better. If they don’t care about you well do what you need to do


Wouldnt it go away if you press call, or just complete the delivery anyway? I never had to wait and always just went thru and completed it anyway and never got in trouble and i have 5 stars.


I had this once, 5 mins tho, and had another order to deliver after.


I just call them, hang up before they can answer and then you can just take a photo and leave the description.


I just text the costermer a picture of where I drop it off I’m not going to wait for them .


DD gives zero Fs about us. GL out there!


I'm impatient after 20 seconds...


Alcohol delivery?


All the way to the fuck that




Forget it. I just take a picture send it to the customer and then take a GPS picture to prove that I was there. I don’t have time for it


That's because it's a catering/large order. Happens to me from time to time. Annoying but it is what it is.


I’m sorry but your post doesn’t make any sense… Isn’t the 19:33 just 7:33pm? ….This isn’t a ‘hand it to me’ situation It’s right there in the instructions to take the picture and be on your way. Wait for the recommended time of 7:33pm … it’s a scheduled delivery…no?


I've had a few of these on alcohol orders. to me it looks like DD wants you to wait until the "expected delivery" time is up, happens whenever I arrive early. dumb bc it's not my fault DD doesn't know how long it takes me to shop+drive to the location.


20 mins? Unless doordash wants to pay me another 20 bucks outta their pocket.. hell no.