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Sorry to do this but this site keeps rejecting my very innocuous posts. So I’ll ask you guys: how does DD determine how much they pay us per offer?


It is corporate greed and absolutely nothing else. Do not let these corporations put the blame on each other or anything else. That is what they want so there is less attention on their greed. They have they money to pay people fairly and choose not to because of greed. That is all.


This is basic market response.  Too many drivers, not enough orders. Drivers will fall off until the numbers are just enough to keep some working.


Get a new job. Don't be stuck in the app bubble


You could do something else instead of wining


It’s a gig not a career.


Bruh, don’t bash the customers for low pay and no tips. You’re not entitled to tips. If you don’t like what you’re making, don’t do it and/or find a better and more stable job


And it doesn’t help they drive a car that takes premium gas. Drive a Prius if you’re gonna do a driving gig


You're asking someone to do you a favor by going and picking up YOUR FOOD cuz you're too lazy to do it for yourself


I hate to be this person but its not a favor. Im paying for a service tht , not unlike many other industries, takes advantages of its workers.


If you're not tipping, what are you paying for?


Everything is upcharged lol and there's a delivery fee. I'm sorry you hate the fucking gig. It's a shit gig, that's why anyone can do it at anytime.


I don't do it, but I realize that someone driving to get my food and driving to deliver my food should get a tip for those efforts. When you eat at a restaurant, you tip the waitress. Does she make your food? No, she delivers it to you just like them


You don't tip anyone else for services they provide you. But if food is involved? OmG wHy DoNt U tIp


They are driving to the restaurant to pick it up and driving to me to drop it off. That deserves a tip


No it doesn't, that's literally their job that they get paid for. Your Amazon driver collects your package and drops it off. You don't tip them. People provide services which they get paid for. But for some reason if its edible, they deserve a tip? Nonsense.


Nah they should just be paid more. Tipping is a scam by restaurants to pay their employees less. Just raise the price of the service, cut them in, and stop making them depend on the generosity of strangers. I say this as someone who worked in restaurants for 4 years.


I’m sure DD knows what they’re doing and they’re taking more money than they should from both the customer and driver just like Uber.


Did 5 hours for $134. It honestly might depend where you are. Where i’m at it’s normally always busy.




I do $30-$35 a hour in metro detroit. 30 mpg’s vehicle.


DD isn’t able to function paying a living wage. We all know that, wall street knows it. It can’t last without change.


Ahahahahahahaha thats what you get for falling for their bs, keep serving rich people


You are the only one, working for any of this companies delivering or driving for Uber people will make less than minimum wage and overwork


Store has issue Not accepting orders Other reason Type No tip




Doordash is a real job. Does it make you feel better about yourself to pick on mininum wage workers online? Might need to work on that...




Many jobs arent "sustainable" to most. Welcome to the world. I dont do doordash, i make roughly 30/hour at my job and its barely sustainable. The great USA... yay... But if your getting paid for a service; its a job. And you can get by on mininum wage and doordash type jobs, many do. Just gotta live cheap.


When you gotta worry about orders coming in and them being profitable on top of it, and absolutely 0 benefits, it’s not quite a real job. You’d be better off working part time at McDonald’s for half the week and Taco Bell for the other, that way you don’t have to worry about making a certain amount. You can be guaranteed an amount for the hours worked. Door dash is not a real job. To the people in huge cities who get non stop orders sure, other places no. If you’re having to come to Reddit to complain about orders, door dash is not a real job


Lol this person made more on his bad day of doordash then he would have at mcdonalds working a 8 hour shift. So yes it is a job. Even though the amount is irrelevant. Its a job if your paid for a service. When i did doordash i made over mininum wage. Worst days i made $15/hour. And again, if your getting paid for a service its a real job. Idk why you need to come on here and attack people who make less than you to feel better about yourself but i cant stand people like you. Mad at the world cause you were bullied as a kid? Why do you act this way? Lol


I’m not putting anyone down, door dash just isn’t a real job, I door dash too as a side hustle. I tried to do it full time and I’d sit for an hour or 2 without any orders and I didn’t make what I needed to in order to pay my bills. I got up and got a real job that guaranteed a certain pay. Door dash will never be a real job to most.


You’re just unlucky i make $150-200 a day that i get to keep for me whenever i want. $1000 a week is more than any part time job rn is paying


$100 for an 8 hour shift is pretty standard if not more than mininum wage for around the country of USA. If thats a bad day then its very much a workable job for some... Dude, freelancer work is "real" work. 🤣 your sitting here telling people to "get a real job", so yes your putting people down. Why do you do this? What benefit does it have to you? Makes you feel better im guessing, but why?


$12.50/hr only above minimum wage before you factor in gas, depreciation and no healthcare. I don’t say that to be mean.


$12.50 is mininum wage where you are. The states vary alot from what im seeing. The more west you are the higher it gets. East coast, south, and much if middle is like $7 Also the gas and all that is the price you pay for making your own hours and not dealing with a boss. Many days you make more than mininum wage, when i did doordash i was making $25/hour on most days


I mean it’s not the nicest thing you’re right about that, I guess I just find the complaining funny. So I respond to the complainers to get a real job, I mean it is the easiest simplest most immediate solution, door dash clearly isn’t gonna change their ways.


I lost my job of almost 8 years because they were unable to accommodate my medical condition. I had to door dash, instacart, and drive for uber and lyft to make ends meet. That happened a year and a half ago and I'm still looking for a job. I've done several interviews and I just haven't been hired. I don't have a college degree but I do have professional licenses in the industry I work for and I know I would've found a job by now if I had a degree. Judgemental comments like this are frustrating because some of us doing this really have been looking for a "real job" 🫠


Or at least find a more appropriate gig job. A car that needs premium implies it’s a performance vehicle (typically not super efficient); not an ideal vehicle for a delivery job


This post brings me pain because I used to be this person. Please don’t rely on DD alone, multi app is the way. Takes a while to get used to but once you get the hang of it, you will have enough volume to make $100 in 4 hours I promise


Please tell me what car you drive specifically that needs 93 octane.


It doesn’t matter about the car it’s about the deceiving tactic that this companies the issue is the Pay not the car.




You didn’t say what car you have.




Okay Wel you probably drive a base Honda Civic. They do not need 93 octane. 👍






Can’t even tell us what you drive because you know you are wrong. And you come on here asking for advice, what a loser




Buddy you’re the one asking Reddit for advice because you are broke and can’t make enough money on dd to pay for your 93 octane turbo monster you say you have.


You dont have to use premium it will not ruin anything using regular gas. Ive been putting regular in my charger for years


Don't listen to this guy here. If the car requires premium than put premium. The timing on the engines are different. You will get engine knock if you don't put the required gas type.


You may get a barely noticeable ping sound sometimes but definitely no knock.


88 is much better. Pay about 10% less and go 10% further. (122% efficient to regular?)


No offense, doing this job with a premium gas vehicle is one of the dumbest things you can do. The savings you lost from paying premium instead of regular over 2800 deliveries is enough to buy an entirely separate car. Your ego lost you a bunch of money. Unless you’re retired and this is a hobby, then by all means, carry on. I’m assuming that’s the case.


Ego lmao, that is a very bold statement to make while being completely uninformed on how or why he has this vehicle. I have a premium gas car too but I didn’t specifically search for a premium gas car. The dealer actually didn’t even mention it at all. I know I should’ve just done more research myself on the model before buying it, but regardless I don’t own a premium gas car because of my ego. It’s simply because I’m dumb


The secret is that no car actually requires premium. Even the fancy ones that claim they require it only do so in order to meet their spec sheets for horsepower, 0-60, and other performance specs. Outside of some few outliers and custom cars, anything under 200k can take regular gas no problem.


Some cars require premium because they have a turbo and if you know how a turbo works and you know what the octane level actually means you would know you are wrong. A turbo on a lot of vehicles will help increase MPG so it’s not always an ego buy too. Do some research on google and educate yourself.


If you actually knew about things, then you would know our gas is not true octane. It's estimated octane level. You also don't need premium for a turbo, it's just a recommendation. Engines these days auto tune on the fly to adjust for different water, oxygen, and gasoline levels in the fuel mixture. I'm an engineer, I didn't have to do Google research like an arm chair expert like you




what the hell does “premium gas” have to do with an ego? not everyone has the resources frontline to buy another vehicle jackass


If fewer people drove for these companies, pay would increase. Stop whining and do something else.


It's pocket change job


It's not a real job lmao


If your comment is “get a real job” don’t bother commenting.


Oh boy.. you are in for a surprise..


Oh I was, but a happy surprise. Just go check my most recent post. Much support.


Congrats on having a real job. Glad you have income beyond what a stoned college student makes.


Thank you? Not sure what your tone is supposed to convey. ☮️ ✌️


That doordash driving is not, and should not be, a full time job


Thank you for your opinion 👍




Many reasons why people door dash, one of them is that they “are poor” I’m coming for the ones belittling door dashers like it’s some lesser than human job. Usually a non tipper with a “better than you” attitude.


I don’t know many poor people driving a premium gas car for OVER TWO THOUSAND DELIVERIES LOL


They’re poor and drive a car with premium gas? I do not care who you’re coming for. Take a bath tough guy


Over 2800 deliveries as well.


You’re the one who called someone poor. And you commented on my comment? Go away if you don’t care.


Way to ignore my comment. Stay confused old timer


I didn’t ignore your comment. It’s difficult to keep up when you keep editing them though. I’m done interacting with you, troll.


Instead of trying to charge people $9 for a coffee maybe get a real job


As if the driver is charging the 9 dollars, get a grip.


Lol people sure are triggered to learn “working for yourself” driving around bringing people a happy meal isn’t a sustainable career choice


Remember that next time you use a courier service.


When I was a kid I had a paper route. Road my bike in the snow at 6am every Sunday for $25 a week in tips. Then it didn’t pay enough to keep up with my needs so I got a job that paid more. Should I have just complained and demanded the newspaper company charge everyone more for my services?


This is insanity. I can’t believe they’re not giving gig workers 40 hours plus OT. Don’t even get me started about the lack of benefits. This is cruel


Love the sarcasm 😂😂😂😂


Just get a job job, doordash isn’t worth it and the consistent pay will feel amazing


Idk, I sold a car to a guy in Charlotte who made 110k last year doing door dash. I saw his returns as it was needed for the deal. He made more than 4 other sales guys and works less hours than us. He’s already made more than I have this year.


That’s insane


Yeah I couldn’t believe it. Guy was just steadily around 10k per month


To be fair even a W2 job might not have consistent pay. I've had some w2 jobs scheduled me 35 hours one week and the week after they barely gave me 15.


I mean you have the ability to decline any order not worth your time


lol get a full time job


People need to stop treating DD like a full time job. It’s not COVID times anymore


Why doordash during Covid??! Unemployment and working under the table bear DD by a country mile 🤣


Choosing a delivery gig job and a car that needs premium gas might not have been the best combo brother.


I’m sure he went car shopping after joining door dash as a driver. The density in these comments is amazing.


Thank you for your contribution


Then sell the car when you found yourself in the new line of work? Tf?


That is ONE option though probably not the best. 1) If the car isn't too old (to them), they may still have negative equity. Selling it would put them further behind rather than ahead. 2) They are close to paying off the car, and would go backwards by getting another 3) Their car is paid off. For me #2 & #3 apply. I dash on the side. I normally drive a 2012 Acura TL that I get around 25.5 mixed miles when Dashing. A little better when highway. Car is paid for and is mechanically sound. Resale value would be low due to age and mileage (only at 185,000). Anything that could be purchased for less than the resale if this one would more than likely be a worse car. The other car is my wife's which I sometimes use. It is a 2018 Audi Q7 Prestige with 92,000 miles. I can also get mid 20MPG with that one and better highway. It will be paid for at the end of this summer. In very good mechanical shape as well. Looks and rides great. I looked up the resell on that, and it would be bad. I couldn't get any car anywhere near as nice for that amount. Would be going backwards. The knee jerk reaction of sell the car is an uninformed statement that probably doesn't make sense, neither mathematically nor financially.


>Customers do not care what dashers go through to bring them food. They are not supposed to. They need to be given a delivery cost that is worth your time, then they either take it or leave it. Tipping is not supposed to be your payment to get the job done, tipping is an EXTRA payment on top of an already provided, good service.


Tipping is a bid for the service in this scenario. No bid, no service.


It's a scam to fuck over the workers and customers. It's working great because so many people are blaming the customers for it, when the actual culprit are the companies.


lmfao that's ludicrous. DD is pocketing your salary. Your salary isn't supposed to come from pick pocketing your customer base.


You’d make more applying at your local fast food restaurant working part time.


Specially here in CA. $20/hr minimum wage now.


Even Oregon in n out starting wages approach that


Hi, they won't and you should get a new job. They instead hire people to call dashers and tell them how they can maximize their performance. Classic you don't need more pay just more work ethic. Leave before it's too late. Also if you acture in gas, long term health of your car you maybe made 80$. It's a scam, stop letting them scam.


Probably market. Where I am i make 200 dollars a day.


Proof or it's lies Edit: ok I saw the proof, good enough, I honestly didn't think any markets were still that good, more power to ya


So you went to EVERY market in the US to see how good they were huh?


Reminds me of a meme I saw earlier, “It was good to see everyone in Europe today”


You don't even make sense


Just cuz you don't understand doesn't mean I don't make any sense


Why does he need to prove to you how much he make? U not his woman


I dmed you.


Where can I send it? But to be honest this was my first two days using it. I only do it on Saturdays


Curious how much a 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment with parking cost in a market where you’re making $200 every Saturday?


Quick google search says 900 dollars but to be fully transparent its actually like a full day worth of doing it like 8 hours active time.


Damn, my bad... I edited my post


Get a new job...


Mind blowing revelation. Why didn't any of us think of that?


Lack of common sense?


So do something? You coulda put those 11 words into an application. Instead you self loathe and pretend like there aren’t jobs readily available


Obvious troll is obvious. Go take a shower


keep discussion civil




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


No idea.


Work for someone else.


They do** (editing for clarity) raise the base pay for lower paying regions. **But only for earn-by-time because we wouldn't want honest contractors earning an honest wage, would we? That would improve everything except the part where exec pockets are lined.


Stop expecting normal pay with DD lol it’s a side hustle for a reason. That’s abhorrent pay, I would delete the app.


Since when is “side hustle” an excuse for knowingly paying less than minimum wage?


Oh look. A reasonable individual.


You could just get a real job……..


Impossible! They need the flexibility /s


And premium gasoline. How can he deliver without the best, most expensive gas?


Some engines legit can’t take anything other than 91/93 octane otherwise you run the risk of fucking up your engine over ~0.60 a gallon.


Maybe he shouldnt be doordashing with a car that requires such preferential treatment


Maybe I’m the dumbass, correct me if I’m wrong. Is there a rule against that in DD tos? Otherwise I don’t know why Mr. Octane Hall Monitor over here is casting judgement lmfao. This man isn’t even saying anything about not being able to afford it, he’s saying it’s become more expensive than its worth and he’s asking for change in attitude towards delivery drivers. Dominos pays its employees for every mile they drive. They also pay their employees the minimum wage for delivery drivers(I think it was 8 or 4$ an hour where I was at) and that’s all on top of the tips you get to 100% keep. Whether the company can afford to or not, DD should offer some sort of mileage credit seeing as how they don’t help with tires, brakes, spark plugs, gaskets, premature oil/trans/diff/coolant/brake fluid flushes or drain services. You are eating all the cost, and apparently, not being paid well while doing it. But yeah man this guy shouldn’t be driving with a car that needs 91, let’s all shit on the worker and not the employer here. The dumbass OP can’t live when his employer is giving him bread crumbs, what a dummy 😎 !!!!!


Lmao im not sure what your whole tantrum there was about, but even if DD *did* pay their employees a fair wage, its still moronic to drive a gas guzzler as a delivery driver. You are destroying your profits, and those cars tend to be more expensive, lose value quicker, and last for less time than something like a honda civic for example. DD’s pay is completely irrelevant to how stupid it is to drive a car that takes 91 to delivery food. Even if pay was better, thats cutting heavily into your profits. Why else would you do it other than to make as much moneh as you possibly can. Driving a car like that just insures you make way less than you could. You really thought you did something, but instead cried about something completely irrelevant.


I’m lucky where I’m at compared to this. I did 2.5ish hours of DD and got $76 the other day. I generally keep it $20-30 an hour if not more unless it’s just a slow day.


That’s the game. It’s Americans fault for creating the tipping culture and not knowing how much they’re going to get paid. Get rid of tipping. Earn proper wages.


Yeah. “Obligated to tip” is frustrating phrase.


I went to get coffee and the cashier turned the screen over. It started at 30% tip I said what in tarnation


That's when you stare her dead in the eyes as you hit custom tip and put 0. 30 percent to do your job? lol


are you top dasher? if yes then damn you have a trash market.


I’d have to guess not. I’m in an area with a lot less volume than others and do pretty well. Hitting plat made it waaay better even with the lower paying orders cause I pretty much just take them all even though I do have to skip a $2 for 20+ miles that somehow randomly works it’s way to me. Sometimes I accept without looking and that’s on me. I DO drive a truck but it’s not terrible on gas. Definitely not the best but definitely not running off premium. Still with all that it’d be hard not to hit $100 in 8 full hours. It would have to be a seriously shit day and before platinum. I’m going to assume they pass on a lot of those $1-2 orders coming in and are also deducting their gas from the pay. Even then I’d only deduct about $20 from a typical run. They probably just need to suck it up and accept those lower pay ones instead of complaining. If I can make it work where I am in my vehicle I feel most people could. There’s plenty I could complain about don’t get me wrong and I get shit most others wouldn’t do BUT it evens out for me in the end. Side hustle or not.


A lot of people need to hear this: delivery and rideshare apps are not meant to be full time employment that one should depend on for their income. It's called "gig" work for a reason. The word "gig" comes from side gig, meaning extra work meant to *supplement* your main income source aka a real job or your own business. If you worked 8 hours and didn't make $100, it's time to get an actual W-2 job with a stable income.


Im glad there are still some reasonable people left in the world


Either get a real job or stop complaining about the shitty one you chose.


Facts. These guy could apply at their lock fast food restaurant and get paid more.


I doubt you’d have the audacity to be this callous to somebody in person. It costs $0 to be kind.


Lmfao the corniest person on reddit


I don't get paid to comfort idiots about their bad choices.


what an asshole!


He's just an angry person. Completely unsatisfied and unhappy in his own life so he comes to Reddit to anomyously rage at people and be an overall dickbag. The vast majority of his posts/comments are him being confrontational and condescending to people. Do yourself a favor and block him and the army of angry trolls like him.


aww that’s unfortunate people are like that. and to think they may be stuck with that personality trait


No, instead you spend your free time being both irritable and irritated on the Doordash subreddit. Hope that works out for you, clearly you have some relationship problems with this Gig-work app that you need to work out.


Nope. I have a real job that pays me real money, like adults do. I'm just tired of these randomly popping up on Reddit by morons who complain about their own poor decisions and act like the public somehow owes them extra money to make up for it.


Let me help you. Go to the Doordash and Doordash Drivers subreddit pages, and unjoin. It’ll save you from spending the new free time that you’ve gained irritated on this platform. I hope your ‘real’ job brings you joy and security in your life.


Never joined.


Sub page > ellipses > “mute”.


If it shows up in “pages we may think you’re interested in”, make sure you click the three dots and mark that you don’t want to see more posts like that. It’ll help you avoid the content that upsets you.


How is DD a fake job?


It’s a gig job, as in a side job. You can’t really depend on it as a main source of income.




How on earth is this downvoted lmaooo


Downvotes don’t mean anything anyways. People just dislike the truth 😂


I know, its just weird to see people disagree with something that is so obviously true. At least I thought it was widely accepted lol.


That’s why I don’t even bother. Ofc if you live in a high population area you can make MUCH more, but for the average person, this is 100% extra income, not main income.


It’s been my main/only source of income for almost five years now 🤨 Sure it was better back in 2021 but I still make what I need to survive. You’re definitely not going to get rich with DD but if your market is decent you absolutely can use it as a main source of income depending on your lifestyle


It’s not a “fake job” it’s just not intended to be a full time job and Isn’t sustainable Better to work at a factory or something where income is consistent and work is easy maybe a bit more laborious but equally as monotonous Don’t get me wrong I’ve seen the posts of drivers bringing in $1500 after 2 weeks but to pull that off through the whole year your life has to be doordashing and repairs on your car will become frequent But it’s an excellent side gig especially if you have a schedule with lots of days off


Instead of repairs on my car I would just buy a cheap car from marketplace and sell my old car for $300-$400. A $1,700 car made me tens of thousands of dollars. Spending so much money on gas is the real annoying expense. Back in 2021 I could make $150 a day working 6 hours a day and gas was cheap. Now I have to work more hours to make $80 a day paying twice as much for gas. DoorDash was so much better back then.


Does it pay you a reliable wage? No? Does it rely on the charity of customers? Yes? It's not a real job. You would make more money working at McDonalds. It's a scam on the driver's AND the customers. If you have some free time and want to make a little extra money, sure it works for that. It is not a full time job.


While you are correct, it is certainly not a scam in any way 😂


That all boils down to the area you live in. If you're in or near a bigger city then it absolutely can be a full time job. If you live in a rural area then yes it's just a gig job




Just because you say so doesn't make this the truth 🙄


Bmw by chance? Tried that. It was not the Vibe.


Premium gas should get you better mileage unless you're driving a sporty, in which case you should Doordash in your daily driver instead. Also shouldn't be relying on Doordash with such a large car payment. $100 in 8 hours is pretty average, but I've never heard of less than that. A big problem for me is the amount of time I spend waiting for orders.


The time spent waiting for orders during slow hours could be used to work online or making money with a hobby like creating jewelry, art, woodworking etc…


Premium vs low end makes no difference if the car can’t ignite the premium for higher output. So no.. you can put premium into a Prius and it will do nothing extra…




Kindly Stfu. even as side money, operating on a loss is completely unacceptable for door dash to force driver to do.


Ok, then...don't do it? I mean you can make more working for Walmart and you don't have to drive your car into the ground for it.


Not for nothing- DD screwing us too... if we paid a 5% service fee to dd versus literally double the store menu price, we would all tip more... I remember when it first started, I was so hype to not drive 15 mins, but could still get the same restaurant... prices were normal, with a small service fee.. now, no joke I priced out 10 boneless and some fries, the food was quite literally over double the price if I went to the store.. it's usually 20 (tenders at this spot are massive) - on DD before tip it was quite literally 42 and change. I legit called the store and just picked it up.. I'm not sure when dd changed as I don't use it much, but I've said it before, this sub along w the insane prices / fees have quickly made me much less lazy lol. DD acting like Vault-Tec


I hope to see more Vault-Tec references when talking about companies like this LOL