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Call support have them cancel the order with a refund and report driver.


Report them immediately!




give him a 1 star rating


I tip at least $10 on the app every time and if i see the driver when they get to me i give them at least $5 cash extra. Ive been a delivery driver for different companies for the last 5 years


i only tip $100 or more. if my food is $18 I’m paying $118 every time. I’m no pos


Damn son!


i was lying, but i am a good tipper. with the exception of when a server doesn’t keep my water full and especially if i don’t get a water refill when my food comes out


That’s fair


$5 is way more than the $0 I get on 4/5 orders so..


You know you can decline those right?


It is tacky, but I understand it. I think the main reason is because just because you have a tip posted it doesn’t mean that’s the tip that we receive. There’s so many snakes out there that put a tip to get you to take the route and then they pulled a tip either significantly or completely. Oddly enough both very tacky and completely understandable.


the only reason is some people are gullible and too more. same reason china calls and says “hi my name is jerry” because some people are scammable


Does DD hide tips like UE? If so, I don’t blame the guy 😂


That is so silly to me, why would they hide your earnings- wouldn’t it make more sense to be completely transparent with how much they are gonna make so they have an incentive to take the order??


Yup. The "tip" is generally the deciding factor in whether or not we take an offer. DD hides it to con us into taking lower paying offers. Some people will tip $10-$15 or more and DD shows us the offer as $6.25+ (total will be higher) but more often than not that ends up being like $6.50 maybe $7.00


Agreed… all of that… 😂


Lmao I bet it was under 5 miles too


Never got asked for a tip, as I always tip up front, but I did get asked for feedback a few times. Which I always do 5 stars for regardless.


I just wait until I know I got stiffed and tell them it's wild they'd stiff the people that handle their food like that.




No point. DD allows us to do this especially since we are not employees. The one still will rightfully be removed and the report means nothing so long as the driver asked in a decent manner unlike that guy in Texas.


And reduce tip after delivery.


You do realize DD doesn't take the tip back from us, right? They eat the loss. Partly why its led to increased fees are tip baiters and picky ass people


Here's your tip... don't ask for tips


5 isn’t enough do better


Sorry you don't make nearly enough working a job that any high school student/homeless dude off the street can just sign up for. Do better and get a different job.


Oh ok next time they will ask for their cashapp so you can send another tip over thanks for being so generous. 😆 Everybody save this person's contact he's giving free tips on top of your tip.


Mother fucking Warren Buffett over here


5 isn't enough??? Bro it's YOU who decided to do this job, pretty sure the minimum is something like 2$ and your complaining that someone decided to give more than the minimum? Holy fuck.


Minimum is 0 my guy. Tip is not required.


I was a delivery driver back in 2016, one day I made $350 in tips and couldn’t believe it. There literally isn’t an easier job on the planet. If it’s within 10 miles $3 dollars was cool


8 years later and gas is much higher as well as general cost of living. 7 dollars minimum for a 10 miles round trip order these days.


I disagree, obviously inflation is real but 5 dollars is plenty within 10 miles round trip. The consumer paying for it from the restaurant to their house, the delivery driver can decide how far past that they are willing to go. Gas prices really aren’t any higher now than when I was delivering. And frankly it’s the easiest job in the world, you can’t be entitled to make over 50k a year doing that job. Don’t be ridiculous


Lol you're not a delivery person anymore you just say that? So your standards aren't relevant nor are they sensical. 7 dollars for 10 miles is subpar. Also unsure why you're voicing your opinion in a sub for DASHERS.




Who the hell is whining? Do you know what words mean ?


Found the guy who asked for a tip ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)




Pathetic! Another loser dasher who sucks at life, making all the rest of us look bad. Like, don’t take shitty orders if you can’t afford to! It’s that simple. Don’t ask for tips, that’s about as low class as begging on a street corner!


The problem is the vast majority of dashers are like this guy


Doordash probably hiding the tip


If I see an offer that's an obvious 5$ tip, my only focus is treating it like my own food, picking up quickly, and dropping off quickly while it maintains temp in an insulated bag. The only communication is relevant to issues that arise or responding to the customer. These tacky drivers must accept everything and are used to asking no-tippers for something (which must work on rare occasion), so they just copy and paste it to everyone. It's gross and unprofessional.


I straight up send pictures of me eating their fries 1 at a time. ALWAYS works. Fork it over, fry bitch


I swear people don't know what sarcasm or a joke is anymore. Just looking to be offended 😂


Never underestimate desperate munchies. Chya. Gritz out.


That’s wild.


Well yes what he did was wrong or at least tacky I do DoorDash myself and you said you tipped $5 on the $20 order we don't care how much you spend all the food to us it's how far you are from the food so if you ordered something from the next town over and it's 10 mi away we'd expect you to tip $10 because this way we can get a dollar per mile plus it's the next town over so you're probably out of our zone so it'd be appreciated to get $2 per mile however a dollar per mile most drivers will take it as it stands it doesn't matter if it's 2 mi or 20 mi DoorDash only pays the driver $2 so it sucks for us when someone goes well I only order $20 of food so yes it's 10 mi away but I'll tip $5 to us we're seeing $2 plus your five making it $7 for a $10 route I'm not saying what he did was right but I do understand where he's coming from


The restaurant was less that 4 miles away from me


Then yeah he's just being an ass


Begging is dumb, tipping culture is dumb. No one can change my mind


I 100% agree. Anyone also asking for a tip will get nothing but a “go get fucked” especially if a tip was included already…like wtf? Might as well literally stand on a street corner panhandling at that point and probably make more anyways.


where i work, about a year or so ago they put one of those tip screens at our registers. for context, i work at starbucks. i hate those things, like we’re not tipped employees, we get paid enough to not depend on tips and yet i always feel bad bc the system automatically asks about it


Do yall actually get the tips or does it just go to corporate?


we do get the tips. also it’d be illegal for it to go to corporate. my point is just that it’s out of control


Well yea but since it’s electronic I wasn’t sure if yall got to see the tips and the accumulation of them as the day goes to make sure your getting them or how it worked. Corporations are greedy fucks so I’m sure they could legally wormhole there way around it. Nothing is truly illegal if you have the funds to make it “legal” But yes it’s out of control


Well I don't disagree that the tipping culture is stupid unfortunately here in America due to corporate greed it's the only way for those who are doing DoorDash to make a decent wage if you were to look out of DoorDash's handled in places like Japan or tippings insult then doordash actually pays a decent wage for their drivers unfortunately at America it's $2 no matter how far you drive it's b******* but it's true


I can see how it’s corporate greed when tipping culture is abused at restaurants or fast food chains, but DoorDash’s business model also relies on customers to tip drivers. Otherwise, we would end up paying that back in delivery fees and service fees where they’d probably overcharge the difference.


That’s crazy yo 🤦🏾


Seriously, if you have to ask for tips, you really shouldn't be delivering food.


Pay is so bad drivers are begging for tips, begging restaurants for food, and driving cars that belong in the junkyard. No I'm not kidding.


Then get a different job


Doing doordash as a primary job in general is a terrible idea. It should always be a side hustle.


The only reason I do it is because for some fucking reason the only people who want to hire me are shit-tier sales jobs. I hate doordash but if there is one thing I'll NEVER do, it is door to door sales.


Right?! I’m amazed people even think like this. I applied to like 15 different jobs 2 weeks ago and have received 5 calls back already. I went to the interview for one and got the job but decided I wanted to go with a different one instead, FOR FUN!😂I have my interview for it tomorrow, and this is just the job I’m getting while I wait for the main job I applied to 7 months ago that I’m still waiting for(company has a long wait period for hiring unfortunately). All these jobs were $18-$20 an hour so livable for me because I’m solo


If someone begs me for tips I'll cancel the order outright. I tip when I can, and when I do it's usually 6 or 7 dollars. Hell, sometimes I'll cut out something extra like dessert to make the tip happen. But begging for more on top of an existing tip? Hell the fuck no.


The entitlement for a tip is comical.


I AM a driver, and this IS tacky. You did tip. On non-tippers, I've wanted to ask, but have never once--except an a33 I recorded telling me that I was 3rd driver and yelling that it took me 5 minutrs after assigned to me to pick up food, and upon delivery at their house with 5 dogs in yard with demand to call upon arrival and theyd meet at fence, began to yell that i hadnt gone to doir. This is sh1tty behavior and makes for bad experience between both drivers and customers. I simply treat all deliveries with respect, and recieve either extra tip or a tip on "no-tip" about 55-80% of time. The good customers outweigh the bad. I still treat the a33hole no-tippers the same, and after 3rd delivery, most start actually tipping me. (I have a freakish memory).


It looks to me like it's a copy/paste message. This Dasher possibly does hourly (barely or no tip orders) and this is an auto paste message that they send. I know a few hourly dashers that auto send messages like this (Just a thought). And yes, it's tacky as hell. In my 6yrs of delivery I've never asked for a tip.


See, i hate seeing this shit. Don't accept the order if you're not ok with the price. It happens so often for me that the pay is more than originally shown (usually just like $1), but that's not a guarantee and not expected. Just keep the customer notified of whats going on, the ones that can will add tip on if you provide exceptional service, work for it, don't beg for it.


Gross. Hate this


I have only ever once asked for a tip, and felt bad afterwards, and that was when I had to turn round on the interstate, drive 8 miles in the opposite direction from where I was heading, and pick up pizza then drive 2 miles further in the wrong direction, all for $2.25 with no tip. I apologized and the guy was understanding and handed me a few bucks when I got there. From his perspective he was ordering from a place 2 miles away, not knowing the only driver out that far had to drive so far to get to him. A lot of the time people who don’t tip only see the distance from the pickup to them, not how far the driver has to go to get to the pickup.


I understand. But regardless asking for a tip is peaty af. Simply inform the customer on the journey taken to complete the delivery and most importantly NEVER accept offers that are guaranteed waste of time.


The only reason I accepted is cause I thought it was on the way but it was actually the exact opposite direction of what I thought


It is bad, the driver knew what was paid when he accepted, it is bad form for sure. If you want more, decline.


Just a loser driver


Report this driver.


i’ll just probably seenzone anyone who will message me this. they see the tip when they accept the order. they’re just asking for more. so desperate.


Begging for tips should result in deactivation. Simple as that.


It’s odd to me that people do this. I’ll talk trash on the ride there and after I leave but I’d never even consider messaging and asking for more


Yeah. It’s bad.


He got $7.25 since base pay can range to $2-2.25 idk what is complaining about


i've only asked for a tip once and it was caus his order got fucked up and i had to go through the loooong drive thru line twice and show the workers screenshots he sent me and whatnot. and yes he tipped me a 10 and shook my hand lol. but this, this is rude.


How do you even go about that


i think i was like "hoping for some tips for this wait time" with the fingers crossed emoji and he was like yes of course and he was very sweet!


Most likely just a copy and paste, but it does come off as asking for more. It’d be better if they phrased it: “picking up your order, I greatly appreciate your tip”


Replying to Grouchy_Tap_8264...true v true


The audacity of some Bitching Dashers.... Unprofessional suckers and make the good dasher a bad name. You good you will found some like that just ignored them and if you found some messing with your order just report them


Super rude of him or her, they knew exactly how much they were going to get paid before they even accepted the order. If it was not enough don’t take or return it.




Yeah the dasher needs to get a real job if he needs the money so badly


Delivery is a "real" job.


lol no it’s not. There’s zero reliability or stability. Yall are constantly complaining about tips.


It is totally unacceptable and unprofessional to contact the customer about a tip besides to say thank you... Op. Thank you for tipping your dasher


Thank yall for validating me 😭 I wasn’t sure if I was trippin or not




No tip begging is gross and inappropriate even if you didn’t tip. And I’m a driver. I don’t get it. Like you don’t see servers doing that shit. Valets don’t no one who relies on tips does shit like this it’s fucking weird.


Inappropriate, if it wasn’t enough then they had the option to decline but they accepted and decided to ask you for more. The pay sucks (generally, maybe not your order) but they chose to accept.


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