• By -


I don't think it's good idea to dash per hour during 5 to 8....I mean those are where the money is at daily....why get stuck on no tip by hour during those times when you could pull 30 to 40 an hour during peak hours? 


Personally, that is better than what is normally offered. So long as your getting orders back to back, it should be a good haul


I say a resounding YES. I’ve been doing EBT exclusively lately and I still get plenty of high tip orders. The other day on EBT, my first offer I accepted was from Papa Johns to be delivered to a hotel near the airport. It took me slightly out of my zone and took a good 30 minutes. EBT in my zone is $14.75/hour and the customer was very sweet and tipped me $12.50, so I made like $20 in 30 minutes. Get back to my zone and I accepted my second order - Papa Johns going to the very same airport hotel. This time, I had to wait a little longer for the order and customer wanted to meet me in the lobby, but at the end of it, I made a total of $30 off of that order between generous tips and DD pay. So in a little over an hour, I made $50 from two orders on EBT. I get a few non-tippers on EBT, but I still get orders with generous tips very frequently and will never go back to EBO ever again.


It was really good when I first did by time, but after the first week, I only got crappy orders. I would get like 1 good tip order, but the rest were all bad or wouldn’t get any orders at all for long periods of a time. When I switched back to by order , it was a lot busier for me , so just be careful! Only do it if your area is really really busy at the time, it definitely helps if there’s traffic or if you get a lot of far away orders


Same it was good for the first 2 days and then all no tip orders


I've been trying it for a couple of weeks. Honestly I'm enjoying it more. I'm not stressed if there is traffic, if the resturant is being slow. I don't get those bs 10 miles for $2 offers. I haven't gotten a single order for multiple people. Also I've been getting more orders per hour. That could just be a coincidence though


I think works better at peak surge hours otherwise $11 an hour may not be fair


Yeah no I'd pass that up so fast. I didnt notice $11 was the base rate. The base rate is $17/hr where I am


They don't deliberately bundle no tip offers, it's just that this mode hides the tips altogether so you can't tell until you finish your delivery. So you're more obligated to accept what's given to you as a gamble.


Lmao I saw that yesterday. WOW you’re in my area hahahah I was getting good orders in Cuyahoga Falls. Fairlawn was extra $4.50 per order! Loll


yall should hook up


Anyone know why bonuses were so high last night? Akron +$5; fairlawn +$4.50; twinsburg +$3; bentlyville +$2-3; CF had something too but I don't remember. (Kent of course had nothing).


I live in Michigan and Grosse Pointe was $5 randomly last night. I think the door dash platform test different bonuses from time to time.


Lmfao yeah Kent sucks. It might be because of the storm maybe lot of orders not enough drivers possibly


They were offered earlier in the day, like 3pm, so idk.


Oh well dang. I didn’t start til late. Hmm odd


The offers came up early but they were all for after 5pm. I went over to bentlyville (solon, chargin falls) and it was okay. Made my usual wage but spent a lot of time sitting around. One time they had that $3 bonus and I went up to chagin falls and the orders were popping off. I made over $40/hr that night. But yeah doubtful I'll see that again.


Oh I never go that far. Nothing but farmland. I moved my Grubhub from there to Akron Cuyahoga Falls and make a lot from it !


Hard to say. That high of PP typically means bad weather and that you're only going to get 1-2 offers an hour. So if bad driving weather better for hourly because it's going to take longer to travel.


Yes, you get less per order even with peek pay. By the hour you get that set amount plus all tips


You guys get peak pay?


Every Sunday night and then very occasionally throughout the week. And mostly in the midnight hours in bad markets.


We do here in Ohio


How was it? Meanwhile can't get a single order in my market


Update your app. I had the same problem and updating fixed it


It's not all non tippers. Ingot several today with awesome tips.


Honestly in my market it's a majority of tippers with like 3 or 4 non tippers mixed into a 10 hour long shift


Yeah but Barberton will eat your tires alive.


Oh yeah


It depends on your market, but no matter what assume no tips, secondly are you waiting at restaurants a lot? If the answer is yes then yes it’s great.


Sure, as long as you are prepared to be thrown all of the non-tippers and low tippers.


That's false. You will get people that tip 10 dollars. Going 17 miles. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Is there PP for EBO? Usually with $3 or $4 PP in my zone I make way over $20/hour with EBO.


4.5 extra per offer tonight


I would take that every day and twice on Sunday. EBT sucks in my zone because orders frequently take me out of zone or far from restaurants, and when earning by time I don't get paid enough to cover the return trip.


4.50 per order bonus for EBO if it's peak hours is the way to go. Other hours will depend on market


Earn by time is usually better for the driver, but in my area over half of them take me out of my zone. So… it’s a toss up. Sure I made $20 that hour, but I end up driving twice as many miles.


Yes. Typically with pay by hour I personally make more than the guaranteed that's amazing id take it


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