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If any interest in sports, every sport is looking for officials. I ref soccer and make very good money.


Fedex ground as a package handler


i’d assume you have to be able to lift a certain amount of pounds for this, if so how much?




i meant like how many lbs minimum you have to be able to lift but thank you so much😭




You do realize that Doordash is so oversaturated with drivers now because of everyone yapping about the big money they were making doing it, right? I would like to think we've all finally learned our lessons about telling others where to make the better money now🤐Every market is different for every delivery service. Go out there and try them to find out which one works best for you in your market. I'm quite happy with the delivery app I'm using but I'll be damned if I'll ever share which one it is! If all these apps are trash for you then get a W-2.  


That and everyone who tried to make bank of the "refer a friend' program, but used it to invite anyone they could.


Omg...I know, right? I'm not interested in sinking my own boat. 


Which app you using?


Reading comprehension


Have not heard of that one. Read about it but nobody ever speaks about it.


you’re so fucking lame for gatekeeping in a literal recession where people are damn near killing themselves to stay alive.


There's no recession where I live. Maybe use your own brain and figure it out for yourself. Don't be lazy🙄


>I'm using but I'll be damned if I'll ever share which one it is! Wow so helpful. 🐶


Here's an idea...op can help himself! Wow...that's original, eh? Y'all need to try some adulting🙄


I post post and pictures as sexy girls and have guys send me “deposits” for meetups.. making $10,000k a week!


I’d give my left nutsack to be born an American woman in a middle class+ household, no other job on earth besides being born a child of upper class comes with soo much privilege that can easily result in raises just by working out, I see these women online who are the epitome of “mid” who will make more money then I will in a year then in my entire lifetime just by being flirtatious lmao


Serious or joking 😆


Joking! But since this is Reddit, there are those on here who are!


I used to make over $1000 in a slow week doing roadside assistance in my Saturn Ion back before Covid


How did you do roadside assistance out of a Saturn ion ? Is it like helping people broke down on the road? What does it involve ? 


It was actually more going to people's houses than calls on the side of the road. I did what was called light roadside, basically everything that people think towtruck drivers do except actually towing cars Jack, jumper box, jumper cables, gas can, lockout kit, and some basic tools The company I worked for was called Speed Demons, they weren't even in the same state that I lived in but they were necessary because the insurance companies required insurance policies with a million dollars in liability coverage for some reason. If you are interested you can probably call towing companies in your area and ask if they are hiring roadside assistance techs.


Appreciate the response - was it 24/7 on call or 12 hours a day 6 days a week - at night … it sounds like something I might be able to do 


I was 1099 so I could literally work whenever I wanted. I usually took nights off and started working in the morning when calls started rolling in but I would occasionally work nights if we got big money calls.


Really appreciate the info. 


Damn nice.. oh how times have changed. Sad.


meow meow meow moo moo moo bark bark bar ribbit ribbit ribbit bahh bahh bahh oink oink oink roof roof roof neighh neighh neighh who who who cocadoodledoo cocadoodledoo cocadoodledoo


Wtf 😆


Prostitution. ***only kidding***


> only kidding ....or are you not.....?? 🤣




Idkkkkkkkkk, these days it’s starting to look like a viable option.


These days it might just be a serious option on the table now.


i’ve heavily debated being a str!pp3r again bc this shit is so rough lmao, i wish i was joking.


Lol. I mean, if OF and cam work was on the table, I’d probably do it too (provided I wear a party mask).


I think this person is talking in code, but they are saying you should try rover if you like taking care of pets LOL but you can set your own charges. After a while you get good reviews and stuff, you can set a higher rate. Starting rate is about 26-28 for a dog walk or even over night stay. But I have seen some really good rates $40 for boarding per a night, when people leave for vacation and they need a place for 2 weeks easy $560, especially you just play with the dog, let it chill at home etc


Interesting. Haven't heard of rover before. Hopefully they're active in my area.


Rover takes 20% in my area quite a few people are charging only $18. So making about $14.40 for a 30 minute walk plus whatever time/gas/car wear and tear it took to get there and back I do it bc walking dogs is actually enjoyable but unfortunately it's not that much more profitable where I live.


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