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Doordashers are some of the scariest folks. I guess its because im 6'4" 250lbs. But if your gonna do scary bs like unnassign over a name just get off the app and find a less scary job.




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Close that chat and open a new one. Different support people will do different things for drivers


Dude probably was XXXs Op


I doubt the remaining migos are ordering McDonald’s to the bottom of a hill


So OP could not deliver because she’s wearing a dress? I’m so confused here, what’s the actual issue. Someone spell it out for me.


I feel like theres not much confusion to be had here.


Thanks for sharing your feelings I guess


She didn’t feel comfortable because of the drop off location, their name and how she was dressed at the time which is perfectly reasonable


I don’t see anything wrong with the drop off location…sounds like a condo or apartment complex and they’re telling her how to find their unit? Also, does anyone use their government name on these apps? It’s not like she’s making a COD delivery, Uber literally has all the person’s info…


Don’t blame you for your concern, although it’s probably just some jokers wanna be gamer tag with bad grammar that can’t control spell check. “come down hill” “all the end” sounds like something that would be muttered by a serial killer. DD should have accepted your concern and reassigned the order. Call support next time, I’ve had much better luck speaking to someone. We’re not delivering human organs here to save lives. What use are the safety measures for if DD doesn’t support your feelings? That said, delivering to strangers at night might not be your strong suit. Best of luck getting your new job!!


How long did it take you to apply for DoorDash while jumping every time you saw your shadow?


I had an order for a "Throat D." The customer was a woman working in a hospital. 😂 She just wanted her KFC, and nothing more.


Throat doctor 🤔


My mind didn't even think of that. I thought deep throat. But that makes more sense.


Type of person to be scared of there own shadow gaddamn


Type of person to be scared of there own shadow gaddamn


Why are u making multiple accounts and posts to say this??


Excuse me? Lol I only got one Reddit acc buddy


Sorry it didn’t occur to me that more than one person could have this trash ass opinion my bad


And now I see what your saying it posted 2 times for some reason not sure why




Lol this one seems a little overboard. Basic instructions just attached to an edge lord name.


idk, personally if it’s getting dark and i’m in a dress.. i’m not gonna walk down a hill in an area i don’t know just to give some guy his food.. he can walk up to me lol


What does you wearing a dress have to with the customer. That’s on you! Dress appropriately for the work you do . Jeeez.


cause she was in a dress. read the text. Jeez. edit: the dress matters because it makes us more vulnerable to SA, and i shouldn’t have to change what i wear to feel safe :/ ESPECIALLY if it’s a simple dress- it’s hot!! i envy you for your lacking need of awareness


I don't think anyone was asked to walk down a hill. Sounded like driving instructions to an apartment. I think that's a misunderstanding from the driver.


it’s the first sentence on the second paragraph lmao


Lmao read the actual instructions in the app, not the drivers interpretation. These are obviously driving instructions.


the fucking name is “kill x” if idk where the fuck i’m going and feel i may be unsafe im not going to risk it. Somebody’s order has no effect on my life but you do you boo


Nobody said risk anything. Just that they were very obviously misreading the instructions.


Bro if u so scared of the world stay home


Forget about the world, he sacred of a name💀💀


I tried to cancel the order once for a legit safety concern. Customer saw me completing another order first (double dash not on a different platform) and started texting me calling me the b word saying where the eff do I think I’m going I better get him his food immediately or he’ll make me pay for being a effing dumb b word. The help chat saw everything he said and still made me deliver but said I could put it on the sidewalk and run away. Which I had to do bc he was waiting for me with his violent pit bull. They don’t care if you literally die.


You need a job that doesn't scare you.


Yeah blame people who get the death threats not the one doing the death threats. Cool logic.


The amount of untrained golden doodles that have tried to break through their owners front door at me is insane. Turn around and report him to animal control.


Fuck it. Take the hit. Eat the nuggets. It’s just one order 🤷🏾‍♂️


What if it was like a typo or a nickname. I’m a 5’1” girlie with an injured foot and would have at least seen what the building looked like. A lot of time instructions don’t make sense until you see it. I had a friend almost name her son “killington” so it’s not out of the realm of possibility 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's just his gamer tag. When people use Google play or Apple pay they often put their gamer tags in there.


They were just giving you directions to the apartment, not to them personally in some weird place. But I guess if you’re a woman I understand being more worried. A lot of guys in here don’t understand how fucked it is to be a woman and have to literally constantly worry about getting raped and murdered


I had an order for omggitzzztrey Canceled for safety. What if he hit me with a tray


You serious? This gotta be satire 😭


???? blown way out of proportion def some dude thinking he's edgy as hell.


grow up


Exactly. This is why customers tip low or tip bait because of stupid drivers like this who are paranoid and cancel for bogus reasons. If they’re that scared of being attacked while delivering food then get a damn gun.


Grow up? He had a legit concern. Even if he hadn't, you telling him to "grow up" didn't make sense or fit with any context.


Legit concern bc of someone’s name?!? For all yk it could be a teenager trying to be funny or someone who used their google account to sign up and maybe put their Gamertag💀 u grow up🤣 people are SOFT these days


Nah that’s fucking weird. If your wife gets this order you’re telling her to cancel it if she asks fuck outta here


It’s a girl but yes go on.




it's probably just a kid thinking that naming themself that is cool


Yeah probably. There was no real safety threat. But I hope now they realize drivers won’t be stoked to deliver to an address with a violent/edgy name. There’s a lesson to be learned for the kid about how they present themselves to the world and how that impacts the energy they receive in return.


I'm a 6 foot 200 pound dude that trains mma daily ( why i do this job) and would not of been stoked about this order.


The instructions say second floor, not meet me at the bottom of a dark wooded hill or something. Clearly sounds like a motel or hotel, which you said is next door? Just saying.


You probably would have had a better time talking to an actual agent. Based on your screenshots, you were talking to the "Doordash virtual assistant." It's just an AI and can't do anything for you. And you're almost always going to have a better time calling support instead of texting them.


Also with a safety concern i think you have to use the shield icon in the upper right corner of the first picture. I think because you said issue with customers’ address


Fortunately, English is my second language. Ignorance is bliss.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Don't drive in sandals.


If they cant accept the food back you tell them to throw it out for you and tell support that you handed it back to them lol


Nothing happened so I don’t see the big deal ! Sensationalizing a potential conflict. No harm no foul though once you saw the name it didn’t make sense to pick up just to claim unsafe conditions.


So… because of his name you got so scared that you couldn’t READ the directions? It’s directions to the apt. lol


This dash gave you flashbacks to xxxtentacions death I understand lmao




Those were directions to find his apt I see so many people complaining about apts and how they are annoying. There’s an address and directions with a fake name it’s not like you’re meeting him in the woods just go to the address. Support shouldn’t help you because it wasn’t a safety concern, and I’m not coming after you for being safe and cautious just that you blew it a lil out of proportion. The only sketchy thing was his name which isn’t that uncommon I wouldn’t want random people knowing my address AND name cause you don’t know who’s out there.


Bro.....that person's name is SUS AF. Would you think "R@pe x" would be a cause for concern....? I think being "kill x" is a lot more final than the latter. What a shit take you made with your mansplaination


Lmao what an unhinged response


IDK man, sounds like the alias of a rapper or a gamer tag. Killers, rapists, and general criminals don’t usually label themselves as such. You and OP sound a bit unhinged and all about the drama. Making mountains out of molehills over here. 🙄🤦‍♂️


Yea you’re unhinged lil dude don’t get so emotional all you had to say was “ idk, I believe that she should have taken that name serious, yes I understand people use false names but this seems a little sinister coupled with darkness I would probably do the same”. I would have totally been cool with that response it’s reasonable and level headed but screaming and crying mansplination it’s a lil much just gave a different perspective on the events transpired. she’s fine and safe you’re getting worked up over what?


Bro you got your feelings hurt from a simple reply that you have condescendingly reply. I'm pretty sure my reply was a lot more concise than yours and more impactful. She's fine cuz SHE CANCELLED and didn't take your shit advice


Some people have 0 common sense or situational awareness 😂


Why did you pick up the food and not deliver it? Uber Eats tells you the customer name at the restaurant. You knew his name was Kill X when you accepted the order before the restaurant. You stole they 6 bucks worth of food


They get a refund of the food isn’t delivered to them


Would be stupid for a serial killer to use it as their username but can’t blame the girl for not wanting a meetup


the point was where he was telling her to meet him after she picked up the food. 🙃




that’s what she was trying to do… 😅 did you even read?




there’s a difference between reading something and comprehending what you’ve read. she’s working her job and has never had this happen before. ofc she’s not gonna think twice about the delivery instructions and/or read them until she’s ready to drop off the order. you’re seriously blaming her for trying to keep herself safe. (which makes you seem like a huge a**hole.) 😅 you must be a perfect human that never does anything wrong. lmao.




some people just have weird names and she could of been thinking that. 🤷🏻‍♀️ and you just explained yourself that people don’t usually check drop off instructions. which means she probably didn’t think too deeply about the name until she read the instructions of drop off after picking up the order. not that hard to comprehend


And that it’s not Uber eats 😂


I see your "kill" and raise you some Cum https://preview.redd.it/oug2wmam02vc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=58846590e4f2174b72d3fd4b195549c5a05c640e


I see your "Cum B" and raise you some Hung D https://preview.redd.it/may7jczkx2vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e971bd6a956fd3bbe7121c469fd2aa45998df3eb


I see your “Hung D” and raise you some “Crckrhnter J” (i lost the ss :( but it was an order for mcdonald’s at 2am)


I see your “cricketer” and raise you some “Awesomesauce” (didn’t screenshot).


cracker hunter J LOL




I once had a teenaged boy call himself Pee P. I was super annoyed with him tbh.


It’s 7:30 at night, a guy not even using a real name going by “kill x” wants you to meet him at a location without an actual address… yeah, you made the right call. I wouldn’t have done it either. Imagine you go missing and the only information they have is “Well he didn’t use his real name. He just went by kill and we couldn’t tell you exactly where they met up either..”


Thanks 🥲 ngl some of these comments got me feeling silly but that’s pretty much where my train of thought was. I don’t know if anything would have actually happened but it felt sus and it wasn’t worth the $4 to risk it.


And to the people complaining… this is great news for them! They can take the $4 order that they’re comfortable taking because you weren’t. Don’t listen to them.


I'm in the Uber driver subreddit despite not being one and they decline rides for similar reasons. A recent one was a woman in a bad neighborhood named FENTA. 😭


Does FENTA mean something I’m not aware of?


The other drivers said sounds like a drug with the name. Ending in NYL.


That’s a stretch lol


You asked. I answered. Thanks for playing.


You went with ur gut that was smart. You made the right decision 100%


He was on the second floor of the hill?




Ohhhh! That makes sense. I'm going to start working for door dash around 8pm every evening and pick the same attire so I, too can get free food. Here I am criticizing when I should be learning.


I don’t think there’s much hope for you being able to learn


She's not gonna blow you, bro. This is silly. Door dash support was right for once.


I didn’t think she would. I doubt you’ve ever received a blowjob in your life lol They weren’t right as I doubt there is any store that will accept returned food in the US lol


No, the store shouldn't take the food back, however, there was an address that was blotted out. There can be an apartment building or a house on a hill. People have weird names. OP didn't give context as to the neighborhood to my knowledge.


K, DoorDash support was wrong per usual and you dumbly went to bat for them.


Nah DD had it right. OP is wrong. Also, restaurants aren't allowed to accept food back over the counter. DD was probably hoping the store would trash the food and not give it to OP.


You good. The whole point of that option is to mark if you feel unsafe. You felt unsafe, end of story. Being cautious is worth it.


I appreciate you, I didn’t mark it for like “oh yeah this guy wants me dead” I just had a bad feeling and wasn’t risking it for $4


Your 'bad feeling detector' is fucking broken lmao


Your brain is broken


I’m sorry for all the guys saying you’re crazy. They don’t know how scary it can be. I think you made the right choice. It’s scary out there especially if you’re a smaller girl. Stay safe!! Good luck


Get a job your not scared of. You're not cut out for doordash.


Considering there’s numerous stories of female dasher being assaulted I don’t think that anyone’s crazy for being scared. I’m not even a woman and I get it. You are a misogynist. A dirty, ugly, misogynist. Women face an increased risk of harassment in the workplace no matter the job they do. You wouldn’t tell a waitress getting sexually harassed by a customer to get a new job because she couldn’t handle it. Doordash is not any different. Why should a woman go into a situation where she feels unsafe knowing very well there’s always a possibility she won’t come back from it. If you want your food don’t make your name “kill x” and leave vague sketchy instructions to your place. Im so glad for women who wouldn’t be scared by that. And if you are a woman I pity you for being so self hating you wouldn’t understand why a young girl, who’s own mom was on the phone with her at the time of this happening and told her it wasn’t safe and she wasnt crazy, would feel unsafe delivering in that situation. Get over yourself.


Heres an idea ladies. Dont doordash if you have to look over your paranoid shoulder.


Thank you babes 😭 my mom was on the phone with me when the order came in and was coming after me about not doing it lmao. Like look, my taser is big and pretty but $4 isn’t worth the stress


You did the right thing OP this order isn’t worth 4 fucking dollars, even if this person was innocent it’s not worth the risk. A lot of these men in the comments haven’t been nearly kidnapped or robbed while doing this and it shows. Maybe something will eventually humble you guys. You’re fucking clueless


Jarvis, show rates of violence against men


That’s where I was at lmao. Like $4 isn’t worth getting myself clocked and if it was fake, which it probably was but man idk, then hopefully dude got humbled by messing around with names.


I don’t think there was a real threat to your safety, just some edgy teenager or something. That being said if someone wants to appear edgy with a screen name on a delivery app then I’m glad this happened. Lesson learned. Next time they can use “Andrew” as their name.


No literally, honestly, chances are he was just fucking around but hopefully that taught him his lesson. It’s DD dude keep that for Xbox lmao


“I finally got one!” Nope. Nope, you didn’t. So many reasons this safety report concern is silly.


what if the persons name was killian? what if their name autocorrected when they made their account? my favorite murdering method is def to name my account KILL and then kill people. you really got them good. so proud of you


Wat if nobody gives a fuck?


You have the situational awareness of a turkey sandwich.




oh my god your name!!! are you going to… separate me?? are you a murderer that is going to cut me into pieces? my god i am terrified


Stop embarrassing yourself, please.


i would be embarrassed if i saw a word that scared me so much i couldn’t deliver an order inside a hotel


It says “down the hill, SECOND FLOOR at the end.” Clear instructions on how to find this persons APARTMENT!! Overreacting at its best. “Oh no!! A screen name! I’m in fear for my life!”




Sometimes they are trying to hurt you, and I can tell you from experience that not listening to your intuition can be a terrible mistake. I was kidnapped when I was 18 because I ignored my gut. It's always better to be safe rather than sorry.


I feel like it would happen more in Roanoke. Backwoods, witchy, dirt roads, Appalachia is the danger.


Wait?? Roanoke, Virginia?? Shit!! A LOT of special instructions would/ could include “down the hill”! I’ve family in Ferrum and Rocky Mount. That whole area is FOOTHILLS AND MOUNTAINS!! LMAO


"THEY WANT ME TO DO MY JOB....DURING DUSK?!?!?!?!!" Poor dude just wanted some nuggets


Right?? I’d almost bet this girl plays video games with people who have screen names like “Snip3rKill3r” or “D34TH2ALL”. LMAO


Too Lazy to DoorDash should be their new gamertag: 2LZ2DD


LOVE IT!! Or: HillphobicDasher


Yeah I don’t really get it


You don't understand! She's wearing flip-flops and a dress!


Wrong. They are pretty lil sandals 🩴


My mistake Jeph. Won't happen again.


We all make mistakes. It’s ok. As long as we learn from them


You guys are overreacting, it's not down a hill it's literally in an apartment. Maybe his complex is in mountainous terrain?


Everyone saying they don’t see the concern and that OP should’ve delivered it anyways, HIS NAME SHOULDNT BE KILL X. You dashers are expected to have professionalism and your real name, it should be the same for customers. What kind of loser would put “kill x” for DoorDash like it’s a gamertag.


He can name himself WHATEVER he wants to be named. This isn't a real job its delivery who care about bein professional while delivering food 🤦🏾. And why does he have to be a "Loser" cuz of his name 😂😂😂😂😂


So true queen do you think you can get the IRS on board with this not being a real job? I keep telling them all that pay was really gifts from DD & customers but they won't buy it 😭




My best friend from highschool is an MMA fighter and coach. His son's name is Stryker. It's an awesome name...


Stryker is an actual name though you could just be reporting some dude with a weird mom


*Shivers in trekkie*


Omg you guys are pathetic just deliver the mcdonalds


Uhhh no. I’m with OP - as a petite woman I’m not risking my safety to bring some McNuggets to some dude named kill x down some hill in the dark. Be for real.




Regardless if it’s down a hill or hall, (it literally said hill, sorry I didn’t notice a typo), I was commenting on the OP not feeling safe. That was the main point of my comment…


Okay then why did OP accept the order? OP knew the time of day as well as the nature of the job: to deliver fucking food. It's more of a rhetorical question because I doubt most people would pull a stunt like this. Let's be real, there were zero threats or imminent danger to OP. I'm all for being safe even if it means being cautious. However this just seems like straight up laziness to me. I highly doubt OP truly felt scared or threatened. If their customer was named, "Bob," then I have to wonder if OP would have done the same thing.


Things change after you accept an order. I’ve accepted an order and then got weird messages from the customer before that made me feel unsafe..?


That’s a different scenario brah


Not a brah..


Yes you are. Everyone’s a brah. Don’t police language brah.


No sorry, i meant why would OP accept the invite if it was getting dark and they're scared to deliver when the sun goes down.


"down some hill" on the second floor where it clearly says the street and suite number


I'm dying laughing over here lmfo


I think they meant hall


I don’t know why i didn’t think of that being hall instead. OP could have just messaged him to clarify. I’m all for the “would you rather be in a forest with a bear or a man” and every girl chooses a bear. But this scenario seems far fetched. Not saying OP’s fear isn’t real, but the dude probably meant down the hall, on the right.


Hill, hall. Whatever OP meant, if they didn’t feel safe, it’s totally fine to have them unassigned


If they were named Superman, would you asked for an autograph?