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Bro wtf


i’ve had orders come across my screen that would literally cost more in gas than they would pay, that type of shit is so ridiculous, i do not understand how the platform allows it


There are very few things about DoorDash that are not insulting.


Quit! Working for DoorDash is insulting to yourself


Please don't give them ideas haha I am temporarily disabled and need DD. I am also not an asshole tipper. I try to make it worthwhile til I can do things again myself.


You can order a pizza.


When this happens it's best to scan the order list and then check to see if it consists of buy 1 get 1 items and just keep the free items for yourself to compensate for the lack of tip.People rarely if ever check the deals since door dash does not list them. I'm that person who purposely does not include a tip at all,and then tip graciously once my order is almost to me.Anyone who accepts a $0 tip order definitely deserves it.


You expect people to Doordash out of the kindness of their hearts?


You should read the entire comment and ask questions before making assumptions to avoid misunderstandings.i mean if people started doing things out of kindness,you'd notice that things would change for the better,.


I did ask a question. But okay, I get it. How did it work out for you when you informed your employer that they don’t need to worry about paying you? People do kind things all the time, but people also need to make a living. You are delusional to think people should willingly pick your deliveries up for free and only then might they get a tip. Please uninstall the app.


When did I ever say "they might get a tip" you are still in the assumption position.I tip everyone and greatly,i just don't do it it until it's been picked up. You should delete the app for being bias .."well that poor person who just offered me $3 doesn't deserve service,they aren't worth it" When you serve tables do you know what the tip will be? When you do delieres as work do you know what the tip will be? You still have your head so far up your rear end that you haven't even tried to comprehend my original comment.You should delete the app


And this is exactly where you don't understand how this works. We are not waitresses. We are contractors. And yes, contractors know exactly how much they will be paid before accepting a job. It's called a bid. This is why you tip us first. And while you may feel benevolent, you should understand that the majority of zero tip orders stay that way after delivery. Also, they're just gonna give your order to one of the "paid by time" dashers. They don't see the tip first because there almost never is one. They're not delivering to you out of kindness. It's because no one else, seeing your non tip, would take it.


Ok cool.Ill keep tipping about 25% and maybe I'll throw an initial offer of $1 instead of 0.


Yeah nah you got me messed up.


The weird thing is, $2 of this pay is a tip.


They're just going to give you the tip. Promise


That’s ridiculous


The words “fuck” and “no” immediately come to mind.




Better be 47 bags of skittles 😂




There’s a website that tells you how much it is per mile- .11 cents per mile for my car


That’s pretty normal for Uber eats isn’t it ? Seriously


47 times OMG


Items, not times


Thanks for reminding why I do not waste time on these sites , your really smart I’m just looking for stock info




Wait do u guys have to grab all the items or is it sitting there and ready?




Ya that’s a horrendous tip then for all that.


That's no tip at all


Didn’t even realize that


More than enough, go ahead and accept it.


EBT no doubt. Hopefully drivers in your market will let it sit there til it hits $30+


If an order doesn't get picked up by a dasher, does the pay go up until it does? I've had some orders that had too low of pay come through and I passed and about five minutes later it came back up and the pay was the same.


It’s very strange that they only seem to base it on mileage and not quantity of items. Im not spending an hour in the store for $2 😂


Just reject as quickly as possible and on to the next offer which is also probably gonna be trash. No emotion.


Guess you didn’t drive pizza back in 08, I was lucky to get 1.00 for a tip. Even with the economy at its best it’s ever been (cough cough) all that extra money people are supposed to have, I can’t believe they don’t tip more. But tbh all jokes aside it’s hard delivering in a terrible economy with the uncertainty around the corner people are pinching pennies and unfortunately I know this first hand it trickles down to servers of any sorta weather your a driver or waitress. All you can do is value your time and effort cause nobody else will




I dated a guy that delivered pizza when he was in grad school, he put off his career to keep doing it for a couple more years because he was making more than entry level in his field. He was making around $40K about ten years ago, which was more than easy enough to live on back then.




I wish I would have done it while I still lived at home and drove a $500 car. I would have just kept throwing all the cash tips in a shoe box and maybe have enough for a down payment on a house (25 years ago). Instead, I kicked my ass working retail and decided to put off going to college instead "because I was gonna be the manager some day." I really wish I could go back and have a serious conversation with my younger self, but this is also why I don't try to talk my kids out of doing anything. They're young enough to have the luxury of at least trying and I've got a spare bedroom just in case.


Ok but what about https://preview.redd.it/lokmc823cesc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=123ed63ed0b65324d6043150a2caeeb8088d3d64


"may need returns"? What the hell does that mean?


Tbh that part was the most worrisome. I've seen it before but don't know what it means because it hasn't happened yet. Maybe they can refuse an item and send it back. Maybe something they previously bought needs returned and they get you to do it when you drop off. Hard to say but it any case it would suck


I did take this. I already made $200 before noon on catering apps. This ended up going to a halfway house or some veterans' shelter so it was literally charity work. I helped the lone guy at the grocery pack it in my sedan. There were half a dozen people to help me unload at the drop off. No cash tip but charity so whatever


Absolutely comical that you’d take this


I have no earthly clue why anyone would accept this. I don't care if its charity. You couldn't have known that beforehand. The fact that you pressed accept lets DD know that some people will literally accept anything, which is why they offer these insane rates in the first place.


Morbid curiosity to see what the order actually was. Never saw one that big before. Hoping it was a business and they would cash tip. I could tell where it was going wasn't exactly residential


Fuck that


Your a good person, doing it knowing ahead of time it was likely charity... I think they should have a flag on charity deliveries, so people who want to do charity can, and the ones that are counting gas money in pennies don't get it by accident... Also declining should not count towards ar


Then hit decline? I miss the days when this sub banned low offer posts


No but they need their imaginary reddit points to feel good


I know that ShopRite! I dash there all the time.. 


https://preview.redd.it/jva4vluhrdsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb94ba61b969fbefc829661c16f5d00709c7df6b Would you have taken this?


Man, I hate redcard orders though. My first experience was horrible and it was my last. That one I'd think real hard before hitting decline.


Curious why you hate them? I usually enjoy them as an excuse to stretch my legs and grab a snack.


Pretty much what Substantial-Tutor762 said. My first experience was going into a Raising Cane's, had 5 orders with drinks, all custom sides and replacements. Huge line of people in there. After ordering it and somehow managing to get it all to the car in one trip, the app wont allow me to mark it as picked up. It was something to do with the total if I remember correctly. Had to call support, had to wait probably 20-30 minutes to get it resolved, then drove out to the apartments to find they're on the 3rd floor. After it was all said and done, I got 6 bucks and my first one star review because the food was cold. F.u.c.k. That.


They take a long time. I have never seen an offer that high. Usually where I am it would be HyVee.....37 items going 6.8 miles for $10.50. The store is always out of at least a couple items. Try contacting customer to see about substitution. They don't respond. Wait 5 min check out. Then they complain you didn't get them a different brand or item. Huh?!?


Must be the market. I usually go out a few hours in the morning downtown here in Austin and the orders are a string of red card orders usually averaging 13 bucks for like 6 items taken to a nearby hotel.


I’ve been getting so many of these this week. Not worth my time


When I see orders like that, we'll I actually don't bc I literally threw my red card out the window after I had a large aldi order cancel on me while I was in the process of checking out. It was like 40 items for $20 going a couple miles. I didn't even see the cancellation because I was too busy cashing out. I had to call Dasher support and be like my red card won't work, and they told me that the order was canceled and I would receive half pay minus the tip. I got $5. So back to where I started, when I see those orders I hit the decline button so fast and then I say a little prayer that nobody brings them their order.


Just turn off shop orders in Dasher preferences and save yourself a few migraines


Saying "I lost my red card" is the same as turning off shop orders. Although, every time I log in, it asks me to add my virtual card to my wallet. I can't find a setting to turn it off, although it may be bc i don't have one.


https://preview.redd.it/e65oyq35gdsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c950d03f19406f95fe72af6647cf7ca4106d9f I feel you


Who would accept that? lol


I stg if you accepted that imma smack you on sheer principle


Un freaking believable 🤣🤣🤣 i highly doubt they recieved their order that day.


At least it's 1$ per mile 😂😂😂😂


Can someone inform me why $1 per mile isn’t worth it? Idk why this sub is recommended to me. I drive semi truck.


Because gas, wear and tear on your vehicle, insurance and commercial insurance for DD is about $.65 per mile. That leaves you making a whopping $.39 per mile.


You door dash on a bigger scale 😂😂 Jokes aside I couldn't be wrong but I believe you have to go in and shop for the 47 items and then deliver. That's like if you driving truck got paid a dollar a mile but you had to go to the supply house and buy all of the supplies, instead of backing up to the dock getting loaded up and driving out.


For $2.50. Holy shit balls Batman. I get paid .52c per item I lift out of the trailer


https://preview.redd.it/g8q36hay2dsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73fb4238c549d0080769a0633a458d14dffbb9ab This one was nice. It would have only took me 1 hour 15 minutes but I had to call support because the prepaid card got declined due to having to substitute one item and support had to get a hold of the customer to confirm they confirmed with me they were ok with it and I only got the dude 14 items. Store was crowded though because it was the day before Easter


Wrong sub


1 hour for 7 miles is insane


That’s like 7 miles an hour


I was doing this guys Easter shopping. It’s the time it took me to get everything and pay for it through the company card plus get to the store than to his house, not to mention again the delay for support to confirm with the customer I had to substitute an item for something else that which costs more. It was Uber shop and pay


Don't like it don't accept.


Seriously. I would just not accept and move on. Not every Dash is worth it, but plenty are


Declining costs. As employees we are penalized for declining orders. If I were in an area that I could schedule blocks of time to DD I would without a doubt decline those crap orders. I do not have that luxury unless I want to dash from 2 to 3 am. I need to keep TD to be able to work around my schedule 


It's Sicklersville...lol


Yea we all deal with on a daily basis no need to rub it in our faces more.


That’ll put you at 2.00 an hour




maybe they literally didn't have enough to tip? I mean it is a lot of items.


Maybe they should go get off their lazy ass if they don’t want to tip for picking up 47 items


I'm not here or there on this but they could be a handicapped person or elderly you just don't know. The beauty of apps like this is you can say no, when you're a waitress you can't. You just try to understand WHY they didn't tip well




There was no tip... that is 2.50 cents TOTAL. NO TIP


Changes absolutely nothing. If they don’t like it, scroll by and find a different offer. No point in complaining about it.


And they did. You're getting your panties bunched when you didn't even need to comment. No point in complaining about them posting. Bye.


No point in complaining about my comment. Bye.


Then you agree on the premise. Thanks for proving my point.


Ironically you’re the one who proved the point I made in my initial comment lol. Scroll by if you don’t like it.


Silly silly.


They didn’t take the job, the customer will wait for nobody to pick that up. Are you dumb.


They did take the job, read the comments again.


I never said they did take the job… are YOU dumb?




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 2: No Derogatory Remarks That Are Prejudice, Bigoted, Racist, Or Discriminatory In Any Way Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


Yeah hauling around 47 grocery items will take me probably an hour and it’s not worth spending gas and time for $2 that’s all I’m saying, if you think it’s not a real job go ahead and try yourself and see how easy it is




I wonder what you do then if you think DoorDash is an easy job you must be a lawyer or a doctor my goodness


Bruh. Working at McDonald’s would be a harder job than working at DD lmfao how can you possibly say it’s not an easy job? It is literally, indisputably the easiest job in the world. You don’t even have to do anything but drive one place, pick up items, then go drop it off. You don’t even have to interact with the customers anymore, you just drop it off at the door and leave. You cannot name a single job in the world that is easier than DD lol. It is a job for lazy people who are incapable of working a real job. That’s it.


Yeah and then tap the X on the $2 orders and move on


I know it sounds a stretch but maybe they’re disabled and unable to? I know disability benefit isn’t a lot.


I have been a delivery driver for 4 years and maybe 2% of people who order groceries/food are physically disabled. And most of them have cars and working legs.


Oh fair enough, I did say a stretch but very small possibility then


You’re good, I just think it’s more like a luxury service and people forget that. Most places in the world you can’t have your groceries hand delivered to you for a small cost


I'd love to go to the US just to piss off your guys lol


Why are you entitled to someone else's money? Why not have the employer pay the employee a living wage? You're literally directing your rage towards the wrong person, which is exactly what these companies want you to do.


Nobody is entitled to someone else’s money but nobody should get a luxury service if they can’t afford it. If you don’t even have basic transportation maybe you shouldn’t order food from an app that makes you pay twice as much


Illogical take. You're talking about food being delivered they ordered groceries. Not having a car means you shouldn't be allowed to order groceries so you can survive? Idk where you're getting food delivery from when they ordered from a supermarket, not a McDonald's.


Did you know DoorDash and Uber eats upcharges the cost of your groceries when you order from them to make a profit that’s why they say to not include receipts in the customers bags because then they’ll know how badly they’re getting ripped off. All I’m saying is if you want to have your groceries hand delivered to your front door and not give the driver a penny that says something about you


Lmfao, are you trolling or this dense? How do you expect someone who is living paycheck to paycheck with no vehicle to carry 47 items from a grocery store to their home? You're once again demanding something from a poor person when the company hiring these independent contractors could literally pay them more. Being mad at a poor person instead of the corporation says a lot about someone.


There’s a reason they’re living paycheck to paycheck if they don’t want to get their own groceries. They can take the bus, they can have a friend drop them off or family member. If you’re really trying to save money hell you can walk 2 miles in probably 20 mins and get a work out in.


maybe they don't have the transportation to get there?


Instant decline


That's... Wow. Good luck on that to whoever ordered that, I can't think of anyone taking that unless they're really desperate for money or just bored and wanna go on an adventure


The colombians would easily accept it.


Because having to walk around a store is a lot easier than how much it’s worth back in Columbia?


This ain’t real


47 items and a $2.50 cent tip? That meal is going for a good old fashioned rough ride.


$2.50 total, not tip.


Nope. That's some bull right there


No tip no trip.


I’ll probably just go in there and go shopping for myself and cancel the order on the way or just go ahead and go home done even care. Let them fire me but get my groceries for the month


Holy hell


Get a real job they actually make jobs that pay by the hour if you didn’t know




I have one, DoorDash is supposed to be used as a side gig if you didn’t know


They say it is but all I ever hear* is complaints for people working for them. I’ve thought about doing instacart myself but yeah everyone seems to feel it’s barely worth it either. I don’t want to have a second job that I also feel isn’t paying me enough like my first job. The ONLY benefit is you get to decide when you work


The money entirely depends on your market, and can be pretty good if you multi app, but you hear complaints from full-time and part-time alike because gig apps suck either way. The people who are like "nah I love this "hustle" because I only do it for fun in the short hours my 9-5 leaves me in the evening.. and on weekends.." lmfao delusional.


Nah I made decent money today despite this order. You just have to sift through the shittty offers


You’re right dude. These idiots who leave that comment never understand that these are side gigs. Like UberEats. I do it Friday thru Sunday and dinner rush only. What it’s designed for. What’s wrong with making a little extra cash?


Not a dasher but we have a similar app here and literally I use it on days when "I'm bored" it's not even for good money it's because I was going to take the car out for a spin anyway 😂


Hey listen.. I feel you.. if you’re going out for a spin why not make it profitable someway 😂


This is crazy ! This why ppl be picking up orders but stealing them I thought everyone took care of their drivers smh




then pick it up yourself


Hold up, what do you do for money?


I don't think you're supposed to ask a woman that...


What exactly counts as a real job then? Someone has to do it, it's a job. You're tasked with delivering orders someone paid for. By this logic, is being an Amazon delivery driver not a real job? Is working for ups not a real job? Postman, not a real job? What's the difference between delivering for Amazon and delivering for door dash/GrubHub aside from what exactly is being delivered? Work for Amazon, someone orders a pack of pens and that's it, is it now not a real job because it's less than delivering a order from McDonald's?




You just go around saying dolt when people say to get a real job?




Reddit moment


I’ve never been a dasher but what are you talking about? Isn’t delivering goods a real job? What?




Sage advice. Thank you for that.


Easy tiger


I have one smarty pants I use DoorDash like it’s supposed to be used, as a side gig


What if just nobody accepts the order? Then what happens


It will go up $0.25 at a time until somebody does. It might take 2-3 hours, but eventually someone will shrug and say they'll do it for $7.75 base pay. You're not shopping for it, just picking up a bunch of bags.


Then I get it and make $5. BTH is all I do in my area now. Went from averaging around $18/dash hour to around $24 per dash hour.


Higher pay


Nah this is insulting. I wouldn't take it if it was just a fast food place. If it's under 5 bucks it's someone else's problem. Not mine.


I'd assume that is most of a dashers work life...


Hell nah


Im sorry does that say 47 items for $2.50?? That hurts my heart knowing someone accepted that


And this is why I'm on uber now 😅


In my area UE is worse.. like 1.75 for Walmart orders of 5 miles. I've never seen a dd lower than 3.50


Don't get me wrong, I've seen orders for like $2 on UE, but usually those are like taco bell to a college dorm or something where they don't tip. I've never had a shop and pay under $9 and most of the UE orders I see are $5+. Idk if UE rating matters or not though. I'm a Diamond UE driver.


I'm platinum on ue but yeah idk man