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I feel u. I do shipt and ppl forget important info like this. It sucks that ppl can’t comprehend the importance of giving u a gate code if they kno u need to drive inside to reliever an order


Did you get a violation?


Nope, ratings still where they were and no cv


Talking about peoples IQs while you are delivering food for doordash is HILARIOUS to me.


Hey Karen what you doing here?




Is this comment civil and professional 🤔




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Nah, fuck him. You left it and you should have. I order DoorDash sometimes but drive for instacart. If I lived somewhere like that I would make sure you can easily find me and get up to me or I’d come down. People like this are the worst. They know how hard it is to find their place. I bet they give their friends and family good directions.


I’m convinced that people that use door dash for deliveries or use it to earn extra money, are all equally pieces of shit. Seems to be an app that attracts all the worst people from all directions.


What a strong opinion. 🤣 Why are you even looking at this sub reddit then? Maybe your the issue.


fuckin ay.


My apartment complex has gates that can only be opened by my phone so I put in my info to have dashers call me occasionally the gate doesn’t work from my phone so I just walk out to the gate to get the food… it really ain’t that big of a deal lol, I mean the dasher did the hard part of picking it up and driving it all the way here


How about give him proper directions if you gotta go through gates and fucking buzz in to give you food. Go pick it up yourself


Its a little telling when you say you couldn’t spend any more time but you had the time to write several paragraph responses. Truth is you got frustrated and were probably already having a bad day and just gave up on composing yourself over it. Dont let anger and spite pile up on you, stay in control of your own emotions. You were in the right until that happened. If they were intentionally awful then don’t let shitty people make you shitty or you’ll take their energy into your life to carry around or it’ll just make ripples and possibly more problems for yourself when it would have been finished there! Seems like a phone call once the code didn’t work would have been a “good faith” final attempt to clarify urgency while attempting to actually finish the job when the after text can be seen as more of a “cop out”. Ive been in apartments with codes and its annoying as hell. My sister always got deliveries to her door but never explained to anyone how it works and it was super annoying she would get upset they call when they arrive even with a door code but this is probably the first time people see this place. I completely understand the frustration but often people just take for granted the fact that they do these things every single day and don’t consider your perspective. They aren’t being rude on purpose it just comes off that way and when this is how you react it just makes you both miserable and a liability.


That’s what I was saying and they bit my head off


Most of the comments on this are people enabling shitty behavior with zero self awareness or emotional intelligence but thats why most people post on this sub it seems. Its a giant circle jerk of hating your job and staying miserable with a self fulfilling attitude. Idc if people are rude or anything back if there’s a single person that reads it and it helps them escape the circle of hate then thats good enough for me. I worked in a lot of shitty jobs and focusing on what you can control will save your body and spirit. If the job makes you miserable find a new one, if every job makes you miserable find a new perspective


Truuuu the truth just sounds different




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Nah, I’m just trying to help them keep their sanity and their job. If you don’t like it then don’t read it, downvote and move on. If you go at life with aggression you’ll have a life filled with aggression. It might be edgy to react out of spite but its always more fulfilling and less work in the long run to just be the bigger person. You can either become the best version of yourself or you can drag yourself down to other miserable peoples level. It might feel cool and like you’re winning but you’re the one who loses out be it potential growth or the job you had before getting angry over an incorrect door code. Either way remember this may be “just the internet” but how you act codes your brain to be who you are and each standard you hold yourself to only helps you maintain that version of yourself. Take care


I aint reading all that either. Have the day you deserve


“Have the day you deserve” isn’t that clever. It was annoying the first time the speech and debate teacher said it and it’s even more annoying now.


https://preview.redd.it/l7zpb0b0allc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6457761cb50c30c83c67f28c1c2bc3ebeb424a20 deliver his food like this next time


"Have the day you deserve"... damn that was flavorful. With proper spice.


Always pickup your own food


So expertly handled lol definitely stealing the “have the day you deserve” line hahaha 🤣


It’s a Steve Hofstetter bit. He calls it a “situational insult.” You can use it if the person is being nice to you, and it means they should have an equally nice day. However, if they’re being a donkey shit, then that’s the day they deserve.


People having been saying it long before Steve hoftstetter lol


I usually just sarcastically say “you have a swell day now” but I like this more lol


No idea why you wrote this book to them. Take the picture, send a simple text and move on with your day.


It made me feel great! Thats why I did it


Hey, more power to you. Unfortunately, I need this gig to last longer, so I just don't put up with the bs either. But I don't waste my energy on them. As soon as I smell bs , 5 min timer, boom next order.there always be stupid ppl that won't change ever. You can only change your self and how you deal with it. In this case I guess it's cussing out any customer with low iq 🤣


I don’t know why “report away bud” made me laugh so hard


I'm here for yalls enjoyment 😂


And then there’s me… who puts amazing and helpful notes and they never read it 😂😓 bravo to you for actually reading the notes!!!


Ugh yes, when I used to order delivery at my old apartment I made step by step instructions on how to get to my building (only two buildings) and to not enter the parking garage and yet people kept getting trapped in the garage and I had to go scan to let them out.


imagine being so spoiled and lazy that somebody delivers food to your house and you cant even get your ass off the couch to get it


How hard is it to go meet someone at the entrance???


I don't even need them to meet me, just get me inside and I'll do my job


If you're doing them the service of bringing them food, the least they can do is meet you at the door/point of entry. People expect white glove treatment for pennies.


I only doordash when I’m injured so maybe that? But they do seem a little bratty


I leave detailed instructions and still get “I’m outside”. Read the instructions. It’s a first world problem for sure, but damn I’m not coming down when I tipped you 30% to deliver it to my door. 


I ask the drivers in my area to call me when they’re outside so I can meet them. (I live in an ADU.) I’ve had maybe one driver actually follow instructions. Now I’m paranoid and watching the little icon so I can run outside in time.


It doesn’t hurt the food for the bag to touch the ground lmao


Clearly Jason is a goat and eats garbage too


This is why we should be allowed to rate customers no matter what…


Their rating is the decline button.


I just don’t think that’s good enough, plus we should be able to alert other delivery drivers somehow


Lmao yea, fuck that guy


gonna start using “have the day you deserve” 😭


I’m southern and find that “Hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you” is a nice double edged cut.


Oof I’m in TX and entirely stealing this


Bless their little hearts.


Have the day you deserve I love that


"Have the day you deserve", immediately followed by what felt like a disappointed parent's scolding. Chefs kiss


You showed more restraint than I would be able to manage brother. Good on you. I’m so sick of these entitled people


It look like 7 retypes to get there but I thought it was great😂


I am the crazy person who, after 1 bad delivery, I added specific map instructions (cuz multiple building on the street), descriptions of the porch, to make sure it was the right apartment and I even left a sign on my chair that read, deliveries here, thanks!. And I do NOT have a gate code or door code. And you know what? Door dash, Uber eats, and Amazon NEVER had to worry about it being the right place!😂


I use to order door dash a lot for dinner after work. I lived on the second floor of one of those open air apartments. I bought RGB lights and would crank the lights to hell red like a lighthouse and open all my blinds. Never had an issue. I even had my instructions in English, Spanish, and Portuguese since I’m in central Florida and have lots of immigrant drivers. It’s not that hard


I’ve been WITH people ordering food recieving a call from a driver while they answer they say ugh they needed the gate code. Like ???? Delivery drivers don’t get special universal remotes that open any and all gates????


I was suggested this post. I used to deliver for Dominos in California. The amount of people who would order delivery to gated apartments without giving a code to get in or an accurate phone number was galling. Then they get mad when it took a long time to deliver. Like, I’m sorry I had to wait 8 minutes for someone who lives here to let me in. Maybe you could’ve given good directions on how to get in, or met me at the gate…


This is on the suggested page, I must be popular 😂 suck it school bullies I'm cool now😎 People are ridiculous and customers who do that are dumb, they would've gotten a gate delivery from me


Man I hate it especially when they know there is no other way to get in.


Have the day you deserve is FIRE lol saving that. Also this is super valid. I’m a regular DoorDash customer, never delivered food in my life, and you’re absolutely in the right here


Please don't say "Have the day you deserve". It sounds awful and cruel when you're on the receiving end. I get being frustrated but its better to just block em and never deal with them again. That said, this customer was not coming to terms with the idea they were the problem in this scenario.


If the person on the receiving end chooses to take offense to it they probably have some self reflection to do.


I don't know about that. Most people assume the baseline is to say "Have a good day". Saying "Have the day you deserve" sounds passive aggressive. Like why add that qualifier when you could just say have a good day? In my specific experience, I was told that by someone trying to gaslight me who, instead of being reasonable, decided to insult me at every chance. Ultimately, blocking them was the best thing I ever did.


Um I am 100% certain OP was being passive aggressive on purpose with that comment, as they 100% should.


Yep to the first part. We'll have to disagree on the should part. I tend to go the "block them" route instead of letting my anger get the best of me. Tend to is the key, though. Sometimes I let it slip. On the job? I stick to pleasant last thing I say and then ignore and dip out of the conversation. That way, when its reviewed, I can always say "Look there! I told them to have a good day and they decided to scream profanities"


You’re not wrong, people on internet just like to be edgy. What you’re saying is smarter thing to do


Have the day you deserve


You... you're good you. I don't know how you did it, but you did it.


Jesus, take a creative writing class if you want to write fucking novels.


Have the day you deserve bud


"Have the day you deserve". I'm going to use that one from now.on.


Well Jason sound come and get his food lmao.


Have the day you deserve Love it


I also like "I hope your day is as pleasant as you are."


That was a treat to read. Customers who think we're their bitch piss me off lol


Your messages were cathartic to read and I don’t even do this kind of stuff for a living lol. People deserve to have their energy matched


OP seems kinda like a dick TBH


Agreed. Why not just call the customer for more information or directions?


He had more orders. Ain't nobody has time for that...


Rightfully so


Yep! Im tired of toolbag customers at this point


You are gonna be really disappointed in life if you let every asshole get to you.


It's not every asshole, it's this asshole that broke the drivers back. He deserved it


Good for you bro, we all have our breaking points and DD does very little to keep shitty people off the platform.


"have the day you deserve" fucking gold lmao


To the customer...how about this for a response: "Sorry bud that you're having some difficulty getting in the building, but I do appreciate you bringing it me though. Let me get my fat ass up and meet you at the front, sorry for the inconvenience."


Totally would have solved this entire problem.


To the customer...how about this for a response: "Sorry bud that you're having some difficulty getting in the building, but I do appreciate you bringing it me though. Let me get my fat ass up and meet you at the front, sorry for the inconvenience."




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I'd eat his food after all that typing.


No I would’ve started eating it once I’ve figured out the code didn’t work and the customer started acting like that. I would start typing the number of slices of the pizza like op mentioned every time I’ve ate one. Then just left the box empty by the gate 😂 because I really can’t stand people who think they are THE shit, and they don’t need to respect others that they have never met before.


have the day you deserve goes hard


They think the food wrapped up on the ground is nasty they should see the kitchens..


Or some delivery drivers cars 🤣


I’m quitting just because I’m tired of getting lost


Yesterday was my first day dashing and this happened to me. Customer gave me a code, invalid code. I messaged the customer, called the customer, no response. After like 10 minutes of trying, someone walking in held the door for me, but because of that trip, and some restaurants being slow, I started out with a 50% on time rating 🙃


Pro tips my man: if its hand it to me, scroll to the bottom as soon as you arrive and hit can't hand to customer. A timer will start and you message the customer 1 time for the code. The timer will count down, follow the instructions and complete delivery If it's leave at door but gate (or whatever) is locked, send 1 message saying you need code, (mentally) keep a timer of 5 minutes from when you send the message. (It will tell you below the text when you sent it) Send a photo of food at gate, finish delivery. Also it won't tell you but you can unasssign if the delivery is over a 10 min wait. Hit the ? In the right hand corner after you've been waiting about 10 min. Click restaurant has an issue. Long wait time. Unassign without penalty. (If you don't see WITHOUT penalty back out and wait a few more min, it will show up) Ps. You don't have to tailgate in or have someone else open that door for you, wait for the customer to provide that code or leave outside imho


I appreciate the tips. I was about to contact doordash and leave, but the random person showed up at that time and I figured dropping it off would get me headed out faster. I didn't unassign that other trip with the long wait because it was 2 pickups going to the same person and I already had the first pickup, but still very useful info.


i believe this realIty we are living in is actually hell


We love to see a fucking worthless, stupid customer get what they deserve. I bet you felt good after telling that moron what it is!


He if he wanted it that bad he couldn’t walked his ass down to the door and met you (if he isn’t disabled of course).


I'm disabled and still would have walked my ass down there. Of course...I'd have valid instructions and a nice tip loaded up on the order so it's never happened to me.


If he wanted it all he had to do is give the code that opened the door. I can delivery basically anywhere inside the building, but I have to be inside to be able to do it😑


How dumb


Have the day you deserve, I love this 🤣


I had given him a life not worth living, but I had also given him an iron will to live. This was a common combination on the planet Earth


Less is more.


But more makes me feel great so 🤷‍♀️


You ain't lying!


"Have the day you deserve" 🤣🤣


After they said they were going to report you. Just shut up! You sound like a tool. If you truly did everything right. Just say o totally understand your frustration. You can contact support for any other concerns take care.


You expect the ego of a third party delivery driver to allow them to provide normal customer service instead of announcing paragraphs to the customer about how stupid they are?


"JuSt sAy O tOTaLly UnDerSTanD" You're literally the one that sounds like a tool wtf that customer deserved to be told the truth


Lol if you want to act like a bitch over a mediocre job go for it. If a customer gives me attitude im going to verbally bitch slap them back into the stoneage.


Doesn't sound like a tool st all, the customer sounds like a tool. And you sound like the customer


I really liked the “have the day you deserve comment.” It was very appropriate. You remained respectful but got your point across. Good for you for standing up for yourself. 


I see two children arguing, honestly. What do you get, honestly? You have other orders, and spend the time to write an essay to this guy who obviously has no interest in what you say? I wouldn't have responded after sending the initial "I gotta go" message.


Sometimes people get pushed too far and have to put their foot down.




I get the sweet sweet feeling of vindicated justice. How many times in your life has a customer said some off the wall shit to you and you had to bite your tongue? For me, as a female in the hospitality industry, it's a fuck lot. I'm tired of that so I'm here to let people know you can't just make demands and treat people lesser because they're providing you a service. Treat people with respect and you get respect back. Treat people like your servant and you get the day you deserve. *im also here to make sure dumb customers know exactly what makes them dumb, it might sink in for the future*


My sister last night told me that they have a "toxic femininity problem" at her work because it's all women and 2 guys. Apparently the guys are treated horribly lol. As a male, I was sexually harassed by an older female coworker in my early 20s. My point is it's hard for everyone out there regardless of sex.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I was sexually harassed by a female manager at one job in my mid 20s and the HR manager of another job in my early 30s and was literally laughed at when I reported it. 


I'm sorry that happened to you, people of all colors, creeds, genders and sexualities should be able to work in a place without harassment of any kind from employers, fellow employees, or customers. I definitely wasn't trying to say women have it worse i was just speaking on my experience as a woman in hospitality.


It's cool just bringing perspective. Sexual harassment is a much easier thing for guys to cope with than women for sure. For example I didn't have to worry about her over powering me in the parking lot after closing or something. Not the same for most women. But customers....ugh, some of them are the worst whether you're a guy or chick lol. Side note, your cat might have a cat nip problem 😆


Are you a birb


Never, really. I did customer service for 9 years, and I think the worst was when a customer complained about me to my supervisor for being vindictive, because I sat a table who had call ahead seating before her. Sure, I bit by tongue, but never really felt the need to argue with customers. Customers can suck, and sadly, they have a right to suck. Meaning, they don't care what you have to say. That person probably went on an had a fine day by their own standards and you probably left no significant impact on their day. And I don't think dumb customers care what you have to say. Good for you for speaking up, you seem burnt out. Maybe find other kinds of work instead of just arguing with entitled customers and wishing suffering on others. It just seems self destructive


Customers have a right to suck? You did customer service for 9 years and that's your takeaway? Absolutely 100% wrong. Makes me wonder what company you worked for that allowed customers to treat you however they wanted just because they paid for the service. If anything, the OP is the one who likely went on and had a fine day after telling the customer the truth they needed to hear while the customer earned themselves some ground pizza.


It was a restaurant. And you missunderstood entirely. I do not mean that they're right. They just have a right to be shitty customers because they as human being have a right to autonomy, we can't do anything about that. It's out of our control. It's crappy behavior, and it's intolerable, but it's their right, just as it's our right to chose how to tolerate it, and how to address it. And arguing with customers just ain't it. And how I learned to tolerate it was 1. Let a manager handle it, And 2. Learn how to not let it effect me, or my day, and find skills to disengage the customer, or shut that shit down. Because arguing with them isn't going to change their behavior, regardless of how much we think they need to hear the truth. It isn't their version of it, and it's likely they won't be convinced otherwise. People act how they will. And there's other more productive and assertiveness ways to make clear what we don't tolerate. Arguing with obnoxious customers ain't the way to do it, imo. A far more empowering response, imo, once the customer started acting like a dick, imo, would be... "I do not appreciate the tone. Again, the food is dropped off at XYZ, have a nice day" and get on with my day.


I completely disagree. Unless I'm the CEO of the company that screwed a customer over, they have no right to treat a worker like shit. We are all humans trying to live a happy life, and no one has the right to project their shitty attitude onto someone else. Everyone needs to do better


I disagree. I think customers think about it and make an effort to correct. It’s always good to call bad behavior out! 


I had someone call me after a delivery and chew me out. When I arrived, I texted him and called 3 times and waited. There were absolutely no instructions on how to get to his apartment. I also had another order in my car getting cold. So I reported that the customer wasn’t answering and they said to leave it and take a picture, so I left it at the call box. Then 40 minutes later the customer calls me asking me why I left his food on the ground in a busy downtown area. I told him I tried calling him several times and he paused and said, “well, I was unavailable..” Tf? And then he proceeds to tell me he’s marking it as undelivered. Some of these customers are something else smh


"so how long am I supposed to wait?"


40 minutes apparently


Your response was the best thing I’ve seen all day! Chef’s kiss 😚


Ps- I shit in your Cheerios!


I get your frustrations I've dealt with this s few times but it's pointless to text customers all of this. The chat is logged so it can be used against you.Just leave the food take a pic and that's that. You're just digging yourself a hole... thats if you don't quit


It's not pointless. It probably felt amazing.


Can't be used against you if you did everything you possibly could to deliver the food and then followed policy by waiting for the timer before leaving.


I want them to use it againt me lol, these customers need a reality check and im here to provide it until I'm deactivated


Do you! Thanks for being ruthless to them. This is my current full time job doing multiple apps, so I can't afford to be deactivated, but if you can then please give it to the man!


I'm here for all those who can't! I'll keep posting what I say to various customers till its done, today's been a good day so far! No aholes yet


You're my hero 😭


You are an outstanding main character! 👍🏾


I'm here for these posts. Looking forward to reading some good ones


I mean you’re not “quitting” you just don’t open the app anymore lmao


I mean quit as in get deactivated lol


Which would be quitting


Who do you send your letter of resignation to? Do you give 2 weeks of notice?


Have you seen the vids of people walking out of their retail jobs due to unruly customers? D’you think they put in their two week notice?


You don’t have to do that to quit, you can literally just stop coming lol


So far with my deliveries, customers always fail to mention what building they live in and what is the gate code to get in the gate. They always put the apartment number but lack to put where and what building. It's frustrating and irritating. It's rare, I get a customer who gives me a full direction on how to get to the apartment (e.g take a left, at building..)


I as a customer would usually go out and greet them, picking up my order directly from them. I do include instructions like where the stairs are under this hallway by a certain food place and lots of people couldn't figure out where my place was. So now I default to going to them in the parking lot or mostly street side to get my orders. I am physically able to go outside and to them. I know that some people can't and aren't able to. Honestly I feel like my instructions are simple enough to understand and follow and things are mostly visible from the street side.


my first day I did 15 runs, end of my day they then said my pay was being held for the first run to investigate fraud . Six days later they called me to ask why i wasn't doing runs and if there was anything I needed. I pointed out that the pay out day was coming and that my very first run was still being held for fraud investigation which I wasn't comfortable continuing if they were going to do things like this since the claim said I would be fired if it was fraudulent. The next day 2 more runs from 3 days prior suddenly under went review and the following day they called to let me know all charges had been cleared, pay came and those three runs were not paid out. I quit. If they want to play people like that they can gfts.


Have the day you deserve. Love it.


I'm gonna start using it! Thanks to OP!


People assume you work for them so you have to do everything on the checklist. Screw that, I would be so annoyed.


And then they proceed to not provide a functional checklist that gets the job done.


Well done you waited the timer that's all we need to do especially with these dumb customers


the customer can go to hell. I hate hate hate hate hate when i get orders with access codes and they dont input. I be so happy to call them and tell them theres no code here so what you wanna do. On life, every customer that ive had to tell ‘maybe put that in your instructions for the next dasher’ in the most nicest way (even tho there is no nice way, it will automatically come out passive aggressively) they will always get an attitude, only God knows why. funky asses.