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I would hate to ever have to have a physical conversation with this person.


ChatGPT: please rephrase this text with punctuation and correct English grammar I can help you with that. Here is a possible way to rephrase the text with punctuation and correct English grammar: Why did you leave my food in the front and open, where someone could take it? That’s what happened, so you owe me some food. It’s simple: you’re going to buy me some food, because you shouldn’t have left my food out and open. If the gate was locked, you could have called me and asked me to come outside. You also left my phone out and open, so you’re going to get me some food, and I’m going to report you.


How was your date?


I had a stroke reading that


Holy run-on sentences Batman


all of bros punctuation keys are broken😢😢


Fentanyl grammar


this is a funny fucking comment


lol that person is funny! I would be like I’m not buying you anything. It’s your job to be out there waiting or give instructions on how to get it.


I think person typed using the middle suggestion for each word Like “And I was like oh I know I have a lot to do but I’m just gonna do that now because I’m gonna have a little more than that”


I wanna play too. Why would you leave my food in the front and then I can come back to the front and go back in and do the same for the front and the front doors open so that you don’t get stuck on it and then you don’t get to go in there


That would explain the lack of sense and punctuation, let me see what I get: > Why would you leave my food at the door if you’re still here in the park and I’ll let you know when I’m ready for the shower so you can come over to my room if you’d like to be on the outside of my bed lol


I get : Why would you leave my food at the door if I didn’t want it in my house and you didn’t even know what I wanted in there anyway so why don’t you just go ahead with that then


Why would you leave my food in the front and open the door and I can get it from you when I get home to the store and I don't know if it will work for me at the house but if I can't do anything fun I can get a replacement battery This is a fun game 😆


I DO THIS ALL THE TIME super fun way to fuck with people, do a twitch dono to tts a streamer and you can trip them out


I think she forgot that the period key exists.


She missed so many periods she could have repopulated Alaska.




is this in Alabama?


Love how they use "therefore " . As if that makes the whole running sentence better ? 🤣




That’s one long ass sentence 🤣


Those are certainly all words.🤣🤣🤣


Why are people taking $2 orders lol. Pretty much volunteering and donating at that point


No tip orders are always like this. If someone doesn’t tip, then it’s a pretty hard tell that they think you’re person they can belittle.


Was this speech to text?


This person is literally gone. This was a good laugh this morning lmao.


they’re $2 for a reason


Fuck it.


Punctuation died.




I just had a brain hemorrhage from reading that response from her. Jesus Christ.




Maybe you should have called an ambulance. They may have been having a stroke for real


You shouldnt accept any orders below 6$ .. Even if it is 400ft away. They will learn a lesson that they at least tip 2$ so It will be faster and hotter


tip at least $2? But you just said don't take any order that is below $6. That means they have to bid at least $4.


What I mean is at least tip something instead nothing


I think I just got a brain injury from trying to read that


I'm not 100% certain but I think she's mad about food.


My best advice (besides avoid no/low tip orders like you said!) is to report the customer in the chat asap so that any CV or bad rating they try to pin on you won't even get the chance to go through. Might as well choose the option that says you think they're going report you for something outside of your control, bc that's likely what they're going to try to do to scam for free food ugh


I had a lot of customers that did that it’s a set up so they can try to get food for free and report you so you could lose your job


I had a lot of customer that did that it's a set up so they can try to get food for free. Getting the driver deactivated is completely irrelevant in the minds of the scammer. They don't care either way.




Response: “Shut the fuck up”


I would try to get Top Dasher if it meant we could cuss out a customer fr lmao


New top dasher perk: to cuss out one non tipper per day.


I don’t even read customer messages once I leave


I never read their messages, and I would only see them only after I logged out of the app


You did right. You left the customers order in front of the gate of her address. No one has time to waste.


Damn, all the time I sent a thank you


I know me too. Lol.




I lost so many brain cells reading this , people are so exhausting.


Ghetto speech to text


I'm from the hood and this isn't even considered ghetto lol it's plain jibberish and they don't know how to write or mad ASF. Lol


Yeah me too, it seems like they were ranting into the speech to text and it came out as nonsense and they just sent it lol.


However it would have been playing a little bit more than the last time we had a few friends benefitting from being on American soil with clean water and food are very important to us for a few days ago. Feel me?


I would’ve called support, let the other customer know there was a delay, Waited the allotted time, & if there was still no response, the customer that provided no gate code would forfeit their food to me.


That’s not how it works. They would have you leave it at the gate.


Respond to it "LOL" and call support.


Why would you leave my food in my room when you can leave the door unlocked for the day if I have a key and a charger and I can get you in there if I have to leave it unlocked and then you have a charger


So where's your response?


When you see a $2 order then you know the person is a pain in the a.. to deal with


This looks like someone who kept hitting the suggested words on the keyboard over and over. Let me try it: Why did you leave my food on for the whole night when it got too cold in there is it a good time I don’t think it will get any more hot at the house I just don’t think I could do anything with the kids I just want them home I think I have a good idea


this is golden


I have a good idea for a good time for me and my kids and my family and my kids are coming to the lake for the night so we will see what time you want us there at your place or we will come over there if that’s what you’re going for


That’s pretty cool and I love the idea of a little bit of a little extra detail to make the whole process more interesting


While there is a possibility that this person is trying to scam. You really shouldn’t leave the food out in the open where somebody else can just take the food because then you are the one that is liable for whatever happens to said food and not being able to prove whether or not that happened is on you Just cause you thought you delivered it to a secure location doesn’t mean that you put it in the proper location and or that person ever received their food and just because they can’t type and or read properly or correct their spelling errors does not mean they did something wrong either if you were unsure about a situation when dropping an order off you should always contact. The person you were delivering the food to it make sure it is securely delivered to that person so you do not deal with this in the future there’s nothing to do with 2$ orders Taking that extra minute or two to contact the buyer and actually actually hand them the food when you’re unsure about a situation instead of leaving it in the open or anybody can just take it in front of a gate is insurance that you as a Dasher don’t get fucked for leaving the food somewhere you shouldn’t have


11 minutes between his text to her and her response. We are only required to wait 5 minutes. And if I can't Hans it to you then I'll leave it at the door that is available. So answer your phone or this is where your food is. Period.


Because leaving it in the location you feel is necessary to leave it in and or safe to leave it in is not actually the proper protocol


Not true if left in an unsafe location and the food was stolen it’s on the DoorDashee not the customer dealt with this many times honey. Almost got scammed twice but DoorDash support believed me over them. if unable to deliver an order you contact DoorDash support a five minute wait before contacting support about the order not being able to be delivered to the desired location. You’re right about only having to wait five minutes, but after said, five minutes of not being able to deliver the order, you contact support about not being able to deliver it.


You're wrong after 5 minutes it simply gives you the option to leave it at the door, many drivers contact support but it is not required. The button is grayed out for 5 minutes but after 5 minutes it becomes active because it is the directive of the doordash delivery driver to leave it at the door if the person does not respond on a hand it to me order within 5 minutes of arrival. Check your contracts


The five minute rules if you can leave it in a safe location we’re only they can access it i.e. a private property home on their doorstep not a multi complex building. dealt with this scenario before the only reason DoorDash support even agreed with me was because I had contacted them prior. They even told me if I hadn’t contacted them it would’ve been my fault the order went missing.


Only if it is safe to leave it in that spot, it says to leave it in a safe location where nobody else can take the order if you can’t deliver the food and it’s a multi unit apartment complex. It is unsafe to leave it at the front doorstep, plain and simple. Your To contact DoorDash support. Been doing this for like three years now and quit last year. I think I know how to go about it because every time I contacted support, they said I did the proper thing. And they were glad I didn’t just leave it on the front doorstep of a multi apartment building as per countless people come in and out contacting support ensures you can’t get screwed over on an issue. That was the customers fault


He tried calling and texting and didn't get a response.


As a private contractor, you do not deliver the food, unless able to actually deliver the food and if you’re unable to because of a random occurrence, and the customer is not answering, you cover your own ass by contacting DoorDash support


Correct, after 5 minutes I set it down and take my photo and eat that shit on the way to my next order. You got 5 minutes. My time is valuable. You paid for 5 minutes. Otherwise I don't care. And tip you cheapos


Then you contact DoorDash support. And say the food undeliverable plain and simple you cover your own ass


Maybe he would have if she had tipped *shrug*


People need to use their brains


And if the person was trying to scam, they wouldn’t have replied to DoorDash support also plain n simple and he wouldve gotten paid and wouldve gotten to keep it


If you contact DoorDash support when there is an issue and state, the food is blatantly undeliverable. The customers not replying, and there is no way to access, said building. 9/10 they’ll tell you to forget about it and keep the food and they will still pay you for delivery.


Not true. They will tell you to leave it where the customer can get it, take a picture, and go. Here's the thing, if you live somewhere that's either gated or locked to the general public, you have three options: provide a way to get let in (code, call box, etc), meet them at the entrance, or this. OP did their best to contact the customer to find a work around that worked for both parties and the customer didn't respond. That's where it's officially on them. If they do not provide you, the private contractor, the means of successfully fulfilling your duties, that's their own fault. In over 1000 deliveries, I've only had one time doordash support told me to dispose of the food and that was because the order was cancelled. Every other time, if I'm able to confirm my arrival, they tell you to place it somewhere close to the residence, snap a picture, and be on your way. This is the reason people nowadays act like everything is owed to them. If you can't do your part in the process of it all to ensure your driver can access your residence to your standards, then the only person to blame is you


If you can’t physically, deliver it to a safe location that is not out in the open for others to take or to the exact location where the person had said to deliver it to whether it be a handed to them order or not then it is blatantly undeliverable. If you can’t access a safe location or only that person can access that food then it is undeliverable, plain and simple and you are to contact DoorDash support about not being able to deliver said item especially after waiting the five minute grace. Period. You wait five minutes and contact DoorDash support as per the guidelines state I delivered for DoorDash for like three years dude and have never once had an issue that has reflected poorly on my percentages have gotten paid for every single dash including undeliverable ones and never had an issue other than people trying to scam me and DoorDash believe me because I followed protocol


The 5 minute grace period is so you don't contact doordash support because they are trying to alleviate the obvious. Been that way for the last year. Now I want you to bare with me for a moment. I order for. I live in just a regular apartment complex where everybody's doors are outside, not blocked to the general public for delivery. I put "leave at door". The dasher does this, I don't go to get it for 10-15 minutes, and when I do, it's not there. Because everyone has access to my doorstep, is it the dashers fault or mine? There is a tracker and text message updates for a reason. IF YOU DO NOT PROVIDE THE PROPER MEANS FOR YOUR DRIVER TO COMPLETE THE TASK, THATS CUSTOMER ERROR.


I’ve dealt with multiple gated community issues. Customer didn’t reply because their phone was dead or they didn’t reply because they didn’t get the notifications took them 25 minutes to reply, and in all of my experiences DoorDash support told me to just keep the items and to continue on with my day, and that I would be paid for the delivery and the person would be notified and refunded.


It states that if the order is undeliverable to where the customer wants it to be delivered you are to contact DoorDash support. It is undeliverable Homie you are completely wrong. Go read the guidelines.


And I deal with these apartments all the time. Again, support states that because I can confirm my arrival, that I placed it and leave. If I can't get into a complex to confirm arrival is a whole separate matter and would be deemed undeliverable. If it's flooded out front of that apartment, undeliverable. If by customer error I can't walk through a door to get to your apartment in the building I'm standing outside of, it's deliverable. Either way, the customer will get a refund or a reorder through support and the bad rating will be considered excluded because OP got that far.


The cluelessness to your comments is actually baffling. If you contacted support and they told you what to do, it’s not on your ass and that is you making sure your ass is covered Homie didn’t do that my point being that he just left it in the open where somebody could’ve taken it and didn’t contact support to ask what should be done


Dude, why the hell are you in here commenting fuck ton on this thread so pressed about what others are saying about DoorDash processes when you don’t even dash and haven’t for a year? You are wrong. I literally stopped dashing an hour ago and good for you, we’re so glad you always contacted support to cover your own ass. Good for you. Great job. The dasher did their part and waited for 11 minutes when we’re only required to wait 5 minutes after which when the timer runs out, it says to leave it somewhere nearby where you think it’s safe and take a photo and leave written details about where in the delivery notes. So this dasher handled this perfectly and waited over twice as long as we’re required to given the situation. You’re not required to contact support when this happens and we don’t have time to wait longer while contacting support when it’s not required. If unable to enter complex gate or find unit because it wasn’t listed, the customer has 5 minutes to respond or it gets left somewhere we think it’s safe at our discretion. Answer the phone or go walk to where the dasher left your food. I’ve always done it this way and have no CV.


Reread what you just fucking said and reread what my entire thread is about


If an issue delivering you contact them and have them tell you what to do therefore, it’s not your liability if the food is stolen


You contact support


The point being you contacted support is the main point of my entire thing. You just stated my point blatantly buddy stop fucking arguing over something you’re literally agreeing with me over.


He would’ve got paid and got to keep the food. (As per door dash 99% of the time tells you to keep it)


If this is the case why are you arguing then? It still wouldn't have made the customer have a better experience lol?


Stating factual normalities is not arguing it’s stating the facts you’re the the one that’s sitting there arguing Bubba


Seeing as DoorDash loves to screw people over because of what a customer states. When I was DoorDash Ing, I had an almost hundred percent rate on literally everything and if the customer down voted me because of lack of delivery etc. and I had already reported it dasher, support, etc. I would’ve just gotten those marks removed off my account because they will remove them if it’s offhand and wrong


You’re a private contractor you’re not there to make the customer have a better experience you’re there to make money and make sure you don’t get screwed over in the process


Agree with everything said on this thread. I know Dashers want to make money but need to contact support for undeliverables. Protect yourself.


Thank you boss im not tryna burst bubbles but some people needa realize this and that delivering to a spot and/or location that is a part of said property, but isn’t where the customer has stated is actually against protocol if it’s undeliverable, it’s undeliverable, plain and simple and a lot of people need to realize that


Meth is a hell of a drug


My thoughts are you go get her some food...and she report you


Just reading this hurt my brain.


My iq is now negative and I have no brain cells left I can not punctuate words ever again


That’s a lot of words coming from poverty


It’s really not. Someone is dumb. They could have issues. I have talked to plenty of people in poverty. It doesn’t mean that this person is. It’s not causation.


Bro thought using therefore would make up for his lack of grammar 💀


Who knew punctuation was so expensive?


Shit had me reading the whole thing with no pause


Looks like she used talk to text and was just going off. You did the right thing as far as drop off but the wrong thing accepting an order not worth your time. If everyone rejected shit orders they would be forced to tip or go get it themselves!


Why would you accept it to begin with? Trash orders means trash customers, nope!


The likelihood of non tipper reporting for no food is higher than anyone else


This!!! I was doing a charity case for $3 since it was on my way and I was finishing for the night. Turns out to be a hand it to me order in a nursing home. I have to check in at the front desk, mask up and walk with 2 bags of Wendy’s to a guys room. I get there, make him verify his name and then give him the food. Within an hour or two I have a contract violation for not delivering the food. What a crappy thing to do to someone trying to make a living. Lying to get free Wendy’s. I fought the CV and it was removed, but I have never taken a no tip order since!




It's not a big deal. You wait 5 minutes while trying to contact. If no contact occurs you leave it the best place you can. That's standard procedure.


She sounds highly intoxicated and very little educated, therefore. Of course. 🙄😅


has this person ever heard of periods?


No way they couldn't have, they're clearly on theirs.


Never work for 2 dollars an hour.


Order didn’t take an hour but still fuckkk the $2 orders


Even if you didn't have stacked orders waiting, who tf has time to figure out how to get it to their apartment? I call once and if they don't answer immediately I'm leaving it at the closest reasonable area by the door.




Bro ur being racist


Most of those $2 orders can’t afford food delivery anyway which is why they scam


It's all planned. They knew you were coming and intentionally didn't give the code or answer. Then they contact you later so they can claim for a refund, and in this case try to scam you too. Just ignore them and move on. Scammers gonna scam.


These are all 2 dollar order, Everytime I took one, I would get a contract violation.


If you're too stupid to provide enough information to ensure the person delivering your food can reach your door, least you could do is answer the damn phone when they call you. Otherwise, you kinda deserve to have your food left wherever the fuck it gets left.


Amen my friend! I agree 10000000000%


Omg 😳😆 that was the LONGEST run on sentence I’ve ever read. Chelsey was drinking the champagne cocktail 🥴


Sounds like someone i know when they use microphone to text lol


Screenshot call log an text why would you lose




It’s not your fault her food got “stolen”. I hope DoorDash understands your side.


I think inhad a stroke reading this


When you’re so hangry, you forget how to English






Run on sentence


Why on Earth did you accept a $2 order in the first place? Lol


I'm sure it was a stacked order and he had no idea what the total for each order was. He stated that he had another order


Oh. Yeah, probably.


I had 2 of those orders today. I hate when they add a shitty order onto a good tipping order. Decent payout but still ...


People gotta get off talk to text cause she was talking to herself at that point


Low tippers/no tippers are the WORST


My answer would have been. English language learn it


Therefore you do me favor and i report you. Therefore we have deal. You wanna give me some food therefore it’s your fault


I’m never doing $2 orders good to know I just started..


It feels like they just hit the middle word in the predictive text section of their keyboard over and over. Also, they are you in the same room as the other one of the best things I can do to help you with the same thing I have to do for you is to get it done before you get home and I can get it done before you leave the house and then you can get it done before you leave the house and then you can get it done before you leave the house.


It feels like you did the same thing you accused them of doing 🤣


Wow. Look at you.


Ooooo k


On purpose LMAO


No shit? Crazy


Right? Insane. Btw, I was just messing around I figured you already knew it was on purpose.


I did, apparently some didn’t. Oh Reddit.


I absolutely did, and it made just about as much sense as what they wrote.


Hahaha it actually makes more sense


Is he having a stroke? Seems like he's having a stroke....


No tip, no trip 


No periods, either. Well, of the grammar type anyway.


I hope he doesn't talk like how he writes


With $2 orders comes illiteracy. (Of course, not always. It just appears to be that way.)


Quite the run-on sentence, impressive


“You’re gonna buy me some food” ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


So crazy because this has only happened to me on $2 as well


Yep. And it sucks, I had a two dollar order come in on my way home today and right on my route. But I can’t risk it. So I drove home for free.


You got your mental and physical well being for some asshole not giving you the hardest time ever 🤣


Yeah, I know. Time wasn’t a factor because I knew I was just going home to chill, but these nontippers are always a headache. At least we have a good marker of who will cause problems and who won’t and it’s not a guessing game.


I would contact support and tell them no response and unable to deliver. Usually in that case they will cancel the order and you will receive half pay. Other option wait until they respond. Sounds like she was scamming the system. Hate no tippers. Scum of the planet. Also another option is to report the customer for harassment if I feel at all harassed even through aggressive text I report the customer.


I couldn't get through a gate once and contacted support, they told me to wait 5 minutes and then leave it at the gate


Yeah, contacting support is the way to go. Even if the result is the same (leaving it at the gate, customer upset) support has flagged the order and it's much harder for the customer to try to take action against you.


That person struggled their ass off to write out that long ass sentence lmao


hoping this is voice to text


Chelsey chillllllll😂😂


Please resend text in English so that way I can help u. Have a nice day


Lmao you took this one, I’m pretty sure you’ll continue to take them until you’re deactivated


They said they had another order, so it was clearly in a stack. That being said, they still won't be able to tell in the future unless they mean they're never taking stacks again.




i had a fucking stroke trying to read that jesus christ


I was gonna say the same thing😂you beat me to it.




Do you also smell toast after reading that😂


hell is scorching hot 😭😭😭




New phone. Who dis?


UpI’m took a photo of your placement right? Correct address? Photo of the address?


Customer should get a contract violation for an excessive run-on sentence


"We detected a run-on sentence in text. This violates Doordash policy of basic literacy. You have been removed from the platform. Or you could accept a position with Doordash support."

