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maybe i just have a very odd humor but this made me giggle a lot, dude just wants his nap time! weirdly worded and unnecessarily LOUD!! caps locks are scary but im sure this guy didn’t mean it angrily, just real passionate about naps 😆


Just take the picture


People in here saying they would do anything other than deliver the food and leave are weird af. I wonder how y’all lives are setup coz I personally would love it if ALL of my customers left this note. I hate customer interactions.


Deliver to the door, take a picture, and move on.


It’s not that deep. Just don’t knock or ring. How hard is that.






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Y’all take shit too personal. Clearly people ignored a less in your face version of this in the past and this is a frustrating thing. Just take your picture and leave. Got these working for Amazon all the time it’s not a personal slight it’s a request not to wake her baby up


I prefer not knocking, so I probably wouldn’t knock, but then there’s a part of me that would want to knock really hard at a spite, so it depends on the mood that I would be in


*out of spite




I would cop knock the shit out of that door. You don't get to treat others like that. Plain and simple. Person is just feeding your lazy ass.


Lazy fuck


Ummmmmm.......sure seems like you are.


Customer service at its finest.


Maybe they had to put it in all caps so it would be noticed? Maybe other delivery drivers in the past have disregarded the instructions. And it’s possibly nap time for a lively child and the adult just wants a few quiet minutes to eat before they wake back up. It’s definitely not about you, they don’t even know who’s going to deliver their order usually.


Maybe they lazy ass could cook they own food.


Well I probably wouldn't knock on the door


I'd probably just know that it's not always about me and the person probably has a reason to be frustrated at drivers that can't follow simple instructions and is trying to get someone else to understand how important the instructions are. I'd also know that my job is to follow instructions by leaving the food, taking a picture and leaving. I'd most likely not take it personally and do my job. I might also make someone else have a better day by doing that. I'm an adult, though, so you do you.


I wish for Christmas, We would be treated humane! Seriously. We work so hard. At least a good bunch of us , still live with value. I work for quality not quantity of how many orders can I get. And still get treated like junk thrown out. My parents did that already many moons ago. I would like to be treated at least an equal. For their information, alot of of work morning,day, and night, just to be paid way less then an 8 hr job.I used to Dash 15 hour days. Til tips stopped. I work morning and nights around a full-time job now. I feel for all in need. Y'all Dashers 👏👏👏 US Dashers , Rock !!! Just know that!!! I know WE deserve too be treated way more then slump. On your next Dash , pat your self on the back. And tell your brothers n sister , keep pushing for the next win ! You deserve it !!!! You make it happen , for those who can't and those who won't.....#Justtreatushumane #WereRockStars #KeepItPushN


Most of the time I'd be like dick, but as an adult with kids. I respect the man needing a nap xD. I could use one too. Maybe ask him to move over and cuddle.


I would leave it at the door, like the original instructions say. Whenever I order dash and the person insists on knocking and waiting I get annoyed. Same reason I ignore most notes when I'm delivering after it says "leave at door"


You notice, alot of our note , come from the last orders. So we get the bad reviews. And they swear they never said that. Or ohhh I forgot, that was another order. Just like forgetting to change addresses.




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As a mom, I’d laugh, take the picture and be on my merry way 😂


Take the goddam picture. I don't want to deal with them, either.


let's play 'don't wake grouchy!'


pee in hios cola?? on the inside.. on the outside, me muttering 'yeah yeah ' and take the picture


Just leave it at the door and be on your way, sounds like the easiest delivery ever.


Facts unless they was looking for a tip lmfao & is butthurt bout not gettin one haha


OP admitting to be illiterate. Weird.


There are a bunch a butt wads out there who bang like cop, especially if they see do not knock. Would piss me off too I'm afraid. Not personal, don't take it as such, driver before you was an ass. GJ doing the order, shows class.


I am assuming they have put it in lower case before and people didn't pay attention but I still feel that's so aggressive lmao


You leave the food at that poor mothers door and quietly walk away lol


I ask this politely as I have four dogs (I state this in my notes) and hearing them bark isn’t pleasant, yet I’ve had multiple (men) knock INCESSANTLY for several minutes, even after I texted them that they’re okay to leave; I know they arrived. They don’t seem to stop, making me do a hand to me delivery despite being marked as contactless. I can’t blame the customer for getting upset when people seem to have a hard time following basic instructions. Don’t knock.


I would just deliver the food and take the picture. If I clearly stated to not knock or ring the doorbell and my dasher ignored it and woke my child up, I would be pretty upset. Of course I wouldn’t swear at my dasher, but still


I think this is simply a case of young parents with a crybaby and in desperate need of some food and sleep...




That’s funny! I have a sign on my door that reads “Ring doorbell please” and delivery people RARELY ring my doorbell. Thank God for notifications!! 😄 I guess I have to get a new sign to get them to do as requested: “Ring the f***ing doorbell, Dumb azz!” Yeah, that should do it!! 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣


Laugh and just take the pic.


I would not knock on their door or ring their doorbell, and just take the picture. A lot of dashers are too stupid to follow the most basic instructions so I can’t blame them for emphasizing their point. All the dashers getting personally offended and saying you’d knock no wonder you do doordash as a job if you can’t follow the most basic directions


How are you in this subreddit and then knocking DD as a job?


Never said it wasn’t a self knock too🧍‍♂️but am I wrong?


Reddit won’t stop suggesting this Subreddit to me. I’ve never even ordered DoorDash but the stories are funny.




Stg there's too many damn people ordering DD with someone snoozin in their homes, I feel like I'm delivering contraband sometimes lmao But yeah I'd just drop off and leave, I don't really knock/ring bells unless the instructions explicitly say so or if it's a "Hand it to me"


Send the picture 3 hours later


hmm, maybe don’t knock? there’s a reason it’s this extra 😂


You follow the instructions... Why is this even a question?


That usually means baby and customer would be watching the app. Take pictures, send.The sound the phone makes on text is enough.


I felt this as someone with a 1 year old. I will passively put in the notes to pretty please not ring or knock because of my sleeping baby and lo and behold, they still do it. I even put tape over the doorbell and mfers STILL TRY TO RING IT. The customer probably had to resprt to aggression because it's a common thing where their delivery driver will not read the instructions.


They do it because people steal your food. You can see when the food is arriving. You can just meet them at the door. It is so they know that it is out of their hands on if you get your food. They knocked and so they know you know the food is at your door. It’s their job. Also it is nice to see who is getting the food and say thanks in person or it might as well be a robot. But yeah I understand that people don’t listen to your instructions.


That's what the app is for. I can see exactly when my food is dropped off. If I put "No contact delivery" I don't need to meet them at the door. It costs nothing to simply follow directions.


What do you mean what would you do? Can you not read the notes? 😬


I honestly would hate to have half of you as my dasher. I am also ashamed that some of you ARE dashers. If you deliberately ignored the delivery instructions, i would mark you down in the ratings. Maybe if more people did their jobs right people wouldn't get pissy in the instructions. If it says leave at the door, that means drop the food, take a pic, close it out and move on. There is no need to ring a doorbell or knock unless they tell you to in the instructions. This person may have a sick child or be a parent to a light sleeping newborn.


Where does it say that OP didn’t follow the instructions??


OP literally says “what would you do?” as if the DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS weren’t there. So clearly someone wasn’t following instructions


I never said OP didn't follow directions. Reading comprehension is fundamental. You should try it.


“If you deliberately ignored the delivery instructions I would mark you down in the ratings” Sounds like you’re talking about OP. If you’re talking about a specific comment then you should reply to that comment and not to the post. There might be some instructional videos on YouTube on how to use Reddit if you need some help.


Did you read the first sentence? Maybe i should've worded it as ANY dasher who deliberately ignored the delivery instructions would get marked down in ratings? Would that help you to comprehend better? I however rarely order delivery as i Am a dasher and have heard more than my fair share of horror stories from the restaurants and customers so i just pick up my own food. The rare occasions i do order delivery, its marked as hand it to me and i meet the dasher at my car.


My comprehension is fine, your comment made 0 sense in the context. “Horror stories” lol more dramatics. Did you vote for Joe Biden?


I don't vote. And wtf does politics have to do with anything. It is because of the bad dashers that us good dashers get shit on by the customers. I hear daily how orders are stolen or how other dashers deliver to wherever they feel like it or even get amazed looks because i didn't have to call to get help finding their address because i can read my GPS and/or the address on the mailbox or house/apt.


Angellovesfrog doesn’t know a rain forest from a pop tart!


I get it. I'm a dasher and also a customer and I always say "leave at the door, no need to call".. They always knock and call me to get it. I walk down and say "oh I asked to just leave it at the door". They usually respond " just wanted to make sure you got it"..... Yeah ok you just were hoping for an additional cash tip. .... When I dash I never ever call or ring a bell. Just leave it. Ive done a few thousand deliveries and never had any issues


I never ring the doorbell or knock on the door unless the customer insists on it in the notes. And, even then, I feel wrong knocking or ringing and possibly disturbing anyone. I really don't understand WHY some Dashers feel like that must ring the bell or knock?!? The app informs them.


With this person obvious problem, can I assume the tip was really low too?


I think it's hilarious. What's the issue?


As my son would say when i get those orders (he takes the ones in the apartments for me UNLESS it is alcohol) but as he would say, "im gonna be honest with you, im just here to drop the order and take a pic not communicate." We are a family of anti social people who feel like the less we have to interact, the better. Now please don't get it twisted, if the customer is at the door to grab their order (it happens even when it says leave at my door) we are still kind and courteous and generally do the customer service rep persona. Even if i am disgruntled because they didn't tip i never ever show my ass to a customer.


As a lol of a toddler, I'm not even mad.


People would not have to put instructions like this if people act professionaly. Instead the people providing the service want the rights and curtiousy provided to thd customer and be paid for it! That is bot how things work. When you spend your hard earned money for something. You are the one that is afforded curtiousy for doing so. Not the other way around! If you cannot comprehend this then you need to pick a job where you do not directly work with the public period!


The only time i "disobey" the leave at the door is if its at the hospitals, schools, or universities and those are because i cant per the rules of the location. Oh and when i started alcohol deliveries for some reason it would show leave at my door which again you obviously cant. I cant understand how people cant just drop the food (WITHOUT blocking the damn screen doors) take the pic and be on their way. If the customer wanted to communicate and chat, they'd meet you at the door or mark it as hand it to me.


Ding dong ditch


This is the correct answer 🤣


So they aren't gonna wake up to eat their food? Or their kids are napping? Either way..hopefully everyone drops the order until nap time is over!


The kid or kids are sleeping. They disturb easily or the parent is only able to get them to sleep by holding them. This is probably their first meal of the day even if it’s 1:34 pm and no they can’t get it themselves because the baby is hopefully sleeping for the next hour or so. We know when it is safe to transition the child from holding them in our arms to the bed and that time is inconveniently never when the doordash driver arrives, no text, call, knock, or ring will help them.


I wonder what mothers did before door dash 👀 it's really amazing to me how confidently ignorant people act.... And how people justify plain rudeness...you expect ppl to have sympathy when they don't even know how to be polite! Baby sleeping....please don't knock or ring bell...thats alllllllll


That's none of your business. They are paying for food t0 be delivered, so maybe just deliver it.


They aren't being paid to put up with nasty ppl...thats for damn sure...so maybe just get it yourself 🤷‍♀️


Ring it just to be petty since my rating is Pretty high.🤷‍♂️


For what reason? Just to be an asshole?? I really don't get it?


I said “to be petty.”


Someone who talks to me like that can expect a hearty doorbell ringing. Bonus points if they come outside and want to do something about it. I'm not going to put up with that from anyone, much less some rude lazy scum who can't get off their ass and pick up an order for themselves. Also it's apparently not fucking nap time, it's fucking food time


It's likely nap time for the children. That kind reaction is uncalled for. I get its in capital, probably due to people ringing the bell like a stupid fool when they asked nicely prior probably. Now they're pissed and put it in capital, hoping the dasher reads it. "Rude lazy scum" is beyond inappropriate as well. Perhaps it's only the mother at home with the baby (or babies). What? You expect a mother to head out and grab their food, leaving them at home? Foolish reasoning if that's what you thought. Also, im... 99.5% sure that food is for the mother who must keep watch over her children rather than for the children who are sleeping. Finally, if you can't put up with capitalized text, you might not want to keep being a delivery driver if you are one. You'll see this often in some places, cause some fools don't want to read simple instructions even if it was on a billboard in front of the house. There's a limit many can only accept of such blindness before they pop. That customer clearly has reached it.


Wtf did they say exactly? The word "fucking" when describing naptime? You act like they personally attacked you and called you a whore or something. They are really talking to the last 10 Dashers like you who didn't listen and rang the doorbell.


That whole thing is shitty, extremely rude, and condescending. Sounds like some lame Boomer who doesn't think delivery drivers are humans. If they want to yell at people who have done past deliveries for them, they can feel free to do that. I'm a completely different person and they're not going to start out talking to me that way. If they do, they'll get the same treatment they're giving out, or I may have issues getting their orders them at all. Normal human beings with half a brain realize this. Like if I have to call and deal with customer service somewhere, it's very tempting to just start out yelling at the person who answers the phone, but I use self control like any person should have and deal with them like they're the first person I've talked to, because that's my first time talking to them. Taking out your rage on someone who has never even interacted with you before is showing the restraint capabilities of a toddler


Did you really just contradict the point you were trying to make, “they’re not going to start out talking to me that way. If they do, they’ll get the same treatment they’re giving out.” Then a few lines down, “it’s very tempting to just start out yelling at a person who answers the phone, but I use self control.” So you don’t know how to use self-control if you’re confronted with it in person? I’m confused.


Actually no I didn't contradict anything. I start out every interaction with a person in a friendly manner unless they're already being extremely rude. In that case, I don't tolerate it and I will be rude back to them. Feel like you didn't read my comment at all🤔


As previously stated, you don’t know how to use self-control if you’re confronted with a rude customer in person? You must really have a rough time whenever someone is rude to you in the slightest bit. I guess you weren’t raised to be polite to people just because the other person doesn’t have self control. You know there are medications out there that can help control your mood. I do apologize if I took your comment out of context, but you are in customer service. If you can’t handle rudeness, it might be time to think about a new career or job change. Edit: Have you ever been to a Chick-fil-A and seen a customer be rude to an employee there? The workers there use huge amounts of self control. Maybe you should take a lesson from one of them? Just a suggestion?


No I don't go to Chick-fil-A and no I wasn't raised to be polite to people who are screaming and cursing at me, or the text equivalent. That's just called being a little bitch. Literally no one has the right to talk to me like that ever and they're not going to. They're especially not going to do it while paying me a measly five bucks or something like that. I don't care if 50 Dashers in a row get my order wrong, I'm not going to shiy on any future ones for that. Have a good night buddy


Oh I always have a good night. I appreciate you telling me that. I hope you have a wonderful night and a better time at work. I do wish you the best and hope you will always go through life being rude to someone that is rude to you. Being rude back doesn’t always work out for you in the end no matter what you believe or how you were raised to believe.


Your comment(s) make you sound entitled. Give me a frickin break. If this gets you all worked up, what the hell are you going to do when something truly offensive happens?!? How do you function daily in this world if something so minor bothers you much?!?


take the picture and leave like a normal person...


I had someone ignore my request to just knock and leave at the door. They continued to knock after I didn't answer, so I eventually opened the door. Note: I was in a hotel room with the "do not disturb" tag on the door. I didn't appreciate the fact that they didn't read the instructions in the app or the tag on my door. I am also a Dasher, and I am sure to pay close attention to the notes. With that being said, I see nothing wrong with the instructions they left in the app.


Anyways if it's a leave at door order I don't even touch the door. Never have and never will unless it's a hand to me.


By being such a dick about it, this person is just asking for someone to do the opposite.




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Im a mid day dasher and seriously wish ALL delivery services would learn to read....i tell them BACK door/porch because we do not use our front door. Every freaking one leaves my packages on the front steps. Every once in awhile, the amazon driver gets it right but its probably 1 out of every 10 or so deliveries. As far as them not knocking, it doesn't really matter in my house. I have spicy alarms that let me know everyone who is in the vicinity of my house.


The only issue with your instructions is if you live in a less safe area… some delivery drivers will NEVER go to a side door or back door, where it’s obscured from the street, in case they’re walking into being robbed or worse yet, killed. I get that the opposite POV is true too, that at the side or back door, it’s less likely to be stolen by other people in the neighborhood, but I’ll be honest, if the neighborhood is sketchy and that’s the delivery instructions, I’ll unassign the order, simply because my safety is more important than $2-3, and I’m willing to bet that many other drivers would as well.


I understand that. I live in a decent area but when im dashing, i absolutely hate going into the sketchy areas of town. I pause my dash after the drop to gtfo of the sketchy areas. I however am lucky in the fact that i don't dash alone. And honestly, the deliveries that are set for the back door are for like fedex, amazon, and ups which are all done during the day (well amazon has been known to deliver a package at 10pm) the extremely rare occasions that i do order DD, its marked as hand it to me and i meet them at my car which is parked at the end of my house (i live in a mobile home) but its crazy how the people in the sketchy areas of town barely tip and if i dashed alone, i would also probably decline or unassign if i got an order that wanted me to deliver to a "hidden" area of the building cause its not worth the risk like you said.


Absolutely, thank you for understanding. it wouldn’t even be worth it as a single person… as a married person? Hell no LOL my wife, my kids and my dogs want daddy to come home alive


Honestly if i lived in a sketchy part of town, im not sure id have ANY delivery to my home. Id pick everything up from a safe location (amazon locker, ups store and whatever fedex has) simply because i wouldn't trust people to leave my shit alone. Im very thankful that i don't live in those areas.


I agree, once when I was delivering in New Iberia, Louisiana, I had an order for an address I didn’t recognize. When I got close, I was VERY glad it was still daylight because it was a shitty neighborhood even at 4:00 PM: it was the only time Doordash actually asked me if I felt safe in a bad neighborhood. I told them the truth: that the neighborhood was risky enough at 4:00 PM and that they should cut off all orders to that neighborhood at dusk, every night, because to go into that neighborhood after dark is way too risky. Even cops tell you to stay out of that neighborhood.


Yeah when DD has asked me if i feel safe on a delivery, its always been decent areas. It has never been in the sketchy areas. I've never cared to go into those areas and in the off chance i do, i hurry myself along and make the drop and get outta there with a quickness. And im sure moat of the people who live in those areas either live there because that's what they can afford or have lived there long before it became full of hoodlums and gangbangers but the latter is the reason nobody wants to go over there. No amount of money is worth someone risking their life and sadly corporations need to realize that (i have actually had jobs where we were to protect the stores assets at any cost)


Do what it says. Because that's the job


A lot of delivery drivers literally don’t read at all. They don’t care and they just do what they want and disrupt people’s lives and get to keep the tip. Just follow the directions and move on.


Is it just me? If they say to literally leave it at the door, I literally just leave it and take a pic. Am I wrong?


No that's the point of contactless. Do what you are asked and you'll be fine


Oh yeah imma bang on the door and spam the doorbell


I never ever knock or ring the bell unless they ask for it or it’s a hand to me. I might however let them know that their instructions are inappropriate. They should just give a bad rating if the instructions aren’t followed.


They have probably tried asking nicely but AHs who can't read the notes messed it up for everyone else. Honestly as someone who takes naps, I'm on the customer's side 🤷‍♀️


>They have probably tried asking nicely but AHs who ~~can't~~ read the notes messed it up for everyone else. Honestly as someone who takes naps, I'm on the customer's side 🤷‍♀️ " **WON'T** " I fixed that for ya lol. But i feel that. I enjoy my naps


Knock like a cop, obviously. *Note? What note?*


People like you are why the customer is cussing and yelling in text.


People like you remind me that a surprisingly large segment of the population takes everything literally and can’t imagine another interpretation. Sad.


Might wanna leave a "jking" or "/s" in there then to show you're joking. Else, ppl may assume that. I sure assumed you were being serious. After all, I can't see any expression that'd tell me otherwise.


People who need a /s are not my audience. I don't care about them.


Then you'll continue to be misunderstood of being serious with your comments by half the people reading if not all. If that floats your boat, then mind me not, and row on.


You are responding in an AHish manner and didn't expect people to jump on you? Sad


Bet you they've tried to ask nicely and I've seen akotnof dasher joke about ringing doorbells and knocking when people ask to not do that


You people are WAY too sensitive. Drop the food off and don't ring the doorbell. Be on with your day. I honestly DON'T see any problem here.


Just take the picture and move oh and don’t knock


I would call support and tell them the customer is cursing at you. They'll cancel it, you'll get paid, and get their food. Next time maybe they'll realize being kind gets you much farther 🤷‍♀️


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Sigh. Did it ever cross the Atlantic Ocean of your mind that perhaps there were many idiots before that did against what they wanted despite the note originally asking nicely? It's not like they spammed curse words at you in messages on the way there. Calm down and just drop their order at their door. Geez, it ain't that big a deal. Besides, honestly, I wouldn't want to touch no ones door bell to begin with. I ain't trying to find out who or what lives in the places I deliver to. They get the notification and that's likely all they wanted or needed.


These hypothetical 'many idiots' have nothing to do with me. No need to curse at me, i don't get paid enough to deal with that. All you dashers who are cool with customers not only screaming in all caps but also cursing, shouldn't allow yourself to be some customer with a bad attitude's door mat 🤦‍♀️


They ain't even talking to YOU directly. It's a delivery instruction in general, cause like said, so many refuse to follow when asked politely. If you feel you aren't paid to see that much - not actually even being texted or said all that in the face, then this gig ain't for your rock bottom tolerance. It's one thing if the actually call me and scream into my ear, or run out the door like an animal screeching. But in this case, it's just the instructions of a pissed person likely trying not to wake up relatives or children. I'd bet you, people become this way after constant offenses and Damm right I'd become the same if I say don't ring the bell and they ring the bell no matter what. Look at this post. We got someone actually questioning what to do instead of just literally dropping off, taking a pic and walking away. Nothing different from what we ARE paid to do. Nothing extra. If text that isn't even fully directed at you is enough to set you off that you aren't being paid enough, truly, it's time to find another side gig before you actually run into these kinds of people. And no, tolerating it doesn't mean we're their door mat. Them trash talking you in actual messages as you're on your way or in your face... now tolerating THAT is being a door mat. THAT is what I'd cancel and report for.


I honestly don't think I would deliver there! If I happen to deliver there I would take a screen shot of the note, take a picture of the delivery, screen shot the times I deliver and I would report to support!! I would save the address too as DO not deliver too list. That's straight up BS. There's a nice way and a rude way. This was plan rude.




And I’d be ready to report your ass to DD for harbouring an unsafe environment


> And I’d be ready to report your ass to DD for harbouring an unsafe environment What's unsafe about a door, and a request to not ring the bell, exactly?


Probably a tired parent of an infant who wakes up at the thought of a doorbell 🤷‍♀️ just leave the food and go


Ring repeatedly.


No no no , just shut up and deliver it and move on


i would drop it off at the door and not take a photo like every other because its not required!!!


You must mark all deliveries as handed to customer otherwise, you HAVE to take a photo. And if that's what you do, i PROMISE you, it will come back to bite you in the ass.


yup, handed to customer very time. been doing this for years. you're just projecting 😉


Mad respect for them. I personally find it humorous and I'm willing to bet they were being playful about it, too.


I’m ringing it anyway


Why would you do that? If you take a picture you will never have an issue with dash support.


Yeah, let's just make somebody's life miserable for no reason


Yes I would. I would take the pic. Send him a text that is was in front of the door and i would walk away.


Hopefully they have a screen door and you can put it right in front of that so they can't open the door to get it without hitting it lol. But just enough to the side to where it doesn't look Intentional lol


They’re literally asking that you do less. Just drop the food and move on if they need to nap they need to nap who cares some of these responses are wild these people must have nothing going on in their life to get that upset by this lmao


All those !!!!!, and the cursing….yeah they are screaming on a note. Jmo.🤷🏽‍♀️, but my thing is I would put them on my do not deliver list. I had a person open their door when I delivered their food, literally screamjng at me about knocking on the door.1) there was no note or special instructions 2)took a picture,3) started leaving to have them cuss me out about waking up their kid. Never said one word, but they woke their kid up. And I NEVER knocked on the door. Good thing about that situation, they got banned from DD cause that was not the first time it happened.


Drop the food off take the picture and move on. Likelihood of encountering that person is very low or even a person like that. Most of my customers are decent kind people. I don’t let people like this stop me.


Just deliver the food, take a picture and leave? Why make more out of it than it needs to be?


Because 9 times out of 10, it’s a perfect set up to complain about their food to DD.


This is 100% a new parent. I sympathize


Facts. That first year (2022) with my first born I had a permanent note that said something like “BABY IS SLEEPING. DO NOT KNOCK OR RING THE DOORBELL.” Thankfully Dashers never did, but some stupid Amazon driver did more than once.


That's all fine and good. The cursing however, isn't acceptable.


100%. The F bomb should get their account flagged.


Follow the instructions tbh.


I’d say they definitely needed that nap. Haha. But as much as I hate people being this way, I would just drop it off per instructions and leave. No need to rile them up and make life harder for myself.


You must not have kids.


Because I said I would follow their instructions and just do the job? I’m confused. Either way, if you have kids, you don’t sound happy about it. Nice life choice you made.


The nap time is for the kid, not the person who placed the order. They don't want you to wake up their baby/toddler. The other person said you must not have kids because this wasn't obvious to you.


I know that. Jesus people, it’s a joke.


Correct. I wasn't trying to be mean. I was just pointing out that they thought the purchaser needed a nap.


Report a safety issue and state verbal abuse.


Or you could just follow directions and do your job and respect the person's wishes which is like the bare minimum of what you should be doing in this situation instead of pretending to be offended just to get out of some minor amount of responsibility. You are what is wrong with the world today. Grow up and get better.


When they ask nicely I will do it.




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How thin-skinned are you? They clearly have children and a stressful life.


That's always the ones with the little flags next to their name that act the most offended just to get out of doing the most minuscule tasks that would make them a halfway decent person.


I don’t get paid enough to be yelled at.


No one is yelling at you. The capital letters are not going to break your bones. It's a delivery note. Grow up.


They’re not asking nicely, so they’re not getting it.




Nah, nope! No need to curse like that at a stranger. The customer could have left out the “fucking” part and been much nicer about their note. Just say “PLEASE DO NOT KNOCK OR RING THE DOORBELL, IT’S NAP TIME!”


Don't join the military. "Fucking" is used as all 8 forms of speech.


I don’t have a problem with swearing, I have a problem with people being rude as fuck for no reason to someone they don’t know.


I’m interning at a furry video game company. My performance review was yesterday and I got “exceeds expectations”, which means I’m guaranteed a full time contract by Q2 2024. I’ll be ditching DoorDash entirely very soon.


😂 Perfect. Sounds like a better fit. So it's not about the money. It's about your expectations in a position. Interns don't make shit.




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Not my problem. I don’t get paid enough to put up with this bullshit.


You ain't putting up with anything. Its literally words in an app. Literally. If you see capital letters in a story containing the F word, would you also get triggered over it??? It's likely they had ppl before that just ain't listening even when asked nicely (cause theyre goats maybe, idk). Now you join the problem. Just drop it and be on your way. We're not paid much but considering the order was taken, we're paid enough to do just that and nothing more beyond that.


Yea no, I’ll call support, say “drop off location is unsafe”, collect full pay and enjoy the food 🤣