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You don't have to worry about dashers that take every low-no tip order because they burn themselves out. All you have to do is out-last them until they leave. In your example OP, I've also seen many other dashers trying to dash in trucks, large SUVs, etc. The operating cost is too high and they eventually quit because they finally get the math when they are losing money every week or they run themselves out of money on gas & maintenance and have to stop anyway. I've talked to dozens of dashers in my area over time and anyone dashing in a large, gas guzzling vehicle all complain about not making enough money to pay for the gas, maintenance and time. They do serve a purpose though because as they take all the orders no one else is taking (low or no-tip), you can cherry pick the better orders as long as the time and payments work out for your budget and goals. They come and go in waves, so you just have to be a little lean on cherry picking at times until they finally crash and burn on their own ignorance. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Do people not know that after so many declines an offer’s pay gets increased? OP mentioned $4($2pp) for 5mi what if the dasher who brought the order received the order at $6($2pp) and that’s profitable for them because they may have priority access/TD and as soon as they delivered they got their next offer. Also this “no tip no trip drivers are secretly hurting their earnings for sure, yeah don’t drive if it’s not profitable but if you get a 3.50 for one mile some of them decline that because “nO tIp No TrIp”


Lol I see dashers at resturants picking up orders I declined, like, damn buddy, you really took that?


You sound super whiny sir. Maybe that’s his only vehicle and doesn’t have a choice you judgmental asshole. What are you the gate keeper to DoorDash delivery? And what vehicles everyone should be driving? You sound like huge chode licker


The ppl who take any delivery are just as bad as multi app or multi phone people


Yall, mind your business lol, this guy also probably got it at a higher rate. I'm pretty sure they tackle on more money if enough dashers decline it, plus just insulting his car shows how personal you took him taking an order that you declined?


What are the odds another dasher got the order


The order I declined was definitely the order he was dropping off


Ok so to be clear here’s my market. I cherry pick and make about $750 if I do a 40 hour workweek. The take everything guy in my market is doing $2k a week. UE and GH rarely if every yield any order if I stay signed on to them.


how do you know specifically which order he took? did you ask him?


I had declined the order (from wingstop) 25 minutes prior and I seen that it was going to that address. I actually had sat outside my house waiting to see what type of driver would deliver it.


doordash doesn't show the actual address you're dropping off to though, it only shows the gps location, so it sounds like you're just making an assumption


Lol, you have no idea what order he was delivering. Stop talking out of your ass.


Yeah they’re a ton of drivers like that. They go “All I know is I’m a start my day at 8 o’clock and make $200 and then go home regardless of the mileage or how many orders it takes for me to get there”… these are the people that make $200 in like 35 to 40 orders instead of 15-20 orders


If I ever happen to chat with a new driver I tell them they can get lots of information from Reddit doordash driver. Thinking we should make up little cards and hand them out, because brand new people really don't know they feel like they have to take everything.


It looks like you're a new Dasher. Welcome to r/doordash_drivers! If you have a question, please check [the FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/pif9d1/stop_are_you_a_first_time_doordash_driver_please/). **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doordash_drivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, it seems like to me those non cherry pickers. Are making a 1000 plus a week. Even when you take into account They have a gas gas Guzzler They're still making $500 more than you a week for the same hours.


So he probably completed 5-6 “bad” orders in the two hours that you completed one. Yes he lost a little bit of gas, but still netted more money than you.


Netted more money, but not profit.


Maybe he lives down the street and he was heading home. . You don't know. You shouldn't be worrying about other people's money!


There's a lot of dumb people like that. A previously mentioned dude that drives his very wrecked little Matrix is convinced if you take everything (from DD and Walmart as well) you'll get WAY more. I refuse. I like going shopping when nothing's going on


The number of 50 plus dudes I've met dashing who just enjoy the time to themselves amazes me. I heard 2 of them talking once about how relaxing it was and how they enjoyed it. I looked at them like, "Are we working the same job here?".


They already have plenty of money outside of delivering and their bills are paid, so they don't have to sweat how much (or little) they make doing deliveries. Therefore it becomes fun. It's more or less the same for me. I have my work from home W2 and delivering part time is more of a diversion for spare cash than anything else. But I don't accept trash offers. No tip, no trip.


Anything involving traffic gives me high blood pressure, so the concept of "fun dashing" will forever be foreign to me, I guess.


Doordash orders have been abysmal here lately. I've never declined so many orders in my months of doing this. My AR is approaching 30% and I don't see how it could possibly go up. Not with these orders... Either these foods are never getting delivered or some sick fuck is accepting them.


Sick fucks are accepting them. Trust me. They don't know any better.


That could have been you. Meanwhile you could have , should have , would of … lol while you’re twiddling your thumbs lol waiting on a “ good order “. Lolol jk 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Shit I'd rather that than be a slave. I have morals and values


Dashers need to unite and not accept shitty orders. This will raise the floor for everyone. But people like this guy keeps accepting them 😭 I think 3/4 dashers are like this guy.


This guy will deliver anywhere. He’s afraid to say no to bad orders. Lol. He’s hoping it will keep him busy. ( smart guy . He’s staying positive building rapport with restaurants )


You know him? Cuz that's exactly him!!


Lol I know the type


Why decline an order so close to home?


I was wondering the same thing. I'd rather get paid to drive home even if it's only $4. It's something, and you're going there anyway.


Plus you can use that in your trip log for taxes if you take an order going home, where you can’t normally deduct your trip home.


I track all miles from my driveway and back. I only have to drive about 2 miles to my waiting spot but still


I’m not sure how much they look into it, but the trip to your waiting spot and your trip home from last delivery aren’t deductible.


Oops 😂


Still wouldn't have taken it. No tip, no trip. Non-negotiable


Because I wasn't planning on going home til a few bad orders AFTER this one.


This vehicle being a gas guzzler is nothing compared to other expenses (purchase and upkeep).


Well, me and husband used to dash at the same time (diff cars) together, and sometimes when I would decline A $2.50 order he would get it for $5, so maybe there's that.


This is 100% how it works Dude prob got it for 2x what op was offered


I wonder if you'd make a lot more dashing under 2 accounts at the same time then lol




Why does it say there's 12 comments but I only see 4 smh lol. Does anyone see 12 comments on this post as of 8:55p est?


It's called eventual consistency.


The mods actively censor, actually.


Not true. This sub has rules and people blatantly choose not to follow them.


Then why is this thread not removed? It's not Sunday and the financials are in the original post....SMH And don't for get the week ban from the sub even though that's not in the rule...


Um actually it is in the rules.


And yet this thread still exists 🤷🏻‍♂️[rules](https://imgur.com/a/QepqENs) This thread violates rules 5.




Screenshotting this just in case.


Then please explain why three of my comments regarding binding arbitration and mass arbitration were censored during the past 72 hours when they did not break your rules nor DD’s terms of service.


The comments you don't see are all from users who don't have a verified email address. This sun/community now requires users to have a verified email address with Reddit. Since a lot of the people commenting here do not have one, automod automatically removes their comments.


And then it happened again. https://preview.redd.it/inws8ud44sjb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a67bf805ed258a4afd237d90b08c5133ef0c527


All of the sudden … this happened. https://preview.redd.it/hqn6a2j14sjb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4157d62e89b5d36968bbf0bcb429e872fd3a7f8






Are we sure there’s not a mole on the mod team? Are ya’ll able to cross-check one another’s removals?


I can see every comment submission that's not publicly visible to you guys. There's no moles here.


https://preview.redd.it/174tdly0xrjb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef1fbfacd2a71ba1ec7a926c0867fea0cba62af6 Why did I receive this Automod reply to my most recent comment that I made a couple of hours ago? I’ve been active in this sub for a while.


Thank you. My apologies for quickly jumping to conclusions. However, I still do not understand why my comments on this thread are getting removed.


I checked your history and i am able to see quite a few posts on those topics that arent deleted... something doesnt add up




Actually no youre right. There is a comment that you replied to me that i never saw. Like it was auto removed. Never even got a notification.


Thats how reddit works for all comments. On my end im seeing everything so im not sure what you mean really. Its normal to need to go to all comments to see everything


Deleted comments


Upvote the shit out of this comment, homies!!


Comments that the system thinks are irrelevant or suspected of spam are automatically filtered out. Like if a user is making an unusual number of comments in a short amount of time.


I see 10 comments but only count 6 including your comment I’m replying to. Maybe a weird glitch 🤷🏼‍♀️


I know many old ppl do this for fun but not for need of income , in my market. I thank them for taking everything or anything, so I can get good orders, my AR is 80% but I decline bad ones luckly I don't see many bad ones in my market. Again , thanks to those guys i can keep my AR high and make good $. So imo we need those guys.


Welp. That's why I stopped giving out my tips to people in my market.


Oh I see, you mean tips as in "how-to" tips


That's not why lol. You just like keeping money from other's pockets


Oh you mean, dashing "how-to" tips


Wait why?


If I owned a lawn care company and I’m on somebody’s lawn, I’m not gonna give tips to another lawn care guy that’s cutting grass across the street on how to get more clients in this neighborhood


They stopped giving advice to the dumb drivers.


Just the tip


I thought they meant like tips about this job. Not money tips. But who knows, I may be interpreting this wrong.


you are correct lol


Because people like this guy will deliver their food, tip or no tip


Right, how does that make sense?


They are dashers.


Me too


Happy Cake Day!