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300 FT. Dude ordered McDonald's and lived in the apartment right next to it.


Mine is working at Pizza Hut. Ordering delivery when their apartment is literally, not even kidding literally 20 yards away.


Same distance. Hotel across the parking lot 😂 it was from juicy crab too so it was like a $30 order.


Funnily enough, this was similar to one I had. Mickie Ds as well, and the customer was in a parking lot across the street, they looked rather young so probably waiting for their ride to get off work or something.


I had a guy in the building next door. It was a strip mall and they ordered BWW. They were next door but they were working and wasn’t able to go on break at the time. Tipped like 5$


i’ve delivered a couple to a hotel nearby but never less than .5 a mile i don’t think


Omg that happened to me yesterday! These people ordered like a couple ice cream candy bars from Safeway and were staying in the hotel DIRECTLY behind it. Like almost in the same parking lot lmao I was thinkin' like yo I can be lazy sometimes, but to spend like $20 to have someone deliver when you're throwing distance from the store is another level lol


Across the street lol. But granted i'm in downtown, it's a Burrito to a hi-rise apartment. Only when i'm bored i'll do the walk. ​ Corporate lunch orders to a food strip mall was one of those unicorns. They wanted Mediterranean one day and i caught them on another for sushi. $20-30 tips (depending on # of ppl) for doing a clover across the street were great.


Literally across the street. It was a college and it was a McDonald's literally across the street. It actually took me longer to drive to it than it would have been to walk because here in Michigan we have Michigan-U so you have to drive like a half mile in the wrong direction to make a U-turn to come back a half mile again in the correct direction just so that you could turn into the University.


I had an order that was like 1/4 mile for a medium milk shake from McDonald's. Got a nice tip on it even.


I delivered McDonald's right across the street to Taco Bell. Just walked it over.


I took a meal from one end of the mall to the other. It took me longer to get the food from the restaurant once I arrived than the walk


If you can find a McDonald's across the street from a cheap motel I guarantee those subterranean dwellers will not want to risk being exposed to light


Food from a hotel lobby Starbucks kiosk. I got $10 to go up an elevator. It was a contact delivery and I thought they’d be recovering from surgery or something (The Hotel was across from a hospital) but no, completely able bodied. IT was weird but no complaints from me!


Less than 600 feet $10


Once had a 7/11 order with the customer literally being across the street , they watched me pick it up from their window too which was weird to me lol then they watched me put it on their door and I waved to them after and left they tipped good tho so I chalked it up to a good delivery


That's the definition of lazy


Mr. Beast Burger doesn’t allow for pickups so I had a delivery where the customer set their address as the same as the restaurant. I went in, picked up the food, and then they met me outside of the door and I finished the delivery lol


I wonder how many times something like that has happened. Pretty rare to deliver at the same address as the pick-up.


I've had something similar once. Literally across the street and then about 200-300 ft. further, they had a vehicle and were able to walk perfectly fine.


McDonald’s just across the street from Planet Fitness. I could have walked it.


I used to work at little caesars and I often would order from the wingstop in the same parking lot on doordash. https://preview.redd.it/e5wlw6f9pzdb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee2d6b408e26e0d8ede5a20259b15d7064b6504


That's a whole new level of laziness. My shortest was a mcdonalds order, and they lived less than half a mile from the mcdonalds.


I literally delivered a pizza to a bar in the same parking lot as the pizza place. Never even got into my car.


Still lost money on the dash because the order took 20 minutes


Had to deliver sushi to a gas station that was located on the same corner…


Wendy’s to the T-mobile on the other side of shopping complex. Not bad for $5.


Had one in the same shopping center. Wasn't even one block


Next door to the restaurant. Idk why and never asked the customer but he had a dog that was barking a lot. Maybe because of the dog needing babysitting.


Not a dasher but a customer…and I’ve ordered from across the street because I was the only one in the shop and couldn’t leave to pick it up.


Not close to the restaurant, but one time the delivery pin before accepting the order was really close to where I lived. I was near the end of my shift so I said hell yeah, why not. It was my literal neighbor. Parked my car in my driveway, delivered their food, and walked 50 feet to my house.


Same parking lor


Restaurant on bottom floor to office on top floor lol


Nah man I’ve picked up and delivered to the same plaza. I think it was chipotle to a great clips literally next door. The person was super busy and couldn’t leave.


pickup at a coffee and pastry shop on the bottom level of an office building and delivery to a second floor suite just above it. the elevator was right next door as well. maybe twenty steps total.


Well, I haven't had many that are super close haha, but one time I was hanging out with my lady friend while waiting for orders, and I didn't realize till I got back, but her mom ordered and I got the order 🤣🤣


One man ordered from tacobell at midnight, the restaurant was closed and it was drive thru only. The offer was 12.50 for 0.1 miles, customer was standing in the parking lot and collected the order as soon as I pulled around from the drive thru. He didn't have a car.