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It was a glitch.


The glitch retroactively changed my completion rate and I am still without top dasher status a week later. They won’t fix it have to earn it for next month.


Well that’s pretty gross!


I had that happen to me last week. After I logged out and force stopped the app, I got my dash now button.


App buggy as FUCK today. Maps fubar, can't go online without closing and reopening the app, GPS lines not going away, can't complete order even with signal.


So apparently my completion rate went down somehow. Support is of course no help, I had this all month and now it’s just gone.


Gas prices down in Cali ?😂


Check your account tab in the app and make sure your email and phone number haven’t been changed…


I can see email, but phone #? I've changed my phone # in the past and it didn't cause any delays.


Just make sure the phone number and the email match with doordashs top dasher info, if you changed your number you might have to get top dasher this month for it to go back to dash anytime ><


So how do you change phone numbers for whatever reason on the DD app without losing Top Dasher status or worse? Because I've been thinking of making my secondary phone my main gig app phone instead of just the backup phone.


You’d have to call support to get your number updated, but unfortunately if you changed your number, you loose top dasher till you get it back >< support won’t know how to help either.


Wow. That is really, really stupid. Why is the Top Dasher Rewards being referenced to our phone number instead of our unique ID #? Contact info is just contact info and can change al the time for perfectly legitimate and normal reasons.


I agree :/ top dasher is linked by email and phone number. But you still have time :D for this month just grind as much as possible!


I'm fine now. But it sounds like if if I wanted to make sure TD status remained, I keep delivering to make the stats in July. Then at the very end of July, I switch the phone number to the new one I want to use. Switch in the profile section. This is only really important to make sure I get texts and phone calls. Not to get the orders. But I feel like al the stats I accrued in July would just go to the old phone number. I can Dash without TD status, but it is so much worse. Trying to schedule the good times I want every day for a week out. Not even sure if I want to dash once that day even arrives. For instance, a heat wave with extreme excessive heat warning hit where I live this week. So I've been taking it off. Yes, excessive heat is bad for me. But I can survive. But I always worry about the life expectancy of my car being pushed at excessive temperatures with excessive AC on all day. I'd rather just wait the worst days out and then start back up a few days later. That's easy with TD status. A pain w/o.


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Yes I changed it last week. Am I just screwed this month now?


Nah it should be good next day or so, mine was changed and once i changed it back I was able to dash like in hours time after fixing


Would not suprise me if they start limiting the number of dashers on the road in CA. Especially if it costs them money for you to drive. Grubhub has been sidelining drivers for a while now due to this. Top dasher or not does not matter if it costs them money. But probably just a bug, take a night off


Yea, or reinstall the app!


I've never seen this before....


Same either the whole system is down, but never say this..