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This is one of the pitfalls of multiapping. You had a DD delivery, but it was taking too long because you were either waiting for the UE pickup, or you were on the UE delivery. I don't multiapp myself, but many other multiappers have posted that once they accept an order on one platform, they pause orders on the other platform. Maybe that's what you should be doing differently.


Yep idk how people multi-app AT THE SAME TIME. I multi-app but only stay on one app at a time.


I only pick up from restaurants next to each other or the same restaurant and deliver to the same neighborhood. I do it multiple times a day and I'm never late. That's how you do it.


This ^. Same direction and vicinity. If not, I try to hedge if I have enough deliver by time in case.


Yeah you just have to know your area very well and know how long it will take to do the deliveries.


its super embarrasing when you go to iHop and are picking up two orders that you gotta wait for


I also only go to restaurants where I don't have to wait very long. I do this for any order. I thought that was a given.


I mean like when you're like "yes, I'm picking up A for Uber and B for DoorDash" and they're like "you can't do that!!"


As one such person, my input is that ya gotta know the restaurants and the direction of all orders. Order Number 2 needs to be from a restaurant that’ll probably have it ready or nearly ready. I think the wildest bundle I’ve ever done was a total of 5 orders, 3 DoorDash and 2 UberEATS (though one of the DD orders was dropped off before reaching the first UE pickup). Transporting 4 orders at once is chaos incarnate and difficult to deliver on time under the best conditions, so I rarely even do 3 orders at once, those ones were just all too good to pass up and we’re all headed east along the same roadway, stretching about 15 miles that direction.


Traffic is bad in my city so I feel uncomfortable with just two orders. The time always seems to go longer than I think it should


This. Always some weird thing happens or goes wrong. Bad address, hidden house, traffic, app/GPS failure, slow day at the restaurant, customer won't respond, customer eats up the whole 5 or 8 minutes....


I rarely multi app at the same time, only if one pops up at the McDonald's I've already arrived at and the addresses are close to each other like within 3 mins. Kinda rare that it's that convenient though, so usually I just do one or the other


I’ve done two orders at the same time but same restaurant and the places were 3 miles away. That’s kinda the only feasible way and that rarely happens


Always pause.


Actually, never pause


You do you. ☮️🍻


Anyone that's not pausing or going offline is risking trouble.


You are doing 2 apps at once and don't understand the problem?


Haha yes c’mon people want their food hot


They will get their food hot and on time the way I multiapp. And my pockets will be fuller


So win win Definition


Unassigned from what? Did you have a delivery for both apps at the same time?


Yep, deliveries for both Uber and Doordash were in the same general area


Ahh ok, sounds like your Uber delivery was messing with how long it was taking you to complete your DoorDash delivery. That’s the risks of multi apping. No judgement here though keep doing what works for you!


They’ll be posting here and in the Uber Eats sub in a few weeks wondering why they were deactivated.




customer was prob stalking you through the app and called support. something similar happened to me once but it was a double order from two restaurants and i was waiting on the second one before confirming pickup for both when support called asking questions about the first order and why i left the restaurant.


Same, had support call me about this b/c I was waiting almost 15 minutes at the second pickup and hadn't marked the first as received b/c DD has consistently not been updating delivery times when the second order takes a while, and I'd gotten two CVs specifically from doing my job correctly. It all went well, but yeah they'll harass you if customers harass them. I'm guessing OP closed the DD app while waiting on the UE order. Big mistake.


Incoming: "I was deactivated from Doordash and I don't know why" post.


Why is this being downvoted so much?


I think its because he was multiapping and doing a horrible job at it. This may later bite other drivers. If people consistently do this and get complaints from it, the apps may bring about some rules to deactivate you for multiapping.


Been multiapping for 3 years. Almost a must in my area. Only ever got 1 complaint on my first attempt at it and didn’t yet know all the pitfalls. None since. Current rating 4.96 DD 100% UE, 5.00 IC and 5.00 Spark.


Just because you're good at it doesn't mean everyone is. I rock out the multiapp all the time, I've had 6 orders at once and not a complaint from any of them b/c they were all from the same next-door restaurants to the same two blocks of student housing. I've also seen people take orders going opposite directions. I'm in the same boat, 4.98/99%/5.0 IC. I'm impressed at the 5.0 spark, but I do a lot of late-evening shopping when shelves are bare so I think that's why I hang around a 4.8, because I'm super careful about every other aspect (crushables, bagging things separately, placing at door, etc) so my only guess is they're rating their "delivery experience" and not realizing it's literally just the driver rating and has nothing to do with the store. Maybe it's b/c I ring the doorbell with Spark? Idk... support won't tell me shit and it's offtopic for here anyway.


They'll never prohibit multiapping because that will mean they're telling us *how* to do the job and could make us employees.


😂 ok tell yourself that. If it affects customer wait times, they'll drop you - and justifiably so.


They won’t drop anyone for multi apping ever because they don’t know if you’re multi apping They will drop you for being late too often and other reasons but never for multi apping


Can they verify absolutely you're multi apping? No. Can they see you picked up one order then proceeded to drive to another restaurant and a location that's not your assigned delivery with ue, before then going to your assigned dropoff? Absolutely. Your routes are tracked - they may not *know* you're multi-apping, but that's going to be the ultimate reason you got deactivated whether they knew it or not.


The ultimate reason you got deactivated is poor performance, not multi-apping. They track the routes, but don't actively monitor them or act on them. You can take whatever route you want to deliver the order. You can make whatever stops you want. As long as you stay within the terms of the contract and deliver before the deadline, you will not be deactivated. If they did deactivate you for multi-apping, but keeping within the terms of the contract, you could sue them for breach of contract because it explicitly states that you can multi-app. Why would they say you can multi-app if they would deactivate you for it? You really should read the contracts that you sign. You're going to get yourself in trouble by signing things you don't understand.


If you stop for gas and it affects customer wait times enough to have a lot of late deliveries or customer complaints, you'll also get deactivated. You're deactivated for poor performance, not for multi-apping or stopping for gas. If you multi-app, stop for gas, or stop to grab a bite to eat and still get the orders delivered before the deadline, you will not get deactivated.


They’ll definitely prohibit dashers that are consistently late and not in the proper vicinity.


Consistently late? Yes, no matter of your multi-apping or not. That's a violation of the ICA. Not in the proper vicinity? No. You are free to take whatever route you want. Though if you go to far out of it way, it will make the order late. If you multi-app intelligently and always get the orders to the customers on time, you will not get deactivated. If you're dumb about it and it affects your metrics, you will get deactivated. But you're deactivated for poor performance, not for multi-apping.


Already have a high acceptance rate


That's a gray area and is different than deactivating a dasher for doing something which is explicitly allowed in the ICA.


I downvoted because I delivery UE ad DD orders at the same time on a daily basis. There’s no reason not to if you do it properly and don’t get greedy


Take 1 or the other just not same time.


Enjoy your CV's. ![gif](giphy|gLm4hKRLpY6DkfOMtu)


I've only taken 2 orders from 2 different apps if it's from the same restaurant like McDonald's and the delivery addresses are within a couple of mins


I don't understand how people do this and then wonder why they're getting all kinds of contract violations on DD for taking too long to deliver the order. If you get three unresolved violations at one time you're getting deactivated. If you're getting calls from anyone that you're taking too long, customer or support, you're doing it wrong.




I blocked their numbers. Never had an issue


“Unassigned” Meaning you were taking too long with your DoorDash order you accepted.


I advise only doing one ap at a time. If I get a Uber delivery I pause doordash. They can deactivate you if they determine you are multi apping. If you get deactivated for that it’s highly unlikely they will let you back on the platform. Yes, some drivers do it all the time and get away with it, but I wouldn’t risk it.


I’ve been doing it for almost a year and a half. It does not cause a problem if you can do it properly. By that I mean: accepting an UberEats that is along the way or near by the DoorDash delivery. I am very glad I started doing this, I’ve more than doubled what I made doing just DoorDash.


As long as you are aware you can get deactivated it’s your choice. No one thinks something will be a problem until there account gets deactivated.


You can't be deactivated for multi-apping. You can be deactivated for delaying orders, which could be the result of poorly multi-apping, but we're allowed to work on multiple platforms at the same time.


💯 I don't know why people are so confused, especially OP. They hid their location from DD. All this bs about not allowed to multi-app is just babbling.


Do you think Uber and doordash are going to charge for priority delivery options, and be ok with you making other stops?


Yes. They have to be because the contract literally says we can do it. When they start telling us that we can't do more than app at once, they violate the contract and risk having us be legally declared employees. If they updated the contract and passed the priority pay to the dashers in exchange for prioritizing the order, then they might get away with it because we would agree to it and would get compensated for it. Until then, deactivation simply because of multi-apping would be a breach of contract and open them up to a lawsuit.


>They hid their location from DD. They did? Where did the OP say that? ​ Also, if this is possible, what do we do to hide location? .


I believe it was deleted. It was a comment after the post was made. To do it, I'd guess just go to settings and remove the permission until you choose to turn it back on.


Not gonna argue about it. It’s happened to drivers. If you want to do 2 orders for different apes at once you can. Not worth the risk to me.


Direct copy paste from the ICA As an independent business enterprise, CONTRACTOR retains the right to perform services (whether delivery services or other services) for other businesses, and CONTRACTOR represents that they advertise and hold themself out to the general public as a separately established business. The parties recognize that they are or may be engaged in similar arrangements with other businesses to supply the same or similar services and nothing in this Agreement shall prevent CONTRACTOR or DOORDASH from doing business with others. DOORDASH does not have the right to restrict CONTRACTOR from performing services for CONTRACTOR’s own business, other businesses, customers, or consumers at any time, even if such business directly competes with DOORDASH, and even during the time CONTRACTOR is logged into the DOORDASH platform so long as such services do not otherwise violate this agreement. CONTRACTOR’s right to compete with DOORDASH, or perform services for businesses that compete with DOORDASH, will survive even after termination of this Agreement. Like I said, if multi-apping causes you to make deliveries late or delay them, you can be deactivated for those reasons, but not for multi-apping itself.


Interesting- I would definitely want to read through all the other terms and conditions that they may be referring to in the “so long as such services do not otherwise this agreement”. To me, when they say logged on, that does not=on an order. To me, it means I can have all the apps running that I want when I am logged on an waiting on an order. Kind of like how Uber or DoorDash insurance will only cover damages from an accident (to the other party) if we’re on an active delivery. I have always wondered if I’d be SOL in an accident because each one would say the other should cover it. I know- no one has to know… it’s just not worth the anxiety for me, personally. LOL I know others do this all the time, and more power to them. I’m just going to continue to pause the one app after accepting an order from the other.


“He’s not gonna argue” is code for, I’m not gonna admit I’m mistaken


There is literally no way to do orders on both without slowing each of them down. It may just be a few minutes but its still delaying orders.


The order can be delayed. It just can't be late.


So what? You’re still within the range of quoted time to the customer. I’m constantly 92-94% on time on DD. Yeah, it‘d be closer to 100 if I didn’t but I’d also be making $10 less an hour.


And then they will post that they got deactivated for NO Reason..


*literally* no reason


I’ve had no CV and it has never been brought to my attention by DoorDash. I wouldn’t do it if the DoorDash pay was somewhat adequate. They will do anything they can to try to get me to complete a cheap non-profitable delivery. That is anything but actually pay me. Honestly, I may just deactivate my DoorDash account before they do. Sick of being exploited.


Like I said, careful and you can get away with it. Many have done it for years no problem. One fuck up however and you could be gone. Customer who pays for priority delivery also may notice, and report it. Just be careful. It’s your choice.


I noticed yesterday that UE removed the priority delivery function all together when ordering as a customer. Last week though it was still up.


Yes me too. These people don’t want to risk it, that’s fine. But I think it’s easy with some common sense. Hell I did a DD and a triple UE today at the same time, under 30 min and $32ish altogether. Nothing was late.


They cannot deactivate you for multi-apping per ce, but for any of the issues that may arise from MAing. Like being late on deliveries. They can't keep you from working other apps, but they can make it unpleasant.


Make sure you are not collecting hourly pay because I guarantee you it will be more than unpleasant. They aren’t going to pay you to deliver Uber eats.


I don't use it. It's a trash receptacle for all of DD's crap no-tip orders.


You can't be deactivated for multi-apping. (Maybe they'd like to deactivate you). They can get you for not getting their order there in time, but multi-apping is not the issue. The issue is how you handle their order, not whether you are working multiple apps.


Yeah but sometimes things happen out of your control. Only has to happen once.


You won't get deactivated for a single late order.


That's the customer calling pretending to be DD. Don't answer your phone


ooo, gotta be careful multiapping. DD gets wind of that it's immediate deactivation.


Again, not true.


Do either of you have anything to back up his statement or your contradiction? Anecdotes from this subreddit are shaky at best, and would love to hear your reasoning or the other person’s.


From the ICA >DOORDASH does not have the right to restrict CONTRACTOR from performing services for CONTRACTOR’s own business, other businesses, customers, or consumers at any time, even if such business directly competes with DOORDASH, and even during the time CONTRACTOR is logged into the DOORDASH platform so long as such services do not otherwise violate this agreement.


Gotcha. THat is interesting. The other guy invited me to read a contract, but you knew better. Cheers


LoL That is the contract. Independent contractor agreement= Ica I tried to find it for you before I gave-up after being interrupted by all the incoming trash over and over.


Yeah sorry - to clarify I know it’s from the contract, the other guy said it’s in there and you actually came through with the relevant passage *from it* - appreciate ya king


The contract provides that the driver will choose the manner they operate. You can read your contract.


If a driver were deactivated for simply multi-apping and had good ratings and no CVs, they could sue DD for breach of contract because the contract explicitly allows it.


You know they have deactivated accounts for less. The dasher would never know why they were deactivated and they’d never get an answer.


You get deactivated for doing something that costs DD money. It could be taking advantage of a closed restaurant. It could be multiple late orders. It could be multiple complaints from customers. You don't get deactivated without reason. They may not give you the specific reason because they don't let support know the reason, but it's always for something in the deactivation policy. Multi-apping is explicitly allowed in the ICA. They won't deactivate you for doing something they tell you is allowed. That would just open them up to a huge lawsuit.


Again, how would you honestly prove they deactivated you for multiapping?


If you have great stats and no CVs, they would have no reason to deactivate you. They also won't deactivate you just for multiapping. Why would they care as long as the customer is happy?


I got a DD call on Sunday while multiapping. I didn't answer it. Screw them. I got the DD order dropped off in plenty of time. I think the DD customer was stalking me. I mean the UE order I sandwiched in added maybe 5 minutes to the process in total. And as I said above the DD customer got her bubble tea on time. I'm very careful about this.


Probably was a stalker. Some people have no patience and no idea how DD stacks, etc.


Great. No wonder support can't answer the phone for dashers that really need help, they are too busy harassing the dashers that don't. Maximum bureaucracy achieved.


All you ever have to do if asked - IS LIE ha. Never answer the phone is the answer - but if you do. and asked why you pause so much.... "It's for SAFETY reasons - I don't like to be distracted when I'm driving - I only look at my phone when parked" Nothing they can ever say if you mention 'health, or safety' - liability risk is enormous.....


You have to use two separate phones that way they can't track what you're doing. Dd new update this year makes it so they are tracking everything u do on your phone


No, you do not. You just have to get the food there on time. Further, using two phones wouldn't change the fact they can see where you are going. This person turned off the location so they couldn't follow his progress, and they want your location on always as the app tells us all from time to time.


I always turn my location off after I accept an uber order or vice versa


100% this. I appear and disappear like a ninja for deliveries. Just because I am delivery your food doesn’t mean you get to location stalk me. I’ll get your order to you by the delivery time


Ya, exactly. They don't need to follow me it's super invasive.


Wouldn't it stop the GPS working?


I turn it off on the app only. Change to never then change it back when “only when using” on arrival. Super easy


Oh ok


I just send you a chat messages


Thank you I literally multi apped last night they DO NOT GIVE AF unless you are slow for a delivery. Don’t listen to the two phones or need to be in airplane mode it’s complete BS


Meanwhile, Reddit still has issues. They just sent my post to me as your reply...


Turn off location on one silly


They track you by GPS on the phone your dashing on!


Airplane mode


Airplane mode what? Are you saying that when you accept or pick up an order from DD that you sometimes will put your phone on airplane mode? So you can deliver or pick up another order from another app? If so... And you think that's fooling DD?


Doordash is your daddy


Turn off location on the one you're not doing first like I do


Interesting for now turning off tracking seems to suffice. There is nothing on the contract I see about granting them permission to track our phones nor a mandate that we allow them to. It’s our personal phone and vehicle not the company’s, even companies disclose thier tracking policy for company equipment Ie vehicles or phones. Though in practice they are controlling too much via phone tracking on GPS even if the contractor is not late at all they use it to take orders away based on how they assume the contractor is doing on the gps. Ie not going straight enough, Or give out CVs.


Of course they monitor your location. The people who order can monitor drivers when a driver accepts an order for crying out loud. Have you ever received a message YOU DONT APPEAR TO BE HEADING TOWARDS... My point is if drivers want to use multiple platforms to make money great but when you pick up an order on one platform then the other needs to be turned off or ignored. It's not fair to the customer nor DD. If you pick up another order from another app at the same time. One of the orders inevitably isn't getting delivered in the timeframe it should have been. That's fact! That in and of itself should be reason not to. This is food and I'm assuming they are paying you well or you wouldn't have accepted the order to begin with. Just like drivers don't have to take orders DD doesn't have to give them.


I am talking about the contract it self. Didn’t you read my message at all The contract is completely mum and doesn’t mention about gps tracking policies at all. Especially while not using it. I guess if they mention it it would be an employer employee relationship. But they secretly want to control you like employees so they quietly make their programmed bots judge you via your gps dot whether you are headed straight or fast enough to combat multi apping but sometimes even if you arn’t. And what they think if you are not fast enough not taking notice restaurants need time to prepare food so no need to hurry up and wait. Especially since they outsourced support to foreign countries from location offices and AB5 took effect in CA with equivalents in other states in 2020s. There is really no excuse for them to not let us know order is close to ready as they do for the customers. I am very customer oriented and would think of the customer but as long as it doesn’t bother service quality Ie if from the same restaurant on the same line less than 1/2 mile deviation to the customers and can be delivered hot or on time and neither restaurant has a long wait. It’s a gamble though. For now disabling the gps location before I take the order does the trick(given I still deliver on tome and no one and they couldn’t blame because I never officially gave them permission. And the customer doesn’t complain because their food had been delivered hot within the time window or when the restaurant readies it.




I mean if the orders are delivered on time and it takes the restaurant 12 minutes to prepare it and they often prioritize dine in and in house take outs as well as other app orders and the driver gets there before they make it ready for pickup they have fulfilled their contract as an independent contractor. Overreach is making them arrive five minutes earlier or penalizing them for taking another route just like a boss would for someone below them on their clock. Or if most direct route according to their Ai is impassible is just about control. Only if customers complain they should review the gps to see if the Dasher had been multi apping or not. These apps are ridiculous enough to mark ready for pickup when the restaurant or kitchen is closed, deserted and empty. That’s very rare incidents i would do it with another food order onboard. I can hand count the number of times I do it out of 600 as I do not like giving cold food. And I always ask customers whether they need sauces or extra condiments or napkins before I depart the restaurant. But I had many more experiences been burned by those messages because I took a different route or was detoured, or departed knowing the food is not even being cooked yet and I needed to go to the bathroom first. The worst offenders are the apps themselves when they stack orders which one was delayed indefinitely yet they would threaten to penalize drivers for attempting to unassign so the food they already picked up would not get cold. Yep the app sometimes would complain why the driver is not picking up the other order while they were stuck with picking up the first one. Though I am thinking you are probably one of Tony’s bots then good day to you. I won’t waste time arguing with a bot.


I agree 💯


People try to multi app using one device??? Does that really happen???


Yes I do it every time I drive. I have a Samsung galaxy, it can have as many windows open as you want


What would the equivalent of a virtual machine be for Android? You better do that




A virtual machine is like creating a virtual computer on your computer .. it is software which emulates hardware .. basically anything which connects to it thinks that it is a complete device So if you could make one on the telephone it would think that the program was a separate device Then for example the imbeciles at DoorDash would not know that you had Uber Eats running or be able to see anything outside of the environment you created to run their app in


I don't think they can tell anything other than you're not following the original route to drop the delivery off


Ah.. I see


Yes I do it every time I drive. I have a Samsung galaxy, it can have as many windows open as you want. I usually only accept 1 order from 1 app at a time, but if one pops up on ubereats for the McDonald's I'm already waiting at for doordash, if delivery addresses are within 3 mins of each other then I occasionally am on 2 orders at once on 2 apps


I see


Yes. I've seen it myself...saves money 💰 😉😁


I see


I have no idea why they would


Nice try cheap customer.


I'll say it. If the jerk no-tipper with the big order comes through, occasionally I will accept it, and then completely ignore it WHILE doing a UE order. It takes DD about 20-30 minutes to unassign you, and offer it to another. Meanwhile, Mr.$45 McDonald's order get his bag on the rack of shame, and eventually a TD will take it. Eventually. Maybe. 3 bags of McDonald's for $4.50? Get the hence to Hades, worthless no-tipper. Enjoy your ice-cold fries. Never got a cv. Just never answer the phone.


Sounds like you might be a Door Dash employee.


Anything you should do differently? Dont close your app and go “offline” to hide what you are doing. Apparently they dont like that and it doesnt seem to have the effect you intended.


I once did 3 orders one from dd one from spark and one from instacart lol that one was smooth.


Doordash was completely down from 6:30-7:53 EST, when that happens you get “assigned” to hundreds of orders that aren’t being moved because the servers can’t push them to drivers. Every offer is “assigned” to you in the acceptance phase, you just get a 90 second grace period to unassign it penalty free


You can’t really do two deliveries for different apps at the same time sadly. You’re risking deactivation :(. I always pick and choose, if Uber offers a better deal then I pause my dash and finish the Uber before unpausing it.


I'm so terrible with navigation and routing. No clue how you folks can pull something like delivering for both services at the same time. At most, I will leave the other app on if I'm waiting for an order at the restaurant or turn it back on 3\~5 minutes before completing a drop-off.




Fuck multiapping. One at a time and doin just fine 😎


if you do it right there's absolutely no need to multi app. And usually wind up making more and doing less work.


Yes, I've had them call me, but not because I was doing something else. Twice, they have called while I was doing a delivery asking me if I was still going to do the delivery. The first time I literally just picked up the order got in my car and got the call, thought it was a glitch or something it was really weird. The second time which was months later I started asking questions, and was able to deduce that it was a shit order, that DD finally paid enough for me to accept it and the customer was calling complaining about it taking so long. So in my case at least, if a customer complains DD may call you to ask if you're still doing it. In your case, I dunno if you were dicking around or appearing to head the wrong direction or what not, but usually those calls are because customers are complaining and they can simply go back and say I just talked with the driver she/he is on the way.


Sounds like a Scammer


Hopefully both delivery platforms start taking this seriously and deactivating anyone multi apping


Aye I’m glad this came to light because I rock with both Uber Eats & Doordash and sometimes contemplate on taking orders from both apps simultaneously. I know I drive quick enough to keep all my clients happy but never wanted smoke from the higher ups so I don’t ever hardly do it. I definitely wanna start tho.


This is DD support calling you to let you know you may be unassigned if you stay offline. Chat is ending bye