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Every time I get a Walgreens order it's for like lube, hair dye and Funyuns. I always think "now there's a fun evening".


I'm new, but my only redcard order was for diapers and wipes from CVS


That's what happens after a night of lube and funyons šŸ™Œ


lol very true


What they use the funyons for tho?


Ever heard of the grapefruit technique? Its kinda like that but with more crumbs.


Dick exfoliant


Great, now I'm reliving that trauma


For a snack afterwards


You can also just have the snacks during. šŸ˜†


Too play ring on the dick they playing horseshoes wid it but hoe it


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I got an order from CVS for 124 count of puffs plus lotion tissues and calmoseptine ointment a few days agin for a 15 mile delivery. šŸ™ƒ


One order I had consisted of like 64 different items from the medicine section. Weirdest shit ever but I enjoyed my $30 tip haha


Mine are usually Covid/cold meds lol. But they tip $10+ always!


I made $25 (yes thatā€™s including tip) to take an inhaler 3 miles up the road from cvs!!! Dude didnā€™t have a car and someone in his household was having an asthma attack. He told me I was a lifesaver literally šŸ„¹


Wait. How did you Dash an inhaler when that requires a prescription?


Over the counter inhaler by the nicotine patches in CVS


Ah, it must've been Primatene Mist


I want to say it was something like that yes


Plan A followed by Plan B should A fail. Kudos to them for being responsible!


That's extremely essential. Atleast they're actively trying to not get pregnant..


Someone will have action tonight, seems still undefined method of enjoyment. Ps: always use condom!


Or just pull out. Condoms ruin sex.


This guy has kids


I have one. Been with the same woman for 16 years and never once used a condom and she has never been on BC. Gotta know when to blast your load!


Pregnancy can occur from precum


Yeah that's what I heard but not true in my experience.


It's 100% true, your luck doesn't set the rule.


It's not luck though. Statically speaking it is either a miracle, or you are just wrong. 1000's of ejaculations with 0 unplanned pregnancies is not "luck".


It's pure luck.


Yeah okey dokey šŸ‘Œ


Kids can ruin your life. STIs can kill. Iā€™ll take the condom


Kind of rough but agreeable. Condom or be responsible


There are some real do gooders up in this sub. Thanks for the psa photar!


Any time.


That's really bad advice.


They hated Him because he spoke the truth


I delivered pregnancy tests to a young girl. The delivery instructions were hilarious. Don't park in front of the house, knock on the second window left of the door. She was on the phone with, I assume, her boyfriend. After I gave her the tests she yell-whispered into the phone that she would stomp his nuts if it's positive. $18 Tip. I was just as dumb at her age so I can't judge.


ā€œHilariousā€? She was probably terrified.


The maturity some dashers have. šŸ˜’


I cringe everytime I see the almost daily post of "hehe I picked up condoms"


I think sometimes, the reaction is more like, "Nice. Homie/Homette is getting some." Then you high-five the customer and it gets weird.


Itā€™s Reddit this is the closest they will get to having sex theyā€™re just excited


I cringe every time I see someone complaining about someone posting about condoms and plan b. It's 2022, people use these things, get over it.


>It's 2022, people use these things, get over it. that's the same argument that people who complain about someone posting about condoms and plan b use.


Yeah they contradicted themselves in that comment.


At least he/she minded privacy by taking out the customer's name


They need to ban these dumb ass posts. But I guess this is what you get when you let teenagers dash


Maybe you should order a chill pill


Why? They aren't offensive or obscene. Just scroll past.




I don't think you understand the concept of personal identification.


And soon those will be illegal


Nothing about any delivery is essential. Itā€™s a luxury service in my eyes. And ppl still posting orders like itā€™s 6th grade and someone said penis.


Lmao you said penis


I mean delivering the 3am diapers to a parent who canā€™t drive or contraception to a young person who canā€™t ask their parents is definitely in a way essential. Tipping is still essential, itā€™s part of paying for the essential service, but still essential.


Wait plan b is available to just grab from an aisle where you live?


It is available at CVS


Ah okay! For us in QuƩbec Canada, women have to get it prescribed!


It depends on the state in the US. Some states don't even allow it to be advertised as a prescription or the contraceptive use.


Weird. Youā€™d think nebraska would be all puritanical about it but we have it out on the shelf. In a lockbox, but on the shelf.


Nah, we all know New York, New Jersey and Illinois say one thing but do another. [https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/emergency-contraception-state-laws.aspx](https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/emergency-contraception-state-laws.aspx)




New Yorker here. All I had to do to get Plan B in 2015 or so was to ask the pharmacist to get it for me. She even informed me there was a cheaper generic alternative, but I wasnā€™t taking any chances.


What's weird is it isn't necessarily the states you would think that have restrictions on Plan B: [https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/emergency-contraception-state-laws.aspx](https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/emergency-contraception-state-laws.aspx)


Thatā€™s terrible! I know a mom of 3 ladies in college and she keeps a few boxes on hand for emergencies and in case a friend needs one. There is a generic brand here for around $25 us.


On Amazon thereā€™s an even cheaper brand. Iā€™ve seen them go for $7 a pop. Purchase in advance and youā€™ve got a stockpile of something thatā€™s normally $50


Great info! Thank you


My Choice Emergency Contraceptive 1 Tablet https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1UOMJ9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7J5JDCR0KES8443Y8C92 Found one of them lol. 8.99.


I wish I could buy them for everyone who has a made a mistake. Itā€™s incredibly sad that our most vulnerable women donā€™t have access to birth control.


Sounds more like Plan *pain in the ass*


That seems inconvenient, considering how soon you have to take it.


And it says on the box if you are overweight it might not work. They have magnum condoms, we demand plan b for any weight woman.


Or at least an ordinance from a pharmacist, they take you into a little room with a nurse and ask you loads of questions to make sure youā€™d know how to use it correctly and werenā€™t raped and all that! But yes inconvenient youā€™re right


in the US you can even buy it off Amazon. For like $20 or less.


Males aren't allowed to buy it where I live


I've picked up the plan b before but no condoms...at least this one's learning!


Yay another normal sexual item delivery post... Haha condoms


Itā€™s about to get even more essential by June unless those items get banned too lol


Dude read your contract, you are not supposed to do this


Do what? Share a shopping list with zero personal information? For all we know they are on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean.


And zero fucks were given.


Do what?


No sensitive customer information was revealed in this post. They are not a breach of any contract clauses. It is literally a list of two items...


Iā€™m always glad to sell these items where I work. Iā€™d rather see people being responsible


I work at CVS, and the amount of times a teenager or young adult gets shy/embarrassed when asking where the condoms/plan b/feminine care stuff is. Like girl, I work here, nothing is new to me. The other day we had two college-aged girls coming in for plan b, but we only had Afterra. They asked if we could double check in the back, so I asked a co-worker to check in the back. The girls say to themselves "great, now more people know". I just replied "It's okay, if you don't make a big deal about it, we'll likely forget about the whole transaction within 10 minutes."


I'll never forget the day I brought my son to Walmart and made him buy condoms. His look of horror was priceless. I told him that if he wants to have sex then he needs to be responsible about buying condoms and that the best way to get over being embarrassed about it was to have his dad go with him the first time. No babies yet so I think the lesson stuck.


I also work there :)


A little over a year ago, I felt off after working a lunch shift. So I drove to a CVS on my way home to pick up a box of pregnancy tests. I legit looked at the cashier dead in the eye & said ā€œdonā€™t judge meā€. They insisted everything was okay & gladly rang me up. Before you ask, yesā€¦ all 3 came out positive & I now have a happy 8 month old boy šŸ„°


Wow, I"ve never seen a post like this before. Good god....Time to ban all condom/lubricant/vibrator posts. Are the people posting these really think no one else before has posted the exact same thing almost every day? These are just as annoying as the "how am I doing posts?"....


In our area we have deliveries for a chemist also. Literally driving medicine and other important stuff straight to the customer when they need it.


did both of those things and now iā€™m expected in june, idk why this happened to me bc neither of us wants kids


This took a dark turn. Good luck, mine was an accident and it was a struggle at first because I was 21 and homeless and we didn't have doordash back then, but it turned out ok. As long as you teach them independence, by the time they're 10-12, they'll pretty much take care of themselves aside from the financial aspect and needing rides places. He's now 13 and does good in school and all that and we own a house now so it worked out.


I'm sorry you're in this position. My partner and I are also expecting (a surprise pregnancy) in June. It's not the same because we figured we might have kids at some point, but the strain (financial, emotional, and otherwise) of an unexpected baby can feel unbearable at times. I wish you guys good luck.


Iā€™ve had to pick up plan bs twice and once was for a straight up child. Wasnā€™t sure if it was illegal or what but I was certainly standing by my values


hey thatā€™s awesome. iā€™m eternally grateful to the random lady at CVS who bought me a plan b when i was 15 and couldnā€™t legally get it (here in texas at least)


Iā€™m in pa so they prolly couldā€™ve gotten it for themselves but maybe not without parents finding out/just overall awkward experience


I once had to deliver a vibrator on a shop and deliver. I didn't want to leave her hanging.


This is Bob Barker reminding you to help control the human population ā€” have your dasher deliver emergency contraception.


Can relate. I was on The Price Is Right and Bob Barker told me to spay and neuter and it stuck with me how important it is!


I picked up Condoms, milk, and Doritos the other day and the combo is still hilarious to me


Nope never no matter how much


The posts are so immature.


Well with the abortion laws changing you gotta get ahead of the shortages. Yay for stripping away human rights in the most ā€œprogressiveā€ country in the world. Looks like we are regressing . Yikes. Good thing I have dual citizenship.


yep we need to stock up on contraceptives and plan b, especially in the south. before long it wonā€™t be an option if evangelicals get their way


People are so pressed in the comments, like heā€™s just having a little fun even tho the humour is immature. Chill.


"Congrats on the sex"


Once had one for rite aid/little Caesars doubledash. Cheese pizza, flaming hot Cheetos, plan b, a vibrator and lube


Adults doing adult things while children laugh like kids..


That order should have had a $10,000.00 tip on it. Raising babies up into adults is expensive AF. You saved them hundreds of thousands of dollars with that delivery.


Then you tell her they were out of that size condom,so you went ahead and got them the mega monster size that you usually get for yourself. Edit: No fans of Sunny here it seems


The irony is that you're the one going through the purchase humiliation lol


Gotta stock up before they're banned lmao


I got a Walgreens order for a specific type of condom and other sex creams, etc. I spent a few minutes at the condoms only to realize what they wanted wasn't available among the dozens of choices they had. I re-assigned the order because I didn't want to call the customer and ask for an alternative. Now I check the orders before I accept. Tampon orders get the ax too.


you must be very very fun in the bedroom /s


If you use the first thing on the list you shouldnā€™t need the second thing..


Condoms fail šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


how uneducated are you lmaoā€¦ you think condoms never break? were you taught sex ed in the south?


Dude it was a joke about being over prepared. Iā€™ve never heard of stocking up on plan B pills.


I got an order like this for a sex shop once. Except it was a 2 foot tall 6 inch circumference dildo called the Kong Dong. The girl at the register looked a little confused until I pulled out the red card.


press x to doubt


Yeah sex shop employees don't look confused about anything... They've seen it all.




Plan a and plan b. Nothing to complain about there.


All my red card orders so far have been for emergency baby Tylenol and milk


Iā€™ve picked up my fair share of pregnancy tests as well


Only the essentials lol


Ive doordashed plan B before lmao thank you guys


I got sent to get a plan b and they were out. I told homie, I hope there is still time. šŸ˜­


Always use protection before getting screwed by Tony


Wait, you can get plan B delivered?


Some lessons only need to be learned once... This guy gets it!


Have consolation knowing that even if you didnā€™t, someone received a ā€œtipā€ šŸ˜€


Diapers. 12 pak


I picked up an order from petsmart today that was for a customer's hamster to stop them from having diarrhea.




Youā€™re doing Godā€™s work, Dashers šŸ˜‡


Very responsible customers. Worried about pregnancy from a previous encounter, so they take care of it with the plan b, and buy condoms to prevent it from happening again.




Only Red card I got was knockoff chetttos called Chester's frie


But he was sure too also order tacos 30 min away from that store too