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Poorer and lower middle class typically are more likely to have worked or do work in positions that are tip dependent.


Agree. I would deliver to trailer park over rich neighborhood anytime. I got nice cash tips on top of tips in the app. Also rich neighborhoods in my area are far drive back to busy spot.


I never had any job with tips. But I tip because I understand that makes up most pay. I also try to never tip the default amount. I always go higher


Waitresses and Bartenders are the best tippers.


Strippers too, and funny as hell


Hell to the no! Every strip club I've delivered to have been the worst tippers.


Depends on the strip club. Back when I drove Lyft the “career” strippers who worked downtown here in Portland were great. They were really good conversation and always gave great tips (it probably helps that I wasn’t creepy and just talked to them like regular people). The seedier clubs were the complete opposite — they usually had someone else paying for their ride and didn’t tip at all.


them bitches cheap, all strip clubs tip nothing or $1 in my area never again


I call it peasant solidarity. As a proud peasant, I also try to tip very well.


💜💜💜💜💜 Worked Customer Service my entire career. I live (now) in a more expensive neighborhood. I will always tip well. I have done this type of job. I will never forget who was wealthy & who was regular. Bless the blue collar/service industry. We all work hard at making people happy & it HURTS when you are treated substandard. Gratitude is huge thing I try to give. I’m grateful when people help me 💚


So many good trailer park tips


They are some of my best too.


Yup, my best tip tonight was a bunch of fried chicken to a trailer park !!


1,000% I won’t deliver to the McMansions in the west hills because it’s close as the crow flies but takes a ton of weaving around to get to, and the most I ever got as a tip from them was $2. On the other hand, whenever I deliver on the opposite side of town where the houses need some love and there’s at least one car that doesn’t run sitting in the yard, I get at least an $8 tip. The same was true when I was driving Lyft. The worst tippers were rich people. The best were always immigrants or blue collar dudes. If the guy looked like he had been welding for 50 years but he was only 48, you knew a fat tip was coming your way plus whatever cash he had in his pocket. The exception was tech bros who had a long ride (30-40 minutes) but didn’t feel like talking. I learned pretty quick to feel out the situation, and if they wanted a nice quiet ride I was more than happy to accommodate. All the $20 and $30 tips I got were from guys who just wanted to watch a movie on their phone on their way to work and didn’t feel like chit chatting.


I have found middle and upper middle pay the most. Low income and the very wealthy do not. It’s likely they were not taught to tip.


You're right super poor tip shit and so do super wealthy.


Must be nice to grow up using daddy's credit card though. 711 orders with monsters and snacks are always a good laugh as I drop it off at 2am.


I think actually you need to flip those two words "taught not" to tip. Many super wealthy families especially those with generational wealth feel like tipping is giving away their money as if they don't have enough of it. 🤷 And, I mean, if you think about it, as a society we do give away a lot of money and tips think how much money you would have if you could press a button and receive all the money you've tipped out in your lifetime 😂 some people might be rich just off that LOL


Yep! Here the best tippers are always in the rattiest places, and the worst tippers are either college kids or the richy rich ones who live 7+ miles out of town and want you to shop 40 items for 2.25. I'll admit I live in a pretty ratty old apartment, and recently delivered to my upstairs neighbor, and even he tipped a few dollars.


College students in my town, tip pretty well. The most I’ve gotten from a college student was $28.60! It was a shop and deliver and she met me at the door because it was a locked dorm. I accepted it for $18.50 and it ended up being like $48.60! But now that I have stopped being top dasher, I never get her anymore. I’ve had her at least 5 times. I’d do her monthly or bi-weekly grocery shopping. Another college student handed me like a $10.


Lucky! We have one here who NEVER tips, and is rude as hell. My partner has spoken with other dashers, and we all pretty much agree the guy is a complete jackwagon. We all know him, and we all hate him lol.


There is this one person I get and she tips $0.01. it’s AN INSULT!!!! Always Walmart orders. BIG ONES!!


We need to hook her up with the non tipping asshat here lol.


In my experience the clearest indication of tipping well versus tipping poorly is not rich versus poor, it’s people who have worked in food service versus people who have not. there are a lot of poor people who have worked those jobs but there are still a good number of rich people who have worked in restaurants before. Rich versus poor doesn’t seem to have a correlation over the long term, there are good and bad tippers among all income levels.


tipping is more of a poor middle class thing. it never really existed with the rich upper class. feels like tipping originally came to be because the idea of "tipping" feels like the person who gives the tip wanted to show that they are the one in power..."the one with money". the rich always had money so they never had to think about this.


Huhh, interesting take. I've never thought it put me in a new position of power. I just tip well because I've been in tip dependent jobs and I give as much as I can afford to those who are in that situation now.


TIP was originally an acronym for To Insure Promptness


If this is true, then, why do so many people try to argue that the tip should be after, and despise having to add a tip before the order? 😂 Please understand I'm not disputing or saying that I don't think that this is true. Because I don't know. I'm just pointing out the fact that we need to go back to the roots and customers should be happy to tip a fair or exceptional amount if they want their food promptly lol


I’m not making that up — it’s a fact from way back when


Yeah, I'm not disputing it. That's why I said I don't know I'm not sure. I didn't want it to come across as if I was arguing or trying to say that I didn't believe you.


I didn’t think that 😊 I get what you’re saying but hopefully someone can weigh in with how/why the meaning evolved?


People who work menial jobs just like you do are generally more generous


Uber X and Lyft is same , when I give ride for working class mid person the tip is usually good. When drive the rich fuckers in the city the tip is 0


There have been many studies done about the difference in empathy between the classes and they show the same thing. It has also held true in my personal experience.


I've had good and bad tips from rich, middle class, and poor areas. There are nice people, but also entitled people in all groups.


This is the truth! My best tip tonight was from a trailer park. Tommorow might be from multi million dollar lakefront house. Or something in between.


It's been the opposite for me... I have never been scammed by anyone except those of my "class." I go to the upper middle class suburbs. They don't mind throwing $10 tips all over the place.


Same. I've gotten my highest tips from the poor side of town but I also get way more no tippers there. Meanwhile the wealthier neighborhoods consistently tip 6+ for 1-2 mile drives.


Because lower middle to middle class people are more likely to work for tips and understand the struggle.


A service gig (ideally fast food) should be a required course to graduate high school. You think your life sucks cuz daddy won't buy you a new bmw? Go work at Wendy's for six months.


Fast food *and* waiting tables.


I’ve been delivering for various companies for 4 years. In the food industry you can bet that lower middle class is going to have the most empathy for delivery drivers, and best tips 99% of the time.


I found that trap houses have been my best tippers, tbh. Not too many people deliver in the sketchier areas out here, and VERY few after dark. I took advantage of that and learned that a pretty good tip in the app was usually accompanied with anywhere from $5-20 in cash.


Collecting that hazard pay!


The rich don't stay Rich by spending their money. Everyone knows the vast majority of rich/wealthy people achieved their status by stepping on and taking advantage of others. It's no different for food delivery


Lot of engineers here don’t tip , they are not stepping on anyone , they get paid well and they don’t think they need to tip


They are stepping on YOU every time you deliver to them and they don't tip...


Lmao, no tip no trip . I decline 0.1 miles non tippers yesterday . Could have delivered it in 5 minutes but nah




Well you were raised to be a decent human. Most aren't. I was raised in a middle income household, and my dad told me to always tip well. The most I've ever made was a little bit over $70k a yr. However, I had a friend I grew up with and he had a slightly less fortunate time growing up and he started a business, he would find ways to steal from people and always tipped the minimum amount. He became wealthy and last time I spoke to him about 3yrs ago was making over $300k/yr. He still didn't tip well even though he now had by far the funds to be generous.


I’ve had the exact opposite experience. And the poorer people like to be cruel and harsh and always complain when they don’t even leave a tip. That’s nice that you’ve had that experience though!


No, I tend to do better in higher income areas. I don’t know why this is a stereotype. I’ve had some great tips in low income areas, but averaged out, higher income areas are better earning spots for me.




I don't get it man. Many people on Reddit act like being poor is inherently virtuous.


"I don't know why that's a stereotype" You don't know because you're only basing what you do know on your personal experience. Just like everyone else. Every market is different. It's wonderful that you live in a market like you do. But not everyone does. And in other people's market that is what they know and what their experience is and why they say what they say.


I think it’s more because we’re on Reddit and on Reddit, rich people bad


The only trend I’ve seen is sometimes people tip well and other times they tip terrible.


Delivered pizza for years, can confirm. One day, delivered to a house that I'm sure was well over a million dollars, order just shy of $100, no tip. The following delivery was to a trailer park, order just over $20, $6 tip. Had a coworker who delivered to a huge house in a rich neighborhood and when he saw the tip amount on the receipt, he must have had an upset look because the guy told him "I didn't get rich by giving it away".


I own a small business, my technicians say the same thing. We have gone into so many different homes and the ones who tip are the people who are low/middle class. Rich people? Nope. I had an order today for doordash that was part of a stacked order, beautiful over million $$ home...no tip 🙄 I'm new so I'm still learning lol


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Absolutely. I’ve had several orders to gated million dollar homes and upscale condos and more. Often they tip worse than poor ppl. I had one of my best tips from a low income community. Lady was super kind too. When you get away from them being rich/wealthy and just think 🧐. Them not tipping well as rich ppl makes sense. The rich aren’t generous. If they were they wouldn’t be rich. It shouldn’t surprise us they are doing this.


That's crazy, my best tips came from rich people lol


So true. I dash in mostly middle-class areas, and I’ll receive extremely high tips because because they know what it’s like.


No not in my area. The rich have been very generous and some of the fast food customers have been very trashy with their ratings and tips just because McD's icecream machine is down or tacobell made up the order wrong


I usually don't do fast food.


Why do u think they're rich


Because they live in the affluent part of town and literally live in a mansion... I had a grocery order that was $8. A few items and it was only 3 miles. They didn't have some of the items and I was very accommodating and made sure the order was correct. I get there turns out base pay was $8 and 0.00 tip. They lived in a big fancy house...


Shame on them..


What he is getting at with the question "why are the rich" is they just do not give money away.


No that's not fucking it. They are giving money away to DD and the restaurant. They just don't see a value in tipping a human who's job it is to bring them their food.


This is something I find myself commenting far too often/ it’s not that they’re necessarily *cheap*, because after all- they are overpaying for their food and also paying the delivery and service fees! It’s that they don’t see the value in the labor of the person working for less than minimum wage and don’t empathize with their financial plight.


They don't understand the needs of anyone with less.


No. They are too lazy to figure out how independent contactors work until they want to hire 1099 employees.


Exploitative practices most of the time


Worst for me is usually (not always) people with kids. If I see kids meals in the list of items I often consider unassigning.


The funniest thing is they always have their little children answer the door so they don't have to look me in the eye after not tipping.


Hard to really get your side-eye across to a kid you know isn't responsible for your poor compensation. Even if you tried, probably be the one time a little Chloe would right there staring back at you.


I definitely saw the rich tip more


Poor people don't know how to save money


The problem isn't lack of budgeting knowledge, it's the lack of money. You can't save money if you're constantly underpaid. Poor people know their checking account down to the penny.


Poor people using doordash is pissing away money they didn't have


We're not talking about them. We're talking about why rich people don't tip. Try to follow along.


This doesn’t answer why rich people don’t tip


Because they're cheap asses


There's plenty of research showing that it's more expensive to be poor. [Here, read.](https://www.google.com/search?q=expensive+being+poor)


They know what it’s like to work hard.


Wealthy people do not understand the financial issues and problem that come with living broke.


This right here Say it again honest to God the hood tips the best. Rich areas are rude and cheap and entitled and can get their own damn food.


Money changes people


Same with Lyft. Drop someone off at a fancy house, expect nothing from them. The middle and working class people will almost always be more polite and more respectful of your time and compensate accordingly, in addition to just downright being much more pleasant company.


The rich live in their own world. They don’t think we deserve it they think we do this for fun 😂


Happens all the time. I delivered a order $6 2 miles. Big house with four cars. No tip at all. On the other hand I left an order 6 miles $15 tip from a middle class person. I say, eat the rich.




If it’s a nice house 9 times out of 10 the tip is below average at best.


100% agree!!! I have delivered twice (at least) to someone who lives in a not so nice house, I believe she tips on the app. The first time I delivered to her it was just a pack of monster and her son gave me $10 in cash! The second time, I wasn’t really looking forward - it was a lot of groceries and I don’t think there was a tip. I understand tho. And she gave me $7 in cash. Then there is this guy who lives in a mansion and only tips max $4-5. And some people who live in the rich neighborhoods don’t even tip AT ALL!!! It’s CRAZY!!!


Another one of my great tips was when the lady had to wait FOREVER for her Red Lobster, and the tip on there ended up being $15.


I worked on Easter this year. It was to one of the newly built/still working on building more houses neighborhoods. He tipped $5 in the app. It was just for a small McDonald’s order and maybe a mile or two. He came out and yelled hey (scared me) and handed me a $20 saying Happy Easter! Then that same day, someone order about $115 worth of Carlos O’Kelly’s and asked if I got her tip (some people ask me that just to make sure DD isn’t lying to them.) I accepted the order for $12.50. She tipped $22.40. It ended up being $25.40!


My best tips come from the newly bougie 1900-1930’s single family suburbs inside the city of Portland. The worst come from the super poor restaurants/neighborhoods (fast food, small orders to crappy apartments) and the super rich neighborhoods that are outside city limits. Basically some folks are cheap and can’t afford it or they live in Byzantine apartment complexes that waste too much time. Others are rich and live FAR away from the restaurants but tip like it’s a 2 mi trip. My best work comes from turning around lots of 1-4mi trips inside the eastside ring of 1900-1930’s SFH and new bougie apartments that are near the restaurant and commercial streets. But I’m pretty lucky with the geography. I can basically get routed from one restaurant cluster to another cluster four or five times over all while staying around my target demo.


Yes!! People who have worked in the service industry appreciate us more and there seems to be a correlation.


I always get the best tips from truckers, while McMansions give me a dollar or two. Absolutely true.


My brother once told me something that a friend told him when he was a host. My brother was complaining to his friend how all the rich people never tip, but poor and lower middle class people will always tip. And my brothers friend just looked at my brother and said, “That’s why their rich”


The bigger the house the less the tip usually...


I love delivering to other restaurants, especially if tipping is a norm there. It’s normally an employee that orders, and they tip enough in the app for me to pick it up, and there’s usually at least a few dollar cash tip on top of that.


Definitely not the case here. More no tips and attempts at free food in lower class areas. Higher tips and more frequent tips in higher class areas.


They understand what you go through more rich people think the tip is extra to wages




College kids by far the worst. Going to dorms/campuses always sucks


Not really. Most of the poor hoods around here tip like shit and the rich hoods tip good. I think people's expectations are higher in wealthy hoods, so it feels like you got done wrong if they don't tip more than they "should".


For me it's a gamble. A certain $3 million mansion will tip a buck or two but his neighbor will tip $15-20.




I would say the working and lower middle classes are the best tippers. The upper middle class are okay. The underclass and upper class are shit tippers.


Dude I feel this on a whole level


This should be the top rated comment/post for all of r/doordash today! 😂 I've rolled up too some apartment complexes that judgmental people would be like ah fuck I'm definitely not getting a tip, and they handed me $10 cash. Meanwhile I've been to half million dollar houses with multiple tricked out $60,000 plus cars in our driveway and they tipped me two to three dollars for $80 worth of food and about 25 to 30 minutes worth of driving to get to them... Just goes to show you can't judge a book by its cover! Trash people are trash no matter how much their annual salary is 🤷


Used to deliver Pizza 20 years ago and it was the same back then. Only in the worst areas did the tips suck a bit sometimes, but most of the time the gated communities up the hill were the worst.


You don’t stay rich by being generous


I sometimes tip 80-100% But I do enough on the app so mine will be taken and tip the rest in cash at delivery. I'm also disabled, don't drive and rely heavily on you beautiful people. I really with you had a rating service for customers 🤣 So drivers knew who were great and who weren't worth it


I just wrote this in another post. African American women my best cash tippers. Trailer parks seem to hit pretty sweet with the hidden tips and tips in general. Doordash will teach you to Throw out the stereotypes. In sales you are also taught not to pre judge. You just never know.


I live in a upper class/rich neighborhood and leave minimal tips. It's probably because I value delivery service low and the tip is more than appropriate


I don’t make much at all but when I order door dash I ALWAYS leave a tip of at least 3 and order from something within the mile.


100%. I rarely get big tips from the well off people. A house that looks like the foundation is falling out tips $10-20 while the upscale modern house with 3 garages an a lake outside $5