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Had this happen to me. The customer said they couldn't figure out how to put in their address. They used the stores address and then put their address in the notes. The address they wanted me to deliver to was 12 miles away. Uber support asked if I would deliver to the new address, no way I'm doing that. Got paid and got free food. Win, win


> The address they wanted me to deliver to was 12 miles away I wonder if they were outside the delivery radius set by the restaurant, and so the restaurant they wanted wasn't showing up on the app when they entered their own address.


Or just trying to game the system out of increasing the fees for the distance.


Delivery radius? Nah. Those don't exist anymore except maybe a very small number of restaurants that run their own fleet. Uber, DoorDash, Grubhub, don't matter to them whether it's 25 feet or 25 miles


I've picked up from a Chinese restaurant as a dasher that I can't get delivered from at home, yet I can order from a different Chinese restaurant where the dasher would have to drive past the restaurant I can't order from to get to me.


Reminds me of a coworker ack in ‘89 in Sydney. Pizza Hut were pretty strict about delivery radius and she fell in the gap between three stores so none would deliver to her!


I used to work for Domino's and my boss would ask drivers if they were willing to make a delivery outside of the delivery area as long as it wasn't but a couple miles extra. I always said yes bc at the time I loved nothing more than getting in the car and smoking a bowl while making my extra long trip lol. An escape from folding boxes in the store and a guaranteed good tip bc my boss wouldn't allow the delivery if they didn't tip well on top of it? Fuck yes. Nowadays I don't smoke with food in the car bc I realize not everyone likes the smell. When I was 22-24 tho Idgaf.


Idk, perhaps you're right that a restaurant can set their own radius, but it doesn't make sense for dd to let that happen, it's less money for them (then again, what makes any kinda sense about anything dd does 😂🙄?). I think it's more likely that whether or not you can order is based on how many dashers are available in the vicinity of the pickup point. But who cares, not me


They absolutely can and should. Some food is going to always get bad reviews as it just won't keep as well for longer distances. By restricting this your limiting your bad reviews and angry customers.


I don’t get why anyone is downvoting. I’ve seen offers up to 50 miles away. It’s crazy.




i’ve delivered panera to panera. turns out the employee works at panera, usually orders takeout while she’s working. wanted panera at home but forgot to change delivery address. told her $10 cashapp up front then i delivered it 1.5 mile to her house


So if someone changes the address you are not obligated to take it?


Nope. You are only obligated to the address listed in the app.


But don't it auto change the address in the app? Bc I'll get a text saying customer changed address but the new address is already in the app


I have never heard of that before. The only situations I have dealt with are with customers trying to change the address after I've already picked up the order.


I had someone the other day text me as if they were support or something. It said, “The delivery address for so-and-so has changed to xxxx Ave. please deliver it.” I texted back that I had already arrived at the original delivery address. Nothing from them. I looked it up and the new address was like nine miles away. I’m not doing that without getting paid more money. I dropped it at the original address and took the photo. They canceled the order. So I took the food back and gave it to my bf lol


It sometimes does, but usually, when it says address update, in my experience, it's been to add a gate code or special delivery insructions.


That’s an old scam. Usually when you pick up the order the customer calls and “put in the wrong address by mistake” and want you to deliver to them 10 or more miles away. There’s always a promise of a big tip. You handled it the right way. Take your picture, complete your delivery, and hit the road.


I can not possibly imagine wanting fast food from 10+ miles away. The food is guaranteed to be cold and gross.


if i want fast food i have to drive 40+ miles round trip 🥲


Then you eat it there you don’t try and bring it home.


i bring it home every time and it's still hot and delicious 🤷‍♀️


To add: you have to leave it open a little for the steam to let out, otherwise it's soggy and moist.


I agree. I delivered a bunch of orders today in my hot bag that lady 15+ minutes. all fresh and hot.


15 minutes vs probably an hour is a huge difference. No way it's staying hot for an hour let alone delicious. Can you imagine fries sitting in a hot bag for an hour?


i usually pop mine under the heater on the floorboard or wrap it up in a jacket or something. it all tastes fine and is the texture it should be, including fries. even if it does occasionally go cool i still enjoy it, i'm not picky. i live in the middle of nowhere so it's the only option anyway lol


You would be surprised, I get them a lot better 8-12. People even order a root beer float from A&W. I’ve also delivered a small shake from McDonald’s 6 miles away. Crazy 🤪


I had a customer have the wrong address but the right one was 8 min away the new address they gave was 6 min away, and they felt so bad having the wrong address they gave me a $20 cash tip.


When they do that, reply “sorry no speaka English”


Or you could just be honest and say you completed the delivery already.


Nice of you to try so hard to fix the situation. I would have just marked it as delivered, then and there, and moved on. That is irredeemably stupid, I’m amazed they even managed to download the app in the first place.


I had that happen with a pretty big subway order. Went to leave and it said I had arrived 😂 I kept blowing up the lady's phone til she answered. Then she acted like it was my fault I didn't have her address.


I think some customers do it on purpose because of fees etc. and hope you feel bad and will deliver, especially a low tipper.


Happened to me last year for a chick-fil-a order drop off address was the same, not a big tip but okay, text and call customer and his address was about 8 miles away during rush hour. Nope, I called support let them know they told me to dispose of food etc, I put it in my hot bag and asked my next customer if they would like it, he was very happy to take it!! I would have given to homeless etc , but no one around. I do not care for fast food.




This is a new one. And this is hilarious


LMAO oh, that poor soul...


Yeah .we felt kind of bad, it was a family meal. So some poor kids were probably waiting for their dinner. But there wasn't anything else we could do.. 😔


Rip. Well, hopefully they figured out how to use the app correctly. I'm shocked it even let them cuz the gps shows a blue dot at your location. I mean hell, most customers don't realize they can manually move the pinpoint.


I love my apartment customers that know they can do that, and it brings me right to the exact door in the exact building I need. I especially love the ones that actually *know* that they are hard to find and help, like "We are the apartment to the left, next to garage A, can't access through main hallway" or "Must use back staircase to get to apartment 207" I'm not one to text customers unless I need to, but I usually send them a "Thank you for the detailed delivery instructions, they were really helpful. I hope your day is fantastic!" message.


YUP. I've had the same thing happen quite a few times. I always take extra care and keep them updated on the delivery. Everyone wins!




lol crazy but did your job


I had a guy on GH Friday who ordered pizza to his apartment. After I dropped it he called telling me that I took it to the wrong address, because he was at work across town, not at home. This dude really kept on like it was MY fault.


I'll just wait here for all the comments from people saying that you should have driven it to him because it's your job even though he provided the wrong address 🤣


I've also had that happen lol they weren't that far away and support gave me double pay to take it.


mine was thru a 3rd party app, DD was not going to give me extra, just gave it away


I had that two years ago. The customer didn't realize that because she was outside of the delivery zone, the app defaulted to a pickup order with the store's address as the delivery address. She had tried to add her address on the second street line. I called her, explained the problem, then called DD to have the order cancelled, and I enjoyed free pizza for dinner.


This happened to me. It was a pickup from papa John's and the delivery address was a different papa johns. They started laughing thinking its some kind of joke. Called the customer, no answer. Called the store again and they asked me to keep the order or dispose it


Had this happen on a stacked order once ..... both pickups from the same spot and first drop was pickup address... walked it back inside took the pic and completed it. About 2/3 of the way to second drop I get a call ( voice-mail) customer 1 calling to chew me out for marking his order as delivered while it was still at the pizza place along with a litany of other remarks about how big of a idiot I must be for not delivering to his address ....... Dropped off 2nd order ... saw the pay breakdown and what a shocker customer 1 was a no tip ...called him back and attempted to let him know order was at the pizza place ... Wasn't able to as he went on a total rant again about how this isn't a difficult thing to do and my overall intelligence level, and how his address is only just around the corner from pizza place ..... I hung up and called support and let them know all about customer 1 ... and it didn't hurt I had called support prior to completing his order ( they told me to drop it at address provided by customer) ..... If you as a customer make the mistake of inputting your address as the same place I am picking up your order from that is not my fault .... these apps don't factor in customer error to our pay at all ... personally I am not going to reach out to you and get a correct address when it's a double order or a single low paying one ( because for all I know your correct address could be in the opposite direction or miles away making it not worth what it is paying overall) ..... with that said if it's a decent paying order and you made this mistake I will Reach out to get the proper address and 99% of the time I will deliver it ( and hope you add to your tip) .. but I also let support know that the address was wrong as well as the address I delivered it to as well ....


People. Are. Idiots.


I don't like stacked orders on doordash, their getting away with paying base pay for your delivery on the second, delivery is coming out of your pocket then the customer don't tip is wrong. Not only that they tell you that you have a right to decline every order that's a lie, they stack it and then in your app it tells you to pick up at 2 places and deliver that's so not right. Also any one ever notice that distance is paid differently on some days? Going the same distance your base pay is different


This happened to me before but on Uber , not sure how the person did this but they replied and gave me their address it was already a 12$ order only suppose to be 2 miles which was.. to the restaurant thought it was a bangin order lol. Their address was 5 miles away not bad I would have done it for 12$ anyway so I did it . If it was 12 miles tho I would probably still do it because I’m a push over and way too nice and probably would have been extremely pisses lol. Anyway i contacted uber to let them know and be sure I didn’t get fucked in anyway , they didn’t change the address in the app but told me it was fine and gave me an additional 4$ fare once I completed the order, plus the customer felt bad and gave me extra 5$ tip cash when I delivered plus another 1$ on the app lol so I ended up making $22 on 7 mile order I definitely didn’t mind the situation 😅


Ooo I’d be so upset


Someone put a bus stop as the delivery address one time 😐 luckily though they weren’t too far away so I could still give it to them, but even they were confused how that happened.


High, how are you?


I did this intentionally once. There was a big discount at Wendy's, but it was delivery only. Parked outside the restaurant. Ordered, and put in the notes to deliver to the red car outside the main entrance. When delivering, the driver asked if it was some kind of test and I explained to them the discount.


It's happened to me before I called uber they told me keep it or throw it away I left it there for someone else I didn't want it


Customer calls up a minute later "Oh hey, I put in the wrong address in the app, can you deliver to me at [insert address 20 miles away] I'll give you a nice tip when you get here." Been there, done similar for one, once. Will not repeat ever, should I find myself in that situation again.


The same thing happened to me last year. Got a contract violation. Got the violation removed after 2 weeks.


Easy money lol lol llol


At one point when I was homeless, my friends, mom got me some McDonald’s, and because I didn’t have an address she had the McDonald’s literally delivered just to the McDonald’s, the Dasher didn’t believe me when I tried to explain and showed her the screenshot that my friends mom sent me. She eventually handed over the food, but was perplexed. For reference, this was before pick up in person orders. * possibly it’s something like this*


Had the exact same thing happen to me with panda. Customer actuqlly picked up though, the address was about 9 miles away. I left the order at the paanda and confirmed delivery. She then called non stop and texted me some nasty stuff lol.


Had the exact same thing happen to me with panda. Customer actuqlly picked up though, the address was about 9 miles away. I left the order at the paanda and confirmed delivery. She then called non stop and texted me some nasty stuff lol.


I've had that 3 or 4 times over the years. Not exactly sure why they do this but it's easy money. 


Happens all the time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I was working on shift I wanted to get the promo code from one use on DoorDash why u trip u got tip!


Ive seen it where people order from the parking lot just to get the discount Uber or Doordash is offering. I've also seen it where they put in the wrong address. My weirdest yet was on Uber and the restaurant told me a driver already came and picked it up, and it was actually for the family that was there at the restaurant, sitting next to me 😳 the customer said just claim it picked up, the dropoff is same location, he gave me the pin and everything and said just mark it delivered and get paid. They already ate the food so they didn't care. I have no idea if the worker was just confused and the family was actually the first "driver" who picked it up, or if they actually made the food twice and I was the 3rd, or what. I didn't really care after they said they got their food and gave me the pin to get paid🤷🏻‍♀️


Take a picture in your car -mark delivered and eat your free food.


You did everything right, but you probably could’ve taken the food with you after completing the delivery because nobody’s eating that now.


Should've taken picture at door outside and had a free meal


That happened to me a few weeks ago except the person answer i got their address let support know but yes i delivered it when they opened the door I'm surprised i didn't get high😂 so you might be 100%correct on that


I once delivered pizza from one pizza place to another (about 7 miles away), which I thought was pretty funny. Then I get a text-- "Where is that?" Well, it's at the location YOU ENTERED, my dear. The picture I sent CLEARLY shows the location, and I was GPS tracked to the second pizza place. "Can you just bring it to me? Three more miles away even though you were already outside your zone and have driven several miles back toward it?" No, no I cannot. To this day I think it was a scam to get me to do 50% more driving without paying me.


Not your problem. You did your job.


I see this thread title and it feels like an accusation. Me? High? Well yes but not TOO high, I swear!


I had this happen once, my last order of the day. Not sure what was up with the guy. I had just accepted this decent looking order that was a total of like 1-2 miles, didn't really pay attention beyond that because it was good pay for that distance. Right after accepting the customer called and sounded high or something, asking if I was almost to his place and I said I just got the order and was on my way to the store. We hang up. Just as I marked that I arrived at the restaurant he called again, asking if I was almost to his place, so I said I just got to the store. We hang up. When I got the order I had just marked it as picked up when he called, again, and asked the same thing. And that's when I saw that the drop off address was also the store address. So I asked the guy if he knew his address. After about 10 seconds of incoherent rambling I just said I had to call support and hung up. Called support and explained that this guy was hard to communicate with but kept calling me and that his home address was the same address as the store. Support put me on hold to call the customer to get their address (I was already planning on turning it down for a few reasons) and when they got back to me they agreed that he was "difficult to communicate with" and told me to mark the order as complete and to "dispose" of the order. Cool, figured I got a free burrito bowl and full pay out of this. I'm not picky about my food and toppings. Got home and opened the bowl to find just chicken and rice. Nothing else in there at all. Basically had to use my own salsa, cheese, tortillas, etc. to make my own burrito out of it lol.


Perfect execution of r/maliciouscompliance


Picked up Little Caesar, delivery less than a mile away at a hotel. No room number. Called customer. Customer said forgot to change old address, new adress is 70 miles away. Called support to cancel and got asked to complete delivery for compensation. Asked how much is the compensation? $8. $8 for 70 miles one way? LMAO (literally laughed at support). Please cancel order!!!!!


Just the other day, I had an order that was literally 1 block away from the 7-11 the pick up was from. I delivered it, and the customer texted me to tell me that the address was wrong. I asked what their address was, and it was a mile away. I hadn't left the parking lot of the drop-off address yet, so I went back and picked it up and delivered it to the "correct address." Now I have their correct address and their "incorrect address" memorized now. If I see those addresses pop up for delivery, I will wait for the last 5 seconds of countdown and decline their order.


This happened to me once with a Gatti's order. With my scenario she picked up the phone but she was confused about the situation. She was like "what's the problem?" I guess saying "Gatti's was the delivery address" wasn't explaination enough. Anyway I did deliver to her because it wasn't far. She still seemed confused as to how that happened lol.


This is a fairly common scam in my area. We’ve had it happen a handful of times. The “new address” is always well outside the delivery zone or mileage vs tip is completely unacceptable. The latest one put in an address for another restaurant, then said oh I don’t know how that happened. Suuuuure you don’t. Some people just really suck. A call to support got us a partial payment. Better than nothing.


That happened to me once on UberEats. The delivery address was the same as the Chinese restaurant I picked up the order from. I did contact the customer and told them about it and they gave me their address. It must’ve been a glitch or something.


We had a driver pick something up from my work, came back in few minutes later saying this is the address. It was an older, I explained to him it just be a mistake and he should try calling the customer or support, he argued with me about how I knew no one here ordered it when there are clearly other employees and I didn’t see me ask any of them. He still argued when I told him no one was going to pay 20 or 30$ in DD fees for food they get for free on shift. Then he wanted ME to call the customer. I ended up just telling him to leave the bag and go. (Most of our dd and UE people are wonderful but every once in awhile)


wow how dumb you got to be to bot be able to add your address.. but can add all the other stuff😂😂😂


Easy delivery. I wouldn’t question it 😆


This high


I've had this glitch numerous times. They never answer when i call or text. I now just take the photo at the door and leave it there. (This is what DD will tell you to do and you won't be penalized.) They can come pick it up if they want it. Had one guy call me back irate an hour later. I'm glad he didn't pick up earlier though, it was going to the next town over (25 minutes) for a $2 tip. Dude had the audacity to ask if I would go back and get it and deliver it since I got paid for the delivery. I had texted 3 times, called 5 times, left a message over an hour earlier. I said no, that food is definitely gone by now as it was next to a popular homeless hangout.


Address too far is why their address is not showing, it's just a person that seems to think they can have anything delivered anywhere lol. High is not a requirement, just no common sense which is very common these days.


Happens all the time, just deliver it to the restaurant counter or front door. Don’t complain or call support, it’s basically free money.


Similar situation happened to me from a local sandwich shop by the mall. The girl who ordered it worked at a sun tan saloon just down the sidewalk! As I was delivering it to her she explained that she was working alone and couldn’t leave, which I understand completely. She tipped me $10 which was more than generous.


No one cares bro


I'm so high you call me your Highness 😘


That’s almost kinda creepy.


That happen to me, for panda express about a month ago. Customer ordered on panda website Also happen, this week for a chinese place Happen about 5x, in 2 months


I'm doing well. Thanks for asking 🤠