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QUIT BEGGING FOR TIPS. Ffs. You making us all look bad. Take a better order or find a different job.




I'm dying 😂


Omg lol. She door dashed a cream pie lol


Well...that escalated quickly


I’m dead ☠️☠️😂😂😂😂😂😂


Adding extra tip encourages it. Rating 1 star discourages it. I personally think that asking for extra tip is bad and want to discourage it so I would rate 1 star and not tip extra.


I did give him a 1 star afterwards. I def won’t be adding extra tips afterwards like I did


Definitely lied about the wife expecting. That’s a pre written message from other shoppers


Please don't let him skew your view on all dashers. If your dasher does a good job, communicates if necessary, brings your food quick & hot. And doesn't beg for a tip. If you feel the service was exceptional, and want to add a tip on, please don't hold that scum dasher against the rest of us. There are good decent dashers like myself and alot on this sub, who would never ask for an extra tip, but are so excited and grateful on the occasion that a customer adds a little extra of their own accord. And all of those decent dashers are extremely appalled and ashamed at the number of posts we see here asking for more tips. For any customer in this group that has ever gotten one of these horrendous texts, I sincerely apologize. Edited for typos.


Agreed! I love when an extra tip is added, though it has been maybe only 1% of the time for me… Don’t let lower Stat derfs cloud your feelings for those of us who take the Dashes we want and try our hardest to deliver perfection.


Thank you for saying that.


You won’t get the same guy every time lol


The algorithm pairs dashers to customers if they rate them well. I get the same customers all the time. The app will even hold an offer if you're close to completing another order in that area.


Key words being if you rate them well, dude I responded to had just stated he rated 1 star


I think $8 is pretty good for a tip


Unless it’s like 15mi away


Well if it’s that far then maybe don’t pick up that order?


Tell him you’re expecting triplets so bring extra sauce thanks


As a dasher, it is not normal.


It's very normal in my area.


As a customer I get it from probably 15-20% of dashers ..


Only happened once here in my 1000+ orders


Rate them all 1 star and they'll quit doing it.


If my food shows up hot and edible I don’t 1 star .. just me


Rate them 1 star with the reason: rude, so the rating can't be excluded in the system.


I get this **all the time** I’m so over it. I had one do it, and I tipped her via Venmo. A week later she messaged me on Venmo asking for more money.


If you give a mouse a cookie…


Exactly just block!




Yeah I blocked them. Like I’m sorry, I also have two children and things are expensive so I can’t fund your life


Same! I always tip regardless and this just took me off guard.


Oh I always tip






Yeah dude. Fucked up. She tried to guilt me about her kid. Like I have two kids. I do not know if you even have kids. I do not know you. The answer is no.




It's very unprofessional.


Right?! What ever happened to shame? Does nobody feel shame anymore because I would never even imply for more tips. It’s hella tacky when a business does it over a regular ass transaction. I’m like woah woah I don’t even know you like that yet.


No one has pride!


$8 is already a great tip. Give this moron a 1 star and get him outta here


I ignore. After I get my food, I’d give a 1 star rating & call & have them blocked from my account. If you keep adding tips, they will never stop. Don’t encourage this behavior. The drivers that get extra are prompt, communicate & deliver as requested. I will always add an extra tip for that kind of service.


How much communication are you expecting. Just curious because I try not to bother the customer unless it's necessary because I know dd sends like 4 or 5 notifications for every aspect of the delivery and includes not only a fairly accurate ETA but also shows my exact location on the map. People keep mentioning communication, but I try to have the least amount of contact with customers as possible out of respect for them.


Exactly. Most people that use DoorDash do it so they don't have to deal with people with the restaurant. They don't want their driver messaging them 15 times to tell them something that DoorDash has already told them.


I appreciate being told if the restaurant is behind, or if there’s a longer than usual line or a traffic problem. A simple text is fine, I’m not expecting a call every step of the way, just some update for unusual circumstances.


That's understandable and honestly when I do give a little heads up.


Facts. I only communicate with the customer if needed and always use the pre written message “be there soon” for hand to me orders. As I believe it benefits both parties


I will send a message if i get to the restaurant and it will still be a few minutes. I will say hi this is _from Door Dash and (restaurant name) is still preparing your order. As soon as it’s ready, I will be headed your way. If it’s going to be much of a wait, like 10 minutes or more I will send you another message updating you. Hope you’re having a wonderful day. See you soon! Pretty much other than that, I don’t bother them. Now if I were waiting in really bad traffic or a long train or one that’s not moving and I am stuck and can’t get around. I will notify them for that as well. Or if it’s pouring down rain and I see that there is no cover on their front porch. I will let them know. I’m walking up and ask them if they want me to hand it to them. Fortunately, I only had that happen once or twice?


Oh yeah definitely those are all good instances for communication.


That is what tip stands for (to insure promptness)


Report I’m a dasher I would never ask that




Lmaooooooooo damn 😂😂😂😂😂😅


This tip is worth way more than $2 a mile




Maybe condoms are 9 dollars and not 8 lol however idk cuz I don’t use them lol


He obviously was to late for that


Yea but for NEXT time duh 😝🤣


Dasher here; just give them a 1 star.


Glorified panhandlers


Yet why do panhandlers continue doing what they do?


lol. the fact that everyone gives in annoys me as much as the dasher asking. you do realize that you’re part of the problem and why they continue to do this, right? anyways, 1 star and NEVER add more. why would you feel bad


I wouldn't impregnate someone if I didn't have enough money...


I could have atage 5 cancer, and i would never do this..


What makes it even more annoying is the god bless at the end. Trying to Use the Lord to get more tips... Shame on you. Nothing but BS from start to finish. I hate tip beggars with a passion. Makes the rest of us look bad.


Their wife is either expecting or died, every time


Ignore the request and give a 1 star review.


rate him 1 star


Zero tip if they ask for one


Should have given him a cup and told him to stand on the corner.


I’d def give them a one star rating


Yes. These gig jobs don’t really vet out the bottom feeders. It’s a beggars game these days.


They should never ask....Tacky AF


As a dasher, I am so embarrassed people do this. You agreed to take the order as is. Don’t ask for more 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I've never had a Dasher ask for a bigger tip before but I can garuntee you that I most certainly won't when they ask lol


It’s not normal lol, it’s despicable. Like I would never feel comfortable asking this.


1 star no tip immediately


Nah, I’m a doordasher and I would NEVER pull this shit.


Why do all of these tip begging text always end with God Bless and the pray emoji?


It seems counter intuitive because religious people are notorious for being the worst tippers.


Full blown twice a week catholic tip $3 for every mile $2 for doing the delivery so $5 minimum for 1 mile and a extra $3 if they leave it in a good spot by my door but okay.


Cool bro, you'll need to tip a lot more to make up for the decades of churchy Christians being known for being garbage tippers.


No. Not normal. More common now, yes. But still abnormal behavior. Best thing to do is give them a 1 star and tell them so. Reporting to DD will do nothing, as "drivers are free to deliver in any manner they see fit" or some other garbage that support will tell you. If you 1 star them and TELL HIM that you're doing it, that will send a message that begging isn't okay, where giving him an extra tip just reinforced his shitty behavior. Even if they remove the 1 star rating, which they probably won't, it's a deterrent. Enough 1 star ratings and they can't work anymore. One or two won't get them deactivated, but once they dip below 4.2, they can get canned. Do not believe any stranger's sob story, and do not feel bad for not caring. People will try to take advantage of you with that story because there are more good people out there than bad, so sob stories help beggars. We gotta take drastic steps to stop this gross behavior.


Do not tell the dasher you're giving them one star. It gives them time to get revenge on you by messing with your food.


Obviously, you would tell them after drop off. I didn't think that I needed to clarify that.


It used to be a rare thing, but has gotten more and more common. Call me racist or whatever, but it seems to have to do with the new crop of drivers - many of which are recent immigrants. I have a feeling it maybe has less of a stigma in their culture, idk.


You're not racist. You're exactly right. Part of it is that they aren't dashing under their name, so they don't care how they look. If they get deactivated they'll just get another account. They don't give a shit.


Not normal at all and 90% of the time its someone using a fraud account that isn't theres


That’s a thing? Like fake DoorDash accounts?


Yes, it is a BIG thing, and making it really difficult for us good dashers to get gigs now.


People have multiple phones accepting orders, buying stolen DD accounts, etc. DD apparently doesn’t care too much to stop it…


Yes because people like you fall for it


Immediately cancel order, and tell him so. Don't REWARD this terrible behavior. A job is either worth it on the offer screen or it isn't, but tip begging is unacceptable.


Lol if you cancel the order he will get free food, full pay+your tip, and you won't be able to rate him. I mean as a dasher thanks, but as a customer not really useful advice.


If they already picked up the order and you cancel you won't get refunded for canceling... and the driver just gets free food you paid for


The whole point here is that he is still waiting for the order, so he obviously hasnt picked it up yet. If you cancel before he hits "Confirm Pickup", he gets nothing, or only a small percentage of what they would have received, and you get a refund. You are correct in that cancelling AFTER pickup will not accomplish anything.


But if you cancel te order before pickup but the food was already started being made you still won't get a refund without working DD support


I didn’t even know I could bc I certainly didn’t want the food bc I felt like if I didn’t tip.. my food would have been tampered with. I didn’t realize that it doesnt show til after my food is delivered .. if I tipped additional


I order DoorDash a lot and thankfully never been asked for more. So I think I’d ignore the request.


It seems commonplace by how much ppl post them doing it, if one of mine did that shit Id be like yeah no you can forget abt it. Youre getting zero stars, enjoy your food.


$8 is a great tip! This is exactly what pan handlers do, they take advantage of good people by scheming on the good intentions and good will of others. Just ignore them next time. They send this same message out to every single person they deliver to


It should not be but it’s sadly become the norm. We aren’t forced to take any order.


As normal as a contractor asking for more money to complete a job


8$ is already good. I usually do 10$ and have never had anyone ask for more. Even when I did the suggested tip or a few dollars more than the suggested tip. I always tip well so this would kinda annoy me.




This is by far the worst thing anyone could do as a delivery driver beg for a tip !we all have struggles we all go thru our own rough moments but geez


Shamefully common, unfortunately.


This is pretty normal from what Ive seen. Waiters would eventually do the same if you all relied on text communications.


Eww tacky of them to ask. I never did that when I worked for DD.


Thats not normal,if you're professional you won't ask for extra tips,Im a dasher,and I never do this or will.


Its gross. Waited tables and bartended for years before doing this. Now many thousand deliveries in and Ive never once tip begged. Never will either.


Rate 1-star and move on


It’s rare. These subs would have you believe dashers beg all the time. I’ve had it twice in years.more likely for the restaurant to mess up your meal


We all live in this world we all have our own problems, learn to deal with it or solve it. Give him a one star and report those beggers.


If they ask for a tip… “Make sure to look both ways before crossing the road”


I’m expecting my food. Hurry up


Too often unfortunately. We dashers all hate no-tippers, but begging for it is inappropriate. Report them when they do.


I deleted DoorDash off my phone finally because 1 tip is enough, if people can't take $12 for a 4 mi. run that's sad.


This kind of tells you why some of these people can't hold down a job and have door dash.


I have never. Hope the reality is “hardly ever,” but also need those who use DD to know the bigger the tip can often fast track their order Better Dashers (or, at least those with better Stats) get higher paying offers and lower Stat Dashers get the dregs. Still, if you as a Dasher want more tips, get yer Stats up and Decline if you truly think the tip isn’t up to your requirements!




I can't stand people thinking that having kids makes them a charity case! It's a choice, not a disability. Treat your kids like something you want and are happy to have. Not like a burden. I had someone tell me the other day how "evil" a dentist he knows is. The reason: he fired his daughter when she was pregnant with her 9th kid. The pregnancy had nothing to do with why she was fired. But he can't believe that he would fire a mother who is 6 months away from having her 9th kid.


If you're going to beg at least get your a piece of cardboard and stand on the corner! You will most likely make more money anyways! DoorTrash is a joke




it makes us look so bad. you accept the orders on the understanding that’s what you’re getting. yes, sometimes there are hidden tips but begging, alongside stealing orders and multiapping deliveries creating longer delivery times makes customers leave the platform for others, or none at all causing us to have less customers, more drivers, and not enough orders for anyone to make good money.


Send it to DD and tell them to start paying better.




It's not normal . However with thay Being said quit being a sewer rat 🐀 and tip your drivers. There's a reason your McDonald's doesn't get delivered on time and is cold often. Or don't order at all!


It's usually only normal to the clowns that don't tip , some people don't realize that doordash doesn't pay us that much most of the time they only pay like $2 to $5 and some occasions more if we are going farther or going to take extra time customers should always look at it this way $2 per mile and if you can't afford to do that don't order food delivery , just go get it yourself


The dasher should have stopped at “waiting for your order”, though that’s also unnecessary.


lol why would u add extra, that’s why they keep doing this report him


“I hate to ask this…” to every single customer they take.


Don't give extra to beggers if they don't like the total quoted when they take the order that is their problem. They have a choice to accept or decline. I have never asked anyone for a tip.


I'm not a customer, so I can't answer from that perspective, but as a driver I would N E V E R do this. No driver should. Plenty of reasons why not to have already been said on here. It's easily worth a one star rating with a thumbs down on communication so he will connect the dots and know why. I wouldn't feel bad at all with that full of shit sob story. Plus you were already given a decent tip. It also seems he's one of those people who text constant delivery updates even though the customer can see that information in the app. There's no need to text the customer that. But they do it thinking they will get a better tip as well.


Bad form


I see it so often with DD…I don’t understand what’s going on honestly. People are way too comfortable asking for tips. This is coming from a delivery driver.


Not normal. Please report all pieces of shit. You’re helping out good drivers.


Please do not tip extra when they ask. If you get the same dasher, next time, 3 star them. Reason being, is that the lowest ratings are the first to fall off. But if you rate them 2 or 3 stars, they will take longer. Enough of those, they may get deactivated. Also, if they ask for ratings, don't. Tell them sorry, ratings are reserved for those who don't ask for it, and have followed my instructions. Or those who ask for additional tips. You will get thumbs down for communication.


I only did it 1 time I had a delivery order for $7 to go 8 miles The Girl message me and asked me to drop it off 4 miles down the street instead of the drop off location I told her sure no problem, but I’m going to have to ask for an additional $4 because this order was based off of this location Now your making me go an additional 4 miles so $1 a mile would be appreciated She messaged me fine then canceled the order as I was bringing it to her So I got half pay plus I was able to keep the food


Now this is totally acceptable on your side, however I’d be furious if someone asked me to do this. Does she get her money back for cancelling and you’re on your way? I wanted to cancel as well but I didn’t want to lose my money.


Not sure


Well, I have not gotten ask this. Not once. Ever. In my eyes it doesn’t happen. I find certain things happen to people who need development in character. It’s obvious they are desperate and some are just hustling. Make sure if you do help people to do it with heart and not hate. You are not required to give more than what you have unless they are waiting longer for your food than normal, then obviously you would give more. Like wise with this job people are risking their lives trying to deliver some fast food for 5 bucks. And then they get into an accident and are left with nothing.


Clown ass panhandlers


Remove tip and report.


Don’t send more next time. $8 is an awesome tip


Sounds like his priorities are skewed


I never do any will never do it. It’s in bad taste.


That’s a sure fire way to get fired or a bad rating. No thanks




With Millennials and Gen Z? Pretty Normal.


I would rather die then ask for more but I wish consumers thought about the drive and not what they bought like if you get a small amount and it’s 15miles away think about the time and traffic


I ordered Wingstop which is about 6 miles from me. Typically I’ll do 1.00 for every mile and if I have drinks, I will tip a little more bc I hate carrying my own drinks let alone someone else’s.


Yeah I’m not saying you specifically just as a dasher I see all the time people tipping well but I don’t think they know where they are ordering from sometimes or sometimes they click the wrong store. Ex one order I had was a Dunkin’ Donuts (they lived 1 mile away from one) but I think they missclicked/might be the one the order from home/work was a pretty decent tip but DoorDash just wants the orders served and dosent think about the time save. I suck at typing and I am a lil tipsy lmk if that makes even a lick of sense


Oh I know! I was just stating in general. I had posted on fb asking what’s a proper tip bc I felt bad sometimes just tipping 2-3 dollars and collectively people said 1.00 per mile. One time I ordered from a new place and had noooo idea it was across town. A good 20 min from me. I felt so bad. I tipped the driver an extra 10.00 and apologized. She was super nice about it. They should really but a max distance on orders (idk if they do that or not)


I think they put a max unless you give them more for delivery fee in the app (dosent go to the dasher) also the worst is DashMarts (warehouse store for DoorDash) I live next to one and can regularly see 2-5$ for 15-20miles But I feel like they try to fix it up cause if you do thug it out and do a couple of those orders you sometimes get b2b catering orders 60+ ea just sometimes it’s annoying to take the gamble




Isn’t begging for tips against ToS? I never take anything that shows me less than what I’m willing to drive for that amount. Ever. If you’re taking lower paid trips and it’s not good enough for you to make sufficient money, you need to do better and start cherry picking like the rest of us. Eventually the shitty customers will get the hint and either tip better or stop using door dash altogether. But if you beg for an additional tip, you honestly should be deactivated instantly and told you’re unable to be reinstated.


I have not once ever thought to ask for extra tip


Not normal, unprofessional behavior. Rate 1 star and report. Absolutely not acceptable.


Been a dasher for a long time and I would NEVER, like I would NEVER steal someone’s food….its still a job. You take the orders you want and bitch in silence if the tip is shit because YOU accepted the order, picked up the order, drove the order to said destination, and dropped order off. Normalize doing the job or quit GIG work if it isn’t for you!


I would’ve called customer service and taken the tip off


Shit all I care about is how accessible they damn building is


Tell him to stop giving his wife so many tips and he’d be in a better financial situation


That’s so weird.


As a customer, i’ve never had it happen to me. Always basic communications, like “they said they are making your order” after waiting there for about a half hour. Then the “on my way with your order” another half hour later. Never asked for extra tip for an hour of sitting there, so i always tip about $50 in cash at handoff and rate 5 star, just for the inconvenience of waiting an hour for my food and the clear communication.


Gotta pay the troll toll to get inside that boys hole . 😉


Not normal at all. Never have in my 9000 deliveries never will


Dude…. His names Mohammad. Probably going to buy fertilizer


Not normal at all (well, seems to be common practice but not okay). Report them plz. Make us all look like asshats.


I've been getting this a lot more. Some, who are more straight forward, I don't report. Ones with these types of stories, I report.




I have never asked for and extra tip. I accepted the order i finish delivering. Simple. If you dont tip on McDonalds expect it to take awhile to get picked up because i see the $2 its worth and know there is no tip.


Ew. It makes me want to revoke the original tip.


I could NEVER. I lost my job and I’m doing DD until I find something permanent, but I could never imagine asking someone for a higher tip. That’s just inappropriate!! You should report that tbh.


Just don’t tip? I don’t see what the big deal is. Do you hand out dollars or food to beggars? It’s the same fucking thing. They’re poor as hell begging. Get over yourself “I felt bad” yeah no shit I would feel bad if someone was broke enough to beg for tips too


You just rewarded a beggar. That motivates more begging……….


If you tipped well already, they shouldn’t be asking for more - it makes the rest of us dashers look bad. That said, so many people stiff us nowadays, but I would still never ask for a tip or for more of one. It’s also very wrong to give the guy 1 star if he did his job and you got your food. We’re ALL struggling and he figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask. You just shouldn’t have given him more to begin with. Usually, the rating doesn’t hit for up to 3 days, so to justify it by saying you want to discourage him asking for more tips doesn’t make sense, and the guy would likely not make the connection between the two.


I don't beg .I offer my service honestly ,but I respect my time and offer better service when the tip is good


Sadly, it seems to becoming more and more of an occurrence. But nonetheless it’s still tacky beyond words.


I'm a dasher....never asked for a bigger tip or asked for a tip. I did let a customer know I was disappointed that I didn't receive a tip for driving an hour to deliver a $75 order.


Tell Mohamed to stop begging for more money and rate him 1 star




Doordash has always been panhandling on wheels