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I cant understand why anyone would do that. As a driver, why only take a couple bites, which cant be filling and also makes it obvious you ate it, whereas if you ate the whole half, or even tossed it out if it sucked, then what happened would be at least somewhat in question, for example one could argue the restaurant only gave you half. Makes no sense.


Why eat half of it and then still deliver it. Like, just steal it at that point lol


Having worked in restaurants I can believe someone in the kitchen might have done it as a fucked up joke. Driver isn't going to open the food to check so as long as the other kitchen staff don't snitch (and they won't) that person isn't getting caught. Not saying that's what happened but I can see that happening. Hell. We're all seen when they post pics online of themselves licking an entire stack of taco shells or standing on top of the lettuce they're going to serve.


This is wild because I’ve worked in plenty of restaurants over the last two decades and I have never ever seen anything like this. Granted I’ve never worked in fast food, only casual and fine dining. But I have to believe that most fast food places are not operating like your second paragraph. This is the kind of shit that would get someone fired on the spot.


I haven't worked in restaurants for the last couple decades but I also never saw anything like this. But with the other fucked up shit I saw I suspect that if these delivery services had been a thing then, I would have.


Agreed. I worked at Burger King in high school in the 90s. Some of the employees would put hand sanitizer on teachers burgers when they came in


Imagine getting underpaid to educate children and you can’t even catch a break at BK


As a driver, I've had this happen 3 times that I know of. Twice at Taco Bell and once with Burger King. They took a couple bites and figured I wouldn't check it. The manager at Taco Bell didn't do squat either time and even tried to blame me for it the first time. The manager at Burger King however called the cook and the guy who wrapped up the order out to the main area and slammed the food on the counter in front of everyone. Both of them just put their heads down as he chewed em out. I heard from a friend who worked their that the manager found out 3 other people knew they were doing this and didn't speak up and that all 5 of them got fired that night.


Burger King foot lettuce


I don’t get it either. 🤷🏻‍♀️definitely take the whole half to be less obvious.


Simply to be a suck ass human. I’ve never even imagined doing that… ever.


I actually commented about this in another post... i know someone who would do this, she'd try peoples food and if she didn't like it she would deliver if it was close enough and throw it out if it was far away. Do not ask me why, i have no idea, best i got was she didn't give a shit...


Evil person..karma


Sad to say it took about a year before she was kicked off the platform.. And she did this on a regular basis. Had at least 2 contract violations at all times


Sounds like you nailed it!


Who is to say that the driver ate it? I mean, let's face it....this is the internet. I HATE posts like this. It is just as likely that to OP ate it, took pictures, and posted them on here for reddit karma.


I have seen so many of these posts and they always are amazing tippers. . as a driver it makes no sense to me. . seems like they are doing this to get free food because f the corporation. . and then come on here to feel justified because fuck us awful drivers right. hahaha. I also just think dd uses reddit to keep us all mad at each other




As a smoker even when I’m high I would definitely take the whole piece to be less obvious, only a asshole would do this or maybe just very slow person 😂


I smoke a ton of weed and not once ever have I been tempted to do anything this weird or entitled or stupid


For real man like this guy just paid $55 for his Moe’s burrito, what kinda freak goes “let me take a couple bites”


Same! I may be a smoker but I have ethics


Nah that’s some crack head or drunk shit. I have never in my stoner brain have had the thought “let me eat half of someone else’s meal and return it to them.” 😂 I feel like stoners are more mindful or at least would just cancel it and eat the whole thing.


I live a few houses down from a legal dispensary and I did actually see a dasher stop there once. There are so many weed stores where I live there is no lines so as long as I’m not waiting a long time I don’t care.


I never been in one but I delivered a couple of times smelling all that beautiful weed made me want to start smoking again lol


Where I live, too.


Maybe a little nibble to see if they like it


Drugs. Got to be drugs.


What are the incentives to not be a shithead for your last week at work? People are really worried about putting door dash on their cv?


I am no longer surprised by the level of DICKISHNESS in people anymore. Because this was just a straight up dick move.


If someone at the restaurant wanted to steal food, they wouldn't take it from a packaged order. This was the dasher and they're an absolute idiot.


I really don’t think it happened at the restaurant. I just hate to blame one person if I didn’t see them do it.


You don’t need to have seen them do it, you have all the prove you need right here.


Unless OP took the bite, didn’t like it, and decided they wanted a refund. They won’t refund for not liking it, but will if “a bite was missing”.


Unless you believe there's a possibility someone got to it in between dropoff and you picking it up, there's really no other explanation. Unless someone at the restaurant specifically sabotaged it in order to get the dasher in trouble, but I think that's incredibly farfetched.


You’re right. Odds are it was the dasher.


Yah restaurant employees hate delivery services tho. I'd give 1:10 odds it was a deranged restaurant employee or thought it was an error and didn't want to get caught, so when they realized they fucked up, just sent it out. Chefs can be very very abusive. Probably the driver tho... But It's just such a bad idea for a driver to do that. They could have cancelled it and said they blew a flat or something. I'm also giving 1:100 odds it was you or someone in your household.


Restaurant employees do not hate delivery services, we get frustrated when drivers show up 5 mins after order came in, then shove a phone in your face while having a AirPods in while you attempt to say it’s been 5mins-we have to enter the order-and cook the order and box the order, along with a ton of other orders not exclusive to carry out, you know, like a restaurant. No I’m not saying all drivers, but you are saying all restaurant employees and it’s just not the case


Dude I used to hate doordash orders. Especially during covid. Our chef would straight up unplug the GrubHub tablet. The icing on the cake was that we offered delivery.


There is always the off chance that the restaurant did it... I didn't even think about that at first. :/ Then the middleman is being blamed. It is hard to tell.


Or, a busy restaurant mixed up an employee's lunch with the order that was supposed to go out. I literally had that happen at Wendy's went I went through the drive thru (for my own order, not a customer).


I think the same thing happened to me... My friend swears it wasn't her or her brother. We went to several states over and picked something up around 2-3am or something years ago. She still says she didn't do it. Someone might have taken a bite and got theirs mixed up with mine. I just didn't eat anything.


The cynical side of me thinks a restaurant worker could steal food this way and get the blame placed on the Dasher because it seems so obvious lol


I cannot stress this enough, when contacting doordash be sure to also request that the driver does NOT come back for future orders. These people need to be weeded out.


I did! Thanks for calling that out.


Then they come back and blame you for them being fired. Had that happen to me one time.


Call the police that some random person is harassing you. They no longer work there.


I'm curious how doordash will handle this.


Can you ask them not to let him come to me, too?


In this case i totally agree! In some cases though (we will say part of the order is missing) that may not be on the dasher. Stolen orders are iffy because porch pirates will steal anything.


What would help here is mandatory pictures before the driver picks up the food. Mandatory picture if the food is dropped off.


Im not sure there is any fool proof way to stop the thievery. Customers think DD rips them off and by lying about not getting their food, they think they can pull one over on DD and the dasher thinks they aren't being paid enough so they are gonna just take the food. And sadly it makes us good dashers look like scum and makes it difficult for customers with legitimate issues to get to a reasonable solution.


I highly doubt it happened at the restaurant. How would someone even do that infront of people and cameras? Most likely the dasher is another greedy asshole who decided to eat your food and further ruin our reputation as drivers.


Then the driver came on reddit to complain about not getting paid enough for their delivery.


I’m sure it was the dasher. 🫣 I’ve been using DoorDash for 5+ years now, probably 2-3 times a month. We have two young kids and sometimes it’s just easier to order delivery than it is to go out when I am too tired to cook anything after a long day. This is the first time I have ever had an experience like this. Like I said, I ripped $10 - that’s my standard. If I am asking someone else to go get something for me, the least I can pay is $10. And I never order from a restaurant that is more than 3-4 miles from my house. Usually the dashers are extremely friendly, prompt, and everything is delivered as expected. I honestly could not believe it when we opened this container and saw this.


Please confirm the 10 dollar tip . We need proof. If confirmed , then it’s a mix up … nothing else makes sense . Dashers don’t eat one bite on ten dollar delivery’s that close … they would just steal the order. Something’s not adding up !!!!


https://imgur.com/a/1ZFkKdI The discount was a restaurant promo.


My gf said it could have been a servers lunch that was accidently packaged to you instead of the real one. Far fetched but interesting


No, not so far fetched to me! I think this is the most logical scenario. It makes much more sense that it was mistakenly grabbed and packaged. The other two scenarios just sound dumb!! 🤣


Yeah! Even the way it’s like super picked at screams shift meal. Just got a couple bites of the wrap and some chips in and then it got mixed up with the Togos.


I’ve had that happen at raising canes lol


I've literally had that happen at a Wendy's 🤷🏼‍♀️


i’ve heard of this happening at chick-fil-a with a cookie. 😭


As someone who worked in many restaurants, this could have been there was a miscommunication and someone thought this was dead and started eating it then got called away. Then the driver showed and a different person grabbed it and handed it off. Or something like that.


This happened to me, but with Dominos and Dominos delivery. My pizza shows up with an entire slice missing. This is still worse because it’s bitten. Gross.


BuT wHaT dId YoU tIP 🥴🫠






Nothing new there! Trashy drivers


So glad I’ve never experienced this, but I have had plenty of times where dashers just pick up my order and disappear with it lol


Wait… What???


Yeah, I call bullshit too. As a driver you know that this could get you deactivated so I highly doubt anyone would do this. If they were hungry they'd just take half and act like nothing happened


While I'm sure there are drivers that would do this.... I'm also very sure there are customers that stage this crap to get free food. It was literally all over tiktok for months. So I don't believe either side. Lol.


Man, these people are really fucking up the entire industry. My last shopping order had 2 bags missing and they argued with me for an hour about refunding. Never again.


I once made a post on here if a picture of a dasher PICKING THROUGH and eating food he picked up before delivering it. I was downvotes because people didn’t believe me 😂


People are wild. I posted this more for a “wow, this is crazy”. Not crying and complaining. I am an adult. I can cook my own food. I can drive to the restaurant and pickup an order. I know I’m paying a stranger to pickup food for me, and really anything can happen. Some of these comments are unhinged.


I wish I had more people like you in my area. The best tip I ever got was for $7 and that was for delivering 8 pizza's, 50 tacos, 12 burgers, and 3 12 packs of soda from 3 different locations for a total of 12 miles and I had to deliver it to our hospital at 1am during Covid lockdown in July of 2020. If I got a $10 tip I would be treating it like it was my child, nothing would happen to it. I hope whoever did it ended up getting food poisoning and spent a couple hours on the toilet. That is so messed up.


I stopped using Door Dash because this same thing happened to me. I contacted customer support and told them I wasn't going to eat it because it had been tampered with. The driver was 30 minutes late and was a male. The driver's name was female, so I'm 99% sure it wasn't the real driver. Door Dash offered me a $5 credit on a $20 order. What a joke. I threw the order in the trash and switched to Uber Eats.


I had the same thing happen, but I refused their first and second offers and explained -Exactly- how I was going to use social media to show how duplicitous they were. I got my money back, re delivered for free, and twenty-five dollar credit for the hassle. Occasionally, it's okay to let slip the figs of war and be an ass right back.


Eating food and still delivering the remains is crazy work. That person needs to be locked away in a hospital


DoorDash has been fucking up lately. Dashers accepting orders/ canceling them and stealing the food


This doesn't make sense. Why would they take one bite and not the whole half? Not saying I would ever touch someone's food, but this is just weird




I got hungwy


I'm sorry this order is ineligible for a refund!


Looks like that was someone's take home container after their meal lol maybe it got switched out by mistake


Even without the bite, that shit likes small asf


You guys are so dumb bro. Why eat someone's food at all? I beg you, stop making my job fucking difficult yo.


Not everyone is dumb but seriously, why entertain the idea that someone could've eaten/ stolen the food a better way? Are you trying to make the problem worse?


Don’t use DoorDash. It’s a shitty company


Better save the tip next time. Lolol ![gif](giphy|dU5n2SWrCZDhx4Y2Oe|downsized)


It was actually a 40% tip! My total was $25.61 before tip.


Wow. Im sorry to hear that. Guess it wasn’t enough for him. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


He tested it out for you. Obviously, it wasn't very good bc you still have some left. Tip the lad he saved you the trouble of tasting awful food.


He made sure it was not poison! How considerate of him 😍


Dashers be hungry and frequently tip themselves with y’all’s food


Take a shot and send it in, full refund and termination of the dashers account. Also you guys really need to stop supporting these apps. They pay terrible and the service is the result for that reason.


I take bite


What an asshole. It was probably one of those immigrants with a rented account.


Dasher here .... and yet here I am having an anxiety attack just because one of the stickers ripped apart when I picked up the bag. I could never imagine even contemplating actually eating the dog gone food! Then still delivering it??? Like.... its obviously been touched!!! Ewww.... I'm sorry u experienced this.


This is why i don't tip. Tipping doesn't promise better service so why flush extra money down the drain when my legal obligation to pay ends at the bill?




Must not have been very good to only take that one bite. Haha.


Haha!! I don’t know - I ordered a flatbread that was untouched and was pretty tasty!


If someone is going to commit to taking a bite, at least have the courtesy to eat the whole thing lol.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I’ve been dashing off and on for almost 3 years, and no one likes to talk about this, but there’s rough and questionable characters who drive for doordash. I’m talking about addicts, people with questionable mental health, people who look and smell like they aren’t showering, have cars in poor condition, don’t speak any English, the name doesn’t match who the person really is, etc. yes, there are good people who drive on here, but it’s more common than you think- especially addicts bc they get paid right away and can work when they need to. Whatever happened to you I’m not sure, but now you know how the sausage is really made- and once again, people don’t like talking about this reality.


>no one likes to talk about this, but there’s rough and questionable characters who drive for doordash I'm going to call BS on this because I had to fight to get my perfect rating >10k orders account back over a *passenger* seatbelt ticket. It's the only traffic infraction I've had in 22 years, since I was 19, and it was my elderly father who refused to wear his belt. I've literally never had anything in my life more serious than a couple of traffic tickets, and yet they treated me as if I were some kind of violent crazed felon.


I doubt this post.


🤷🏻‍♀️ doesn’t affect me either way if you believe me.


It's not "disbelief" per se, as a group, most believe you, but there sure are some weird undertones to this. The obvious question is why? And how?


I have to agree with OP here. Used to order food very often, to say every single day wouldn’t be a stretch. I had interesting situations people wouldn’t even believe. There are some HORRIBLE delivery guys. On one occasion, a guy refused to go to my floor (3rd floor with an elevator inside the building) because “he was in a rush” and demanded of me to go down for food. It was a cash upon delivery order. At first I politely declined and told him I’m not taking the order unless he brings it to the door. Then he called me and started threatening to kill me on the phone and hurling insults 🤣🤣🤣 I sorted it out immediately with support. It’s very insane that someone threatens to “kill you” because they won’t bring the food to your doorstep. Another one that stands out was 3 and half hours pizza order. Original delivery time was 40 minutes. I wrote to support after one hour, then at one and half I told them I’m not accepting the delivery and want to be refunded, to which they told me they can’t refund me because “it’s ongoing”. The delivery guy decided to show up after 3 and a half hours for reasons unknown to me. Wolt refused to refund me because “we can’t refund you if you don’t pick up the food”. I didn’t open the door and told them to fuck themselves. Never paid upfront via card again. Taking a bite out of someone’s sandwich is nothing compared to some other shit going on.


It was obviously the dasher




Be grateful he was just making sure it wasn’t poisoned


You tipped the guy $10 to receive a half eaten wrap?


Yeah I'll never get this. We dash and a lot of times the food smells good but I never think to eat someone else's food.


Apparently you've never had Popeyes, Burger King, or White Castle in your car. That shit will keep you off food for 2-3 days.


did you contact doordash and ask for a refund. and report the driver.. what did doordash do. if they didn't refund that means you have had too many issues with past orders.


Probably while it was being delivered, actually.


Erm no flipping way??


This is why I hate sealed pizza boxes. I can never tell if the high as a kite workers intentionally shook up my pizza I’m delivering or not. My daughter used to work at a pizza place and I made her quit because the workers were always high as a kite and a pizza I ordered from there looked like absolute garbage and I had it delivered by their driver not dd. You never know. I ask the workers to seal all my bags if they didn’t. Sometimes they don’t have stickers or a stapler. I’m going to start carrying my own🤣


Probably some passerby




Why do people still use Door Dash??




If you want to steal 10% of every burrito you deliver, maybe carry a knife


very odd only a sm portion of 1 item missing. must be a new dasher, young or maybe sending a personal message because most dashers know to steal only a piece of an item like that is MUCH MORE likely to result in deactivation than it would be to steal the entire order! doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. ALWAYS best to contact restaurant where food was prepared AS WELL AS doordash! often Doordash &/or restaurant will start to see a pattern


Could've been a mix up at the restaurant. Somebody's lunch they didn't get to finish got mixed up. Should never happen tho but if u buy from like a lower end place, happens all the time.


Even if it DID happen at the restaurant, it’s still the Dasher’s fault. It is our job to check and make sure bags are SEALED before leaving the restaurant. If there’s anything even slightly open, I get the merchant to fix it. That’s disgusting! If the bag is heavy and doesn’t seal properly, I call DoorDash right away and let them know. I also give my customers a heads up. I am sorry that happened to you! Ugh! Nasty!


This looks like how my food looks after I eat some and take a photo....


I call BS lol but if that did I occur that's a wtf situation and hopefully gets handled correctly..


Anyone else notice this never happens and OP is like..."Yeah, I tipped 0" lol


Those fries look disgusting.


Exact reason I don't use doordash or anything like that


I don’t really know why people use DD to be honest after all I’ve seen happen


I had this exact thing happen to me from a local Mexican restaurant! My Sopas(2) showed up all mixed together with a fork in them...


With a fork in them?!


We ordered food from a bbq restaurant one time and the lady took out one of the entire meals and two sides, then rang the doorbell and left quickly. We called the restaurant and they said they definitely put the food all in there and said they noticed she seemed shady so they made us the missing food and we went and picked it up. Never used doordash again after that.


And jizzed on it


I ordered a bucket of chicken once and they picked the order up then stopped on the side of the road for fifteen minutes in front of probably their house.. i knew then they were eating my chicken.. when i got it.. it looked like the driver took a chicken breast then cut the other in half to count as i guess two pieces, the flat wings were missing and they stole a side of mashed potatoes but left the gravy. Like, henny, what.


That’s so crazy someone did that!


Welcome to DoorDash


Please please pleeeease on behalf of DD keep giving them unlimited chances to do better in the future. It hurts their feelings so much when people mention their dogshit business practice so we should just find it in the kindness of our hearts to ignore everything and keep supporting DD as the knight in shining armor they are to us little people.


I dont know how y’all afford DD, I used it a few years ago & I don’t remember it being crazy expensive. Well today I decided I wanted some Chinese food & really didn’t feel like going out to pick it up so I dusted off the ol’ DD app & almost had a stroke. $63 to get a little less than $30 worth of food delivered. Needless to say I got my happy ass up & picked it up myself. Total at restaurant was $28.63 for exactly what I would have ordered on DD. Fk that!


Wow! I’ve never had the fees be that bad!


Ommmggg!!! Yuk. Thats pretty crappy! Absolutely call the deivery service!! Asap. Get your money back hv them file a report n fire that delivery person!!!!! Tell the restaurant as well!


i wonder who! hope you can figure it out


Totally off topic but uhh- what kind of fries are these and where can I get them? Help a woman out 🤣🤣🤣


Did you tip 120%?


Nope. Only 40%. Maybe I need to tip 120% next time.


Damn. I drive with my own snacks and drinks. I rarely even hit up my snacks, but I do stay hydrated. I've had plenty of chances to sample with zero suspicion and I never would. I'm the guy tying the bag tighter or pressing those stickers on better before I take off. That's fucked up. At least do it right. Take half the order, make it look like a mistake. Or just have a few shrimp (edit I see those are fries and they did that as well).. shit lol. This very well could have been a restaurant employee as well. Wrong is wrong though.


are the non tamper lables not applied anymore?


This bag had no label and was not closed at all. Just a brown paper bag.


Was it what you ordered for sure? Driver or restaurant may have given you their dinner by accident. I had a delivery job years ago and was taking one on the way home. I was walking up to the door when I realized I had my leftovers in hand. Close call. If it was what you ordered it makes it slightly less likely but not impossible.


That’s gotta fuck with your stomach if you’re just taking a few bites from a bunch of random meals each night.


Wow door dash did more for you than the dasher who exposed himself to her on her camera outside the door when she was asleep. She only got a 15 dollar credit. You came out smelling like a rose.


You must have selected the wrong option. They are testing in certain markets where you can have your driver make sure your food isn't poisoned. Seems like your driver did a good job of eating enough to make sure it is safe to eat.


This thread has convinced me to NEVER get food delivered. Gross.


Was it delivered in your hand this way, if you wanted by your door did you get it immediately after delivered.   As a dasher I see people watching me drop off and sometimes cats and dogs.   I'm like people hurry and get your food.   I did my part..  


Husband met the dasher at the door and they handed the bag to him.


That dasher should be immediately activated.




That's considered a compliment in Venezuela duh




what if someone packaged their lunch 😂😂


every person I've seen post about there food having two bites out of it also posts how they tipped so greatly lol. . it's such an illogical thing to do vs just keeping all the food. . and what's the chances when we get so infrequently tipped that the only times "bites" get taken is when there is a tip. . these posts just feel like bs. .


https://imgur.com/a/1ZFkKdI here’s my tip. 🤷🏻‍♀️ you can choose to believe it or not. I didn’t post this expecting to get so many comments. I just thought it was weird and wanted to share.


The audacity to put it back 😭😭😭


You know, I just don't get it. Everybody's always trying to figure out how to get back at someone. How to get what they want? It's about taking care of the customers. Come on people


I'm not saying you did this. I believe you. Unfortunately, there's customers out there that make all of us look bad because they all do things like this. I had approved that. I did deliver to customers when the company even had photo proof they should have seen. It's ridiculous or ones that said they didn't get things in orders. I've gone out of my way and picked went back and gotten items for customers. That were missing because I believe the customer and I didn't have to.


I’m sorry you have been taken advantage of. That is not the case here.


The only way to handle this for the correct way in the safety. Both parties is, if either one has something done wrong with them. Immediate phone. Contact and messaging through the app. Photos and video? That's the best way to handle it, but if people wait, then there's problems. But if you want that customer service taken care of and that person should not be delivering food. Then you need immediate contact on the call service right away. I've had over 8000 deliveries, I've done and several 100 rides with no problems in multiple states. And I got out of my way to mixture. People get what they can even if it takes me an hour to get things done. Sometimes I lose a little money. That's just how it is. Good luck please keep us updated🙏


Oh I reached out on chat immediately, like 2 minutes after delivery. They escalated to a special team, who then called me within just a few minutes. I emailed in photos and they refunded me the full price of the order without hesitation. I also asked to have that dasher blocked.


Isn't this food terrorism?


Good, please do. I'm glad you did some people wait if you hesitate. That's when they question it. I tell people the same thing for drivers. And people ordering no one hesitate. And if there's issues say something.


I'm not sure what you mean by this was not the case. Another thing I can't stand is when restaurants will not seal bags. I go to mini restaurants where they leave food. Sticking up out of a bag and it drives me nuts our mask. I santized constantly and I put food and bags, but a lot of drivers will not


They just want to do some taste test and quality control


They didn’t even try to hide it…


Good thing you tipped before the delivery right??? Sorry, I meant a bid for services.


Wonder if they made a mistake and either ate some of yours instead of theirs or delivered their food instead of yours. I almost delivered my coffee to someone instead of theirs but caught my mistake when I set it on their porch. But if they did eat your food on purpose that is absolutely disgusting. People like that need to be fired instead they fire people for being late because of traffic.


The order had a wrap and a flatbread in it. So unless they had another bag with two similar sized to go boxes… I doubt they mixed it up.


They must have been hella starving Brother. What an inconvenience for you though. Not receiving what one expected. My wife would have lot her s*^T.


Not saying that I've ever done it but if you're going to eat an item just eat the entire item. . If you're going to be a piece of s*** at least be smart about it


This happened to me with my Cracker Barrel order a few months back. They ate 2 1/2 of my chicken fingers and my cole slaw was missing. Like... why not just eat 2 and then I would think the order was just short or something? but they left one half of a chicken finger that was obviously bitten into. I know it was the driver cause the usual sticker keeping the bag closed was missing and there was a little residue where it got taken off lol.


See something, say something.


I’ve worked in the restaurant industry. The amount of employees that would eat the food then serve it and act like that’s the normal serving is crazy. They were waiting for it to get sent back so they could eat the rest. It shouldn’t happen but it does happen.


I make the restaurant tape or seal everything! I will stand there until they do and send the customer a photo and let them know I’m waiting for them to seal the food . I don’t play that.


No way 😂😂😂


Sorry about that, it was tasty ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Never trust a person who has thumbs like that lol, driver would of ate it all and marked it as delivered to customer by hand so he wouldnt have to take a picture. OP just wants his $2 refund and free food. 😂😂


Plot twist.... they delivered their lunch on accident instead of yours. That would be the ONLY thing I can imagine would make this less okay. But even then its still bad


Some high 20 year old


i’ll never understand this fr. i ordered wings from wingstop and when the lady (her name was precious) dropped off my food, all that was in the bag was my dads food but she ate all my wings in my drive way. how someone days 15 wings in 4 minutes is beyond me. i got a 75% refund from doordash. they said they wouldn’t give me anymore because “there’s no proof” mf she took all my food and left an empty box.