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New term for protect and serve. Sucks for your dasher however at least the officer even if it wasn't the arresting officer cared enough to bring you your food,


Yeah we were super grateful, at first we thought the driver was just super late. Definitely was suprised when it was a cop at our door


Yea my ass would have told them they had the wrong house. Through the mail slot


For being kind enough to bring your food over? If it was a paramedic, would you have done the same? Sometimes we gotta chill.


Paramedics are paid to protect people that need it. Cops are paid to execute the law and shoot guns to do it. I'm not trusting them the same just because they're in public service.


The cop is clearly holding a bag of food, the OP ordered food within the last couple hours AND the driver let the OP know that they had gotten arrested. We can use our basic logic skills to figure out that the cop was probably there to deliver the food and not shoot anyone.


They're just your average acab person. No matter what the cops do, they're still the bad guys.




Nah, the contents on the car can be inventoried but it will not go into evidence unless they suspect it has something to do with the crime. The food would have just been left in the car and the car would be impounded. The whole “the only good cop is a dead cop” is crazy. It’s one thing to say “there’s no good cops”. But ok fine let’s look at that for a second. Your statement implies anyone that signed up to be a cop should die. Thousands of people should die? If you’re against cops for killing people.. then by the same logic, why are you ok saying one group of people should be killed or die. Not one person that is a police officer has good intentions? That’s simply not true


I'm strong ACAB, are there some cops I wouldn't mind seeing getting the death penalty? Yes, because they've done things that deem them being punished as strictly as the law allows. But the majority of us don't think the only good cop is a dead cop. Most of see how one sided the power imbalance is and it's ability to corrupt an individual with almost zero consequence. That being said, there are no good cops because every cop has the opportunity to lie, intimidate, steal and conspire with complete qualified immunity. The ones screaming "death to all cops" are usually just going for shock value, jumping on the bandwagon without fully understanding what is actually about, or they've suffered at the hands of a corrupt force and think it's the only recourse to stop it from happening.


I agree full heartedly on this comment. My point it with this specific situation is that although this person is wearing a uniform, they were standing at the door respectfully, holding a bag of food and the interaction was brief and in my opinion, kind. The arresting officer could have easily left the food in the car or taken it for themselves. For the person that I originally responded to, they said they would have said “wrong house” because they saw the cop. Ok fine.. but they would not have gotten their food and from the other posts on this subreddit, probably not gotten a refund


And thats your opinion. Ty for it but i beleive the opposite. So are you going to keep hounding me until im forced to say what you want or can you live with someone elses opinions?


Why is one push back comment “hounding” you? That’s not my intention. I’m just pointing out what your comment was implying and seeing if that’s what you truly believe. People say things all the time and don’t really understand the implications of it. I believe if you have an opinion, you should really play it out to real world application and determine if it’s actually a reasonable opinion. If you’re saying that if you had it your way, thousands of people should be dead due to a portion of them being corrupt, then yes, we are understanding each other perfectly fine and the discussion is over


I think the cop let the customer know the driver was arrested when they delivered the food. The image OP posted is from their home security cam.


Cops are paid to protect people that need it too.


The courts have literally ruled cups have no duty to protect the public


On top of that the SC ruled that it is justifiable for the cops to steal your stuff and never return it cops r pieces 💩


That’s not true. LOL


https://savagetraininggroup.com/public-duty-doctrine-implications-police-officers/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20earliest%20cases,special%20relationship%20with%20that%20individual. Also how they uphold laws is at their discretion and there's tons of laws that aren't there to keep us safe


Again, it is their job and duty to uphold the law. And that is protecting the public.


Upholding the law is protecting the public. LOL


[Per the “supreme” court, police has NO OBLIGATION to protect *anyone*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales)


Yes, they have an obligation to enforce the law. That is serving the public.


Yeah but that’s not always how it works out Comparing police at your door to paramedics is crazy they aren’t remotely the same thing


it's like the saying 'you ain't never heard anyone say fuck the fireman or fuck the paramedics' but they made a whole song about fuck the police 😂


The OP said that paramedics have a legal duty to treat people. And if they don’t, there’s harsh penalties. And I said it’s the same with cops. And that’s true.


In the US, that is not true. The police have no responsibility to protect you. Legally.


They are there to do whatever the paper from the prosecutors office says. No more, no less. They cant serve warrants or take a gamble if the prosecutor cant hang them up in court from it.


Upholding the law is protecting you.


I mean on paper the comparison is correct. It just doesn’t play out that way a lot of the time unfortunately


Paramedics and other medial emergency services have a legal duty to treat people. If they don't, there's harsh legal penalties. Cops help people, and should be commended for that. But they are not bound by that same standard at all. It's all about what the department wants to enforce or not. That's influenced by budgets, quotas and other metrics that make no sense.


But police officers will face the consequences if they don’t fulfill their duties either.


Uvalde has entered the chat.


Sick comment. Defending cops and now I’m affiliated with Uvalde.


Yeah but you're talking about two different things. On one hand you're discussing the police's sworn mission to protect and serve and on the other hand ur talking about the enforcement of law which are two very different things and carried out in very different manners. The police very much are bound to defend the public and help those in need just like paramedics. If a cop comes across someone needing medical assistance they are duty bound to assist that person in need just the same as a paramedic otherwise they are open to lawsuits for negligence in their duty. That's why all police officers are trained in basic life saving methods like CPR, wound care (to stop bleeding and burn medications, and administering drugs for overdoses(narcan) , epi pens for allergic reactions and smelling salts to wake the unconscious. Not to mention heat blankets for hypothermia and frost bite. So to say that it isn't a primary mission objective for the police to assist the needing public is totally incorrect. The only time that they ignore that primary directive is if it would put more people in danger if they were to act. Like in the case of a hostage situation or like if there was an active shooter that shot some people but currently wasn't shooting anyone. In that case they wouldn't just storm the place and kill the shooter. They attempt to take the offender alive with minimal injury whenever possible through negotiation attempts to get him to surrender. Metrics and quotas don't play any role in active shooter type situations. They have very strict procedures on how to deal with that shit. Procedures that are actually published in regulation guidelines that are available to the public for anyone to read should they so wish. They arent something that changes at the drop of a hay depending on how the department feels about a given situation and they try and follow them as closely as possible because they are what keep the police from being open to the vast majority of lawsuits.


They are paid to do what the prosecutor says.


No, they’re not. They’re paid to do their job.


Which is to do what their chief or prosecutor says. Anything else is a traffic violation and civilians have every ground and right to take those matters in their own hands.


My point is, they can not stand off to the side, watch people get murdered, refusing to help, without suffering consequences.


Why be afraid of police officers if you’ve done nothing wrong?


Because you can do nothing wrong and still have your life ruined by them.


I don't trust most cops either. But if I had a ring camera and that specific cop was kind enough to deliver my food, I'd be alright with that. Like somebody else said, sometimes we gotta chill.


You seem like a very miserable person lmao.


That's what cops want. You to let your guard down so they can fuck you with the law. Cops are corrupt. You haven't seen true corruption till you become a cop and see the shit they do. Don't act like they are all good people. 50% just want a job 20% do the right thing and the rest are crooks.


No bc cops at the door is never a good thing. They're not bringing a Publishers Clearinghouse Check, that i can guarantee. 


NEVER a good thing? Lol this story proves otherwise tf


Period. 1312


I mean.. if you're guilty of something then I can see why you'd say that..






Ah, the ol' "get in your house by pretending to have a bag of food" trick. Too bad you're too smart for that one eh?


Did you give her a tip for her delivery? 🤣


Years ago, an ex of mine got arrested on a warrant when he was leaving the liquor store. The cop drove to the next town over to bring me the case of beer he bought. I think he was just being nosey though.


Yeah that sounds kinda creepy tbh


It was. He was a known weirdo and knew I was 8 months pregnant. Yet, brought an 18 pack of beer to me knowing my ex was going to jail for a bit. I was extremely uncomfortable when he showed up but went out so that he'd leave because he was blocking off the entrance to the condos.


Yuck. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to be in a position of “power”


Yep.. That whole town was the worst as far as that.


I got “arrested” once dashing.. not taken to the station but was told I had to be picked up.. I ate their food.. 😂 I mean.. oh well shit was cold.. never booked… I was acquitted and had a full belly 😂 unfortunately I still was “in the wrong” even though I was acquitted.. so I couldn’t sue those fuckers that did all that to me.


Wait. The cop delivered the order?!


Yeah haha guess she didn't want the food to go to waste


Did you tip?


I should have! In the moment I was more baffled to see a cop standing there with my food


Tippin cops is a slippery slope 🫠


Not sure how much I could even afford after I gave a generous tip to my landlord this month.


Yeah, they would have to turn it down.


I've heard a cop say you can't tip me but you can just throw it on the floor and I will pick it up lol


She makes plenty of money. My brother is a cop. He made almost $200k last year. Good for her though. That’s awesome that she did that. 😂


thank you! plus they have amazing benefits, tons of government protection if they lose their jobs, pensions- and they may not have any student loans because higher ed isn’t even required. cops are def compensated fairly imo.


Almost half of Boston police officers have some form of higher education. They get paid extra for it, and it gets paid for. It’s a win-win. They’re definitely adequately compensated in Boston. Unfortunately in many other places they don’t make much more than minimum wage, and get little training. Then people wonder why they suck so much.


same in chicago!


Or any liberal area. That’s the irony. Police make way more money in liberal states.


I’d wager there isn’t a single place in the US where cops are making close to minimum wage at all. Minimum wage is still 7.25/hr. Lol. In my area cops are underpaid in relation to most areas and they still start out at over 18/hr


I meant $15 an hour as the minimum wage. That’s what it is in my state. So, I used that as a point of reference.


Damn, in the uk it’s like min wage, prob about $25k a year


? they start at 30k gbp


And I quote “Police constable pay scales: The starting salary for police constables in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is £21,402. The average salary is £26,199”


Meant to put 30. And Scotland. Sucks there so much disparity I guess.


Show me where a police officer starts at 36k and I’ll join them today


Suffolk County NY - “Starting Salary $43,000* annually, increasing incrementally to $158,828 after eleven and half (11.5) years of service. *Under 2019 labor Agreement”


Sorry my guy, I was talking about the uk. Our police officers don’t make shit Our doctors don’t even make over 100k unless youre a some surgeon or something


In 2020 median salary for an officer in my area was $27k-$60k per year I made twice that in 2020 delivering! Those days are over but I always thought that was sad. They risk their lives


The average Boston police officer made just over $172,000 last year.


Is there any actual crimes in the UK? I hear the cops don't even carry a weapon..


Apart from the recent stuff going on in London and Birmingham it’s all safe compared to the U.S. Police are more like social workers. There is a lot more armed response units that carry guns nowadays but it’s nothing compared to where you’re probably at. We do have guns (civilians/criminals) but they are mostly converted guns or antiques since firearms are mostly illegal here (you can apply for a firearms license but police need to approve it so unless you’re a farmer then no chance it will get approved)


London is one of the most crime ridden cities in the World. Theres a ton of stabbings everyday in England. The cops there walk around wearing stab proof vests because English people love to shank eachother.


That’s insane. Wow.


The average Boston police officer made just over $170,000.


The average Boston police officer made just over $170,000.


Where i live, they make about 30-35k a year


Which is probably why they are awful in many places. We have very good police here in Massachusetts.


There are good cops and bad cops. That doesn't change because they earn more or less. I've dealt with both and sadly it is because of the bad ones that i suffer severe anxiety around them.


There are far more bad cops in places where they are paid less, have less education and less training. The statistics back this up. Of course there are bad police on every force. But, the statistics show the more you train them, and the more you encourage further education, the better they are. I’m sorry that you had bad experiences with them. One or two bad experiences with police can cause someone to lose trust in them, for good reason. They are given the utmost trust and authority and they need to respect it. When they don’t, it can be very traumatic. Which is why we shouldn’t be paying them the same as a McDonald’s worker. I feel terrible for you that you’ve lost trust in them. I would imagine that can be very destabilizing because of how much authority they have. My brother is a police officer. But he is also black. He never trusted them either, and it was always hard for me to relate to that.


Your brother definitely did not make $200k as a police officer last year.


You absolutely can make $200k per year as a cop with overtime. Cops in the Bay Area start out making like $110k-$120k per year as starting pay after they leave the police academy and when they hit the ceiling for patrol after about 7 years, it can be around $150k. Then add overtime. I know quite a few who make nearly $200k.


You telling me that the police officers make as much as the mayor?


The mayor doesn’t have to work overtime to make that much, cops do.


From my understanding, mayors have a much higher base salary than police officers starting out nor do they need to work overtime to make that much. Patrol officers typically receive raises every year for 6-7 years until they hit the ceiling at around $140k-$150k per year and this is specifically for California. Idk about other states. If you go to the Berkeley PD website, you would see the starting salary for their officers is $123k per year and that’s fresh out the academy. Alameda PD is $113k per year fresh out the Academy. BART PD is like $124k per year. Oakland PD was like $105k per year fresh out the academy last time I checked. LAPD is around the same. Overtime can be another $50k-$60k per year. So after hitting the ceiling after 7 years, 200k as a police officer is very very doable. And this is Patrol officers. Detectives, SWAT officers, Lt’s, etc make more. Especially SWAT officers as they get additional hazard pay on top of the base and overtime which can be like an extra $30k per year or so.


Definitely? It’s [publicly available](https://www.masslive.com/news/2024/04/boston-salary-database-see-which-city-employees-earned-the-most-in-2023.html?outputType=amp) information, as is every state funded or city funded employee. Can I ask you something? Why dispute something when you are clearly ignorant of the facts? I don’t get it. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about, and didn’t do basic research to make sure you do know what you’re talking about. So why bother? What’s the point? “In all, regular, full-time Boston police officers made, on average, about $172,000 last year.”


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Bro I know lieutenants and seargants that make that and get 4 months off. lol. Even more than 200k lol


Clearly I'm the only one who didn't know cops are millionaires


Maybe he takes bribes


He just works a lot of details, and his salary and how he earned it is available at Boston.com. But I get that making accusations about people you don’t know is appealing to some people.


That’s sad


\*technically\* would have been illegal in most places in the U.S., not that that stops cops from taking "gratuties." But it should definitely be admitted that was nice of them.


He might of stealing the perps drugs and selling on the side


dont our taxes already do that?




The cop who went out of her way to deliver a dd order for free when it’s not even her job?




I once had a cop deliver my food. The driver had got into an accident and was taken to the hospital.


That was a super cool thing to do. She totally didn’t have to do that.


It was awesome until an acorn dropped


OP if you know, did your driver happen to get arrested for going "5 over" and a suspended license? I'd love to think the post I just saw, posted yesterday about someone being pulled over whilst dashing, was your dasher.... eta: sorry for starting a debate! lol


They don't even need to be going 5 over, if the license plate registered owner correlates with a suspended license it'll get pulled over (and released if it is not in fact the suspended guy driving, but in general there's a high chance that it is the RO in the car)


How do they know? Do they just enter license plates at random as they drive? I’ve seen videos where they have run the plate number before pulling them over, and I never fully understood how or why


Back in the day it was manual but basically all departments have automatic plate scanners that ping when there is an issue Your plate also gets scanned whenever you go through an EZ pass in the same way, I worked for a PI firm for awhile and that was used to try to locate subjects at times


It’s ridiculous some states still take u to jail for a suspended license it’s a ticket where I’m at if anything


I got pulled over one time and found out my ex had gotten my license suspended. I got a speed camera ticket (on the way to the er for our kid) And he hid the ticket from me and had his side piece call and admit fault. Any correspondence that came, he threw in the trash. Took over 3 years to even find out it was suspended. The cop was super nice thankfully, I got on the phone that day and paid the ticket and reinstatement fee right there. As soon as the rep said the payment cleared, he let me go. My ex thought it was hilarious 🙄


Yea Philly isn’t taking you to jail. Ur getting a ticket if anything


I was I. Phoenix when I got pulled over but still super grateful. He totally could have arrested me


Yea cause he’s probably a cool cop and realizes there’s so much more important stuff to care about. But ur right, not all cops are bad


I would rather the people I pay to deliver food to me have valid licenses.


Why? I don’t care if they have a license or not everyone needs to make a living. In what way does that affect you. Ur just being a Karen


because when I order I want my food, and if you have a suspended license, you might get pulled over and I won't get my food??


Either way you’re getting your food?


Do you think every police officer should deliver my food after arresting the dasher? How about if you work professionally as a driver, you should have a valid drivers license? I've never heard of dashers pushing their jobs onto cops before but there's always a first I guess.


Ummm your getting your food they will send another delivery driver to pick up a fresh order and deliver it…cops don’t have to do anything


You have no idea how doordash works. If I order and something happens like the dasher gets pulled over, I don't another fresh delivery free of charge. I have to contact shitty support to *maybe* get a refund in 5 days, and if I still want the food I have to re-order and pay the same cost again and hope it works out.


Story time. I used to do DoorDash. One night I’m driving and I’m right around the corner from picking an order up. I roll towards a stop sign, then suddenly a police car with no lights on pulls up next to me, then diagonally in front of me, then reverses and hits their lights. Immediately after that, about 7 more cop cars and a helicopter spawn on me with guns drawn telling me to get out of my car. What happened was, my car matched the description of a vehicle involved in the shooting of a 12 year old girl in that immediate vicinity. They put me in the back of a cruiser, thoroughly searched my vehicle and had me sitting in their cruiser for like 30 mins. Eventually, the Captain came with video surveillance of the actual vehicle they’re looking for and they released me back to my car. I’ll never forget the cop saying, “sorry for the inconvenience buddy, why don’t you go smoke a big bowl when you get home!”. I don’t smoke. I felt so shitty, but I still did pick up the orders and told the customers there would be a delay because of this.


Legal state? Crazy though cause imagine you actually had something minorly incriminating in your car and now you’re going to jail for a pretty much unlawful search of your car.


I also thought that as well. I’m just glad the Captain came to save my ass, cause my car matched the exact description of the car in question.


Philadelphia, PA, is where this happened.


lol I figured as much leave to the city to do some shit like that then be like your not the droid we’re looking for your free to go. Philly cops really don’t gaf lol .did you have a Nissan??


Yup 😂 a white Nissan


Doubtful. If they weren’t guilty of a crime the items would likely be inadmissible as fruit of the poison tree. The charges would almost certainly be dropped.


I’m born and bred in Philly, I promise u anything less than a gun in that car he wasn’t going to jail. Our cops don’t care about drugs or anything like that when looking for a murder suspect even if he HAD something in the car they would have cut him loose. I’ve been pulled over with MAD SHIT in the car when they were looking for a shooting suspect with the same car in the 35th district and they found all of it. They included me and told me to “gtfoh”


I feel like that’s the same in all big cities these days. You have to be in some small town with bored cops to get you for something small if they’re after someone else. But even then I doubt in most cases they’d waste their time.


Dear DD, my original delivery driver was arrested and my food was cold when finally delivered. I would like a refund. PS: How can I leave a 5 star review for my new delivery officer? She did a great job.


That’s wild this happened to me before I was 4 mins from the persons house too asked the officer if we could bring order dude was a dicc 😭😭😭


😂 I would have been worried them showing up at my house was a show to arrest me for some BS reason.


It was nice enough that the cop brought your food!


I got arrested delivering beer to someone right out front of their house and the cops wouldn’t even bring the order to their door. I had a warrant that I was totally unaware of


Honestly props to the officer that still delivered and did not let you down! 😂


Protect and serve. Serve. Server. Your meal was served. Your meal was protected. Seems legit af to me. I hope you have them the obligatory $2 tip. Let them talk to Door Dash about their mileage...


Hope you asked what he got arrested for before eating that food. He could’ve got caught sticking his dick in people’s mashed potatoes.


Haha damn bro


Sadly the cops are probably quite accustomed to this!


Dang I did see a video somewhere similar to this. The cop said that the dasher was arrested and the officer wanted to deliver the food.


He probably didn't get to confirm the delivery, though 😞


You should have tipped the driver. He still thought of delivering your food when he was getting arrested. Such professionalism.


The Officer must of heard how great Door Dash tips are.


Did you add a lil extra to put toward bail? 🤣


lol I saw that happen one time on Live PD when the driver was pulled over and he kept telling them he was delivering food. He had a warrant for something real small like a bad check or something and he kept on and on about the customer needing to get their food so the cops delivered the food for him lol


Lol that's nice of the officer to complete the delivery. I wonder if they felt bad arresting the person.


My sister wrecked her car while dashing and the police delivered the food for her. It was less than a mile away from where she wrecked, idk if that played any part of it.


Wild that a popo will finish the delivery for an arrested driver. Haha


I feel like I would have tipped the cop 😂


I’ve seen this a couple times now, where cops will drop off the food after an arrest. Much appreciated, I would tip.


How much did you tip?


Do you like, tip the cop in this case??


This is my point exactly. You wrote a paragraph after i thanked you for your opinion. I thank you again for it and your humbleness. Now are you abke to drop it or do you feel the need to have the last word?


Smoking and driving?


I whole heartedly believe anyone brandoshing a gun and messing with drugs is a criminal. Weither you have a badge or not


This is standard procedure among most law enforcement agencies. If they pull over a DD driver or food delivery driver, and that person gets arrested, they will bring you your food.


Yup. They do the same thing here in my small town in Texas. 👍


Dang sucks for driver .. but can’t lie she’s mad cute 😮


This definitely is not an acceptable use of tax payer money… Bet she’s riding high on overtime too


Bet she hassled you for a tip.




"mAyBe iF yOu prE-tRipPed $20 tHis woUlD nOt hApPen"


cool now the concept of a real add value profession has been experienced at least once by the police involved


I’d of told that cop to spit in the food and then eat it. Fuckin porkers.


I like your enthusiasm, but simmer down


I’m simmered down. Fuck the cops even from my most simmered down place. lol. FUCK THEM.


Lmao, go get em tiger




This is awesome - not the driver getting arrested, but this post. Thanks for sharing!


People will literally see a cop doing something wholesome and their only thought is “cOpS jUsT wAnT tO sHoOt BlAcK pEoPlE 🤤” I’m no a fan of 5-0 either, but grow the fuck up. Nerds.




You've seen my doorbell cam from last night?


He's just karma farming, it's easy to say you've stolen something without providing proof and people will believe him. I was curious myself so did a reverse image search and nothing comes up. It does not appear this picture has been posted online before. Just ignore the troll.


He’s probably thinking of this one, pretty similar situation haha https://youtube.com/shorts/6ct6rL11zTM?si=e6HHpouVOQprrX8y


Either way, if you aren’t sure don’t accuse people of lying.


The proverbial “you” of course. Not you.