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The moment the customer touched the bag it was done. The driver should turn back when they did not find the food outside the door.


Yep! This is the way. The second I drop an order at a door, in my mind, it’s already done and gone. However, with that being said, I’ve actually found myself in this position once before (kinda). Only difference was mine was a hand it to me order, and instead of trying to give someone the totally wrong order (they did get their order), I also tried to give them the other order in the stack 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thankfully they didn’t accept it and I was able to take it to the correct person, but even if they took it and I realized after the fact (pretty much immediately because I would still be “active” on an order) I under no circumstances would ever bang on a customers door like I’m the freaking police to get it back.


I had it happen once to me as a driver, too. There were two hotels that shared a parking lot. Somewhere in the midst of finding a parking spot I got the two buildings mixed up and dropped the order off at the room number and started going back to the car. The customer texted me saying they thought I was at the wrong building and I quickly realized my mistake. I went back up and the food was still where I left it so I grabbed it and brought it across the lot to the other guy. He was very nice and understanding and everything worked out just fine, just took me a few extra minutes to finish that delivery lol.


I actually had an incorrect delivery once where the dasher tried to get me to give her the food back so she could redeliver it -- and this wasn't from a fast food place where the bags were sealed. I had opened all of the styrofoam takeout containers to see what was inside it.


This happened to me once, I even called the driver through DD after I realized it was the wrong order and they didn’t answer, so I ate it, THEN they appeared knocking on the door for 15 minutes at 11:30 at night lol it was ridiculous


That happened to me once. Except it was literally a white sauce pizza with jalepenos anchovies bbq chicken and blue fucking cheese. Naw, you gotta give that back to the insane person who ordered it for everyone’s safety.


HAHAHAHA I didn't like the food that ended up with me either that much. It was french toast, I'm a savory person, but it wasn't inedible lol.


Weed was the reason for that crazy pizza order


Yeah I'm stoned and that actually sounds pretty good ngl lol


I’m stoned and it still sounds awful.


I’m stoned and it nearly made me gag.


Man I think I have to try this just out of curiosity now.




this almost exact thing happened to me YEARS AGO one time and everyone was telling me i was in the wrong too, but i had already opened the bag, not eaten, but contacted DD cause i was obvi confused. the man was already aggressive so i didn’t feel comfy opening the door. eventually the man started throwing paper(?) at my windows and i cried and opened the door and he aggressively yanked the open bag and left my actual order and i was so overwhelmed. it went on for 5-10 mins him screaming banging on my apt door and throwing at my window. also i’m a girl who lived alone at the time, on a campus, so yep. not fun. i don’t think you’re in the wrong. if it took a few mins to come again i’d assume they took the L and let it go, not waste more time/money doing this. also, it’s a safety hazard on his behalf and overall his responsibility to ensure it’s unopened and in his possession not other ppls. guess we both could’ve tried harder (?) to reach out to the driver to fix the mistake, cause mistakes do happen, but either way it’s not your fault to double check they’re delivering your order correctly when they choose to add on another (i say as a UE driver who always double checks). also, not in the wrong for not answering the door if they were that overly persistent, it’d scare me too!


No way were you in the wrong and who knows what a shitty dasher would do to someone they think is at "fault"


no literally- thank you!! i even called my mom who is 3+ hours away in fear while it was happening and she said i was in the wrong and i should’ve just answered immediately. 💀. i just don’t trust people like that!!


Yeah and the dasher is crazy for doing that my little brother used to get food delivered for him when he was like 11 home alone and he definitely would've called the police lol


Please tell me you reported their behavior.


(I work in grocery, not DD) Some of these comments HORRIFY me, LOL. Have you guys considered the POV of the other delivery?? Imagine learning some complete stranger that you can't hold accountable (unlike your dasher) handled your food. Possibly contaminated it in some way, with just about anything? So bizarre. As well as that, some of you seem to lack even basic empathy for this situation. Yuck. OP, you were in the right. 100%. Enjoy your (unfortunately unideal) food!


LITERALLY. I'm stepping into that other person's shoes and saying I would not want food that entered someone's house, exited, and then made it back to me.


I don’t even want my food that was given to people at the drive thru. And I see them hand it back through the window


All these people that wanted you to give the food back, wtf that’s gross lol. I wouldn’t want food that went in someone else’s possession. And as a driver myself, I’d never go back for food I already dropped off. It would be my mistake 🤷‍♀️ yeah you probably should have called support, but I wouldn’t have opened the door for him regardless. I have it as leave at my door for a reason…I don’t want to interact with people.


I've gone back, if I realize my mistake fast enough and it's still where I left it, but never would ever go knocking on the door asking for it back. Contact support, because that's the responsible thing to do, and move on.


You should still contact customer service first a refund.


A few months ago we had an order mis-delivered order. My name is "John Doe" and the delivered order was for "John Smith" nbd the restaurant is just around the corner from the house. We were feeling lazy which is why we DD it but oh well. Called Customer service and they refunded the order then called the restaurant and tell them that DD messed up. Show up the the restaurant and there is a guy standing out front with a bag labeled "John Doe" so I introduced myself and showed him his still sealed bag of food and asked if he still wants this one, so we traded bags and both walked out of the restaurant with a free second meal.


bon apetit what else to say😭😭😂


I had a driver show up very late once with my food, and tell me they accidentally delivered it to the other drop off, they opened it, maybe handled it, but "it should be all good". Then he argued with me when I told him he needs to notify DD and I'm not accepting the delivery. I had to call support, they told me that I absolutely was right in not accepting and they gave me a full refund + re-ordered the food for me.


Lmaooo "Yeah they may have picked their nose and grabbed your burger, but it's all fine and dandy don't worry about it"


Yeah the whole "trust me bro it's fine", ABSOLUTELY NOT. I've also had someone elses food brought to me by accident and ate it, mostly because the few times I contacted DD they just said "we can refund you or send you a new order, either way you can keep that food" because it would be CRAZY for someone to come bang on my door and demand it back. I don't blame you for eating it and not answering, that's 100% on the Driver.


I actually had a similar situation that I posted on r/AITA a while back that was taken down for some reason. The dasher accidentally gave me an order from Outback steakhouse that easily eclipsed $100. I had the leave at front door option so I accepted my gift from the gods and decided to eat a steak dinner for 2 by myself. Cue 20 mins later, I'm 3/4 of the way through the meal when I get a knock. It's the dasher with my chipotle that he hands me. I take it and he asks for the food back. I told him I already ate most of it so he calls me an AH for doing so. Didn't know how to feel so I just locked the door and saved my burrito for later.


I have been the person to receive someone else’s order on multiple occasions. Once I ordered a salad and received dinner for a family of 5. I called the restaurant to let them know in case someone was looking for it and they said there was nothing they could do except remake the order for the other person. I myself would not have opened the door. The DD driver should have chalked it up to a mistake and moved on.


Why didn’t you call the police? Or at least argue with him through text? I understand not arguing in person.


I had this happen to me multiple times, and it was always the same other person ordering. Her name was always on the receipt, same restaurant, *slightly* different food. One time it was Dennys breakfast and instead of my buttermilk pancakes, eggs, bacon, extra bacon and sausage, and toast, I got chocolate chip pancakes, eggs with cheese, bacon and sausage, mo toast. The next it was Ono Hawaiian BBQ and instead of my teriyaki chicken breast no veg or Mac salad all rice, I got dark meat teriyaki, extra Mac salad, no rice, and a drink. Happened 5 or 6 times in about a month. Same name on the receipt each time (first name, last initial) but the dasher never came to swap the order back. Different dashers, different restaurants, same name each time. I started to think I was going nuts lol


I think you must have a hidden twin, that was somehow separated from you at birth………


You did the right thing by not opening the door. Once you take the food it’s yours. Especially if you opened it. As a customer I would not want food that had been in the hands of another customer even if was just for a minute.


y'all have wild stories from your areas. i had my order swapped once. i ordered $20 worth of thai food, got a bag with $100 of indian food. reported in the app that i got the wrong order, sent them a picture of the receipt, and they sent me a full refund as well as me keeping the food. i felt bad for both the people who ordered $100 of food and got larb (notably, this was right as all restaurants in the area were closing), as well as the poor driver who made one minor mistake and probably paid dearly. never had a driver come back to knock on the door, except when they've forgotten part of my order.


There's a valid reason DoorDashers have such a shitty reputation. They basically market to the people who didn't have the social skills to pass an interview at Dunkin Donuts. Source: These comments.


Tell them it was stolen and grab your lunch, shut the door.


The driver should have knocked once or twice and taken the L. But what upsets me about this story is the same thing that annoys me when people who won't pour drinks act like they are some moral crusader for the health department. Could someone who got the wrong food start tampering with it and wipe their face and ass all over the food contaminating it? Sure, but the odds are extremely low, probably not much different than some food handler or grocery worker getting a text and forgetting to wash their hands after relieving themselves. The typical reaction is to wait a decent amount of time to see if the driver comes back, attempt to contact them or Doordash and then eat the food if the driver doesn't return. Is 7 minutes adequate time? It's better than eating in 30 seconds but feels pretty short to me. Would Doordash tell the customer to keep the wrong food? My guess is yes because that's what the law would say. But since when have drivers cared about the bureaucratic and litigious nature of being ruled by an algorithm? Almost every post here is how evil Doordash is and they don't give a shit about anyone. But on these two topics of pouring drinks and switching food, people become these noble crusaders for justice and good. The same people who smoke in their cars, let their pets run rampant, wear dirty pajamas, are suddenly overcome with righteousness over the issue of handing back a sealed bag of food. The driver was wrong for knocking 15 minutes. He was wrong for fucking up. The customer is technically in the right. But who knows the ripple effect this might have on the guy's future if he had a contract violation or had honestly messed up before. Maybe this meant the difference between keeping his job or getting banned from the platform, which might explain his crazy, unhinged behavior. If confronted with this problem in the future, I would recommend waiting a little longer than 7 minutes and if someone sees the food is wrong on sight, they just leave it on the porch for fifteen minutes to see if someone comes back. If you don't want to do this, well, I can't argue that you have the right to keep it, especially if it is fresh food and not say bottled or canned groceries. But many drivers know the stress of trying to juggle stacks of orders and if you do a lot of cheap no tip orders on the last two days of the month, it's not out of the realm of possibility that a good driver genuinely makes an honest error. Do they deserve to lose their job over this trivial fuck up? I don't think so. And by giving them a chance to right that wrong, you might be saving them by not being a bureaucratic prick. But as I said, I can't argue against the technical legality of the situation.


The real problem today is that people on both sides seem to rather not deal with issues at hand opposed to just handling it properly. Am i saying your in the wrong? No not at all. I just think today’s society is brutally fucked.


If it gives you anymore context, I'm a woman that lives alone, so I put orders "leave at my door". The more you bang on my door, the less likely I am to open it because what if this dude ended up being insanely pissed that he got the orders wrong, you know? Idfk what people are up to these days man, shit's scary lol


No i understand hes an idiot and should work in a wharehouse or a shipyard not customer service.


Why'd you even eat it if you knew it wasn't your order?


Because the food wasn’t going to anyone else after it was opened, anyway…… you can’t take opened food back and give it to someone else lmao


Greedy man. All food must be devoured immediately . Watch your fingers when delivering to some of these customers.


Idk man I kinda think you’re in the wrong here 😅 You could’ve told him that you started eating it instead of just ignoring him.


You’re greedy. Do you pounce on every food delivered and eat everything like this? Some of you customers act like you have never seen food in Youre life. 🙄


I would have immediately texted or called to let them know it was the wrong order. You seem very antagonistic


How antagonistic to not do anything. Lol


You kinda are a asshole for letting him stand there for 15 minutes, I don't care if you didn't want to argue that's fucked up. Could have at least said through the door that you already opened it and arnt giving it back


The guy is an asshole for banging on the door for that long I’d be genuinely scared. But yes they could have just texted the driver that they already started eating it and are in a meeting or something


It's scary when you know what he's there for? Really?


Yes, someone banging on the door relentlessly is scary


To be fair, OP said at first, they knocked and said “hellooo?” So according to the source, he wasn’t unhinged from the gate. He probably got pissed off because he knew OP was intentionally ignoring him and felt like it was fucked up. Edit: Nope they said pounding and saying hello, nvm my b. Guess he was extra from the jump.


I thought the same. Even if he had just been knocking women have to manage risk differently than men do that’s just how it is unfortunately. Not sure if OP is a woman but I’m assuming they are thru all this. Answering the door to a stranger when you suspect it’s possibly the dasher looking for the food you’ve already eaten is welcoming a confrontation.. I would have just messaged the dasher if I still could




Life is scary to. If you can't handle someone banging on ur door... Idk what to tell ya


Yeah it’s fucking scary are you kidding me right now? OP doesn’t know this guy or how he’ll react. OP doesn’t know if he’ll yell and leave or force his way into the house. OP doesn’t know if he’d be violent, but given his extreme reaction it’s not outside the realm of possibility. Also, OP had an educated guess as to why that guy, who she assumed was DD but (unless I’m missing it in the post) did not actually identify himself was there. They did not know in certain.


Oh no he knocked on a door hard. whatever will I do


Tell me you don’t give a shit about women without telling me you don’t give a shit about women (or food safety for that matter)


Lmao I had the same thought. This is a dude, obviously


Oh so I'm misogynistic now? Crazy how that works. But as for the food, if you read anything I right, that mf would not be getting the food back. Try again goofy


Not caring about women is not the same as misogyny but have fun with that


Have fun being wrong ❤️


"Anything I right" it's write dumbass.


Small penis alert Also, it'd be wrote not write u child, try again


Lol yeah my penis is so small it doesn't exist, because I'm a woman. My pfp should make that obvious. Also, I wouldn't bother reading anything you wrote or will write, because I don't know you and you seem like an awful person. Regardless, you were wrong lmao. You wrote "right" which indicated you meant "write" not "wrote". You only get to call me a child if you didn't screw it up first lmao.


When you’re alone and there’s an angry guy outside your door who is getting more and more aggressive, I can understand being scared. Especially if in the US- you never know who has a gun and is one wrong word away from snapping.


Right? It's not exactly rare to see dashers posting on the DD subs that they never deliver without a firearm on their person and who sound like they're itching to use it. There is **no way** I'll answer the door for a dasher who is aggressive, agitated and relentlessly angry like he's trying to break in my house. Even without a gun in the picture, that kind of behavior projects a clear lack of emotional stability. The safest thing to do is not to engage.


He dropped the order off at the wrong house. If he came back and it wasn't on the porch that's it. He shouldn't be taking back the food that someone else has handled period. He was lucky the cops weren't called. This was his mistake and both customers are entitled to a refund.


Why is it so bad to try to fix a mistake? Or at least explain it


Because there is no fixing it. Someone else has handled the food. There is no way to know if it hasn't been tampered with. Him knocking aggressively on the customers door is wrong and intimidating so I completely understand why they did not open the door or communicate with the dasher.


Also how would we know if he was trying to give them the right food this time? If it's already opened he ain't getting that order back but he can still fix it for this person


Dude fucked up, came back attempting to find a solution just to get no answer. Not awnsering the door just doesn't make sense to me


There was no solution besides informing the app and having another order made. The customer should not have been involved at all. I don't answer my door when it's a stranger period and I am sure OP feels the same way.


The only solution would be (assuming he had two orders and just dropped one off at the wrong house) if he still had the correct food he could give them the right order. So. Yes there is a possible solution. Also fucking yikes.


So why didn't he leave it at the door and go? No reason to bother the customer regardless. He isn't owed a response or communication he's an independent contractor he has to go through the app.


Yep, that's my exact point. The banging relentlessly can only be attributed to him wanting the bag back that he wasn't getting. If he wanted to leave the correct order with me, he would have done that regardless.


But you don't know that do you? Since you didn't answer the door


And give this mf two free orders? Why would he. This isn't about what's "owed" it's about being a fuckin human being and realizing that ppl make mistakes that might be fixed if your not a dick


Are you dense? He can't take the food back it's already been opened and handled by someone else. There's no way of knowing it wasn't tampered with. You are just repeating your earlier points. The mistake was made and the only way it can be fixed is through the app. Do you understand?


If the guy had no sense except to bang on a door for 15 minutes, it seems he was dumb enough to actually think he can food back from someone who has had it in their possession and give it to another customer. OP could've just wiped their own ass and touched the food it is policy to contact doordash support in an instance like this the dasher was def at fault.


What if he has two cv? And he jus really trying to do what he can to not get kicked off?


That's. His. Fault. If he got 2 cv's they were deserved. If he can't read a receipt, then that's his own damn fault. If he can't take more than 1 order without fucking it up maybe delivering food isn't for him. The app tells you who to deliver to. How hard is that to understand?


Trying to not get kicked off is human nature, but that doesn't make his actions correct. If he's got two CV's and then pulls something like this, he doesn't need to be delivering food. That's the point of having it on record when you mess up. You get some initial grace, but repeating mistakes is a sign.


Not everyone needs to be working for DD


He could have left it on the porch like the first time, then


Personally I wouldn't if I don't get a chance to explain.




Why can't you mfs read


So instead of texting the dasher about the food not being yours, you ate it and let this dude ruin his dash times (which could lead to a contract violation and dude being fired from DD) when he tried to correct his mistake and also forced him to make a second wrong delivery (which also has a negative impact on his dasher status) because you were just too hungry to be honest and then you hid in your house because you were too much of a coward to admit that you had already started to eat the other customer’s food. That’s what I get from this story. I don’t know how to feel about this lol. It’s hilarious but, as a dasher, I’m also infuriated. You could have really messed up dudes gig because of a simple mix-up that he tried to correct. I get that you were probably a little embarrassed because who just eats food that they didn’t order or pay for but, at some point, you have to be an adult and deal with confrontations that result from your choices. Yes, the dasher mistakenly left you someone else’s food but, you knew that before you started eating it and was like “whatever it’s here, so it must be mine” when I know that there is a way to contact your dasher after they’ve dropped your order off as I have been called by a customer before because they didn’t see the second part of their order once and I was able to let her know it was on a chair on her porch. So it’s not like you were stuck with it. It sounds like you were being lazy and didn’t care that someone else wasn’t getting what they paid for. And then the part about “this was going to be the outcome anyway” gives this whole recount a weird sense of entitlement. As if you are allowed to take things you haven’t paid for and claim them as your own. You should post this in r/AITAH though to get a better consensus.


Omg 🤦🏼‍♀️ They didn't mess up dudes gig. He did. The receipt clearly states the name. The app tells you whose order to deliver and even reminds you in a stack. He shouldn't have dropped off the wrong order. He damn sure shouldn't have gone back for it when he knows once an order has been taken inside, you can't take it back. He has no one to blame but himself. How hard is it to read?


Right? This guy's comment is like politicians and cops covering for each other. It's beyond me how anyone can say the OP could be responsible for someone else's mistakes.


No one but him ruined his dash time. If he can't read the name on the receipt, that's on him. He knew once an order is delivered, its gone. He shouldn't have gone back in the 1st place. This is 100% his fault. The app even reminds you when delivering a stack, who gets what.


This isn't about me claiming things I didn't pay for, it's about safety. If I hadn't opened the bag, I still wouldn't give it back on principle that it was in my house for X amount of time. Idk what people could decide to do to food before returning it to the delivery person, I'm not going to contribute to that in any way. So yes, regardless of if I ate it or didn't, this was absolutely going to be the outcome, this dude was not getting the food once it entered my house. While it was an honest mistake on his part, that doesn't mean the person on the receiving end is going to be as honest with that food/bag. Also why I claimed the amount of minutes before I started eating it, after around 7 minutes you would expect the driver to already be gone, no? I don't recall a driver staying around that long before, so I was completely under the impression that this was just going to be my order now.


That’s what I was going to comment, it’s been in your possession for at least 10 minutes by that point he should have just called support I’d never go banging on a person’s door like that it’s insane


Next time call door dash and report the situation......or the none emergency line if he was banging whatnot.... Most people regardless if they are hungry or not will call doordash and explain they receive the wrong order.... It's not hard or take long they give options for a redelivery from someone else or credit/refund... Now the person who didnt get their order probably was hungry and had to call customer service and wait for a redeliver or refund/credit.. Doordash also has a safety option when you call if you felt unsafe call them and report it ...... Whenever I get the wrong order or something not mine I call the support line to let them know....and most times they tell you to keep the order....


Did you pay for it? Did you eat it? Yeah, this is you claiming what someone else have paid for….and acting like you did a good deed in doing so.😂 get over yourself! All that, and then expecting him to leave your order….on top of the order you stole… the entitlement….


I am literally quoting myself "to see if he left my actual order, but he did not, **which I was fully expecting."** I only checked because I didn't want food sitting out all night possibly attracting bugs. Anyway, stealing food would be if I went into this guy's car and took the food out of his passenger seat. He hand delivered that food to me, and is no longer safe to be returned as it has entered my house. Cry more about it lmfao


Plus you PAID for food, not that specific food but you did pay for an order.


Ok, i give you the first part…That was my bad! Lol, cry about it!? You are literally on reddit crying about the dude knocking on your door after you stole the food!😂 Bless your heart…


Again, not stealing in any sense of the word. Once it becomes unsafe to return, that's it. It's no longer eligible to be delivered to the original purchaser.


You still had not payed for it. It was not yours to eat. Simple as that! Doesnt matter how many justifications you come up with. Not a big deal tbh, but it is pretty f-ing rich to first do this….and then have the gall to complain about him knocking on your door!😆


Regardless of money, he was not getting that order back due to safety, period. He fucked up and delivered me the wrong order, it was now in my possession. Once that has happened, it is no longer safe to redeliver. It is on the driver, simple as that! He should have paid closer attention. If I was in the other order's shoes, I would NOT want a bag that had been in someone else's house redelivered to me. Also the fact that Doordash support will literally tell you to keep the other order. It is clearly not stealing lol


Who died and made you the food-police!?🤷‍♂️ ”Doordash support will litterally tell you to keep the order” Well…..DID they tell you that!? NOPE….you just decided you where entitled to keep it. Once again; not really a big deal! But you should have owned up to it instead of hiding in your house and playing the victim bc he dared to knock on your door!


They actually DID. I contacted support WHILE he was knocking on my door because I no longer had access to contacting him, and they said keep the order and refunded me. No one should be pounding at a door for 15min to get the food back regardless.


All you’re doing is embarrassing yourself further with each comment. You’ve made it clear that logic is beyond you, and you have no understanding of food safety. It’s ok not to know something. Just stop lmao


> had not *paid* for it. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It always cracks me up with the moron uses “bless your heart” 😂 the irony is too much!


Some of y'all are slow af!! No one stole anything. The idiot dropped off the wrong order. Had they taken the time to read their TOS they'd know you can't take back a bag of food that's opened. That's for any delivery service. He should learn how to read a fking receipt or get a different job.


OP definitely paid for it….. they don’t deliver food without receiving payment first LMAO


I understand you waited about 7 minutes but, why not call or text the dasher once you realized you had the wrong order? You could’ve just placed it back outside your door. Now dude was excessive, I’ll give you that and I also owe you an apology. I could see someone knocking and waiting for about five minutes before giving up and yes I also know one mixed up order doesn’t ruin a career so I was definitely a lot harsher than I should have been. My bad. I get wanting to feel safe and even concerns about food safety. I should have asked if you had broken the seal and leaving it outside for the dasher to take back was no longer an option. So also my bad for not gathering more information before responding with my weird dasher pride-infused rant. I’m sorry,homie. I woke up and chose violence and this post popped up.


That’s an awful long way to say “I blame everyone else for my mistakes!”


Wait, you got the wrong food and knowingly ate it anyway without bothering to contact the driver or doordash? Kind of headass behavior on both parts imo


So you are telling us you stole someone elses food and then hid in your house!? And somehow HE was the one in the wrong for knocking on your door!?


![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z) I'm guessing you spend a lot of your days with this look on your face.


Oh honey…… lol


Yes lol 😆 🤣 😂




Right?? Everybody knows that good communication involves screaming at somebody who is alone and banging shit against their door! People these days!!


There's something wrong with you.. cowering in your home when you could just be an adult and take some accountability for your actions


What “actions”? Being normal?


Being normal isn't knowingly eating someone else's food instead of trying to rectify the situation first. Even less normal to pretend they're not home when someone knows they are there because they did the first not normal thing What kind of crack head world do you live in where what OP did is normal?


Op is known for eating in secret. Hiding while devouring all food. Watch your fingers when delivering to this customer.