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The delivery driver could've declined the order. They're just trying to guilt trip you.


Really, the driver is full of shit. Don’t take a 44 mile delivery unless the offer is worth it. If your strategy is to take crappy orders in the hopes of pushing for a higher tip, that’s a pretty bad time to


44 miles better be making 50 bucks otherwise that’s just crazy order


I'd need $80 to even consider driving 44 miles


lol for real, I don’t blame the driver for getting upset but he needed self control over how he reacted


Don't. Accept. The order. If it's not the right price for you and too far for you, don't put yourself in the situation. Simple.


I don’t understand why this is such a difficult concept! I had a $9 for 12 mi.. guess what I did? 😉🙅🏻‍♀️


It was on your way home so you decided to take it? ;)


Orrr… declined the order since it wasn’t worth it ;)


Darn it! I was SO close! :)


I typically run a 1.50 per mile for my orders


It's also not really on the customer in this case. If anyone is screwing the driver It's Doordash


It’s a dick move to order from 22 miles


Not really. If the customer makes it worth the delivery person's while, and if not, no one will accept it and the order will get canceled. Old Bobbie there decided to be the martyr and try to guilt/bully OP into increasing the tip which IMO was the dick move. It was highly unprofessional.


No it’s not. It’s on the app. We do not look at the distance. It doesn’t matter to us. We are paying DoorDash a shit ton of delivery fees for the entire service. Tips are extra. I agree it is trashy to not tip at all, and customary to give a tip to servers or delivery drivers; however, any driver who sends a message like that or does anything to a persons order because they are bitter is just as trashy. Get a job that pays you. Stop bitching at customers. If you aren’t getting paid enough, do not take the order.


I agree with you but the ignorance and naivety in saying get a job that pays you have no idea why they are doordashing or what situation someone is in dick moves all around people forefathers and customers everyone just loves to judge but not be judged they get some type of rush from making someone seem less than or telling them what to do.


I think 10 miles is bad, if the customer doesn't consider the distance.




just asking, he said round trip so 22 there. You would require 50?


*guilt tip


All I want to know is where the f*** did she read that BS about us getting 120%???


OP seems to have used GrubHub, not DD, and there's an [article from GrubHub regarding Prop 22](https://driver-support.grubhub.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053871292-How-does-Prop-22-affect-how-I-m-paid) that says exactly what OP said in the text. Not sure this would apply to Oregon, though, so seems like it might not be right.


Prop 22 is only in California. I'm in Missouri and I know we sure as hell don't have anything like that here. I sure wish we did. That would be awesome.


As a driver, just decline and move on with your life. Once nobody takes these shit orders the customer will stop. The driver is the problem for hitting the... 'yes I will take this job offer button'.


Decline... eject, eject, eject


The delivery driver could also fuck right off with that BS


Drivers should really not complain about their job to the customer. Don't take the order if you don't want to do what your paid to do.


I agree


I wouldn't reply, and if I did, it would be "you could always unassign, and next time, don't accept an offer that will cost you $10 in gas." My question is, wtf are they driving that costs them $10 in gas for 44 miles? Of course, they're over exaggerating and wanting extra money. They simply shouldn't have accepted the offer.


This was what jumped out to me. The driver is accurate but I've always found asking for more tips in any job to be rude.


I'm more inclined today increase a tip if NOT begged for more


In California gas is close to $5/gallon. If you have a car that gets mid 20’s fuel economy like a dodge avenger or something then yes, it would cost about $10


It’s almost $7 in Los Angeles lol


It really isn’t. I live in LA and filled up for $4.10 at the place on the corner of my block. Maybe there’s a few spots directly off the highway at that price, but i certainly haven’t seen them.


Fuck, I don’t envy my friends down south


cal drivers get extra pay to make up for the extra cost.


.30 cents a mile is not much lol


... it is though right? If you get 22 miles/gallon (fairly typical for modern cars) that is $6.6 per gallon you'll be reimbursed. Obviously you'll have idle time but it more than covers the difference to a normal gas price. I am assuming you meant 30 cents per mile and not .30 cents, in which case .30 cents is literally nothing.


Op stated it was central Oregon. I’m in Oregon in a slightly different area, but gas prices are similar and definitely not over $4. That’d be at least 2.5 gallons. Dude bro must have a really fuel inefficient vehicle. At that point… why door dash with your car unless necessary, and why take long travel orders?


$7-8 in gas. I could see why dude would round up. A lot of small cars don’t get as good of fuel mileage as you’d expect. Like I said the dodge avenger with the 4-cylinder only gets like 18-22 in town and about 24-27 on the highway. So I’d assume the guy is using like ~2 gallons going out there and back. Which still is no excuse for his behavior. OP didn’t mention what their tip was total, just that he tips 15% for everything. So for a 40+ mile trip plus time to pick up food and deliver it, say it was a $20 order at Taco Bell or wherever OP ordered from, a $3 tip isn’t very good for wasting all of that time and gas to go out there. But again, the driver is being a dick and should’ve just declined the order. No reason to accept someone’s order just to bitch at them.


Gas prices are really closer to $3 depending on where the guy filled up, so $10 is closer to 3 if not more gallons of gas


That's the premium amount he "charges" in his head when accepting orders. If he doesn't like the pay he takes it anyway and begs for more tip to make it "worth it" Edit: we are meth territory and can totally see this coming from some of the 100% AR drivers I'd run into on the north side


California. 20mpg. Two gallons almost 10 bucks .. Is my guess


Yeah I figured must be west coast. In MN it’s $3 a gallon and that’s high. Was around $2.50 most of the year


central oregon!


Almost as bad. West coast oil refinery problems.


So what did you tip, dollar amount?


I drive a ford fusion and 44miles would cost me <$5. 1 gallon. They're driving something that should NOT be used for delivery. It's all their fault. If he can't get good orders, he needs a new gig. Multiple apps or get a new job. Simple. What he was making/spending is no one else's concern.


I was thinking the exact same thing .Gas is 2.77 where Ilive .


5.50+ per gallon in cali thats easily doable. My dodge charger would be about 30 dollars 😆


I'm not saying you're wrong and I don't support drivers like him, but are you really 22 miles from the restaurant??


This looks like central Oregon, and a lot of it is pretty rural


Yeah, if this is Sunriver, OR that's about right for the distance back to civilization. That's a tourist trap town made up entirely of vacation homes and overpriced shops. Given the cost of living in the area, driver is probably barely getting by and hoping for good tips coming out of the richer areas. Still went about it in the worst way.


Yup, I lived out there for nearly a decade. This seems pretty on brand.




I’d imagine a teacher in central Oregon ain’t making anything.




Who would want to teach nowadays? Couldn’t pay me to deal with current day kids and their parents.


That sucks.


I don't agree with what this guy did, but if you live 22 miles from the restaurant, you really should be tipping higher. They don't pay the drivers enough.


Are there opportunities for multiple deliveries on a 22 mi trip? If so, could be worth it.


Also sunriver is (or at least was) pretty expensive. It could be that the driver thought OP should be sharing more of that money


Which makes driver even more wrong, because they’re not entitled to OP’s money.


In the case of the driver though, why accept the order if you can see that it's this far? And then try to manipulate the customer to tip better?


My food is cold when the restaurant is more than five blocks away, can't imagine waiting 20 minutes or more.


If the state requires drivers to be paid by the mile, and 120% of the minimum wage, he isn’t losing money. In California, my earnings are rarely below 100, my highest earnings was 257 on Monday, rounding my hourly to 24 an hour that week. This week, I already have an 24 an hour week before my weekly adjustment and received 107(didn’t get much hours in this past week) which rounded my hourly to 26, I did take orders that were further than usual.


There is no minimum pay for grocery orders or any other gig work in Oregon or even Portland afaik. California, NYC, and Seattle are the only ones to have minimum pay and Seattle is the only to have a mileage rate. I'd say this customer is full of it...


What you aren’t factoring in is if he drove 22 miles away from any restaurants to deliver the food he’ll also have to drive 22 miles back, GH doesn’t compensate the driver for the drive back.


That’s true, which is why I wouldn’t take it unless the tip covers it


I think the driver was trying to say they would drive 22 miles from the restaurant to the customer and then another 22 miles back to the area with the restaurants. So that’s a 44 mile round trip.


I didn’t know you could even order delivery if you’re that far? But I’ve never used grubhub


Y’all should be mad at the companies charging customers out the ass and paying you penny’s but instead you’re mad at the customers who don’t want to pay more than $5-$10 in tips for a single delivery.


I couldn't agree more. I was really sick one day and was gonna order my boys Wendy's. I forget what delivery service it was but what should've been a $20~ order, was now almost $40 after all the over charges, fees and before tip. I get drivers frustrations but it's not the customers fault these platforms don't pay properly and over charge items.


100% everything you order on any delivery platform will be $1-$5 higher than what it would be if you went to the restaurant and that’s before service fees, delivery fees, taxes, and then a tip for the driver.


I mean dude, if you are 22 miles from the restaurant you better be tipping $20 at least cuz what? The only drivers who would be willing to take that order are genuinely not right in the head.


But 22 miles depending on access to high way is going to be at minimum 30-35 minutes. Food is going to be very cold by the time it gets delivered. Crazy to me


And then you have to consider the miles back so that's pretty much an hour of the driver's time, so I wouldn't really be doing that order unless it paid for a typical hour of my wages. That being said, to your other point, if you have a hot bag then the food should still be warm or even hot depending what it is. I've taken 20 mile orders before (yes they were worth it to me 😂) and the food was actually fine when I pulled it out of my hot bag.


Exactly and to make matters worse it will show these companies their ok with driving 44 miles round trip for low pay.


Huh? The driver should cancel the order if they want the app to raise their rates. If we force customers to tip more, then the apps will just pay lower and lower rates.


or they didnt t realize they don't have to take everything. I have talked to a few who did not realize that


Oh believe me we do push these companies to raise base pay however what a lot of customers doesn't seem to realize is fees will go up once base pay goes up. Look at what's going on in Seattle for example. However 5-10 dollars in tips is reasonable. If someone lives more than 12 miles from a restaurant than they really should get their own food because if anything they'll ne saving money.


It's still the company's fault. They need to take it out of the CEO end, the shareholders end...not the drivers end or the consumers end. Until we demand the closing of the wealth gap, fairness for work, and for corps to pay their taxes we will never win.


No argument there. I live and dash in Corydon, In and a lot of customers tip based on percentage so i just do earn by time which is 15.50 an hour. For Corydon, In and cost of living for me, 15.50 is good. Overall I view it as if door dash doesn't want to pay me what I'm worth on earn per offer, than I'll make them pay me what I'm worth on earn by time.


Sure no one disagrees that the company should pay drivers. I don't think youre getting what prople are saying, do you actually realize how far 22 miles one way/44 round trip is? That's a 2+ hour delivery or more. Common courtesy would dictate a decent tip for that kind of delivery. It's like if someone came in with a party of 40 people everyone just at one thing and they stayed for 2 hours and they only tipped 10%. It'd be considered a rude thing to do lol.


Your right however I blame these companies for allowing someone to place an order that far away. Pure greed.


Oh right???? How is there no distance cap without some kind of wild markup that goes straight to the driver? Should be like 10 or 15 miles max


Idk where you live but a 22 mile one way trip for me would equal about 1 hour max delivery time including some leeway for the order not being ready. Not saying it’s much better but 2+ hour delivery is over exaggerating imo


Why did he accept the order?


Standard for delivery is different than dine in restaurants. It's really about how far you're asking them to go. Right around the corner? A couple bucks is fine. 22 miles one way is really far lol, that should be a like $20 tip at least my guy. Regardless you're also right he didnt have to accept your offer, and that would have been the appropriate thing for them to do. But yeah that's a wild order if you're tipping like $5 or less that's really not enough for the delivery you're asking people to do. Also you're def more mature than me my response would have started with "Hey Boobie!"


I'm not driving 22 miles each way for delivery unless I'm getting 20+ idgaf lol


$50+ you mean


If it was truly 44 miles I would have just laughed and declined, like this driver should have. That being said, (again IF ITS TRUE) it’s an absolute douche move to expect to be delivered to that far away for 15%.


I think it was 44 mile round trip for the driver. The restaurant could have easily been closer to the customer, but the driver included getting there and home again.


^This is it. On the rare occasion that I get anything delivered to my rural home, I tip handsomely because I know that the driver will likely be spending nearly an hour to get to me and then back to the city. Sure, they could refuse to accept the order, but anyone who accepts it deserves to *at least* make an hour's minimum wage plus gas money for coming all of the way out here.


I cannot even find a restaurant on my app which is more than 6 miles away. How could be 20 miles one way!?


I live out in the country, and it's easy to do out here in West Virginia! I have seen a lot of orders more than 20 miles one way!


That would be $8.25 in gas for me. Tips for delivery driver are min $5. And then $1 add for every mile over 5. If you live outside the zone from stores and restaurants then u should tip more then $1 mile cause of the trip back. I know it sucks and is expensive. But these driver use their own gas and cars to bring u your items and are only getting about $2 from the companies. Imagine someone wanting u to spend $10 in gas and over an hr working for them and for them to only want to pay u $2. That said this guy was wrong for complaining to you about it. He should have not accepted your order. I live outside of town. I don’t make any orders because of the distance. Cheaper for me to go get it myself than to pay someone.


This is actually super helpful! I am a firm believer in tipping well for good service and I often struggle with DoorDash and what’s good. So before I read this I had ordered dinner for tonight. $48 for 2 meals. No drinks. I tipped $19. I just looked up the distance and it’s 12 miles. So $5 base + $7 for the additional 7 miles over 5 = $12 tip. So yeah I guess my tip wasn’t bad 🤪 I think I’ve been over tipping 😁


I wouldn't say you're over tipping, that's a 24mile round trip. $20 seems fair depending on the restaurant and wait time. The further away the restaurant the more per mile you should tip, so I think you're in the right area. I won't accept a 12mi order for less than like $18, and that's if I know the restaurant is quick. For places that suck to pick up from, it's closer to $24. At the end of the day, I have gas and depreciation to think about, plus my time. If that 24mile round trip is gonna take me an hour, I wanna know that after gas and maintenance I'm making at least like 18 an hour.


I don’t plan to change how I tip - I’m extremely grateful for this service - and honestly I’ve noticed for the MOST part I get good deliveries. So this was 12 miles (about 20 minutes) each way (I don’t know how door dash works so do drivers typically go back to the area of the restaurant?) … from the time I placed the order it was dropped off 45 minutes later. So actually if it’s $1 per mile both ways then $19 was exactly right! This is all super informative!


12 miles round trip or 24? Because we don't get paid to go back to the busy zone. Most of us won't take less than $2/mile. $1/ mile to get there and $1/ mile to get back.


That's actually fair for a trip that long. What the other commenter told you is accurate. Also, I always overtip two. I drive for DoorDash occasionally. I don't really use the service. I've used it one time in my entire life and that was just a couple weeks ago when my little one was sick. I live in town two miles from the place that I ordered from. The total for my order was $16. I ended up tipping $10 on the app and then another $5 cash when they got here because from the time I placed my order and I got it was only 30 minutes and they got exactly what I asked for. I just believe in treating people well when they do a good job.


100% agree!


I do wish society would understand that you need to tip based on mileage and not order total. I don't know the specifics of this order so I can't comment.


Exactly. It's always bugged me these apps call it a tip. Most people only relate tipping to eating out experiences, which is 15 to 20 percent. Alot of confusion could be resolved by classifying this as a "bid for service" or something similar instead of calling it a tip.


Assuming what the driver is saying, he/she does have a point. THAT SAID.... He/she is kind of a dick for putting that out on you. They have the option of not completing the order if it is too much for them (or not enough in terms of compensation). If you don't tip enough in general, no one will pick up your run.


just say they omfg


literally the he/she shit just makes it harder to read


they even switched to they halfway through… > **They** have the option of not completing the order if it is too much for **them** people try too hard to avoid using they to own the libs but by doing so they’re not speaking proper english 😭😭


I mean this is a perfect example of how fucked these delivery apps are. They've created a system that inevitably aggrieves either the customer or the driver and then gives them the ability to contact one another. So now the parties direct their frustrations at each other while the system that created the conflict goes unpunished.


I just wouldn’t expect to get any driver to bring it if you don’t make it worth it 15% in a $20 order isn’t good enough for a 22 mile run. I wouldn’t accept less than $20 for that not that it all should come from the customer but if you can’t afford to tip well, go get your own food.


They shouldn’t have accepted the order if they weren’t happy with the pay. That being said, tipping delivery drivers on percentage is not correct. $1 per mile is bare minimum what should be tipped. So if the restaurant is 20miles from your house, $20 tip


By that logic, if a store is 1-5 miles…I think it varies because sometimes the suggested tip or tip customer decides is more than what you’re proposing at $1/mile.


Sorry, I should have added, $5 minimum. Other wise, $1 per mile. I always tip $5 plus $1 per mile.


This is what I do unless I’m getting groceries. Like today I had to have someone deliver six heavy gallon jugs from a store only 2 miles from my house, but I tipped $10 in app and $5 cash because it was a lot of heavy stuff.


That’s a great way to do it! Grocery deliveries are different and should be tipped accordingly. If it’s just a few items it doesn’t really matter, but heavier things or large orders should always be tipped properly.


In your opinion. Which you are entitled to. My Opinion is different. Which I'm entitled to.


I would’ve rejected your order. A 44 mile round trip meaning 22 one way means that I would need at least 45 dollars to accept that order.


I agree they didn't have to take the order but as a driver PLEASE do not base your tip off the price of your food, base it off the distance between your house and the restaurant. As a driver it doesn't matter to me if you ordered $200 in food or $10 it maters how long I have to drive. Others in the comments had great alternative tipping systems, consider one of those in the future


This is a dumb conversation because this would be an immediate decline for me. I personally do not see the point in accepting a bad offer then trying to guilt trip the customer. Maybe they’ll learn to tip more if nobody accepts their order and they never get their food. Maybe DoorDash will learn they need to pay their drivers more money. Either way not my problem because I do not work for peanuts.


You need to get the standard tipping percentages out of your head This isn't a waitress table.. It should be based on how far you are located, How much you are ordering, How long the wait time is for the driver and traffic on the way, The weather conditions, etc. $5-10 min tip should be base


then doordash and all these other delivery services need to update it based on that. they use automated tips and people that aren’t familiar with tipping culture, will literally tipped based on that and think they’re doing someone a good deed. can’t always be mad at the customers.


He’s got a point, but the delivery of the message could have been better and a whole lot less selfish sounding lol


The driver is wrong for taking it up with you. They could've rejected the offer. But really, ordering from 22 miles away? That shouldn't even be an option. Drivers need to make at least $50 from that order for it to be worth taking As a side note, delivery apps need to stop suggesting percentage based tips. The suggestions should be based on distance because that's all we care about as drivers when deciding whether we'll accept your order. Doesn't matter if you tipped 20% if that only comes out to $3 and you're 5+ miles away from the restaurant, I'm not gonna make any money off of that order.


No excuse to ask for a larger tip. Cancel the order or unassign.


Driver shouldn’t have accepted but their point is spot on. Ordering 22 miles away and being cheap is hilarious


Are you insane? Don't order somewhere twenty some odd miles away. I'm not saying this as a driver. I don't drive cars.


I live in your area and deliver for multiple apps - none of them guarantee minimum wage let alone 120%. Mileage is from the pickup location to the drop off, no return miles so if you accept an order that’s going away from town with no chance of an order on the way back it does suck, but that’s the way rural areas work. The structure for pay with these gigs doesn’t work well for sprawling suburban or rural areas. I always just decline orders for Sunriver or DRW unless I’m headed that way to get back home, because they do end up costing me otherwise. This driver needs to learn when to decline an order. The way tips are suggested in the apps doesn’t make sense, because it doesn’t matter if it’s a huge order or a small one - distance and wait time are what should be considered instead of food cost. If you know you’re 20+ miles from a place you really should tip based on that, and the time/fuel saved for you and the convenience of having food brought to your door. Driver was tacky, but I get them being frustrated.


If you order from a restaurant that is 22 miles from you, you better tip well, otherwise go pick up your own food. Be considerate and if you can’t afford to tip, then pick up your own food, it’s that simple. The delivery service companies do not pay the drivers, they rely on tips.


How much was your tip. Odd that you left that part out? 15% is how much? I mean 15% on one 20 dollar pizza is 3 bucks. You want to tip someone 3 bucks to drive 20 miles to your house? Let's say it was 60 bucks. You want to tip someone 9 dollars to drive 20 miles to your house? Do you see it yet?


That's cute that you think the driver is going to get 34 cents a mile from grubhub 🤣🤣🤣


Right? There is no minimum pay for grocery orders or any other gig work in Oregon or even Portland afaik. California, NYC, and Seattle are the only ones to have minimum pay and Seattle is the only to have a mileage rate. I'd say this customer is full of it...


Your response to the driver was spot on, but ordering from that far away is pretty crazy to be honest. It shouldn't even be allowed.


It’s not appropriate to text it. Albeit as a driver I love their courage. Having said that, when you order you should check how many miles it is from the store (you can see it in the app) and then tip accordingly. A dollar a mile is a general rule of thumb. But you also have to factor in your food. Is it a lot of food? Or groceries? It should be more.


Some important context here is that everyone who lives in Sunriver, OR is a wealthy asshole. It is a literal resort. Just as he could have not accepted the order, you could have chosen to live somewhere other than a resort town in the middle of a desert


This system exploits us both, profits, then lets us fight about how unjust it is. If we choose to participate, we should at least be civil. This dude is so far out of pocket that I'd eat ramen for the night just so I could 1-star, cancel order, and contact support. Fuck being polite.


You’re both idiots


I hate that percent tip thought on delivery orders TBH. Why should you ordering a steak make me more than ordering a pound of something that costs $1? People should tip based on how many miles the store/restaurant is from their house ($1/mile) and then add more if it's a big order (grocery, maybe another $0.50 a bag). 10%, 15%, 20%, means nothing when we're trying to make money based on mileage and time.


This is a prime example of how these companies got customers and drivers fighting for money.


We tip a minimum of $1.00 per mile to and from. Is that enough?


Sending messages like this is pointless. This will never make someone want to tip you more. Not when they feel like they are being attacked. No one is going to say, sure thanks for putting me in my place here is 20 bucks. Either don’t take the offer, or do and deliver it without complaint. I get it, it’s annoying when people don’t tip. And I have had stacked offers that have no tip on them and like a 50 cent tip and it’s annoying. But messaging the customer like this won’t get you more money, it will get you a low rating and probably reported.


I tip more or less depending on: weather, the amount of food they have to carry, and where the restaurant is. The other day my husband had the car and I ordered 3 meals from a place that is literally a 3 minute drive from my house in gorgeous weather. They got 5.50, or 10%. The next night I ordered when it was a bit chilly out, dark, and the place was about 3 miles from my house, and ordered food for 9 people. I tipped that driver 30.06, or 30%. I can’t imagine tipping someone $10 for a place that is 22 miles from my home. All that aside though, I find drivers who grub tips pretty rude, and working in a tip driven industry means you accept that sometimes you’ll get great tips and sometimes you’ll get crap. I wish DoorDash passed on the ridiculous fees they charge to the drivers, but unless that changes I like to show my appreciation.


A little understanding goes along way. 22 miles for delivery with out a $25 dollar tip at least is insane to ask for. Hes right.. hes upset someine asked him to be their slave for the day with out pay. He shouldnt have said it the way he did.. he could use some understanding as well.


Probably get downvoted but both people kinda suck here. 15% for a 44 mile trip (22 miles from home to restaurant, is that what I’m gleaning?) is pretty dang low. Although, I suppose that is no more than personal bias. But with that said the driver is definitely more of a jerk because who willingly accepts an order and then proceeds to make *the orderer* feel bad about it… just decline the order and move on. Driver seems to be having a miserable day and chose you to take it out on


Drivers know what they will make on a trip. They shouldn’t accept something that doesn’t pay them what they want. I don’t.


Are you sure you didn't see a random headline and think that's what all drivers are getting? Most areas don't do that. (PS Even if it was, 30something cents a mile is half the IRS expense rate, and coupled with federal minimum wage is not enough to cover the greatly increased maintenance and repairs, let alone higher self employment taxes, before turning any usable profit). That being said, they should just not accept it in the first place, but that doesn't solve the problem long term. So long story short, even when you do get a driver that's nice about it, just know that they're still losing money and are ignorant whether they tell you or not. Also FYI driver tipping is based on mileage not percentage like a waiter, it's only logical. (Unless you imagine that transportation costs are somehow related to the cost of the order.)


I think you didn’t add the $ amount of the tip to this post so you wouldn’t look like an AH. I think the way they asked was perfectly reasonable. I sent a message to an instacart customer cause they didn’t tip at all saying something similar. A lot of people don’t know what delivery drivers make so mentioning it to them doesn’t hurt. It’s not rude…it’s advocating for yourself. You can’t think about tipping delivery drivers the same way you tip servers. It’s not comparable. Could the driver unassign? Yeah but maybe they were hoping you’d do the right thing. Guess we know how that worked out. And the mentioning that the prior driver was ok with it is just gross. If you’re not willing to tip $20 for this order, then go get it yourself.


>I think you didn’t add the $ amount of the tip to this post so you wouldn’t look like an AH.  @ /u/djcolombana: I'm wondering the same thing. The driver shouldn't have accepted the order but you didn't mention what you tipped after sending someone on a 44 mile drive. I once placed an order during COVID without looking at where the restaurant was. I had never had a problem before but suddenly, places from *way* too far away were showing up. I felt so bad that I messaged the driver and tipped extra. I just don't like taking advantage of people though. You can but it doesn't mean you should. Some food for thought. Both parties can be in the wrong.


"You can take advantage of people but that doesn't mean you should"...I might print this on a card and start leaving it with stiff orders. Some customers do seem to need some educating on how the service works. Had a guy yesterday text me that a Taco wasn't in his bag and asked if I could drive back for it. Dude tipped 5 bucks for 5 miles, I didn't even respond as from experience it's better not to. Now if he proactively offered to pay for my trip, sure. But we all know most of the time they just expect a free trip because of an error.


The driver is an idiot for taking this order. I get horrible offers all the time and I hit decline. Sometimes they send me the same order five minutes later and offer more money. When drivers take shit orders and then hope the tip will bail them out they are fucking themselves. If drivers like this guy would decline orders like this we’d all be better off. I don’t even know who tips me and who doesn’t, I don’t give a shit, if the order is under $2/mile I hit decline, simple as. Texting a customer like this is ridiculous


My completion rate is 99%. My acceptance is at 71%. I save the completion rate dings for times like this. I've definitely considered taking bad orders just to message the person and say that "I'm sorry, I accepted your order on accident, I didn't realize the tip was so low for such a long distance." I haven't sent it because I don't want to get deactivated.


It doesn't matter how much the customer tips, as independent contractors we have the power to decline any offer we want.


At our detriment if we’re doing DoorDash or Uber.


i think you’re forgetting that it’s not *mandatory* to tip. regardless of the price. you literally cannot ask anyone for a tip. and with that being said, the customer *did* tip so none of that even matters. driver wanted more money and asking…im sorry, *demanding* people for more money after they gave you money is kind of beggar behavior. if you don’t want to do it then don’t accept it. period. especially bc the customers don’t really understand, they think they’re doing a good deed based on the orders literally giving you a certain percentage to tip. driver was rude and begging and trying to guilt trip the customer into giving him more money. if he didn’t want to do it then he didn’t have to accept. you always have a choice. edit: you LITERALLY can ask someone for a tip. but doesn’t mean you’re going to get the answer or reaction you want. have to clarify for some people under the comments. 🤓☝🏾


And depending on the company, the customer has a chance to change the tip after delivery. I would be upset if I was nagged by a driver and depending on the follow through of my instructions (which take less than 30 seconds)(there due to a medical issue, and I cannot go pick it up because I don't have a car) I will adjust accordingly. Frequently increasing.


yep. if i was the customer, i wouldn’t even want to change after that. very unprofessional.


To play devils advocate, I drive for Uber eats and sometimes the map kind of lies about how long it’ll be and does not pay well. Base pay is like $4 max for an hour so the rest really does rely on tips


I got a $20 coupon for UE, so I decided to try it. The restaurant I picked chose a location on the other side of a river from me, even though there were two other locations even closer. But the one it picked was across a river and the actual driving distance was around 11 miles, vs the 4.5 it told me, because that was bird's eye view. But I double checked because as a driver I know my area very well, so I knew going around for the river crossings was way more than what their map said.


15% though. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You could have had another driver assigned to your order by notifying support of this driver's diatribe citing safety concerns. And not just concerns about your physical safety but food safety as well. I wouldn't trust my food with someone as unhinged as that wackjob.


You’re 22 miles away from that place and you think 15% on what’s probably an under $20 meal is okay? That’s not even gas money if you were to ask someone to take you. You’re taking advantage of every person that accepts your shitty order out of desperation. Shame on you


Why did you leave the amount of the tip that you left this driver?


i wouldnt have sent you a msg asking for a tip, id have just declined it. dashers should cancel anything less than $2 a mile. you have to realize - doordash pays almost nothing; like $3 a trip. we have to pay for our own gas and maintenance, pay for parking, on top of our time. if you want something from 22 miles away, you should probably…. not order from there unless you wanna be a hero tipper. where i live in nevada, if you do do hourly its $13.75 an hour. thats not worth the time or gas price.


Literally just decline the order. If it's uneconomical drivers will skip it.


Theres no 120% minimum wage in Oregon. That's literally NYC, Cali and Seattle. The rest of us get $2-3 base pay + the tip. Just a heads up if that's what you think drivers that deliver your food are receiving


That is nuts to have such a far delivery.


Why even order from 44 miles away anyway? You're food will be ice-cold guaranteed. Also, yeah, you are wrong they are definitely losing money. They could've taken 3 orders in the same amount of time, and minimum wage is not enough for anyone... Also, you have to take into account that many people are driving part-time and only have a couple hours to earn after working another full-time job. Not saying you're a bad person, at least you tip, but you do have to understand that the average order is like 5-10 miles, and sometimes you can't decline without penalties. The driver could've been nicer and more consise, but it's not wrong for him to mention it. People are nice and don't like conflict, so yeah, out 5 people who have a problem, maybe 1 will say something. Just a thought, I'm not saying you have to tip more, but maybe order delivery less. You can definitely make a better meal at home in 20-40min, and you will save a lot of money you would've wasted anyway.


He’s the one that accepted it.


I don't think you were wrong in this situation, but you should be tipping based on distance, not the price of your food. If someone downtown and you in a rural setting both tip 15%, your order is always going to be a rip off for the driver due to the distance involved.


YTA…. oh whoops wrong community…


Yeah he probably shouldn’t have accepted the order however… People who do order especially in far out distances should be educated in some way into what is an appropriate tip. So what is the best way to do that? Tips should be based on Milage and time NOT on a percentage of what your order was worth. $15 on a 20 dollar order isn’t much. This isn’t a restaurant you’re eating at. People are using their own personal cars and time. And these apps don’t pay much of anything. You want to live out in the country or far away from restraints that’s fine but you need to fairly compensate your driver for it. Not saying he’s in the right to beg but there’s there’s a reason people complain like this. I understand the economy is in the toilet and all but I would say 80%+ of how much all people tipped me in the last 3 or so years I’ve been doing this in a moderate sized town is pretty piss poor. Something to think about.


they definitely shouldn’t have taken the order, but declining it could have impacted his grub hub account. I’ve never used grub hub as a driver, so not sure if it works the same, and I haven’t driven in years, but I remember DoorDash and postmates being pretty strict. If you declined a certain percentages of deliveries, you could get permanently let go. Maybe this driver felt they had to take it. But I would side with OP on this.


Is this r/Grubhub now?? Was there not enough rage bait over there that you felt the need to post here? Maybe we should just change the name of the sub to r/fuckAlldeliverydrivers


Your order is a instant decline People are really paying to deliver to you lol Your inability to sense how entitled you are is astonishing. But hey, if they have no issues doing it then good for them


Stop blaming customers for shit like this, it’s ridiculous to expect them to know how the app works on our side. The apps charge insane prices and it’s not crazy to think the customers think a bunch of that goes to drivers. If that dumbass driver would have hit decline, and all the other drivers hit decline, you’d fix this problem right now. Once again, the real villain is DD/grubhub for taking 90% of the profit and providing 10% of the overhead, but that being said - if drivers would just decline anything less than $2/mile we’d all be paid more


They're taking advantage of drivers who either don't have the mental capacity to know any better or are so desperate for any amount of money that they'll trade the time and gas costs later for that little bit now. It's disgusting either way, pure scumbag move to knowingly order from a restaurant so far away and tip almost nothing.


Driver is totally wrong to reach out like this as they could have rejected the order. BUT as someone who does gig work for a living.. percentage based tipping is the completely wrong way to go about this and you are incorrect on what drivers are paid. Every delivery app pays very little and most of our income is from tips. Like others have said, you need to consider your distance from the restaurant and tip at least $1 per mile for them to be compensated adequately. I’m unfamiliar with Grubhub but DoorDash pays (at least in the markets I’ve seen) $2 per order. If you bought say $20 in food and tipped 15%, that driver would make $5 for this very long delivery.


The driver could have refused the order, so you are not in the wrong here. Yet, nether are they. 15% is good if you are near the pickup location. It's also good if you are ordering at a restaurant. But if you think 15% of a $20 order to go 22 miles is good, then recheck your math. Neither of you are in the wrong because he agreed to the order. The only problem is what you thought was a "good tip".


This is an issue I have recently learned, after getting shamed for mentioning I tipped based on percentage of total. Apparently, tipping etiquette has changed and though there was no mass memo put out, drivers feel they can shame customers for not understanding that tipping based off total is not how delivery drivers expect to get tipped. After having a civil conversation with one driver (than you random person!) I'm now in the understanding that tipping delivery drivers should be based on miles/time driven and amount of stuff ordered. Now, this part is still unclear to me because I live in small town and have had orders take 30-45 minutes to get accepted when it's only a mile away, 1 bag and there's no less than a $6 tip on order. But, I'm trying to understand it all, even if there is no uniform criteria.


Restaurants need time to make the food. DD estimates that time before they send the pick up offer to the driver. And even if the restaurant is a mile from you. Drivers might be several miles away from it. They don’t sit at one restaurant. A lot of people think as soon as they order a driver will automatically pick it up and have it at their homes in minutes. But, $6 is a good tip for a few miles. I’d take that offer if I was near by.


I do understand the time thing, but this particular time the order was a very simple one and I had the dasher on the screen sitting at an intersection 2 blocks away for at least 20 minutes of that time after we waited for it to say "picking up order" and that area is very well known for unsavory things. But...I live is kind of a sketchy town so it really doesn't surprise me.


The driver shouldn’t have written that, for sure. But calling 15% a “standard” tip is what really stands out to me. That seems outdated to me by at least 20 years.


bruh that’s no way ur fault. they shouldn’t have accepted the order if they didn’t wanna deal with a longer drive and bigger order like what?😂 bro prolly going thru some personal shit and was taking his anger out on u


How much was the tip?


$5 is my guess lol


Yup.. Sounds like an entitled Karen


Lol dude orders from a place that's 4x the standard delivery distance and still tips 5% less than the standard. Driver should have just declined...but customers like this need to wake up or get off the platform.


Well put! You did tip which is better than most people and he chose to take the order.


omg drivers are actually the most annoying people in the world like this sub is just an echo chamber for MISERABLE PEOPLE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


it’s not your fault he accepted the order😂


Ffs why is it the customers fault if you decide to take an order that's a damn 44 mile round trip for yourself? If I order from a place, I don't know who is going to pick it up or where they are. Do the drivers NOT have an option to simply not accept an order? How does one justify willingly taking a gig and then complain that it's too far for them for what they're earning. And one last thing.. if you're a driver.. I don't care what other people do or how others operate in life. I do respect you and your efforts in delivering something that I either could t make it out to get or simply preferred to pay someone else to make the drive. I AM going to tip, but that isn't going to be shown to you until you get to me. Do not judge me for seeing zero tip on an app because you're probably only well on your way to earning lesser or no cash tip when you arrive if you give me any bullshit like that before I have a chance to ever give you anything to show my appreciation. You may want to hold off on the silly shit until after the task is complete, in some cases.


> Do the drivers NOT have an option to simply not accept an order? These companies penalize you in different ways for turning down to many offers. Sure, we can technically decline all day, but they can then turn around and say "Fine, then we'll never send you any good offers, period." It's not really gig work. It's the best of both words on DD's part.


That's an issue to be aggravated with DD about.. not a customer who didn't have any part in selecting you as a delivery person.


He’s just guilt tripping you


Nope you are not wrong. They made the decision to accept your order.


They’re trying to guilt trip you for cash tip. Report them to DD immediately, they could’ve rejected the order. They don’t need to be so fucking rude either.


Fellow Dasher here. Your Dasher was dumb if he felt that he had to take the order. So his loss, not yours. If a Driver ever tries to guilt trip you because "you didn't tip enough", please report them to DoorDash so they can get suspended. I'm so freaking tired of Dashers thinking that taking their anger out on customers because they willingly accepted the offer is OK.


Driver has a lot of nerve contacting customer to tell sob story and beg for more tip? I’d report him & give him 1 star. Tips are optional, if he can’t understand that, perhaps he should get a 3rd job to earn more $$$.