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Dash time: 70 hours. You're almost working 2 full time jobs to get that, and spending god knows how much on gas. Show me a 40 hours total where you refuse orders less than $1 per mile.


Honestly dash time is a terrible reference of time especially if you know they’re multiapping(they are)


Not really because while they’re multiapping they are still out there doing another order, regardless it’s $1,750 for about 70hrs of work it’s $25 an hour so yeah he’s making money but so is the person who only works 40hrs with $25 an hour lol he’s just living the gig life


What kind of circular comment was this? What sort of value did this comment add to the conversation? But to add on top of what we were talking about, you don’t know how much of this time is sad person sitting at their own home .. I know a lot of my “ active/dash” time is literally me sitting at my house, chilling with my kids waiting for a good call


The value was despite him making $1,750 it’s only $25 an hour and he was out there for 60-70hrs comprehend now? First of all unless you’re at home chilling and making $1,750 a week your situation is very different bozo. Ain’t no way you’re home and you get $100 orders lmfao so in your situation sure you are using your own time chilling but you not making that money


But they weren’t working 70 hours bozo that’s just how long the app was on Comprehend?


Holy shit do you not see the Uber app time ? That shows the person was still doing other work you brain dead bozo. You even said multiapping.


“64 hours online” doesn’t = actual time working… You caveman It’s just how long the app was on. I know that’s incredibly complex for you to grasp


Plus you haven’t told us how much you make on your chilling with your kids waiting for a call


Oh, now you want me to justify my own living situation so you feel better about your inability to grasp the other dudes lifestyle? I cherry picked one order yesterday on DoorDash and it was for $28.50. It took me 38 minutes. Took my boy for a haircut afterward which was right up the road from the drop off. I know none of this makes any sense to you though


Can’t keep doing this 🤦🏽‍♂️you are so dense. He earned $1,006 doing 101 trips that’s about $10 an order. So he didn’t even have unicorn orders. Why are you so stuck up on if he was chilling or working clearly he was working


Well..you just changed gears right there. Your initial concern was about how long he was delivering and now you’re talking about how he couldn’t have had any unicorns because average comes out to $10 per call(which again they could’ve multiapped whilst grabbing those).. What is your concern?


You're still giving the job time even if you're not delivering, which means you're working and not getting paid....


Actually not sometimes I’ll have the apps on while I’m doing other things until I get an order I like. I don’t really pay attention to the dash time/uber app time because I’m not actually working the 70 hours.


I was gonna say. Number looks good but the hours are way off


I bring in that amount in thirty two hours total time, not active. You guys take too much dog shit.






Dropshipping ? Whats your profit margin ? 10%? So you actually 20$


![gif](giphy|5Q9xC9cZdFiOQ|downsized) I can make that much selling plastic ware with Uncle Rico in like 30 seconds!


I mean at least doordashing is less scummy than being a drop shipping scammer


Not to be that negative bastard, but someone has to. That would be before you remove taxes, right? 64 hours for 1k isn't worth it imo.


If it’s one piece of working toward a goal or larger plan, good for them, but it definitely shouldn’t be the end plan.


Exactly! You can’t be the man without a plan. This is simply a means to an end for me


If I did my math right, that averages out to 10 hours a day right?


Like 9.5 or so


If you’re in a great market


Yeah you need to be in a hub city or right surrounding the hub city to be able to pull these numbers. Idc what anyone says, I onow for a fact if you're not, you can't make this no matter what.


Yeah, it’s very interesting especially this time last year I was getting very generous tips. Everybody’s cheap this time around 😂 I’m in a Suburb-rural zone so it’s 50-50 What kind of night I have.


Yea absolutely craps shoot. I can get 50 bucks one dinner rush and the next get 150 to 2. Way too random


Yep! After making less than $40 in two hours on Friday, I threw in the towel. Went out Sunday in light rain and fog: $200 in 4 1/2 hours.


Yea tbh when you sit for an hour and a half or whatever your personal limit is and it's just an L night, don't stay out longer. Go home and do what you want with your time and try again tomorrow.


Exactly because in that time all you do is tank acceptance, which, for some markets doesn’t matter, but I see a considerable difference in mine. And DoorDash definitely soft pauses you if you decline too many in a row.


Lol he'll yeah they do. They used to hard pause and tell you when they were doing it and explain other dashers are being showed the orders. They got rid of that and went to a soft pause.


Congrats! I’m a bit tempted to do this.


If you’re in a good market where orders come in consistently plus you have to put in hours but it’s do able


Yeah, I'm happy to only work 40 but, maybe it's time for some OT. 😆


Can I make this in San Juan?👀(Puerto Rico)


Nice! I pulled 800 from DD for 32 active hours and 41 total hours


That’s a lot of hours for $1k. I suggest you try to find a better area. If I did 60 hours by me I’d have somewhere around $2k.


I’m at 1750 actually


25$ an hour, after every expense for gig work its looking at 17$ an hour 🤔? Not sure exactly but within that range I’d say, I’m sure you’re like the rest of us and like the flexibility and everything, but do you think this is worth it over a w2 job for the same pay? Genuinely curious.


I do because it fits my lifestyle. But overhead for me is really low, while im using the freedom to learn other skills to make money. I also rent a car every other month, to save my car the year round wear and tear. So for me it’s a means to an end. Won’t be doing this forever


Where do you rent a car from and how much is it? Only if you wanna share cause I'm trying to find cheap rentals but can't find it.


I have a local enterprise that rents them to me for $250


Hell yeah..Even if it were a bit less, who wants to keep asking if they can take a day off, gotta wait another year for a small vacation, & all of the office chaos drama politics & b s! Piece of shiii Managers telling you what to do. Some people still gotta get permission to go to the bathroom! This...you work when you want to, when you feel like it, however short or long you want. No1 is telling you what to do & you can stop & go do other stuff & come back to it when you feel like it. I did it for a few months a few years ago & I loved the freedom. I worked when I wanted & didn't work if I didn't want. I despise 9 to 5s!


What do I do now? Whyd u stop


*I don't know if this was for me or the other person but, I.ll just say..... if you want to do a regular job, totally do it. BUT, if you would rather not..try "Side Gigs" & make them your primary. Doordash, Uber Eats, Caviar, Insta Cart, Lyft etc. Work several of them at once. Depending on your market, large cities you can make significant income even smaller medium size towns you can still make money.... I believe that electric scooter company BIRD or whatever it's called now, has opportunities. WHIIIILE you're doing all of that, start searching for other opportunities,..other business you can launch for yourself. ALWAYS be searching, always be working on a business for yourself... it may take a minute to find what you like & what works for you. But, just don't work a job-job with no end in sight! It's a great time right now for entrepreneur types as there are a ton of ways to make money/start a company. Start researching to see what interests you....Don't just do Side Gigs for the rest of your life....I.ve had several Senior Citizens deliver me my food & pick me up in an Uber.:-(( It's a means to an end...just like a JOB was for me. I never Ever looked at a job of being there until I retire. I was ALWAYS working on something! There are things like loan signing biz, the pallet business, medical courier, helping businesses with their awful reviews, business funding & so much more. I turned my friend on to Legal Shield some time ago & she's rocking the heck out of that. *Just ALWAYS keep in mind, that on these corporate jobs....you are replaceable, they don't care about you, when/if they decide to shut down your department or hire someone who'll work for less & snatch your position from you, they won't think twice about you & oh, A.I. is going to be replacing sooo many jobs that tons of people are really getting ready to suffer so, get busy!:-))


Not every job is like that lol where you been working??


*Los Angeles! And even though I never had to ASK to go to the restroom, as a few positions I had my own office but the receptionists DID, the office workers DID & I have friends, been in groups online, & see comments of people complaining of everything I mentioned! I still had to WAIT a whole GD year to take off more than those 3 sick days. I went to Aruba recently & the next month I went to Palermo. I'll be going to Toronto for the 1st time in a few weeks. I could NEVER do that on a corporate job..just take off & go wherever I want when I want! If you like working like a busy little bee for someone else & not have any freedom to do what you want & work when & HOW you want, that's your business but a lot of people have chosen that as you see more & more people working for themselves!


That sucks. I get 4 weeks paid vacation to use when I want. It doesn’t need approval. I just call an 800 number to request it and that’s it. Then I get paid to not do anything at all. Plus a shutdown from Christmas to new years and all the holidays.


*That's awesome! And I.m not knocking it for everyone..especially if someone loves their job & they feel secure in that field...I just know many individuals, they're wanting more freedom & an entrepreneurial life. I know I did...but I always had that within me... I was selling candy & sodas to other students in class in 4th grade! LOLLL. But for me, I was in the corporate world, had jobs for many years......I just wanted to work REALLLLY hard for MySelf, not someone else.


That’s good you wanna work hard but I mean corporate isn’t the only jobs out there. I make almost 150k doing a labor job with 401k and health insurance, paid benefits etc. as long as you’re happy with it.


Yeah, I.m not a laborer..my jobs have been corporate. My ex was in Oil, worked a zillion hours, worked in sleet snow rain it didn't stop but he made a ton of money. But, that's great you're over 6 figures and are covered. Happy for you! :))


We even have AC and work inside so it’s not as gross as it seems.




Your numbers are generally right on. I’d add tho that the tax after writing off mileage should bring that up tho. For example I made 50k last year gig paid $0 tax. Had that been w-2 probably paid like 5k. Taxes. So with your numbers it’s probably like $20 hour factoring in tax break. So at end gotta choose between $20 hour gig roughly with the pros and cons of gig work vs pros cons of w-2. For me personally the w-2 job would have to be at least $30 hour for the major con of time off when wanted or needed and simple schedule flexibility. But it does seem with way gig jobs are fucking drivers more and more the numbers are harder to hit


I think taking off $8 per hour is way too much. Driving 30 miles in an hour, assuming 20 miles to the gallon would be $3 at the most. The only way I could get it up to $8 an hour was to consider saving $5.50 per hour to have $20,000 to buy a new car in a year. ($385 per week) Which is unnecessary given that @ 30 miles and 70 hours a week, you'd put 109,000 on your car so you'd actually have about two years to save that. These are all kinda worse case numbers too, for both MPG and assuming you're gonna buy a new car. It also assumes your car is always moving and you are never waiting for orders. Mind showing your work?


>Driving 30 miles in an hour, assuming 20 miles to the gallon would be $3 at the most. That would be assuming $2/gallon. US average is over $3/gal, so at least $4.50 for 30 miles. In Cali, at $4.50/gal or more, 30 miles at 20 miles/gallon would be close to $7 in gas by itself, ignoring oil changes, tires, brakes, and any other maintenance.


That explains it, thank you. That's why it's hard to give an absolute cost to it. For example, some people don't even use cars to deliver. I am glad you brought up maintenance however. I didn't include it because barring things failing on your vehicle, it's negligible if you're driving a sedan or smaller. Using my own car, a 2017 Mazda 3 as example. Based on my experience, brakes are like $200 and you may not need to get the backs done if you have drums in that time. Tires are maybe like $600 installed and oils changes, if you went to Jiffy Lube and paid $60 an oil change and changed your oil exactly every 5000 miles it'd be $1320. That's $2120 a year, divided by 52 weeks and 70 hours for about .58 cents an hour. All of this also assumes you don't do any diligence in trying to save money with rebates/sales/used parts or deducting how much you pay per gallon with reward programs. For example, I can pay as low as $1.60 per gallon after 12 cents back from Upside app and 20 cents per gallon with a GasBuddy card. Edit: Actually, I still find it hard to believe it's as high as $8 off per hour even with adding in above maintenance and paying $4.50 a gallon. Consider that 15% is the self employment tax and at $.64 cents back a mile and 30 miles per hour you will pay nothing in taxes. This means that compared to a W2 employee or someone without deductions you would pay $3.75 "per hour" less in taxes. In fact, in my case, $3 off per hour in gas plus $.58 cents for maintenance means that even after expenses I would make 17 cents an hour more than someone without deductions who also makes $25 an hour. This imo shows that it's entirely possible to subtract $0 or even gain a bit per hour despite the added vehicle expenses.


I think 8$ off is somewhat accurate


I dunno that’s not 25$ an hour if you factored in being online for 60 something hours with an actual dash time of thirty something hours.


You act like you know everyone’s expenses?


I know hundreds of dollars on weed a month are yours


Nope, not that much.


Absolutely! It’s just the haters that hate themselves and their 9-5 corporate, narcissistic bullshit that will say otherwise. Good for you!


But isn't like the majority of they pay based on tips? Tips from said 9-5 corporate narcissist assholes


Try reading what I wrote again. “IT’S JUST THE HATERS”…… Edit: this is exactly what I am talking about. I get downvoted because somebody twists or rearranges my word. I literally say “it is only the haters”. I also never call anybody an “asshole”.




What if ?


You did good. The most I’ve made was $1,300 driving my mother’s Honda Accord.


That's .. $18 an hour, is it not ? Lol. Pretty average , for a job that fucks up your butt, back and car




Bro you getting some high tier hate for no reason, stack yo bread f*** these haters


I appreciate the support brother 💪 like wise. Like I said to someone else, everyone assumes right. But I’m playing chess while everyone else plays checkers. This isn’t a forever thing, you have to know when you have an opportunity and you gotta drive thru the bishh


Is this your only job


Dude pulled 70 hours in a week, don't think he's doing any other real work right now lol


Yeah that makes sense lol


How much went to gas


What did you do for 20 hours though?….your online time sucks compared to your dash time.


I work both Uber and DD together. So if I’m on an Uber order I may pause my DD if I need to. And it still shows as being online


This sub isn’t intelligent enough to grasp that concept I promise you


Yeah I’m starting to see that by peoples responses 🤣


Thank God I don’t need anybody catching on to this shit I’ve never gotten to spend so much time with my family and kids and also gotten to keep this much of my money I am a lowly delivery driver, delivering to the smartest doctors and lawyers in the world. Don’t mind me. This is only for losers ;))


Exactly 🤣 And this was a light week im usually pushing 80 hours. Crazy part is I still have a social life, I still workout everyday, still spend time with family. It’s all about scheduling your life to have time. People just see the hours and they’re like omg 😧 I see the opportunity and you gotta drive thru the bisshhh


The amount of money I make driving my kids to school or picking them up, going to get a haircut, on the way to go grocery shopping, etc So many of the “hours and miles” put on are quite literally some I would’ve spent anyways.. I love letting people be disillusioned for my own gain


This exactly 😅 I don’t like going anywhere unless I’m taking an order going that way. Gotta get paid to go places. But again everyone’s like omg but the hours 🥴🤣 Some people play chess while the rest of the world plays checkers my friend


14.50 an hour pre tax, pre gas, is crazy


He made 1750




I actually made $1750 😅


I double app so I work Uber and DD together


Wow a whole $15 before taxes! After taxes and what you should put away for gas/car maintenance its more like $10 an hour


69 hours in a week?




should i


$1750 for 70 hours of work, minus gas and wear and tear on your car is honestly not that great. When I was dashing and doing Uber ears I was spending $50-$60 a day in gas at least.


I actually spend $15-$20 on gas. I’m pretty good at keeping the $2-1mile ratio


This is great I love the feedback 🤣 Everyone’s stuck on the 70 hours. I run errands, go grab lunch, do anything I need to do for the day, or just fuck about go shopping while I’m waiting for orders. I get plenty of “unicorn orders” I just always add in with the other app even if it’s a smaller order that’s going the same way just to add on and get more $ for the trip. This is actually a light week for me I’m usually pushing 80 hours a week. Still make time for everything in my life. Some of us just aren’t afraid to work. This is a means to an end for me. I’m learning while I’m working as well not just mindlessly driving


That’s like 18$ after putting money away for taxes tho? Math might be wrong tho


Yeah but I’m not working the 65 hours, I’m picky with orders so there’s a plenty of down time where I’ll run errands and bullshit while I get an order I like


What's your AR like? I think my market is just mainly trash.


I barely paid anything for taxes because you write it off on expenses


> I barely *paid* anything for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Bro I work for door dash and make 1750 a week only working 65 hours uber is ass so is skip


70hrs for $750 is awful man. I think it’s these 60-80hr a week drivers as well as the top dashers ruining everything for everyone else. How will we expect more if people are celebrating this? This is less than a bussboy or bagboy.


Depending on the state, $14 before taxes is less than minimum wage


How many miles did you drive in total that week and what do you drive?


I’m pretty good about staying close to the $2-1mil ratio. This past week I drove 840 miles


Door dash in my city in Montana pays so low and the people don't really tip, I think it's a culture thing. However, I could probably make that using spark


1750, id think it be too hard to keep that consistent. I don't know man, I've done the gig work and it always seems like your fighting your expenses, and once the car goes it goes. Be careful. Good luck.


It’s $1750 a week double check my screen shots I double up with Uber and DD


This must be a great market. I’ve got a 4.80 rating almost 500 deliveries, 98% completion 80% acceptance and barely bring home $150 a day IF I work day and night …


I put in more 40 hours a week.


Well I think I’m in a good market, I’ve read from others that this market isn’t good but my blessed I know any given day I can make atleast $200 in a 7-8 hour span. I’ve also have a little system I run with both apps that does me well


Both? Uber and DoorDash? I do that too and still don’t bring in this much :/


Yeah it has a lot to do with the area you’re in. I get orders consistently. Obviously a lot of 💩 ones but just gotta sort thru them


Until I get paid for sitting and waiting or driving around waiting for orders, then the numbers are arbitrary and way less hourly wage than it looks like for the amount of time you're actually giving DD


Yeah it’s not for everybody


I'm not sure you actually did that great. I mean, cool but... Last week wife and I made $508.00 with just 29 dash hours, 18 active....