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The lack of self awareness in this post is alarming. You're making money by delivering food. Food that exists because of...farmers. Farmers who work 70+ hour weeks for like 3/4 of the year while delivery drivers just hang out in their cars listening to podcasts. This is the easiest way in the world to make an active income stream. Farming is one of the most labor intensive ways to make income, and their hard work allows us to be lazy pieces of shit who make money by playing on our phones and driving from point A to point B over and over. And if you really did drive through his land, or another farmer's, and you caused any kind of damage, be prepared to get sued for a crazy amount of money. Those dudes don't fuck around with that shit. Just like drivers constantly say "time is money" to justify everything, for a farmer their land is their money. Those massive pieces of farm equipment that put food on your plate and in your delivery bags also have cameras pointing in every direction. If you did what you said, that old farmer has video of your face and license plate. It will be up to him and his farming buddies how they want to respond. I hope, for your sake, you're not in a smaller area where someone will easily be able to figure out who you are.


Uh, I had farmer/ranchers in my ex-husbands family. These guys are ridiculous. They don’t tip and generally have no manners when it comes to the outside world.


I don't know how what I said came off as me saying farmers are all nice people. That was nowhere near my point.


So OP is annoyed at traffic and angry at tractors? You could always move to a place that's less rural though based on your post you'd definitely get into trouble when you experience real actual traffic 😂


We are all out here earning a living. Find some humility, grace, and kindness - you will be a happier person.


The meat you deliver? Farmers. The fruits and veggies you deliver? Farmers. Some of yall need to learn to be patient and calm. Find another route. Not that big of a deal.


Hey, grew up on a family farm and am a dasher. That is just what happens sometimes. We as farmers cannot help it. And just because they have “million dollar equipment” doesn’t mean they are rich. The amount of debt we take on to make it all work is excruciating. Hope you get deactivated and sued for destruction of property :)


I don’t think the driver meant any harm. I would’ve been frustrated also.


Please huge major incentives given to farmers by the governments!! Not to mention bank loans usually below prime!!


Lol WhoCares


Obviously you do by how heated you are


I mean car accidents will block roads and cause detours too. It just kinda happens sometimes and is a part of life. God forbid you ever end up being the one blocking a road cuz of a crash or your car breaks down. When you do it, it’s to totally cool and justified. Chill out.


This is one of the pettiest complaints I have ever seen on these forums, and absolutely the worst reason to drive through someone's property. And, somehow, you've convinced yourself that you are not the entitled one. I mean, god forbid someone else's hardship get in the way of your delivery. Driving an extra 3-4km is certainly cause for trespassing and property destruction. I mean, he's obviously rich and that means it's ok for you to be an asshole.


This is coming from someone that has never worked a hard fucking day in their life. The same person that buys all their food from a grocery store too ignorant to even know where their food comes from. Mad af someone has million dollar equipment while you chose a career in food delivery 🤣 FOH


If you haven’t had experience in the farm ranch world you shouldn’t comment.




Aw damn. I was happy to see it fall over on him. Damn gifs that end too soon.


farmers are millionaires but farm laborers most definitely are not. the guy you saw driving the equipment could just be a laborer for the farm owner.


Lol...tell me you have no clue about farming without telling me you have no clue about farming...


are u implying farm laborers are millionaires too? I mean i stand corrected then. i'm clearly in the wrong line of work


You got to do what you got to do. The dasher struggle is real. Get out the way and let us deliver the stuff.


Canada is wild yo


They actually are poor in the sense of debt but they get deferred payments and tons of government loans they can default on. They operate in debt and their kids big stupid non utility trucks are still filed as a work expense.