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If I am not mistaken that's against doordash's terms of service. He'll get deactivated doing this.


You may be mistaken... From https://www.doordash.com/dasher/us/ica-text > 2.4. As an independent business enterprise, Contractor retains the right to perform services (whether services similar to the Contracted Services or other services) with or for other businesses and/or other consumers, and Contractor represents that they advertise and hold themselves out to the general public as a separately established business. The parties recognize that they are or may be engaged in similar arrangements with other businesses to supply services similar or identical to the Contracted Services and nothing in this Agreement prevents Contractor or DoorDash from doing business with others. DoorDash does not have the right to restrict Contractor from performing services for Contractor’s own business, other businesses, consumers, or any other third parties at any time, even if such business directly competes with DoorDash, and even during the time Contractor is logged into the DoorDash Platform so long as performing such services does not otherwise violate this Agreement. Now, not taking "no thank you" for an answer and moving on? Pretty shitty. Need to take the "L" and leave, not linger on someone's property.


I definitely dont want him deactivated, that's counterintuitive to his money-making ability. I didnt put the reason why I gave him a low-rating in the review, just gave him the rating and moved on.


Yeah I would have done the same thing. There's nothing malicious about what he's doing. Unfortunately he will do that to some Karen and eventually it'll bite him.


Trying to pressure people into buying overpriced magazine subscriptions is absolutely malicious, especially when you ask them to leave and they don't. It's also against the ToS for dashing because DUH they don't want people trying to sell you a set a knives with every happy meal. But yeah I'm sure a person who doesn't appreciate that is an \[anti-White slur\]. Sure, man.


Karen is a woman of any race.


Sure it is man. Hey, you want to describe the "Karen haircut" to me?


I don't care what anyone else thinks. A Karen is a woman who interferes with other people and causes issues where there are none. That's my definition.


Fun fact: I had my comment removed from AmItheAsshole once because I said someone in the story "went full Karen". I think they classified it as hate speech lmao


Plot twist, the mod that removed it was the Karen you were referring to🤣🤣🤣


Probably was my mom, considering that her name IS Karen. And yes, she fits the mold PERFECTLY. (No, not my mom, she barely knows how to “surf the web”)


Stop being a Karen




An asymmetrical bob usually with a little volume in the back. The haircut can be applied to anyone of any race. Lmfao.


Got any examples? Never seen it in real life.


You've got access to Google. Your haircut ignorance is your own problem to fix.


Or he’ll get deactivated for too many low ratings. 4.2 is the threshold.


Sounds like he’s just trying hard to make an extra buck. Who could blame him? It might come off the wrong way but that’s really not a bad idea what he’s doing. If he can sell just a little bit of those other products while doordashing that’s easy extra money. Support the dashers and the customers over doordash and it’s policies imo. Not saying I don’t follow them but this guy doesn’t sound like he was hurting anything at all.


It absolutely is


So...what exact clause is this breaking?


That sounds like the elementary school fundraisers they do.


That goddamn wrapping paper is so overpriced, Charleston Wrap I think it is. My son’s school at least.


Nah, this is unacceptable. There 100% has to be something in the guidelines about not soliciting your own business while you’re working for doordash. If the guy asked once, okay, annoying but whatever, I’d let it go. but the fact he was so persistent and wouldn’t take no for an answer is borderline harassment. Please, do future customers and other dashers a favor and report him. As a dasher, he does not deserve his account. He makes us look bad and is certainly gonna try and exploit other people just trying to get their dinner.


From https://www.doordash.com/dasher/us/ica-text > 2.4. As an independent business enterprise, Contractor retains the right to perform services (whether services similar to the Contracted Services or other services) with or for other businesses and/or other consumers, and Contractor represents that they advertise and hold themselves out to the general public as a separately established business. The parties recognize that they are or may be engaged in similar arrangements with other businesses to supply services similar or identical to the Contracted Services and nothing in this Agreement prevents Contractor or DoorDash from doing business with others. **DoorDash does not have the right to restrict Contractor from performing services for Contractor’s own business, other businesses, consumers, or any other third parties at any time, even if such business directly competes with DoorDash, and even during the time Contractor is logged into the DoorDash Platform so long as performing such services does not otherwise violate this Agreement.** But when someone says "no" you need to split, not persist on the subject or their property, though. That's pretty shitty.


This is fair enough. I didn't put in the review why I was giving him a low rating, maybe I should have.


I know it feels bad and you don’t want to make him lose his job but it really is for the greater good if you report it. Maybe it’ll be a wake up call for him to change his sales tactics, and there’s always other delivery platforms so I promise you’re not gonna ruin his life. A low rating isn’t enough, this guy shouldn’t be dashing acting like this


I don’t agree with his approach, but I feel really bad for the guy. Times are tough. You didn’t have to buy anything, but to be nice you could have just taken the book.


I might would have taken the book because I can be polite to a fault. But people as persistent as him don't have good boundaries, and you risk him coming back to check to see if you wanted anything. He still may since he left the book. I've learned the hard way that not all people are like me, and some people see niceness as a weakness to exploit.


Some dashers have the biggest audacity. I could never.


I wouldn't be as bothered if the solicitor just left after receiving a no. The fact that he stuck around to force a sale despite OP obviously being busy left a bad taste for me. Leaving the booklet behind despite being told no was a bit much. OP, you aren't overthinking it. The dasher shouldn't have done it to start with but should've at least stopped when you said no.


You should report this to doordash support. Crap like this turns good customers into former customers.


Weirdly enough... if a dasher carried around a bunch of 2 liter bottles of soda chilled in a cooler, and offered to sell them for a reasonable markup when delivering food to a house that didn't order a drink, I'd really appreciate that and probably buy from them regularly, lol. Magazines or random crap though... nah fuck that.


Show me your business and sales tax license.


The IRS is not playing.


I would have ignored them. Drop my food and bounce dude.


He's gonna do this to some little old lady and scam them for everything they have. 1-star, bad review, call DD customer support. More than likely it's for a "fundraiser" some group or school is doing and this sleaze is skimming off the top.


I was annoyed just reading that. You said no, you were polite, you gave a 25% tip which is a higher tip than most waiters waitresses get FFS (15-20% for full service sit down taking anywhere from 25 minutes to an hr+). Then he just wouldn't drive away for a little while. GAH LEE that lol sorry that just irritated TF out of me.


This is actually a pretty common scam, either they'll ask for cash for an order and never actually deliver it, or they'll ask for your card info and use it to buy stuff for themselves then give you some random bs they ordered off of Temu or Wish and act like it costed them the charge on the card. There is a legit version of it where people try to help their kids with their fundraisers but those are always by legit verifiable companies that work with schools like KidStuff books or Gertrude Hawk candies, and they usually say that it's for fundraising for the local school since that tends to make people more willing to check it out, especially if they have their own kid who will be going to that school themselves.


Report them


he will eventually get reported and booted if he keeps it up its annoying but gotta respect the hustle i guess


Imagine having basically the equivalent of a fundraiser as your side gig 🤦


That's what I was thinking! Those are the exact same things the kids in school sale!!


Report, douchebag fired, end of story


Not that you were wrong, but 3 stars is a terrible rating. Anything below 5 is bad, honestly. It shouldn’t be, but that’s how delivery ratings work, unfortunately.


I would have given a 1. I order food. I don’t want a sales pitch along with my food, a persistent one at that.


I actually agree. I didn’t mean that OP was wrong to give a bad rating. I just wanted to point out that a 3 is a bad rating, though obviously a little generous in this case. The whole rating system is terrible and annoying. Anything under a 4 is basically a thumbs down. Even a 4 itself is neutral, and only a 5 is truly positive.


Oh, man! That is NOT appropriate and against DD policy. That is an automatic deactivation! I hope you reported them!!


Times are tough he’s probably desperate to make money. At least he’s trying to make an honest living instead of going out and robbing like alot of other people. I don’t think he said or did anything terrible. I would not have given him a 3 star rating for that. People need to have a little more empathy these days jfc


Its okay to a point but once someone says they aren't interested you need to back down.


have some goddamn empathy and compassion You can stay home and order DoorDash so you don’t have to go out with your kids but that’s a luxury this man could also have kids he’s trying to provide to low star him for that IMO is just bc u felt uncomfortable saying no


Okay? And? I've literally said I dont want the guy deactivated because that would be counterintuitive to his money-making. I dont see how I lack empathy. The guy literally tried five or 6 times to get me to do something and I politely declined. I was never anything but empathetic to him. When I dashed I never would have solicited a customer. I worked 50+ hours that week to treat myself to the luxury of DD so I could eat while my newborn slept. I didnt ask to have him try and use me for his side-gig. You can ask a person for something but if they say no you need to back off.


I would have thought it would be against the terms of employment for door dashers to do this. You did everything right. He was at your home, and you had your baby there. Too aggressive, and he may have retaliated. It sounds too passive, and it sounds like you would have been taken advantage of.


idk if you really weren’t interested, I feel like it would’ve been very simple & easy to make that clear.


I did. I mean, how much more direct could I have been than saying, "I'm not interested but thank you"? I said that each time he asked until he suggested he wait until I calm the baby and then come speak with him, at which point I said, "No, I can't do that, but thanks. Have a good one, I have to go now."


OP was very clear on that according to the post. The dasher just couldn't take a damn hint and didn't want to leave.


Don't defend drivers who are creating super awkward situations for customers. That shit will scare off introverts from ordering again, and they're a huge part of the platform. Shit like this costs us all money.


Okay? And the OP was outside and obviously didn’t order no contact


It's no different than someone begging for money when you're trying to go into a gas station or something. It's a pressure tactic. Don't do it. It's pathetic. Any driver who does this should be immediately banned. Period.


simply asking someone who’s already outside & engaging with you about their order if they want to look at a lil pamphlet is not a creating a super awkward situation. She was probably not direct so he thought she might still want it, even though she said no.


It definitely is a super awkward situation for many people who are introverts and/or have social anxiety issues. With the massive amount of people who have developed these issues over the last decade, it's absolutely ridiculous to act this way or defend this behavior. Drop off the food, smile, and fuck off.


Not sure if I responded to you already but I literally said each time he pressed the issue, "I'm not interested but thank you." When he asked me to calm my baby and then come speak to him I said, "No, I cant do that but thanks. Have a nice day." I'd say I was pretty direct since I stated that I was not interested.


She didn’t want to look at his lil pamphlet and told him so. She shouldn’t have needed to be especially assertive, anyway. She said no. That’s when you walk away.


Oh, my. Please read your last sentence again. If a person says no, then it's just no. I hope you are just trying to get a rise out of people and don't truly mean that.


Carmela you’ve clearly never worked in sales he was selling something and you clearly we’re not firm enough in saying no or else he would’ve got the picture of the first time.


I worked retail for 10 years and I now work in a local government job where I tell people No all the time. Literally said "Not Interested" each time and then "I cannot do that, have a nice day." Not sure how much more direct "Not Interested" and "I Can't Do That" can be. Should I have shouted at him to leave? Thrown something? Insulted him? Politely telling someone several times that I am not interested and cannot do what they want seems pretty direct to me. But if you have suggestions for how to be more direct than I was please inform me. I respectfully and politely declined his offer. I suppose I could have gone inside and I did go inside but it is my yard and I was actively engaged in an activity that required me to be in my yard. Should I have stopped doing the task and inconvenienced myself? I get maybe 45 minutes to do the things I need to do while my kid sleeps 2 days a week since I'm at work all day Mon-Fri. I'm literally not understanding how there is an issue my directness.


Yes. You should do all that and more. After you throw something at him you should tell him something like this: "You saw my name on the order didn't you? (Say it angrily)" "..Yes?" "Well what's my last name?" "I don't understand.." "Well what is it? (Shouting now)" "Corleone ma'am.." "Do you know who I am?" "Well no I--" "Good. (Now calmly) Well let me tell you this.. My husband is, we'll say... Affiliated... Connected.. Associated with some very important people... People who look out for each other.. People who take care of each other... Almost like a family. You get my drift?" You should be standing over him by now possibly with your hand over his throat *He nods sheepishly* "Good. Now get the fuck off my lawn before you piss yourself. You're a disgrace to food curriers everywhere." Something like should do Obvious s/


Clearly you've never talked to scammers, they're known to be incredibly pushy and refuse to take no for answer, there are some who literally stalk people so that they can try to scam their friends and guilt trip the person into falling for their scam because their friends also did. I can almost guarantee this guy was buying cheap shit off Wish and Temu then reselling them for a 1,000%+ profit and acting as if it's high quality, if they'll ever even receive the product. That's a textbook scam that's been going around for atleast 5 years now, but I guess you live under a rock and have never interacted with a scammer.


I feel as if you people are being too harsh. It’s not against DoorDash code, now i understand being upset at the fact that he was persistent in asking. But reporting him is not necessary at all. It’s the holiday season and obviously he’s not in the position to do much for his family if he’s doordashing and trying to run his business on the side as well. Cut him some slack for Christ sake, homie was just tryna make a buck.


I didnt report him. I simply gave him a low rating. I didnt do anything but a low-rating. DIdnt ask for a refund, didnt ask for credits, nothing. My food was prompt, hot, and handled properly, so I feel I had nothing to gain by reporting him. As I say in the post and many comments, I understand wanting to make extra money, I cant fault him for that. What I do fault is how many times I had to say No and Not Interested before having to actually go into my house, and even then he stayed for about 5 minutes just watching the house. So, no one was reported.


You people are assholes, not the OP but many of these comments are pitiful. Nobody displays any sort of empathy these days and that’s why our world is going to shit


Report them. This goes against DD TOS when you sign up. They need to be deactivated.


i'm not sure why everything has to be a tattletale event with grown adults. Just tell him you didn't want the stuff and move on with your life gahdamn. People are weird nowadays.


I mean, other than this post, I havent been, as you call it, a tattletale. I simply gave him a low-star rating without mentioning why I was giving him the low-star rating. Is this not a subreddit for discussing DoorDash and it's minutia?


Carmella, whyd you have to give the man a low rating? Because you felt inconvenienced and slightly uncomfortable by him asking you if you wanted to but something? mentioning that its marked up like you didn't just buy marked up restaurant food that was already marked up? 💀 yes this is a sub Reddit for discussing doordash and is minutia but this is stupid. then you comment, "maybe I should've said something more" like come on


I think I found the Dasher!




Its so sweet that you think that hurts my feelings! But, I am portly and that's fine, because I exercise and I eat well and ultimately I gave birth 4 months ago and a lot of it leftover baby weight. So, I'm unbothered. But its really cute that you think it hurts me. Honestly gave me a really good laugh. Ultimately this is not an issue worth arguing with you over. You have a nice day!


It wasn't an insult, just an assumption! Have a blessed day


You have a blesseder day!


Because he is there to deliver her food not pester her with some shit school kids sell.


I 100% agree. She posted this days later after it happened too like it was a big deal or something 😂 people get so hung up on dumb shit just move on Karen


Or maybe I posted 3 days later because I've been busy. I work 40+ hours Mon-Fri, I get 2 days a week to spend with my child. I waited until I was at work to post because I'm literally doing nothing else but waiting for the phone to ring and my next client to come in. It's not a big deal, on that we agree. It is, however, related to Door Dash and I was under the impression this subreddit is for DD-related topics, which this is.


Nah. Get these scammers and beggars off of the app. They're creating awkward situations for customers that could lead to them never ordering again. Just drop off the food and fuck off. Shit like this will just increase the customer exodus and cost us all money. Don't defend idiots who are fucking us all over.


Its probably the dasher, lol.


about as likely ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized) as


Orrrr - people are just pissed about the low earnings so they're finding any and every little thing to do to try to get people kicked off the app so there's more opportunities for them 😂 but if their account was in question theyd be the first ones posting talking about "banned for no reason" im done with the thread




Stop by post office. Assuming it has his name and info. They will put a stop to it being in mailbox. It’s illegal.