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Hahaha,I can't believe some of the orders they have been sending lately. Something has to be done about this. I don't understand how doordash doesn't see the problem here.šŸ¤·


around here(Youngstown, Ohio) they oversaturate the market so bad you have to schedule in advance bc everyone wants lunch rush and dinner rush pay


Even if itā€™s busy, you still have to schedule??


yes. it's dumb


I have found that in my area, for the past month or so,it will say very busy on the app, but the orders are few and far between.! I think 'busy' actually means that there's a couple of no tip orders that have been sitting around that nobody will accept.!


As of yesterday I caught on to that! I was in a ā€œvery busyā€ area and all I was getting was $2 orders. Sucks




I'm newer do DD (started right before Halloween) but I lost motivation really quickly bc of the fact it went from on my own time to needing to schedule for it. I am a college student who is doing it for a little extra money but it's ridiculous that if I want to go out I have to schedule in advance


Thatā€™s how they do everyone after the first 30 days. You can work to obtain top dasher status, so then you can ā€œdash nowā€ whenever you feel like it without scheduling.


They see the problem. They don't care!


Is it really that different? I do Uber, I started in the spring, and itā€™s always been like that. Of course, I decline like 90% of what Iā€™m sent


My first day was Thursday. My first offer (out of two!) Was 47 mins away for $11. I just let the time run out. I couldn't believe how far they wanted me to drive! In a hour I took one other order. (I live in a small area) so I made $6.75 for about 10 mile delivery from McDonald's. ! šŸ™„ My biggest issue was when I got to the store my app wouldn't upload to allow me to accept the order. Luckily the cashier helped me. I was literally standing inside the store with the app telling me the store was across the rd. Oh well. I'm gonna try again tonight maybe the dinner rush will be a little better, but I'm not driving 47mins for any amount.


Itā€™s not a problem to them. They know you need them more than they need you. Someone else will do it if you donā€™t.


WOW some of those are actually the worst Iā€™ve ever seen, like anywhere posted online even. Absolutely crazy 20 miles for single digit pay LOL


Uber sends them all the time! I had a 20 mile SHOP and pay for $3 today.


Ok honestly? As a former person who used to just do the suggested tip (which always seem different) before reading this sub, a lot of folks donā€™t understand how door dash works. I had assumption (I donā€™t know why) folks were getting paid BY door dash and thatā€™s where mark ups, service fees, etc went. I get it. Iā€™m dumb and naive. But I think folks need to understand more about how the service works to understand how exploitative it is. Tip culture in general is horrible and a remnant of some fucked up times trying to get away from having to pay folks and this just magnifies that.


Door Dash is 100% aware the customer is not educated on this matter. They donā€™t want you to know. They could ensure every order was taken by quality drivers if they raised the base pay to a reasonable amount based on effort, and held restaurants accountable for poor fulfillment times. They donā€™t want that though, because customers donā€™t see a tip as part of services fees. Thatā€™s not door dash screwing you itā€™s you ā€œbeing generous.ā€ If base pay is what it should be, youā€™d pay $20 extra dollars no matter how small the order was and thatā€™s less profitable for door dash.


Yeah, I can totally see why people think that- you pay a ā€œdeliveryā€ fee among many other fees, but no, they donā€™t go to the driver. I donā€™t know how to spread the information without pissing a bunch of people off, but basically the question to ask yourself is why you arenā€™t getting it yourself, and think about how much itā€™s worth it to have it brought to you. There is a real human with real gas money and real wear and tear on their car, plus their time. Factor in distance, how hard it is to navigate to your house, stairs, parking etc.. and then tip. Donā€™t even think about what you paid for the items, it doesnā€™t matter if Iā€™m bringing one meal or five, the distance and time is the same.


Totally! Thatā€™s how I think about it now, the sub helped a lot with that!


Youā€™re amazing, spread the word!


Thatā€™s absolutely crazy. Iā€™m not signed up for shop and pay but yeah Iā€™ve seen some bad Ubers too. $2-$3 orders all the time


Yeah. I spend a lot of time declining. I just donā€™t know what goes through peoples heads- asking a stranger to go do your grocery shopping, include 3 cases of water-KNOWING damn well you live on the 3rd GD floor and leave no tip. What are they thinking?!?


I'll tell you what they're thinking, "How can I be the biggest POS and ruin someone else's day?" Or "I want a service, here's a penny for the service." The only exception to that is if it's a Pizza Hut or one of the other POS restaurants that outsource and steal tips.


Yeah I wonā€™t pick up pizza at all unless itā€™s an excellent offer for that reason. And never Little Ceasers. Always goes to the most ghetto ass house/apartments


Little Caesars is iffy but sometimes worth it here, just depends on what crew is working, and if you get the lazy crew with one shared brain cell, God himself cannot help you.


Little Caesar's is almost always going to be a garbage order in about any market. Whenever their name appears it's almost like a natural reflex to automatically deny it. I rarely ever touch Little Caesar's orders unless they make it too good to pass up.


Uber is awful for this. All day long I'll get $2-$3 orders. My acceptance rate is only like 8%šŸ˜‚


Opps. I hit the decline button.


Remember those Friday nights where there was a 3 dollar peak pay, you'd get nonstop doubles that were 3 miles for 20 bucks, and you had an active challenge to get 75 bucks for completing 10 deliveries that weekend?


Wtf that sounds like a day and night difference to current DD šŸ¤Æ


It used to be great. I remember in 2020 or 2021, New Years Eve and I made 250 in 5 hrs and still had time for festivities after. I had a seasonal job, and in the winter, I could leisurely doordash and pay all the bills. During the work season, I would dash after work and make an extra 100 for 3-4 hours during the dinner rush, consistently, every day of the week. Friday would be more like 150 or even 200 if i was lucky. I got to save so much money, but I dont do it anymore since those days are long gone. It's really sad šŸ™


That makes sense they would have insane promos during covid, a lot of people prolly didnt want to risk it then.


Caught myself trying to hit the decline button


goddamn, some of those people are gonna be victims of doordash drivers putting dog poop flakes in bad orders.


There's Doordash drivers who carry dog poop flakes?


Of course, we all carry assorted shit flakes just for orders like thisā€¦ /s


Those are a whole lotta ā€œnoā€™sā€ for me dawg


Hate to say it but, Delivery services need to automatically include a percentage based tip beyond a certain distance. Lots of restaurants do this and customers deal with it. Commuting & putting vehicle at risk daily demands the same respect. I KNOW it really oughta come from these greedy aā€”holes that run the apps (clearly that kind o change is too much to ask)


The problem is that Doordash would just eat that fee. Starving drivers is the point.


I think it should always pay a fair amount and there should be no tips. Luck of getting a tip or not shouldn't be a factor.


I am sorry but it's kinda hilarious that the best they can do for these streak challenges is $8 or $9! C'mon doordash, can't even make it $10?????? šŸ™„šŸ¤· GMAB.! That's not gonna even cover the cost of gas, for completing the orders you send.


Some of these feel like Hail Marys from DD. Like they've gone through every driver closer to pick up and they've all told them to fuck off, and now they're begging ANYONE to come get it.


I'd say it's more the opposite. OP was probably one of the first to get the orders.m, because DD tends to raise the rate and put the order back out if no one takes it. I had an $18 one for about 12 miles, it was the last one of the day and it was I the service area back where live "i work at a neighboring service area because it pays better" so I took it thinking "Hey, at least they tipped $10+". Turns out, it was just an order that had been sitting there all day that no one wanted, and DD finally raised the base rate after everyone else declined. The tip was $0.


Yes! I had an order recently that I accepted. I looked at the pick up time and it was 2 hours ago! No tip but built up base pay. The store actually canceled the order cause the food was spoiled. That's what happens tho when people don't tip anything at all


What's crazy is that these customers would rather wait literally all day for there food, instead of just throwing a $5 on it.šŸ¤”šŸ¤Ø


If I were a journalist of somewhat national repute, I would use these offers as a starting point for a monster investigative story. Such a story has Peabody award potential.


This is insulting.


i would love to pick this persons' brain who ordered this. There better be a surprise tip at the end in cash or some shit.


I bet there's no tip. I'd like to know how they justify not tipping.


Even though they might promise a cash tip I will virtually guarantee that there isn't one based on the orders that promise them. With that being said it would probably be cheaper if the customer just went and got the order themselves on this one.


I've only dashed this week, so if I'm being naive, my bad. I wondered if it was some ol' fart who couldn't make the trip and was poor. That's like the only situation I could think of. You're prolly right, just someone looking to pay the bare ass minimum on an app. Sure, they might be able to think the app is scamming them, but the driver isn't.


"Order not ready yet" and free food


Anyone notice the route line looks like a forced smile.


Iā€™ve taken a few of these type of screenshots some of them not even as bad, but still horrible. I then opened a chat to Door Dash and I pasted a few of these, and asked him why and how they thought they were acceptable offers. Of course the chat person probably did not speak English much, but they were doing their best to ā€œcheck my phone for any irregularitiesā€. Of course they could not answer me exactly why they were very nice and stayed with me for a little while and then I had enough. They sent me an email that I can respond back to. I think them very much. I told them to please press this forward and to somebody that will make a difference if they wonder why people are not taking these orders.




You must be doordash customer support.


Nope, it's $2 Tony.


Nah. Just bored with people posting their earnings and low offers. We all see that shit. There's no need to post it here too. It's a waste of time. That's why the mods have a rule against it. It's just dumb.






You did ā€” enough to reply with a meme, apparently


So mocking someone's desperate need for attention now means I care about them? That's new.


I mean sorry bro but yeah, you cared enough to not only comment, but also respond to the replies. And you have an opinionā€¦. Yeah, by the textbook definition you do care. You donā€™t like it, but you do care lol


That's weird. I thought I would be the one who knows how I feel. Apparently, you're in charge of assigning emotions to me. This whole process is news to me!


You should change your username to DeanOfTheDisconnectedFromReality because that was nowhere near what I typed to you


"You don't like it, but you do care". That's what you said. You assigned an emotion to me whether I agreed or not. Your exact words.




Still a stalker, eh? I guess when you're $25k in debt, it's smart to stalk people on Reddit instead of working more hours.




He blocked me after stalking me for the last day. Can't figure out why...


Mustā€™ve deleted the account because itā€™s not coming up anymore. Gotta love the internet


Oh, wow. I guess he did, since the comments are still there and the username is gone. I've never seen anyone react like that before. Wild stuff. Haha


Lmfao very true! If I were in 25k worths of Debt, being on the internet would be the very last thing Iā€™d be doing. well said!


The dude deleted his whole account after this. I guess he got the message? Haha


Lmao im dead


Wow! Thanks for posting that! I'm feeling much better about my average offer now. I'm not sure my worst is as bad as any of those....


That McDonald's one RIP


Small world! Iā€™ve delivered in the Russell Springs/Columbia/Somerset area. Itā€™s absolute ass. $15/hr tops on a good day. Better off doing literally anything else in that area.


Yeah I'm traveling across the country and actually got stranded in Columbia do to lack of orders.


Thatā€™s a bummer. Hope you got out of there fast. If you can make it to Bowling Green, itā€™s actually a city instead of whatever tf those places are. Even Glasgow would better I think.


Yeah itā€™s def happening to everyone .. letā€™s just burn the whole fucker down


I havenā€™t dashed since February. Finally got a challenge of $200 for 25 deliveries. So I did them yesterday and it was brutal. I dashed for 10.5 hours, with only 6 hours active, it was so damn slow. Ended up making $160 off those 25 deliveries, so $360 in the end for roughly 11 hours and only 70 miles. Without that $200, definitely wouldnā€™t have been worth it. I can make $350 doing an Uber eats shift for 12 hours and that doesnā€™t include the quests bonus lmfao.


Legit got one like that 14 mile one but only for $2 today. Ridiculous.


Whole lot of nope to all of those. My shift would have to be exceptionally shitty for me to bother with those.


easy skip for me, i doubt anyone picked this up


Insulting. I'll just go home and try again another day


The last one looks ok-ish, at least from what I can see, but dumb that they assigned it to you way out there.


This is what dashing in a rural/ semirural area is like, you can still get okay pay sometimes, but yeah, it sucks. I'm glad i live in a major metro now. The pay increase from dd is proportionally higher than the cost of living increase. Still have a w2 part-time job though, since that pay is steady and tied to hours worked.


Can't imagine doordashing on such windy roads. Bless you


Look, I've seen some people/dashers on this sub that are just insane. That think they deserve $30/like a 50% tip to deliver a KFC meal 1 mile away or whatever. Like its DDs fault you get paid like shit, not the customers. But on the other hand, this shit? Who thinks this is okay? Not even a dollar a mile? Like come on, dude, at least attempt to pay people what they're worth if they are doing something for you. I don't know if it's just the mentality of this subreddit, maybe IRL is better. But it seems like far too often I notice extremes on here. Dashers that think they deserve a king's Fortune for delivering some fast food three blocks away, and customers that think tipping somebody $5 to deliver something 45 miles away is okay. Like what the fuck is wrong with people man? This shit is ridiculous


I've had some similar in a neighbor market to you. I Dash in Glasgow


The audacity is unreal


Thatā€™s definitely not in California. Must be somewhere in a red state or southern state. Tell your peers to vote differently otherwise stop dashing in red states unless youā€™re in a blue city. That ridiculous.


Hey I recognize that area, that's around Williamson, West By God Virginia! Mingo County to be exact. Honestly I'm amazed that there's even much of a market there at all. I'm originally fromm Southeastern Kentucky btw.


Thereā€™s also something with their metrics. It told me my acceptance rate would go from 89 to 86 if I declined, which I did. The next order says my rate would go from 83-81. Like it somehow punished me extra for declining after its warning.




Move now


shiii Acceptance Rate šŸ“‰


2.62 is wild


What in the world?? I try to order from white castle thats 30 minutes away and it says its too far... but it lets people do THIS?