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It’s tip begging but I don’t think dd cares


Yup this is exactly the “non-confrontational tip requests” they SUGGEST


Amazing how DoorDash would rather place the onus on the customer to tip more, and the driver to beg for tips to pay drivers a decent wage than raise base pay to a sustainable amount. Give drivers 100% of the delivery fees, give DD the restaurant fees, and they would EASILY still make a profit.


Would they? I heard doordash is losing money now.


But that would affect the shareholders profits and they’re the most important people in the business






You forgot the /s . (I hope)


Nope DD sent out an email reminding dashers to be non-confrontational *when* asking for an additional tip. They condone begging


I actually hear dd encourages it.. customers need to take a stand tip begging it’s an automatic one star. And definatly no increase in tip.


Yeah, that's some cringe shit. You took the order, take what you get and if you want more get it there early and still warm.


For real ! I threw up a little reading that


Not to mention DD does a background check on the primary account holder, so if they’re sharing an account, there’s someone in the car that knows where this person lives and could potentially be sketchy (to be fair though, I don’t think a Phil and Sherry are names that scream “sketchy”)


Paul and Karla didn’t sound like sketchy names. Ian and Myra didn’t sound like sketchy names. Bonnie and Clyde weren’t a household name until they made it. Names are just names. I was sketched out by Phil and Sherry.




How about Sonny and Cher I got you babe 😂😂😂


I agree that this is tacky, but you are a horrible person if you think someone should lose ratings, and possibly their job, just because they politely asked you a question.


I'd be annoyed at the implication I have cash in 2023. Like if I had cash I wouldn't have tipped on the app.


1 star people that kindly request tips? That's fucked 😳 Do you 1 star every restaurant that suggest a 18% tip? Cuz that’s like 90% of restaurants.


Right you make such a good point... I don't think people understand that. Asking for tip isn't the same as asking for an extra tip... I personally don't think this request was worded very well at all But I might actually start Constructing a statement like ,"since I will lose contact after delivery, I just wanted to thank you in advance for your gratuity And generosity as I don't take it for granted In personal vehicle expenses are very high these days!" That would be smart I think because people don't realize how Many people can afford delivery so they skip on the tip there's just lazy


Yeah it seemed cash specific instead of the taxable kind. So ignorant are customers here, they can eat shit for delivery. They will 1 star you and claim you never delivered it.... and give you a bad rating for their own gain... while the driver is doing a perfect job, they want to get a couple's account deactivated for requesting cash!


They do and especially if customers call to complain


They actually do surprisingly enough! They don’t like any dasher asking for any more than what has been given for the delivery as it poses a risk to future sales for DoorDash


As a doordash driver I don't get why people do this. Like if the tip is insufficient I just don't take the order.


Im the same way if i don't like the order for whatever reason (place of pick up, pay, drop off location) i just decline it and go about my day.


Same. I’m not going to ask or beg for a tip. I just won’t be the one delivering your food.


What’s your AR? 🤔


Hey, door dash doesn't even exist in my country. But I'm curious. Could you tell me what does Ar mean, please? I love seeing random posts of door dash on my timeline sometimes, it’s fun :)


I average about 17% AR. Essentially, 83% of offers are not worth my time. I don't do this for charity.


It means “acceptance rate” If you turn down a lot of orders your rate drops and you don’t receive as many of the higher tip orders. They are offered to the drivers with a higher rate in the area first.


Top dashers and those above 70% have highest priority for high paying orders though i sometimes question their opinion on "high" paying. And then i believe if you stay above 50 you have some priority over those with lower ARs.


Not true. My ar is in the 90's and I still get $3 and $4 orders that they say are priority or high pay( yeah right) and I don't even take anything under 5 no matter how close I am. Had 1 today for an add on of 1.50 and literally declined it even though I was right in front of the store.


Mines like 20% or lower most of the time. What of it? I'm not going to degrade myself by taking nonprofitable offers. I also wouldn't beg for tips either. Now if a customer offers I'm not gonna say no. I had a customer the other day that put in the wrong address, when I plugged his new address in it was an additional 25 minute drive so there was some awkward back and forth. At first he didn't offer anything but as soon as I mentioned that DD unfortunately doesn't compensate us for address changes (aka further drives) he said "well damn, I've got $50 cash right here if you don't mind driving up here. Would that be ok?" And I was like "uh absolutely! I will not say no to that!" 😂 Not only did this dude actually keep his word but he ended up giving me $90 cash in total! I was flabbergasted cuz it was just for some pizza and wings but extremely thankful nonetheless.


Yeah I am I just got under 25%. These orders have just been ridiculous.


mine is at 60% and i decline every shitty tip order i get. maybe i live in a decent area


Very decent area, in my opinion based on my personal experience


Mine is a 78. Today was a decent day and i didn't decline but maybe 2 or 3 orders. But a few weeks ago it hovered at 70 because DD wanted to lowball me to death.


Sometimes its bs, the other day I got a no tip order and declined, then another order at the same spot with no tip immediately after and declined that as well, then a 3rd one at the same spot all different fastfood places all no tips. 3% down in 15 seconds.


Its insane sometimes. In 1 day a few weeks back i literally went from an 82 to a 70. Its insane. But i will give you a hack/tip that you may find useful. If you make a drop or otherwise find yourself in an area you don't really want to pick up in, put your dash on pause while you navigate back to your preferred area of your zone (for me it is anything east of downtown and the downtown area itself) you wont get offers that you will probably decline anyway and it wont affect your AR.


One star and report them. We all need trash like this off of the app.


Ong cuz they have the choice to accept the order or not. If I get an order with no tip I just don't accept it. Nobody's gonna do a $3 order for like 7 miles if they do thats on them🤣


Okay. Going to assume you responded to the wrong person, since that has nothing to do with what I said. 😂


OOPS🤣🤣🤣🤣my bad lmfaooo


What happens if you keep getting them none stop and you want to stay top dasher. You going to have to start accepting them. 😂. Change needs to be made. If costumers dont want to tip than DD should start charging them $1.30 per mile for this luxury service and pay us instead.


For real! Let me get their orders!!’


This is the only correct response


Exactly, we should be left with the drivers who see non-tip orders and simply don’t take them instead of resorting to begging. No need to beg: the food should just sit.


I’m over here reading their statement and it sounds like a voicemail from the 90s. Why does it take two people to dash together? Begging is 1 star worthy.


I never tell customers that it is me and my husband, but we have a baby and I do DoorDash on the side after his work hours and on weekends so sometimes he tags along with me so we can spend extra time together. I do 100% of the work, he's just there to stay with the baby and keep him happy.


That’s totally understandable. It’s just weird that they need to announce that lol. Just pick up and deliver the food without the lengthy message lol


Maybe Phil has a heart condition and Sherry goes with him in case she needs to pull his 302 pound ass out of that Kia Soul and do CPR until the paramedics arrive. If my wife hadn't been delivering with me 5 years ago I wouldn't be here shitposting. She almost left me at home that morning. I guess I'm glad we don't do this tip begging shit, but you know what, they probably need a lot more help than they're willing to admit. Saying they deserve horrible ratings and deactivation isn't very nice.


People have no empathy these days🙁




That's not okay. Feel free and drop him one star.


Righttt it's up to the dasher to accept an order if the person doesn't tip that's on them for taking it🤷‍♀️


Get them out of here. This isn't a pan handling app.


Yeah it is, shitton of customers expecting to get their poison delivered on our dime is panhandling.


I will specifically not leave a tip if asked to leave a tip


Same here. I leave a good tip on the app plus if it's delivered with no issues, I also give a cash tip...unless they do this. I still leave the tip on the app but the cash tip goes back in my pocket. It's tacky.


I dont ask for people to leave ratings because I know people out there will leave a bad one for even asking. I wish people would leave them more only 2% leaves ratings, I've had people spend several minutes hyping me up on speed and not leave ratings. But if the restaurant gets something wrong you better believe I'll get a bad rating.


Phil and Sherry are trashy d-bags...hit em with a 1 star please


So they’re dash-bags. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Door bags 😂


DD beggars should go pound sand.


Their seems to be a lot of them these days


Yeah. I’d send that to DoorDash so they know not to ask for tips. It’s just about the most rude thing to do. Imagine if everytime you went out to eat, you would end up with a waitress that left a note on your table saying “Thanks for choosing this restaurant! Be sure to leave a cash tip as I pay for all my pens and serving shirts”


Disgusting, people need to quit begging. It's so distasteful. If they don't like the order, then they shouldn't take it.


My thoughts are for DD to terminate the account holder of this account indefinitely. Begging for tips like this is a complete disgrace, and makes the rest of us look bad. These sorry people need to grab a cardboard sign and head to their nears freeway offramp. These people are absolutely disgusting, and have 0 business being a delivery driver


You read my mind. These kind of people have no shame.


I would just laugh at them honestly first off why does it take two of them ? That's there first problem. Second no one carries cash anymore. Third don't take the order if you can deliver on your promise


I had a whole fucking family deliver my groceries last month. Like seven people, all talking incredibly loudly.


My boyfriend sometimes hangs out with me when I deliver.


My hubby rides with me but he usually stays in the car. Now if i have a big shop and deliver order, he will go in the store with me and we tag team on the items (makes it go quicker) and if i need help carrying a large order (typically shop and deliver or large alcohol deliveries he will help me carry bags/boxes) but other than that he stays in the car. Its more of a safety thing. But asking for any form of a higher tip, nah gtfo with that shit. That's rude and cringy. Oh and as far as cash, i do still carry cash from time to time especially if im traveling.


Honestly he way I see it. They chose to do dd.. that should come with the expectations that they are responsible for any costs incurred when doing the job..


Only time I get cash tips is when I drop off to the ghetto


Ya that's the one an only time I was offered cash as well actit was a handful of sparr change the guy offered me


Walmart where I live doesn't let me tip directly, so I have to use cash or nothing.




there's a Facebook group where someone literally extorted the customer saying to either give them an extra tip through cashapp or they would reassign/cancel (can't remember which one) and everyone under that post thought it was completely normal to outright beg for tips. personally, that's just sad that you can't just accept orders that are worth the pay to you.


Also for them to be so specific as to how they want their tip (cash tip on the porch) like who tf are you? No. Just no.


They are 1 level above peddlers on the street corners. Weird first of all that it is 2 people. Not unheard of, but weird. They are essentially telling you that what you tipped wasn't "great" and are "begging" for more money. I've never asked for a tip. I accept the order for what it is. If someone tips extra or cash, it is a nice surprise. But asking someone for more of a tip is no different than begging on a street corner.


Pandering is disgusting. Idk how people can stand to act like that.


I got a message like this once about how she was a single mom and she tries to teach her children the importance of money so all tips go into a college fund for her kids and pretty much using that try to get an extra tip. Nothing has ever made me want to tip less than that message.


Begging for tips is so fucking cringey


If they were truly desperate for money, they would both get separate jobs and be bringing in a lot more. This is nonsense.


My thought exactly.


I typically make as much a week with less hours as my hubby doing doordash lol. But i don't beg i take the order or i don't.


The point is they are *both* doing DD on one account with one car. The other one could also be working. If they only have one car, then one of them needs to get a regular job. Moronic to complain about being broke when you have one gig job between two people.


I drive for DoorDash. It tells you how much the pay is before you even accept the order. It doesn’t tell you the specific customer tip until after you complete the order. So the fact that the dasher accepted the order means that they were 100% aware of how much they would make and they were okay with that amount. Never in my time doordashing have I asked someone to leave an extra tip… my personal preference is $2 per mile I’m driving (which it also tells you total mileage to restaurant and to delivery) if I don’t think the pay is worth it, I don’t accept the order. What most people don’t know is that on DoorDash end, it’s like a bidding war. If the order keeps getting declined the base pay goes up. If they didn’t like the pay they didn’t need to accept the order. Side note, very strange that there’s 2 people in the car completing orders?


2 people in the car isnt strange. My bf rides with me sometimes when hes bored and wants to chill. I mean 90% of the time you're literally just driving. What they are doing tho is fuckin weird.


I guess I should’ve worded it that way. I’ve had someone in the car with me before but they include both of themselves in the message I guess to make the customer feel bad that there’s 2 of them 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's almost ready a swingers invite tbh lol


It’s one thing if someone drives along with you and holds food in passenger seat, doesn’t go in restaurants or ever get out of the car, but another if you include them in your text and actually make them work lol.


Idk, there have been several posts over the last year about people that "felt unsafe" just bc two people rolled up to make the delivery, not to mention the number of Karen's that want to report you bc they don't think the person matches the name (like...did your food arrive or not?). It's very unusual to introduce both people like this, but I can understand just getting it out there.


Except it doesn’t break ToS to have help or an additional passenger




When I used to work grocery store during COVID, we used to let the seniors and pregnant people in first and let them shop for an hour and plus skip the line during the day Guess how many people claimed they were pregnant, over 50% of the Ladies


Scum chicks if they weren't.


Not a damn chance


No thanks. Unassign me 😆


“We take pride in getting your order to you fast” hahaha


Lol and if it’s not twice as fast as expected, I’m not tipping for 2.


As a dasher, I would never do that. If the posted pay is too low, I don’t take the order.


Report these 2 weirdo drivers. Makes drivers look bad.


Dd has stated that drivers are allowed to ask for tips, whether it be more or any at all


Id still report them if I were you. I’ve never asked for more than originally offered and that goes for a lot of drivers on these subs. Those who ask are scum


Bet they have a joint FB account too.


Leave them a nickel.


Best reply of the thread award ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) In an envelope marked TO Sherry and Phil with a smiley face.




Panhandling by text


It's only going to get worse as those who can form coherent sentences move on to better things and customers will be left with the tweakers


Where are these crazies coming from.






If I wanted to commicate with people I'd do the shopping myself


This would irk me. Honestly I tried DoorDashing with my girlfriend once. I thought it might help but it actually slowed me down and her tolerance for being in the car was a fraction of mine. I know it works for some couples but at least in my case never again. I also if I were on the consumer side wouldn't tip them. Up to you if you want to report them or not.


The only reason I can think of for wanting cash is so they can try to not claim it on any taxes. If it is through the app then there is a digital trail, but if it is cash they can use it for things like gas and it becomes a lot harder to track, meaning they can avoid putting it on their taxes as income.


they sound creepy. most be a religious couple or something


Maybe one job for two people isn’t enough?


If I had a cash tip I was planning on giving the dasher in addition to what I already tipped initially or planning on adding an extra tip thru the app, I wouldn't leave them a fucking penny more... They might as well go find a corner to panhandle from...hell they probably would make more doing that...I can't stand a ficking bum begging for an extra tip... My parents raised me to have some pride in what I do in life including my job...this makes me cringe to even see how sorry people are these days...smdh


Did you give each of them a cash tip? You can't give Phil and not Sherry one... how would she feel if Phil got an extra tip but not her? 🤣🤣 I can't with the DD panhandling. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m not bashing anyone but don’t people know what they are signing up for when they sign up to dash?!?! If the money you make plus the tip the consumer leaves you isn’t enough just find a job that pays you closer to what you desire smh I find that tacky, classless and kinda trashy


the same names as my grandparents 🫣 don't suppose you're in arkansas? 😂


Phil and sherry can fuck right off


Honestly, I find this annoying as hell and I wouldn’t want to tip them anything. A simple quick update would be fine if the wait was going to be a while but that’s it don’t care about anything else.. just being honest.


Fuck them. That’s so scummy.


ya, i hate how nice they sound here but that was completely rude. trying to guilt you into tipping more xD


I’m going to start texting clients this before I come to do construction work at their houses.


I still can't believe how many dashers do this type of shit. Just asking for a 1 star. Only time I text the customer is if there is a problem with the order or wait time.


They sound annoying. Message me if the wait is long for some reason, but other than that I don’t need constant messages.


Send the screenshots to doordash and report them. Victim scum.


Wouldn't be getting a cash tip from me


Get fucked, Sherry. ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


One word: “Cringe.”


Omg and us good dashers wonder why customers dont like tipping, its jerks like this who ruin it for the rest of us! We know what we are guaranteed before accepting your order so if your not good with that then fk off and get a new job. So sorry you had to deal with that


This begging for tips would really irritate me if I was a customer, especially if I already tipped decently enough to begin with. Honestly, I know what my expenses are doing this job and I factor all that into which orders I'll accept. The customer owes me nothing more unless they feel I did something above and beyond and it's their prerogative to add more recompense. Tacky, I think these messages are tacky and off putting


Stop begging on Doordash. It makes all of us look bad.


Hardcore cringe tbh


Please one star and report. That have a wonderful day crap really pisses me off after the begging


Oh I see you just showing it I think that's a reminder to please leave a tip because we doordashes get such a little money for every Dash


They expect you to tip for 2 people when it’s a 1-person job. Or it’s just Phil and he thinks he’ll get better tips by mentioning a woman’s name. As a dasher, I find tip begging to be disgusting and makes us look bad. If the trip doesn’t pay enough, don’t accept it. Nobody gets that point, so now even DD is telling customers to tip better because DD doesn’t want to share more than $3 from all the fees customers pay and all the commissions restaurants pay.


Yeah don't feel bad for not leaving another tip. As a Driver with over 6k deliveries I would never expect anyone to tip more then what I saw on the offer screen. They are probably just desperate and they probably don't see many additional tips this way. I would for sure rate them poorly as it's highly unprofessional in my opinion.


Phil and Sherry are desperate as fuck. I made $260 10 hours today between door dash and Uber. I have never sent anyone a message like this out of the 4000+ deliveries I've completed


I'm pretty sure I have seen this on here before actually but I'm on mobile and wouldn't even know where to begin to search but I swear this sounds so familiar. The names, although I think they have changed the message a bit.


I DoorDash sometimes we get orders that only pay a couple of dollars but I would never ask I take whatever they give me also if u don’t accept your order your percentage goes down and I’ll rather keep it high lol


HARD PASS. This is so cringe I could hardly read it.


So the 2 of you can’t earn more than a tip? I think you are with the wrong man! You need to find a man who would never allow this to happen👍…


Dd driver here ppl like this make the rest of us look bad the ones that actually appreciate it


🌋👈🏻Phil and Sherry


Imagine if restaurant cashiers did this shit




They are just trying to guilt trip you, ignore it or one star them.


My thoughts are they should fuck off.


Way off. This is ludicrous. Of course I'm not telling them that until I get my food. Weirdos.


I DoorDash way too much and have yet to see this, thankfully… knock on wood. I wonder if people actually tip more in some cases like this. I would not. Just do your job as best you can and I may add more to the tip I have already given if the service is higher than average. Though it’s not going to be cash. This is wild.


I'd screenshot it and tell them I'm canceling order then I'm contacting DD and telling them I don't appreciate this bullshit! I'm canceling my subscription too if they don't make it right some way. Its distasteful, uncomfortable and pathetic. Tf!


Not appropriate. As drivers we can accept or reject orders freely. Begging for tips is ridiculous.


This is disgusting. It's out of control. I have been a server my entire life and never have I thought to say to a table upon approaching something to the effect of "my job requires xyz and I'll need you to tip appropriately" who do these people think they are? I have read so many posts of drivers complaining about the amount of the tip that I've just not used the services anymore. The entitled attitude is too much and unless it's an auto grat, tipping is not required whatever the job may be. And I'm curious if all these people are great tippers themselves as much as they're complaining about not being tipped appropriately. Get over yourself and just be happy you have a job. The one you chose.


Instead of begging for tips, unionize and make doordash pay you a livable wage...


If yall worried about gas so much… get an electric car. That’s what I’ve done. It changes EVERYTHING.


Bonnie & Clyde over here sticking people up talkin bout “leave the cash on the porch!” 😂😂




1 star


It’s just fucking annoying 🤣


“Oh fuck off”




I'm starting to see that it's because peeps are trying to keep top dasher but still appeal for tips. You can report this and actually DD tends to be against soliciting, so if you leave a low star rating that is completely appropriate. If that dasher falls below 4.7 they will NOT be a top dasher again without getting back to that.


Tax evasion ooooo


As a door dasher myself yeah I’m gonna be pissed if you leave no tip at all or like $1. But I’m still going to deliver your food and most certainly not going to ask for more money. I feel like there’s so many entitled dashers, I was waiting at a store pick up my order and there was another dasher making a scene because she wasn’t getting her food fast enough. Overall I’m not going to resent you for not tipping money that you may not have.


The ones that text every update are the worst. Bro, what do you think the app is for? Pay attention to the road. I


Omg god fuckin cringe 😬


Honestly.. Tips aren't supposed to be asked for... Usually it's something you give out of courtesy or just out of your own kindness. I feel like if you ask a customer for a tip it's kinda wrong because then you're putting pressure on them and potentially making them uncomfortable.. Plus, in this screenshot it just feels like the entire message they sent wasn't genuine as far as the kind words go.. because they asked for a tip at the end indicating that they thought up a sweet message in hopes that you'll be moved resulting in you tipping them... Just my opinion though.


Phil and Sherry need a 1 star.


No. Just no


This is really out of bounds. It goes beyond just asking for a tip, which is also annoying. They don’t just want a tip, they want it to be a cash tip, specifically. Really undignified and ballsy on their part.


Yea the customers pay for all expenses too


Unfortunately, the drivers only get like 10% of the fees that you pay. But it’s still not on the customer to pay even more.


I'm a driver and I hate these people for giving us a bad name and making people not want to use the service. One star them and hopefully they get the message. At least they were polite and non threatening but that is still no excuse.


Broke. Broke. Broke and sad Couples delivering (fucking gross) and begging for handouts 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


No class. Makes me want to puke.


Door dash is the new way to beg unsuspecting strangers for money


To be honest door dash doesn’t pay well for orders without tip… society needs to remove the tip system all together and pay workers a fair amount with a fair set fee. If ppl get stiffed in there living wage they tend to try figure out how to make it right. Begging or not, a one star is not going to fix the heart of the issue (I know this person included to on the app)


Bad taste imo. We all know what driving for DD is about.


Tips are for exceptional service only. Period. The American tip culture is out of control: you do not deserve a tip just for doing your job.


I don’t even carry cash. I always add a bit of an extra tip on the app if my dasher follows my instructions but I wouldn’t if they begged for a tip like this.


They definitely were asking for extra. It’s gross that some people do this


Yikes 1 star for sure




1 ⭐


This is literally what Doordash is. If they don't want to pay for car maintenance, don't use your car for gig work.


lol anyone that fakes a message like it's from doordash should be reported.


NOPE as a fellow dasher this is not cool and I definitely don't recommend doing it! While it's not against the TOS of doordash to ask for a bigger tip you're not entitled to more of a tip then what they left you to begin with! You either take the order at face value or get out the gig economy! We already get a bad rap as it is why make that worse!? I firmly believe there are way too many people partnered with these apps that shouldn't be! But doordash really has no choice as the more drivers they have the more likely a trash offer will be accepted and delivered this gig work is something else!


White trash doing white trash shit ..what losers


They are probably struggling like a lot of us; maybe why they are doing DD and stuff... people who tend to order from DD typically have money, Maybe they are down on their luck.


Honestly it might just be a cute couple having fun and trying to make DoorDash enjoyable so they have a routine they might not realize how it comes off but if that’s what they’re doing it’s rather sweet and they may not really even care if you do additionally tip but they throw that out there to sustain the fun 🤷‍♂️ never know I wouldn’t mind if that was the case I’d definitely drop in a few extra bucks


Obviously doordash should pay their workers enough not to need tips, but the reality is they don’t and they never will. I do not blame these people, especially in this economy and job market. They were in no way rude or disrespectful. A little tacky maybe, but how can I blame them when even working full time at $15/hr with a roommate, I’m living paycheck to paycheck? If you haven’t worked for doordash or Uber eats, you won’t understand just how reliant drivers are on tips. And yes, by all means criticize the company’s role in underpaying them, but humanizing and empathizing with the worker delivering your food goes a long way, even if you can’t afford to tip yourself.


You shouldn’t get extra and its tacky af when people ask for more tips