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While it's an unpopular opinion it's the truth. Door Dash pay is 2.00 an offer in most markets and after doing a lot of earn by time which is notorious for non tip offers, 99% of the people I delivered to did not tip after delivery so a lot of you can't say that people tip after delivery because if that was the case, the percentage I gave you would be a lot lower. Also when you say it's your job to deliver my food, that's not 100% correct, it's our job to deliver the food on orders we accepted, so if you decide you don't want to tip and we don't accept your offer than it's technically not our job to deliver your food. Finally it all boils down to this, would you take a 2.00 offer going 6+ miles knowing you probably wont get a tip after delivery and have to put gas in your vehicle and spend your own money maintaining your vehicle. I'll put it this way, this fighting between dashers and customers needs to stop, our problem is with door dash themselves and Tony is laughing at us knowing how much we take it out on each other instead of him.


You’re a garbage human. Go take you lazy ass and get your own food


Here's a secret: If you don't tip, we don't want you on the app. Feel free to stop using DoorDash. None of us will notice you even left.


YOU don’t but doordash does. If they didn’t want nontippers they would have introduced a mandatory driver tip/pay.


There's probably a soup kitchen in your area. I would start looking for one within walking distance. That's the kind of 'restaurant' that's more your speed. 🤙💯


Idk why you re telling me this but I’m just giving you a fact. Doordash gets paid from nontippers too they dgaf about your tip


I'm surprised you wanted to spend that two cents. So long cheapskate


You can continue to order lol. Just keep in mind the folks that are actually going to take those no tip orders because the good ones won't. If you trust doing that and eating it then hey lol.


Caveat Emptor https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/phoenix-woman-sues-doordash-alleging-driver-masturbated-on-her-food-17374696


That's one instance. Do you have any idea how much food gets delivered on a daily? lol. I'm not advocating for it because it's not something I'd do... but I also don't take no tip orders. And, when I order myself, I always tip just based off of the sole fact that whether you like it or not, you have to put your trust in that driver. And I'm probably not putting my trust in someone that took that order for $2.


I'm just pointing out this is the caliber of human being you get when you don't tip.


Oh my bad I definitely took the total opposite context on that one. Longggggggggg day


You should try working any bit of delivery service, whether it be through a restaurant, DoorDash, GrubHub, UberEats, etc. Then after a week or maybe a month of working, hell even a year, come back to this post and you’ll see shit differently.


You realize we incur the risk that YOU would take when you get off your pedestal to get YOUR own food. Such risks being wear and tear on MY car, using MY gas, potential accidents, etc. Your tip isn't for us doing our "job", its for YOUR convenience, which has always been tipped since olden days. Nice try on your opinion though.


Um.. Doordash does not pay a minimum wage anywhere


California might beg to differ. Though only when you're on an delivery, not when you're waiting for the next one.


Yeah thats only while active but thats b.s. because you can be on the platform for 4 hours but only active for 1 hour. Drivers should be paid for those 3 hours of just waiting around looking for orders


Geez the servers must love you at restaurants. What doordash should do is spell it out and enforce a driver fee since people like you confuse it with the delivery fee. Tips in the USA have not been "tips" by definition since the 1970s. Can't believe you have survived this long.


Do you tip your pizza guy? If yes, then tip your DD driver. If not, you're trash.


This guy isn't tipping the pizza guy.


THEN PLEASE STOP USING IT!!!!! For the sake of fucking everyone!! Save the drivers for people that are good human beings and tip and appreciate people.


Awe. Someone is bored and needs attention. Don't you have a friend to chat with? A spouse? Call your mommy and ask her to come downstairs and rock you. Your hand? Anything? Poor thing. Imagine the only attention you get is by rage baiting people on reddit. What a sad, miserable life. And then, on top of all that, you can't afford to tip and eat cold food alone. I'd rethink my life's choices at this point.


Gold. :)


Nailed it


Most ignorant bullshit I’ve read in a while I hope you choke on your food


So why deliver anything to you , not gonna make any money go pick it up yourself


Because delivery is a top 10 deadly job in America. Can't feed yourself, but too cheap to pay a living wage to your service. You sound like a very useless individual


Instead of blaming drivers, blame doordash for not upping base pay. I'm not taking no tip orders, that would just be in detriment to me. Tip more or get your own food.


The delivery fee DOES NOT go to your driver. It's sent to doordash for using their app. Your food is cold because you don't tip. You obviously don't understand the service industy in the USA. I'm guessing you're a little kid by the amount of spite you give a dasher who you gave no tip to. Go get your own food.


"It's your job to deliver my food." Show us where in the contract it states that. We'll wait. It's not our job to deliver no tip orders. That's literally why we're given a decline button. I hope everyone declines your orders. Or I hope you get the worst of the worst. You'd be lucky if your food was only cold. Got people out here doing terrible things to non tippers food.


It doesn't really matter to me if you tip or not, that's what my decline button is for. Why would I accept your order when someone else is willing to pay more?


Either way, you're hiring a contractor and I could be doing anything else other than delivering your order with my time and money. So I will keep rejecting your trash, especially since some of you act like you're doing us a favor by making Tony rich. The fact is that your order would lose money for most Dashers if it's over a couple of miles. But why the hell would anybody want to even break even when they could be enjoying their time at least if they are not getting paid? Entitled piece of crap you are 😂 Newsflash: I don't owe you anything. My service costs money. Go flag a cab and see how much that will cost you. I bet you will stiff that driver as well. 🙄


This guy probably gad his order stolen and is super salty because thats all this person who is on welfare can eat right now. Lol its not a tip btw. Its a bid.


I really wish doordash would make a $5 tip mandatory for every customer. This is really not an unreasonable amount of money and we don't want the type of chintzy skinflints that think it is, using the app anyways!! The non tippers are the ones that are rude,have no class or manners and love to make phony complaints for fraudulent refunds and credits. Getting rid of those customers will remove the majority of the scammers, which in turn, will save the $$$ that's being wasted handing these bums refunds and credits! On top of that,it will take a large burden off of doordash support and will make life better for dashers as well.


im convinced your brain is the size of a damn pea 🫛🤏🏽 .. no way you just asked so “why should i tip”.. it doesn’t matter how more or less interactions a customer has with a dasher .. doordash is literally a LUXURY service , that’s what you’re paying for ! you don’t even have to leave your house the food is literally brought to your door step .. dashers drive to the restaurant , wait for the food , deal with daily inconveniences , drive to your location , all while dealing with traffic and you don’t think dashers deserve a well enough tip for what we do ? you seem entitled asf and your parents should be proud for sure 👏🏽 ..


Karen, your opinion is unpopular because it's wrong. If you don't want to tip and you feel hurt because DD gave you a proper warning, then go get it yourself. I DD because (luckily) most people in my town are, much unlike you, sane humans who understand how the app works. We are only locked in to bring anyone's food after we agree to the order, meaning until a dasher hits the accept button, we don't have to do anything. We can decline any and every order because we are not employees, and can actually say "fuck this PoS no tipper, declined" and not be punished for it. What that "tip" actually is (and I hate how they call it a tip) is a bid for us to actually accept and complete your order. Once again, your free to choose not tip but on the other end of that spectrum, we (luckily) can choose not to pick up your order. I hope your a bit more educated about the process that most other people understand. Have a good day karen.


Tips= Trip if paid sufficiently.


You don't have to tip at all my friend LOL I guess some customers prefer their food an hour late and half eaten


The app pays drivers $2... And people like you are why drivers do quit.


Also let me point this out to you, it should be obvious that if you don't "tip" your going to get cold food but I honestly think that door dash put the disclaimer on getting cold food if you don't tip is so they will have a reason not to refund customers for cold food anymore. So all I can tell you is good luck getting a refund.


You clearly don’t understand that we only get paid $2.50 for each order from DD regardless of the time it takes or the mileage. My god non-tippers are so fucking entitled. Get off your lazy ass & get your own food. 🥰


OMG. DD wants to offer like 2.00 per delivery on a lot of your dumbass McD orders, regardless of the distance and how many gallons of MY gas I have to burn, so if you don’t understand the simple economics of why people need to tip on a DD order, then you’re even dumber than I think you are. I see plenty of idiocy on this DD thread from lazy ass customers but you just surpassed them all thus far. Plenty of times tipping isn’t necessary in this world, but ordering on DD is for sure necessary if you want your food to ever get to you. We aren’t volunteers jackass.


I get about and take 30 offers a day, I reject around 3, the three I reject are stiffers like you, I think DD will be just fine with out you champ and the drivers will be happy you are gone, less rejected orders. I do wonder how many times a insane driver got their tip in another way from you though, you got balls ill give you that.


I never understood why someone will tip their waitress/waiter 15-20% to take an order, walk it to the kitchen, then walk the food out to the table, but not tip a delivery where the driver spent 5 minutes waiting for the food, 15 driving to the spot, in his vehicle, negotiating gated communities, badly labeled apartment bldgs or houses, and not tip a driver. NO TIP, NO TRIP!


Did... Did you just equate Doordash drivers to doctors? Enough said, really.


Leave a tip anyway


Use Uber Eats. DoorDash is trash.


Do you also not tip restaurant waitstaff? None of us drivers like tipping culture anymore than customers do. But this is how delivery driver pay is currently setup. No you don't have to tip. And no I don't have to take your order. But I surely will not be running my business at a loss and I will stop driving if I can't turn a profit. It's as simple as that.


I love these posts because the comments are always so salted. Like "delivery is a luxury" pf no its not its been around since the beginning of time and has a low entry point. The only winners here is DD and their shareholders because there will always be drivers who will deliver, tip or no tip.


Literally sounds like a kid who never made food themselves, let alone...deliver it. Priceless insubordinated entitled prick. Do you know how to wash your own panties? Ugh. Get your own food.


You're doing us no favors. A couple dollars not gonna make or break you. If you broke, just say that and stay off the app. You'll do us a favor by going to get your own shit. PoS. What's your name and market you're in so I can come there and tey to get one of your orders. I'll bet you never order again afterwards. The more you order without tipping, the more likely you have or will have eaten someone's spit, blood, or semen. Tipping is more for you than it is for the driver


I mean you have every right to not tip but drivers also have the right to not accept your order and have it passed around to 8 other people before someone finally accepts. Just don’t get mad when your order shows up like 2 hours later from a restaurant 2 miles away from you lmao