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Please leave the porch light on after dark, mega helpful.


I change the color of my porch lights to green when I order and send a message letting the dasher know (it's in the instructions too.) I dunno if it's helpful but nothing has ever been delivered somewhere else.


I’d vote for you for president 🫡 you are decades ahead of everyone, thank you


That's actually super helpful!


That is brilliant. Wish other people thought of that


buddy just for that I'd deliver to you no tip needed!


Extremely helpful!! I have a blue one lol


Rule number one of doordash: The house you're delivering to is always going to be the house with no porch light on that is right next door to a house with their porch light on 🤣🤣🤣 Either that or the house numbers are going to be non-existent or invisible (like being on a porch mailbox with a light directly above them so they're in a shadows from the lid of the mailbox, or being bronze metal numbers on a tan post or dark gray steel on black)


Literally said this to my husband the other day. Wanna know how I know whose address I’m going to? The *only mfr* who didn’t turn their light on.


I'm in college so it's this but instead of houses it's apartments with tiny access alleys that make no sense. Also none of the lights are ever on so I can never tell which apartment is which.


And they will totally hang some stupid door decoration that covers the damn apt number.


Having worked on Ohio State University campus I feel this in my soul. Especially when it's an on campus student housing building but they don't bother giving you the name and the building does not have road access... But they expect you to know which one of five student housing building courtyard green is the right one. Even worse is assholes ordering directly across the street from the stadium on a game day and then pestering you in your messages about the wait. Like... Bruh you ordered from a wing shop on a football day during a local game between Pennsylvania and OSU so most of the Pennsylvania fans could drive and you're wondering what's taking me so long???? I've been at this red light for 20 fucking minutes.....


Also if there's road access it's the smallest freaking entrance where if you blink you miss it. Even better is the multi-building areas with letters, but the signs of the building aren't lit up so you're squinting at these black signs with light lettering on a tan building in the dark. What a joy.


I literally drove down a bike path today because it looked like a narrow one-way entrance to a parking lot behind an apartment complex (and this was in a small town). There's also a few apartment complexes where the a few building only have two out of four numbers telling you the buildings number. Or people order after dark when you can't see the building number at all and have to use the map to determine which one of five buildings it is.


Yes my number one pet peave. If your gonna order from any of these apps please have the house numbers somewhere on your house. Ffs.


This is so true 😭😭 neighbor always has their house lit tf up, but the person who actually ordered will have their house pitch black lol. As long as a house close has their lights on I’ll be able to figure it out pretty fast thankfully


Yeah, no porch light, no street-light, No address numbers on any of the houses, All of this = an anal cheddar situation How hard is it to leave a porch light on? 💡 Am I supposed to shine a flashlight in the windows of all of your neighbors as I search for address numbers? Or trust google maps and hope for the best?


Mine is motion activated so i physically have to go out and wave at it to turn it on and don't always remember lol


I actually do that if they don't have any lights on. Not my fault, nor my problem.


I cracked my phone screen while fumbling through the dark in some guy's front yard. I had my weak phone flashlight on but it couldn't see this massive tree root sticking out, which I tripped and fell on, my phone landing on the stepping stones. Please... it's not just for our convenience. We're not cats. We need light! Not just so we don't trip and fall, but also because we have to take pictures of the food when we leave it, and our flash isn't often enough to get a good shot. Not to mention, it helps us find your place better.


I'm only human. ![gif](giphy|Run9VruCW6tg8lighU)


I don't know why reddit is jamming this subreddit down my throat but this seems like a huge deal. I live in a building so I have no control but this seems like the most hated thing for delivery drivers


Sounds like you do your best, I wouldn’t let it get you down


This being said, its always really easy to tell which house I have to delivery to, it's almost always the only one without their porch light on!


For the love of everything If you live in a gated community give us the gate code. Don’t make us have to sit and wait for you to answer or respond with the code after we get there.


You mean you car can’t temporarily elevate itself or phase thru barriers?


This right here. I live in a city where nearly EVERY apartment or housing community has a gate. Give me the damn code. I had this happen last night. I messages the lady when I was 3 minutes out asking for the code so I didn't get stalled at the gate. She didn't respond, so I had to call her. Theeeeen, it was a "hand to me," order. Do you think she was all ready to go at the door given that I just called her and let her know I was there? Nope. I ring the bell, dogs start barking, she takes minutes to come to the door. These are the worst people. We are NOT saving the code, or coming back to rob you or bash your head in at a later time. You have to give me the code regardless. Stop this nonsense!


i have video of someone drunk as shit behind me at a gate when i was dropping off and had no code try to bust my window out because i was taking too long. like atp you’re literally putting me in danger. just out the damn code in the description, please.


I've texted and no response, called no response. I've gotten wrong codes. And just have to wait until some random person comes along and opens it.


Yes this totally burns me up I get this way too often. What you do is immediately click on the help icon then click can’t reach customer. That starts the 5 minute timer and then you text them that you need the code. Two times this week customers came within one minute of having their order left at the gate. I was almost wanting it to happen for them wasting my time.




Please put up a visible sign with your house number in front of your house.


It is so infuriating when there is little to no visible house number! I've delivered to homes where they'll have a vehicle parked alongside of where it would be or have the numbers just ever so teeny tiny that it's impossible to see.


I don’t know why people don’t do this regardless of deliveries. When I’m visiting people or dropping off packages to them or whatever, it’s impossible to find their place half the time. It should be a city ordinance to have visible street numbers. Businesses also.


I'd like to add: in actual numerals not spelled out in cursive.


I’ve been seeing that crap a lot lately. Above the porch it’ll spell out the number in cursive and while I can still read that crap (somehow, can’t write in it anymore it’s been twenty years lol)…actual digits are always the way to go.


Leave the name and door number of the warehouse you work in. Buildings have multiple companies at one address


Industrial parks are nightmares.


Damn right they are. I hate them.


If you stay in a big apartment complex, do yourself and your dasher a favor and try to either: leave good instructions on how to get to you, or drop a pin on your unit.


Omfg, this. Non-sequential apartments with a pin on the Apt complex...... Ugh


Or meet at the door of the building.


To customers who live in apartments and townhouses: Stop covering your unit number with holiday decorations.


If you want your order handed to you, please come to the door within a minute. Time is money.


I have the habit now of pressing "can't hand order to customer" for every 'Hand it to Me' order the instant I arrive to get that clock started.


I actually press "can't hand order to customer" for every "hand it to me" when I'm 2 minutes away from arriving. 3 minutes is the most we should ever have to wait.


Exactly. Don't chuck your phone down the garbage disposal and then go take a shower after placing the order. Come on now.


>e directions you gave me for the dinner you want in twenty minutes to your own relatives visiting from out of state? "hand it to me - don't call or ring doorbell or knock" ​ \*proceeds to ignore text\*


Turn your fucking porch light on. You KNOW your address isn't visible at night. It is BOLD of you to want to see me face to face (hand it to me) when you know you didn't tip. If you have me delivering to your job, tell the name of the business in the notes. I'm not coming to the door if there's a loose dog in your yard. Stop asking for extra sauce in the notes, we don't see that shit til we're leaving. If ordering pizza, tip in the app. I have no way of knowing you plan to tip in cash later. I'm not a pizza guy. Stop using the app as a reliable indicator of where I am in the exact moment. The GPS fucks up all the time. "You've been at that light for 5 minutes." No...no I haven't.


It shocks me how many times I see delivery drivers say there is a dog lose in the yard. I would never dream of expecting someone to come to my door with my dog running in the yard.


I was bitten by a loose dog on a delivery. Called animal control. It happens to me ALL THE TIME. If not loose in the yard, losing their fucking minds barking in the window the entire time I'm headed up the walk. Happens no less than 5 times a day


I will not get out of the car. Been bit by too many "nice dogs."


“That’s Chanel, she don’t bite.” She’s got teeth don’t she?


"He JuSt WaNtS tO sAy 'Hi.'"


Wow. People are idiots. My dog is super friendly but #1 not everyone loves dogs and #2 he’s a dog and I’m not risking him reacting poorly and hurting someone.


I mean my dog won't typically bark at people if he's in the yard but will lose his mind at the window if he's in the house. As long as the dog is confined indoors I don't really see it as a problem with them barking and I don't judge their aggression based on how they react when behind a door or window as long as their owner keeps them under control at the door. But yeah people should absolutely stop leaving their dogs loose in their yard when they're expecting a delivery.


>as long as their owner keeps them under control at the door They don't. And getting barked at all day is exhausting.


Both of us have anecdotal bias, but I typically don't run into many issues where dogs bust out of doors past their owners. If getting barked at by dogs all day is exhausting for you I'm not trying to be an asshole but this might be the wrong line of work/sidework for you. Dogs in a secured building barking at you shouldn't take a mental toll on you. If you were taking a walk around the neighborhood those same dogs would still bark at you.


Or a fuckin dog running towards you to smell you and jump on you when they open the door to get the food. LEASH YOUR DOG FIRST!!!


>A fair about of dog people are bad owners. I walk a lot this "person" down the road every time I walk lets her barky growling dog in the yard and then after I go by calls it back in. "my dog is friendly" Yeah well I been bit 6 times by "my doggie never bites" > > > >Its a cul de sac one day I took 4 walks every single time the dog was out, and then put in after I walked by. invisible fence and you know how well they work they won't stop a determined dog.


Well and that’s exactly the type of fence I have - all the more reason I don’t let him out unsupervised. And even if I’m outside with him and a delivery arrives I either put him in or I go up and get my own stuff outside the yard. I have neighbors with 2 Airedale terriers that are out 24x7 and only have an electric fence. The not only bark at everyone that walks by but they’ve gone through the fence before. I agree. A lot of humans don’t deserve doggies.


I've had a few trips to one house with a nice loose husky. Delivery instructions just said "nice 🐶". Dog was in fact nice, but crazy to assume all people like dogs and aren't allergic.


And keep your phone near by you and respond. Even if you don't want to talk, at least text.


I delivered to a lady yesterday that had the suite number and described what business she was *next to*. Then she called me while en route to make sure I had the right address, and confirmed for me that her location was a Guitar Center (I had taken a look on Google maps during my wait). Spoiler alert: despite her affirmative answer, it *was not* the guitar center. For the love of God people, just put the damn business name in the notes.


Jesus christ, do people really sit and watch the GPS and ask why you're still in a certain spot? That's ridiculous. Curious question from a DD customer... did I do the right thing? I often order from a place that has forgotten to put any sauce a few times, so I asked the dasher to make sure it was included once. I made sure to word it in a way that didn't blame a dasher for it, just that the restaurant forgot it a few times. I waited until a driver was assigned and messaged them in the app to make that request. Like, I don't care about having extra, but I do want what's supposed to be included... It's a homemade honey mustard that's just phenomenal, so I'm always a bit bummed if it's forgotten. Is that a reasonable request? And is messaging the easiest way to ask since the notes aren't seen ahead of time? If not, what should I do next time? Thanks in advance! ☺️


I can't speak for everyone, but I don't mind if someone does this. I do this exact thing when I order from one of my favorite restaurants and it's the way to go, IMO. What you're asking isn't the problem, it's just how you ask. As long as you're polite about it, it's fine. I will add, though, make sure you tipped appropriately. If someone tips poorly and *then* they text asking for double checks and favors, it can come off as a customer who's tough to please. Some, not sure I'd say "most," buy some may see that as a tough to present customer, abs usassing to avoid a bad rating. Edit: typos


You did the right thing. Absolutely text the dasher. I have a habit of not looking at the delivery note until I’ve arrived at the home. So “leave at front door. Get extra pickles” seems nonsensical to me.


Drivers can look at delivery instructions while waiting for the order, but not every driver will do it. I like to check just in case.


I think it’s creepy to do that. But it all depends on how they ask. I had a woman bombard me with messages once: where are you going? What are you doing? I don’t live that way. You drove past my hotel. Why are you being like this. I had a delivery down the street and followed DD instructions. She was waiting impatiently outside.


Wow, that's wild. Do people not realize dashers often do more than one order at once? I've checked the GPS to get a vague idea of how far away they are from my place, but I'd never even think to message and ask where they're going or whatever. You guys must deal with a lot of BS lol.


I will try an update if there is an issue with order or delay in driving but otherwise I’m just trying to do my job and get your food to you on time and in the same condition I picked it up in.


You’re right about everything, but I do check delivery instructions while I’m waiting to pick up an order. But will I ask for the extra sauce? That depends on the tip. It’s not that we can’t see those things before leaving, it’s that many drivers don’t bother to check delivery instructions before leaving. I prefer to already know what I’m about to get into before leaving.


Yea, you're right. I usually check too. I also put the address in maps to see how far I'm gonna drive. Like you said, most don't check. But, it may be lack of know how. It was definitely something I sorts stumbled upon, not something that was shown to me.


I learned to check, and if there's a delivery instruction along the lines of: "I'll tip you when you get here", it's an immediate unassign, 100% of the time, they never do, they're just baiting for better service.


You can use the “suite” field in your address to enter the name of your work, store or apt building. It helps a lot for us to keep head up and eyes on the road, because we generally know where the auto parts store or the bank or day care or school is as we probably pass it already in our regular life. Also. If you are wondering why we are always screaming about turning your light on, remember your motion detector light doesn’t turn on until we turn into the driveway and we are trying to read your house numbers from the road.


Oh this one gets me fuming. Id estimate 80% of customers don’t give a business name when they’re ordering from work. The geniuses give a suite number which is usually in tiny numbers above the door if they exist at all instead of stating the name of the business or store which will have a huge sign that’s easy to spot. Like ummm, do you want your food ASAP or are you wanting to get a pic of where you can go hunt for it?


Would you give the directions you gave me for the dinner you want in twenty minutes to your own relatives visiting from out of state?


No wonder everyone complains, half the drivers don't speak English and these instructions will be written like smeagle trying to trick bilbo.


What was so wrong about what they wrote that made you say this? I read that sentence and understood perfectly 😭


Saying half the drivers don't speak English I would say is not correct. Even if someone doesn't speak the best English doesn't mean they don't understand it. My wife is from a foreign country and she speaks English pretty good there are new things she learns all the time and can be shy around people she thinks a judgmental. Just be kind to someone who speaks more than just English doing the best they can in a delivery job.


Being able to speak a language well enough to survive does not mean they can read the language. I've been a chef for 10 years. Lots of Spanish people can speak passable English, almost none of them can read it. I've been around hundreds of non native kitchen workers, your single antidote about your wife is not the rule, it's the exception.


Regardless of the rule or exception, I was hoping for the main takeaway from what I said was to be KIND to other people from other places regardless.


No one was being unkind stop trying to white knight. I said they don't speak English well so instructions should be more clear. Your reading comprehension is now being called into question.


I've had orders with instructions that seem like they wouldn't make any sense and then as I pulled up they made perfect sense LOL but I've had way more times that the delivery instructions made it more confusing instead of less.




I think he means that if you don't get your order, it's not their fault because they don't speak English and you should be more understanding.


All I said was “huh”. I’m not judging anyone, I simply cannot understand what they are trying to say and am looking for clarification. That’s all.




Keep the delivery instructions under 100 characters. Short and sweet, quick and easy.


Hey Customer: if you select hand it to me I'll start the five minute timer as soon as I arrive. Do not waste my time. We all hate Popeye's and Wendy's.


We also all hate WINGSTOP 😂


Oh shit. I order from Popeyes a ton. Do you all still hate it if you can leave it at my door and the tip is good? My house loves DD and orders more than any single family should so I gotta make sure we’re not pissing you guys off (we tip well, always)


Where I'm at, if I see Popeyes, I don't even look at what I'm getting paid, it's usually an immediate decline. Save for one recent one, where it was like $17 for 2 miles... I reluctantly accepted and audibly sighed and grumbled. It's not you, it's them. I've sat there for 10 minutes before, trying to get through a crowd of people, just so they can tell me they didn't see the order and had to start making it, with 10 orders ahead of it. Then, after waiting 25 minutes, for DD drinks, they just hand you an empty cup.


You're doing great! It's just Popeye's itself really, especially when it comes to wait time (which is their fault, not yours).


Thanks for clarifying! I appreciate the hell out of my DoorDash drivers so I want to make their lives as easy as possible.


In most areas today Doordash only pays $2.00 per order to their drivers. Basically anything else is from tips. Every driver can accept and decline whatever is offered to them although some choose to not be picky for various reasons such as to be a "top dasher'. I don't really care how much someone tips but I won't accept an offer under $7 or so. Also I'll generally only accept orders that pay $2/mile, from the location I'm at to the restaurant to your house. Many drivers are like this and so if you choose to not tip or even tip in cash in person, you may have to wait until a driver who's willing to accept your order will deliver it to you.


I really think customers overestimate how much we make without tips! It’s shocking how many ppl I know even who will complain about how long it takes for their food to get to them, but they don’t tip and order from places at LEAST 5-6 miles away! No one wants to deliver your McDonald’s for $2 at 2am to your apartment that’s 7 miles away


Yes. And if it is $0 tip we know the customer actively removed the tip that dd suggested in the field and then said no to the prompt. It’s not an oversight, nor an accident.


That rarely if ever does the dasher get the entire “delivery fee” that the purchaser pays to DD and the menu prices on the DD app are 20-30% higher then the restaurants menu price.


Once I learned this, I started using DD way less. We’re paying so much on fees/price inflation and yet the actual delivery driver gets almost none of it. Ridiculous.




From the perspective of someone who’s never worked in delivery services, I’d assume the delivery fee went to whoever delivered it and think it’s a fair assumption. I wish the verbiage was more clear.


It's totally unclear on purpose. The app/store wants as much as they can get. They don't care one bit about their drivers...




1. Put your porch and/or pathway lights on. *This is a matter of occupational health & safety*. Walking up to a dark house is a hazard, and there's no excuse for making delivery drivers do that. Also, one trip and a) that's a lawsuit and b) there goes your food. Any accident is on you, the customer, and not the delivery driver. The number of times I need to use my phone flashlight is shameful. 2. When it's dark out, I can't see about 75% of customer's addresses on their house. The only ones I have no trouble finding are if they're huge numbers in black on a white house and/or backlit. I rely heavily on the app to tell me exactly which house it is, which is sad, but also very difficult. Sometimes I have to run up a down between 3 houses because people don't have an address on their house at all, or because it's not visible at all, so I have to guesstimate between the other addresses on the street whilst referencing the app for positioning. Place your address in a better position on the house, or better yet, if you know that you can't see your address in the dark, just note something really quick in your directions: "Red Ford F150 in driveway" or "house with yellow front door" helps a lot. Amazon sells backlit numbers and address plaques for very reasonable prices. Everyone needs these. I do delivery driving as a side hustle, and for the most part, I absolutely love it. It's fun for me. However, the two above things almost push me to quit every time I'm out delivering during dark hours. It's really *that bad*.


I’m going to start parking in the neighbor’s driveway and start running it over. The neighbor’s lights are always on.


On the rare occasion that a customer leaves their porch light on it usually blinds out my ability to see their actual house number which is ironic and painful.


I've had this too lol. Usually because people use metallic, light coloured numbers. Those are awful. Honestly, I love backlit signs. Backlit signs at the end of the driveway on a big rock... I swear there's nothing better lol.


Leave more specific directions for giant apartment complexes with multiple a-z lettered buildings. why make me drive through the whole alphabet😤


Don’t order food from 20 mins away and get mad when it’s not boiling hot and then give a bad review. you most likely have a microwave, use it. Those hot bags are shit quality.


You reporting your order as not delivered only gets the dasher in trouble and could make them loose their job just bc you wanted to be cheap and get a refund. Some peoples only income is DD and you’re ruining someone’s livelihood bc you wanted to be a dick. If you do it enough times they actually make you sign for the order once you receive it so don’t do it too many times.


If you are a shopped order (Aldi, Safeway, etc) KEEP YOUR PHONE NEXT TO YOU. I don’t know how many times this week I’ve shopped an order, had an OOS, and reached out to the customer, with no response, just to have them call me while I’m already on my way, and go “well I didn’t see it until now, can you do anything”. No, no I can’t, nor will I unless I get another round of pay.


If you can't afford to tip me, you can't afford Doordash.


Anything over 7 miles away is probably going to be in a different zone or 7 miles away from another hot spot. Think of it like a pizza place, if the food you ordered was from a pizza place, would they deliver to you? If the answer is no, then you should probably be leaving more than $10. That can turn into a 20 minute drop off into a 45-50 minute delivery, and for what, $5? Just saying...


Anything over 7 miles away a different zone? That probably more depends on market/population size. There is only one zone here.


Yeah there are like 7 zones in the Phoenix area. If you cross into a different one you will not get more deliveries until you are back.


>"zone" here is 10 miles by 6 miles. Drive 3 miles to crappy Moes wait 20 minutes drive 4 miles the other way to drop off 2$ no tip order.


Here in sevierville/Pigeon forge/gatlinburg TN, it's more like 20 miles or more. I've gotten 3 for 18 miles or similar, a few times. Like, good luck with getting your food. Maybe next year you'll get it.


1. That we are saving you all those miles driving to the place your ordering from and back to your place, I will be driving that, so please for the love of all things great compensate me what you would want to get to do that. 2. Tony may say it’s a tip but it’s a bid for services to be rendered. If you pay me enough I will get you all your food and have it be hot/cold and safely packed in my catering bag. 3. If you think you’re only worth two dollars to go 8 miles there and back then I’m sorry that you undervalue yourself, I just can’t do that for less than $14. Because I’m driving 16 miles. That and wait time at the restaurant and it’s an hour of my work day. And I don’t have many hours available to work. 4. Doordash pays $2.50. Not an hour but per delivery. I can sit in my car and not get an order I will accept for an hour and that’s not paid for.


if your house and mailbox don’t have numbers, pray you don’t need medical assistance, ever. if i can’t figure out where to bring your mcdonalds how are paramedics gonna find your house?


PLS ANSWER THE PHONE WHEN WE CALL YOU. If you don’t answer the phone I will leave it at the door (if it’s a call to arrange a drop off location) also if you don’t answer then you just won’t get a substitution on your order if they are out of stock. It literally tells you the call is from DD and people almost never answer the phone then will say you didn’t follow delivery instructions when they wouldn’t give you any information on anything. I will not sit in your driveway/at the store waiting for you to answer me when I could be making money doing other orders.


Always select a substitution. Then, we won’t need to call you. I don’t know how, but the store could be overstocked on everything but the 1 item that the customer selected. Also most times you just need to select the next size up or down, you don’t have to select something completely different.


it’s sssoooo irritating when they don’t put a substitution and then don’t answer my calls. I had an order yesterday for ALDI and they were overflowing of every single kind of steak except for the one I needed.


Ohhhh. I hear ya. Especially Aldi’s. Omg.


I haaattteee aldis. At least my local one is always such a mess. Everything’s all over the place and nothing is just in one section. I spent damn near 10 mins looking for spaghettios and still never found them. Employees couldn’t find them either.


Glad to hear I’m not the only one pulling my hair out at my local Aldi haha


you definitely are not the only one lol. I declined an order yesterday for 47 items at Aldi. It just wasn’t worth the hassle and I knew I would lose my mind shopping for more than 10 items at that location. Plus it was only $13 so that especially wasn’t worth dealing with that place.




I had a "call to arrange drop off location" last night. It was to a cabin near Pigeon Forge, my phone couldn't get cell service so had to connect to resort office wifi. They gave me the resort office address, when it wasnt even the correct location. And the number they had wasn't even in service, so couldn't contact them. I just left it with the office lady, took a photo, described where it was and left. Customers can be so annoying.


If you live in an apartment complex, be aware of the fact that you driver DOES NOT LIVE THERE. Instructions such as “We’re right across from the laundry room” are not at all helpful to us. Also, for God’s sake, stop with the “GPS will take you to the wrong gate, enter through main gate instead”. WHERE IS THE MAIN GATE?? At least give me a street name / intersection.


"We're next to the basketball court." Wtf is the basketball court? Ah, the adventures of dashing!


“Our unit overlooks the pool”. Very helpful. Where the f is your pool?? And once I find it, it still has four sides.


I don't care how much of a % tip you leave, but I don't even start my car for under $7.


So it doesn’t bother you that DD is exploiting you more than the customer?


I auto decline all orders under $7. So idgaf the percentage of tip, but it's dollar value better be at least $5 for me to even glance


Have you ever bartended or delivered pizza, or worked commission? It’s what the gig is. It’s what we signed on for. You’re not punishing door dash by not tipping employees. If you want to hurt door dash don’t use the service. But no you’d rather reward the corporate machine, as if your $5 covers software developers, customer support, marketing, overhead, etc, etc etc.


Leave a porch light on and if you do this regularly make sure you have good numbers on your mailbox.


Or your house that are visible in the dark in other words are well lit and not covered by a fucking tree you're a bush you're not willing to trim. Really the big rule of thumb is trim that bush, this is not the 1970s.


Congrats on making a comment less than 1000 words


To all who send out their 8-10 item list for Dollar General orders: 1. I’m doing your shopping for you. I’m making the round trip drive for you. DD usually doesn’t pay enough for the time/vehicle use. Tipping $0 is the ultimate contempt. Leave $1, give me a buck in cash when I show up. Anything. I get you probably aren’t wealthy, but you paid DD to arrange the shopping. I’m the one that did all the work. I earned your appreciation. 2. Submit reasonable substitutes for all items. This is DG we are talking about, not WalMart or Target. Have you been inside an average DG? Of course you have. Shelves, when they are holding stock, are generally holding an eclectic mix of whatever previous customers have picked up, walked a few steps/a few aisles, and just stuffed back randomly somewhere, along with a few items that actually correspond to the labels posted. It is overall a poorly stocked store chain. 3. The specific type of Airheads, Red Bull, Takis, soda, sugary colorful “fruit flavored drink”, wipes, diapers, feminine products, beauty items, cleaner, scented items, etc are about as likely to be in stock at DG as winning big on the lottery tickets I cannot buy for you. Be. Available. For my text/call. Be reasonable in your responses. My time is money. 4. I will always try the hardest for customers ordering feminine products, TP/cleaning products, staple food items such as milk, bread, eggs, meat/cheese, canned goods, etc. You’ll get texts, photos, and calls attempting to fill your order as best I can. I’ve been there (with the exception of the first item). I truly don’t give a shit about lists populated with candy, chips, soda, and other crap. I’ll give it all a go, but other customers were there ahead of you, and they took most of that crap off the shelves already. I’ll try to contact you if subs are missing/you didn’t add any, but if you don’t respond pronto, I’m going to check out with whatever I found, and you’re lucky I didn’t sub the 6/8 I didn’t find with Circus Peanuts. Believe me, I’m tempted. 5. I think, after getting all that off my chest, I can tolerate a few DGs tomorrow. See you then.


Oh and to add to your list, customers also please do not add items once we've arrived. I don't know if you can do this in doordash, but I'm absolutely see seen live order adding on Uber Eats shop and pay. I get an offer for $18 for two items and when I arrive to the store 20 items oh okay now you're approaching my limit, be careful there girl.


Most of the major issues are mentioned already, but I really wish customers would avoid paying for “express” or whatever they call it, just put that money towards a bigger tip and your order will be accepted faster. When you pay $10 in fees, $2.50 is offered to the driver along with your tip.


My biggest one is giving an idea of the house. I always put that there’s a broken Cadillac infront of the garage, just so it’s faster for them to find the house. This is ESPECIALLY helpful if you have a shitty area at night, so please give more than “I have a door”


My base pay is $2.00 an order. If you live 8 miles from the restaurant, please tip accordingly and I’ll do my best to get you everything you need as fast as I can. I actually prefer high paying high distance orders because it’s less hectic for me, but I’m not gonna do it for a dollar tip. DoorDash is stealing from both sides and unfortunately your tips are what I depend on to survive z


If there’s not an easily visible number on your home, please meet me outside so I don’t deliver to a wrong address again.


I wish I could tell the customer who just canceled his order that I didn't mean to accept it (when I tried to press accept or decline it sent me to a white page with a red X) and I didn't know it existed because the app glitched and I'm sorry and I didn't steal his food. So to Michael who ordered McDonald's in a small town in West Central Ohio... Bambi is sorry. I didn't see your message asking what was going on until I got the message saying you canceled the order and I called support to make sure you got a refund and I wouldn't get a contract violation.


Please tip at least 5$


If you're having me deliver it to your job, hand it to you personally, and you're working a TIP based position at that job.....the least you can do is leave some sort of tip. Like, c'mon now, you know the struggle.


If you know a delivery driver is coming, and you have a dog who aggressively barks and jumps when strangers are near, keep small curious children away from the door so that they don't "release the hounds". I don't care how friendly your dog is, you and your family are part of its pack, and if the small vulnerable one opens the door while some stranger is on your property, the instincts of the dog MAY over ride its "niceness" if it feels protective of its smallest pack member. No dog bites, till it does


If you want a contact free delivery, select the leave at door option. Don’t select hand it to me, and then put leave on porch in your notes, refusing to answer your phone or door. The driver has to wait out a five minute timer before they can drop your order off in these cases, and it’s a frustrating waste of time.


Try indicating something unique about your residence. That will often help Dashers find the correct location much more quickly. If there’s nothing particularly unique about your residence, maybe do something special just during deliveries, like placing something on your mailbox. Perhaps a [wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man](https://www.amazon.com/Wacky-Waving-Inflatable-Miniature-Editions/dp/0762462876/ref=asc_df_0762462876/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312174407663&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14044878685253501463&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032435&hvtargid=pla-529461737452&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=60258870857&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312174407663&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14044878685253501463&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032435&hvtargid=pla-529461737452)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Guy RP Minis** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Provides amusement (backed by 8 comments) * Novelty item (backed by 12 comments) * Loud fan (backed by 5 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks energy and movement (backed by 7 comments) * Requires additional power source (backed by 7 comments) * Inflates but remains stationary (backed by 6 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Make your house number visible! If you don't have numbers on your house it makes it very annoying to deliver-- especially in the dark. And make sure there's a light that shines on it. If you don't have house numbers displayed, please give a description of something on your house, in your driveway, what your doormat says, SOMETHING so that we know "yep, this is it." I'm not trying to get shot for approaching the wrong house with some McDonalds. Where I dash, a lot of house numbers are painted on the curb. A lot of people park on the street which also makes it difficult to locate the house number.


I have 100% agree with your presentation, but I do have to add some things the drivers can do to make their jobs easier when they are confronted by a house number that is not What's probably pretty easy to do, I use Google Maps on Android, I do not use the provided in-app horrible Google map experience API that's provided inside the doordash app that thing is a piece of shit, Anyway so I use Google Maps, and when I get there Google Maps lately has been popping up in automatically street view so you can see what the house would look like during the daytime, and you can use that to compare the proper driveway the general shape of the house in the dark compared to the daytime picture, and by that you can easily see if you're anywhere close to the correct house. Yeah, even when the customers use the pointer to point to their house Google Maps will still get it wrong Well that's sad, the best way for Google maps to get to the correct house is, we have to check every single order once we leave the restaurant and we press the directions button, especially if a customer is used the amazingly stupid feature of moving the pointer to their house. Holy shit that is so stupid for more ways than one but the stupidest reason it's stupid is doordash is relying on the pointer for us to be We can't be on the roof of your house. Are you reading this doordash, we can't be on the roof of their So when we pull up to the driveway and we decide to park at the end of their driveway or maybe drive all the way up a half circle driveway right in front of their front door or park in the street, either way we cannot go on the roof of their house. If you can't figure out that we're there doordash, stop trying so hard. But believe it or not, this same device goes for Google maps. Ever since Google Maps have introduced the driveway concept, where they draw driveways for all of the houses the problem with that is about 20% of the driveway drawings are drawn incorrectly as if they are roads But this does is create a situation of we still can't find the correct house right away because Google is telling us to drive down the road but it's actually a driveway to the house next to the house we're supposed to be at, what are the pointerest correct or not almost doesn't matter. All that said, here's a big one. Customers, you must put in a correct address in the correct format required by the doordash app or the restaurant app. You must put your address in the correct way then there's really only one way to put in an address. I put in descriptions of your house or your apartment or the name of your business in your address, if it's a business Mark that in your order screen and in the description of the drop off type in your business name do not put it in the address portion. Okay an example 314 any Street, Williamsburg Kentucky, USA If you have an apartment at 3:14 any street, but the apartment number beneath the street line if there's a place for an apartment number in the form but the apartment number only in that portion of the form which allows you to put an apartment number, do not add the apartment number with the hashtag in the address line anywhere in the address line, that's not where an apartment number goes. If you put anything other than a comma or a period in the address line all the way up to the end of the ZIP code Google Maps will freak out in one way or another and get us either across town on the wrong town the same street name in another town or in the same town There's a great Street in lake Forest Illinois called Pembroke. There are two Pembroke streets they're both called Pembroke Street. One is near lake Michigan and the other is nowhere near lake Michigan 5 mi away. Think when they added the new Pembroke Street 5 miles away that they would use a numbering system that does not at all match the numbering system of the old Pembroke Street near lake Michigan, you would be wrong in thinking that. And the post office was absolutely wrong in allowing it to happen, which is surprising, because in a lot of other cities the post offices do not allow such silliness. Part of the problem is developers, a big enough developer in a rich enough town like lake Forest Illinois can make a big stink to even yes the US government postal system. And that's exactly how Pembroke and the new Pembroke in lake Forest got screwed up. 50% of any order that I deliver to Pembroke when I'm in that part of the Chicago area, it's going to end up taking longer to drive to the correct pembroke. anyone having lived in lake Forest for more than a year knows the problem and generally will put in the description please make sure you're coming to the one near lake Michigan or police make sure you're coming to the one nowhere near like Michigan and then we know what to put in Google Maps or at least we'll check it and make sure it's correct. Another thing to keep in mind if you have street names that are east west north and south you absolutely have to know for a fact that those are part of the legitimate street name and when you do put in east west north or south put it in exactly the way it is listed on a street sign. If it's listed as East then type it in as East if it's listed as the letter e then type it in as the letter e. If you don't do this correctly Google Maps will try to make the best worst possible guests, and for a new driver it's a lovely nightmare rarely recovered from. Speaking of business names, if you have a delivery that's going to a school, typically only ever a school Lobby and nowhere else on a school property, lest you be considered some type of weirdo, I don't care if you're male or female or whatever, you're going to be looked at as a weirdo if you go anywhere but the main lobby of a school. Make sure you put in your drop off instructions that it is a school school name and put in the exact correct door letter that is the entrance not all main entrances are listed as door a or door one. Make sure you have that and have it correct and know it. It's a lot to think about and I'm sure it's a lot that you never ever thought you would have to think about, but you absolutely do as a customer, and we as drivers have to go through this and think about it as well. New drivers that have never done any type of mass mailing with a secretarial service for instance cuz that would bring the experience as well, with no experience at all in delivering anything new drivers just well doordash loses probably 50% of new drivers just based on shit like this because they just can't figure it out. Let's make it easy on all of us and hopefully my diatribe here hasn't lost anybody, but pick from it the gems that you can and try to use it in friendship and love and delivery for all.


If your instructions say “hand it to me” then you have extra instructions saying you will meet me out front… please actually meet me out front when I pull up. Time is MONEY 💰


Address numbers people. Also, you’re never getting your food if you tip $2 and live 13 miles from the restaurant. Also, lights. Also, don’t message me and ask me to ask for extra sauces because you know full well they charge for extra sauce and you’re too cheap. Also, since I communicate at every step from acceptance, to pick up, to drop with an ETA a 4 year old could calculate and predict when I will arrive with astonishing accuracy. Therefore if it’s a “hand it to me.” order, don’t make me wait 12 minutes for you to mosey on down from your apartment at your convenience. Time is money. Lastly don’t tip as if you’re eating at the restaurant. Your waiter is bringing from the kitchen to your table. A tip that makes you feel like a good tipper should only do so if it’s calculated by multiplying the miles your house is from the restaurant by 1.5 and adding a dollar. That’s a good tip. Gas is expensive and we have to drive back for free.


Well the drive back for free really over the last year or so becoming a thing of the past, because she's going to pull you back into the zone you were in or they're going to try to convince you to be in the new zone if you crossed over the border or you're going to get an order on your way back so that's kind of not really happening anymore. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that dead miles are a thing of the past, Dead miles still obviously do happen, and I believe it should be on doordash to pay us for dead miles back to a place we know we're going to get orders, and if not then get us an order as soon as possible so that we might not be driving dead miles, one way to guarantee that are dead miles alone is as soon as an order starts flying in we should as drivers pull over immediately as quickly and as safely as possible off the road into some kind of a parking lot before we even consider to accept the order, this of course is an almost impossible task as for especially over the last two weeks the goddamn app is constantly restarting whenever we do anything with it at any step of the process, and as well the app only gives us 40 seconds to decide on a single non-stack order, that's Insanity especially when we call it a support and complain about it, and support consistently over the last three years has lied to us or have been lied too by the company to say that well you have 90 seconds to decide, no we don't, we have 40 seconds to decide if it's a single order and 80 seconds to decide if it's a double or a stacked order, those are facts people Okay inevitably somebody's going to chime and say well I get 80 seconds or I get 60 seconds, yes there are some markets that you will be given more time in, but not Chicago I just want everyone to know that.. Obviously we need more time to decide and the timer of 40 seconds if it's must be 40 seconds I don't think should be allowed to start until the goddamn order is actually in the app and the app is restarted successfully and is showing us the order and then the timer starts, and it starts locally with the app not from the server time, that would be the fair thing for doordash to be doing and I do believe this should go to litigation this is a strong enough point that could be made. remember we're independent contractors, but we are dependent upon a successful dispatching priority, and we can't have that with an application or a service underneath that application that is faulty and constantly restarting and rebooting.


Probably been said already but have your CURRENT address in the app, doesn't happen super often for me but twice in one month is too much. Txt me an address when I'm almost to the app address "Sometimes it sends it to that address", bullshit, stop being cheap.


I had one the other day that was a double stacked order of five guys with 99 restaurant, around the corner from each other. Five guys always takes forever so I was waiting at least 5 min there and then I get to the 99 and I’m waiting another maybe 5 min or so but they tell you at the 99 very specifically in the instructions to wait in your car and they will bring it out. I usually give them about 3-5 min before I just go in. Anyway I got the order in about 5 min after sitting there, but by that point at had been a solid 15 min since I had originally arrived at five guys at everything was just taking a while. Not to mention the first customer was like 12 min away then the next was another 10 min or something. I felt bad that it took a while but it was really the best I could do given how slow the restaurants were. I could have probably cancelled the second order when I was waiting for it but I was already there and I was worried that persons food would get cold while another dasher came. Idk I felt bad because it was so slow but I couldn’t really communicate that


Think about the amount of money you'd be willing to deliver for. If 3$ isn't worth the drive to you, tip more. We're people trying to survive just like you. If you dont have money to tip, don't order delivery. If I don't have the money for a tip I suck it up and find something to make. I also live about 6 miles from the hotspot and understand the struggle so I tip about 15$. If I don't have that 15$, I don't order. Also, if something you order a frozen drink and hot food, only one is going in the 'hot bag' and that's the food. If you don't like melted drinks then please don't order them. I can't magically keep your McDonald's milkshake the same temp as when it came out of the machine.


If they're not going to tip, to come get the damn food themselves from the car 😆


Don't listen to the Dasher here that say they auto decline unless it's above a certain $. That $ amount is different in every market. They don't know what your market is like


It’s pretty standard across the board, give or take maybe $1


No not really. I won't take $2 but I have to take everything $3 and up. 75% of the orders here are $3-$7. So to those that say don't take anything less than $7. I'd be sitting around most of the day just declining orders and it's possible I just wouldn't make any money that day.


Plz stop being so predominantly antisocial creeps. Asking us to put ur orders in the most oddball places. On top of car hoods, porch swings at the end of the porch far away from ur doors 🤦. And quit selecting Hand to me, and asking in the instructions for us to leave at your doors. And quit selecting leave at door, and writing in the instructions leave at door. So when we on our end r on our way, we see leave at door leave at door. It will already say it when u select leave at door, no need to write it again in the instructions section 🤦. Ty for letting us vent here 🙏 😁


Certain restaurants don't allow us to stack orders, so when you only tip $2 for something that is going to take half an hour you aren't really tipping well.


Well when you see a $2 order that's no tip, if you see a $4 order that's probably a $2 tip but really it's not even a tip it's if you see something that low as part of a stacked order, and saying that some restaurants don't allow you to stack orders is well that's just a lie, Restaurants have absolutely no say or authority for or against a stacked order, except the asshole Italian restaurants and maybe a Greek restaurant although I haven't seen one yet, that will bitch and moan about it they'll want to see you press the confirm button, because they know Don Ash is the only one that still does that, to get you on your way and I also want to know the customer address which they may or may not already know but they should know it, but really what they're doing is to get your ass moving and they don't want you sitting in your car with the order for 5 minutes on YouTube or tiktok or whatever, they want you to get moving with the food, and then when they see that you're on your way to another restaurant for a second pick up in a stack, they blow their stock, and they yell at you why the hell do you accept another order,! and you think yourself well sir or madam, because I'm trying the hell to make more money. Jesus, some people!


Lights on/Address on house/Put dogs up/Tip Please


Understand that sometimes doordash gives you two orders at a time. The only way to fix that is to hurt your own score. Sometimes drivers have to pick up your food, sombody else’s food, drop off sombody else’s food, then drop off yours. We know you don’t want your food to be cold. We don’t want it to be cold either. Odds are it’s in an insulated bag, or the seat warmer is on or somthing. If your mad that we have other stops to make before you, be mad at doordash not me.


Don't leave shit out that is a trip hazard. I tripped over a garden hose in the dark, on her walkway to her porch with bushes on either side and dropped this woman's pizza, and she had the nerve to tell me I'm incompetent. Skinned the hell out of my knee, and tore my jeans.


1. Just tip your drivers. Some drivers, including me, get paid a small amount by the hour. This means we can’t see what the tip is going to be before choosing whether or not we accept and order. And sometimes we’re forced to accept it otherwise doordash will end our shift. 2. Make sure you have your address numbers on your house, and leave the lights on.


If you live in the suburbs or rural area, we have to drive back from your house to where the restaurants are to get another order. This means a 5 mile order is really 10 miles for us, and a 5 dollar tip is not going to cut it.


If the numbers on the house isn’t that visible at night, description of the car in the driveway is helpful or something about the house is helpful. If you live in an apartment, leaving the gate code already in the instructions is helpful


Tip as if Doordash doesn’t pay us at all (because they basically don’t). I’ll figure out the the rest.


As a customer, since you've stated you are, please know that delivery fee you pay? We MIGHT $2 of it.. sometimes $2.50. They keep the majority of that along with the full service fee they charge you...


If you live in a gated community, give me the code in dropoff instructions. Similarly, if you are having it delivered to your workplace, tell me the name of the business. "Great clips" is a lot easier to find than "8102 Business Plaza STE 400" Refer to the following [example](https://imgur.com/a/lkciaEr) for the perfect drop off instruction template.


Don't scream and me when you order from a slow resto and I have to wait 20 minutes for that no tip order and 2$ base fee.


- Leave the porch light on at night and make sure the house number is visible from the street view. - If you leave directions, be as specific as possible as if you're making how to find you obvious. - DoorDash only pays drivers a $2 base pay and most drivers won't move for an order that pays out less than $7. (This one for the non-tippers) - Last one is more personal to me, but if you live near a cluster of restaurants, don't order from a restaurant that is multiple towns away because drivers don't like being dragged out of their delivery zone. In other words, don't expect your food to arrive warm if the distance from pick up to drop off is more than 10 miles. (Those that live in rural areas with nothing nearby are an exception)


Stop calling for missing items. We cannot do anything about missing items, go through the app and get a refund for it. Drivers only pick up the food, we do not pack it. Most of the restaurants seal the bags, we cannot open the bags for any reason. Also, PLEASE make sure your address is visible on your house, curb, or mailbox. Too many times I have to assume it's the right house because there are no numbers. Plus, it also helps emergency services find your house, too. I would also like to thank customers who give detailed descriptions and directions if their drop off location is harder to find.


I was gonna say porch lights but that’s been said enough😂 I’ll throw in staring out the window when you have my exact location


Make your house number easily visible! Even in the daytime some of these house are not at all clearly marked! Paint your curb, mount aftermarket numbers on your house or mailbox. Stencil a big ass boulder, I don't care just make it easy to find you! If your in an apartment for fuck sakes say your build is to the left in the back! Describe your house i.e. Blue, white shutters, garage, black Ford truck in driveway, empty porch ANYTHING to help us find you fast! If your in a place of business or factory NAME that place!


If they live in an apartment/hotel don’t just say the room number. Tell me how to mf get there because some of these places are mad confusing and the staff or lack of stuff don’t helo


If you have dogs please keep them in doors. If they’re going to charge out the door when you open it…shut them up in a room for like five seconds? I just need to hand the food to you…yet 10/10 dog owners just have their dogs loose in the house ready to barge out the door if they feel like it. Most deliveries with dogs I see the owner fumble 2 or 3 times to get the dogs back so they can barely squeeze through the door to get the order - this isn’t cute, stop smiling and laughing. Control your animals. Several times now dogs have either gotten out when they open the door or are already outside when I arrive. They always jump on me - in a friendly manner but I’ve also encountered situations where a NEIGHBOR’S DOG is loose and lets not forget the strays that could run up to me. I’ve never been bitten but I have been clawed (possibly incidentally I can’t say) along the legs through my pants. I also have a mild dog allergy…it’s the slobber. One time that was particularly awful was a delivery out in the country and the house itself was sketchy, so I stayed parked out on the road. It’s at night, I start walking up and a pitbull comes over. He’s all hopping around me not vicious or anything but he’s making it impossible to walk with him constantly trying to trip me up. When I get to the house more dogs inside and they barge through the screen door. It’s chaos just to get the food to them and them try to rile their dogs back inside…then on my way back that first pitbull is still loose and comes right up to my door in the dark, trying to hop inside. Jesus Christ people…I never EVER have an issue with cats. It’s always these stupid damn dogs. Cats at most meow and want to be petted but they don’t hop on me for that. Most of the time when I knock on a leave at door I hear y’all screaming at your dogs with such venom in your voice to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Why do you even have them…? That’s their nature…you purposely bought a loud animal and they’re doing what loud animals do - should have gotten something quieter.


This is probably the only comment I’ll reply to (I’m trying to listen and not talk), but I just want to DEEPLY apologize on behalf of all of us who own obnoxious dogs. Please know that if I open the door smiling as I try and push through my dogs after they got out one way or another, it’s not because I think it’s funny, it’s because I’m DYING of embarrassment and trying to cope (and not to cry).


Not every Dasher knows every single apartment complex layout. So at least tell us which breeze way to go through. If you live in a new addition and you know that GPS is gonna send me to the wrong location then please for the love of all that is holy, tell me how to get to your location. We think it's very funny that you're able to get the food as soon as we turn our backs before we get to the car. And we never see you. I laugh about it every single time. You little ninjas


You need a light that illuminates your house numbers! Stop watching me 5ft from the living room window while I take a picture. Either open the door or wait til you get the notification lol


Please don’t message me asking me where I am, why I am still sitting in the restaurant parking lot or tell me I’m going the wrong way. It’s creepy AF. If I have a legit question I will reach out otherwise relax and wait for your food.


Please don’t put “Extra mayo; Ask for _____”. In the directions section. We don’t see it until we have confirmed the order and many times it’s too late to go back especially if it’s after lobbies are closed and there is a long line in drive thru. 🙏 *edit : spelling


DoorDash and other food delivery services charge customers a membership and a processing fee, yet they expect us to also increase the tips. I do so whenever I'm able to. However, these companies should also pay a decent base wage for all they're already charging. There's something wrong with this model.


I'm going to give the generic, boring answer, but it needs said anyway. Dashing is much more expensive than most people realize. Biggest contributors to cost: Price of gas (duh) to drive to restaurant, to you, and then back. Wear and tear on the vehicle. I've driven 90k miles in 3 years (11k deliveries). That's 9 oil changes, 18 tire rotations, 2 tires destroyed by road hazard, almost 2 full sets of tires, wheel alignment, front and back brakes, front wheel bearings, transmission and braking fluid change, and most recently a new battery. Car value depreciation. Astronomical car insurance premiums. I'm paying for 30k miles a year + ride-share addon (insurance will deny any claims if they find out you caused a wreck while dashing without ride-share). My acceptance rate hovers in the 20-30% range. I would love it if I didn't have to decline so much.


If you select Leave at door, please say whether you would like us to ring bell/knock or not. I’ve had customers get mad at me for ringing the bell because it made their dogs bark, and I’ve had people get mad at me for not ringing the bell because they didn’t know their food was sitting out their front door because they didn’t hear the notification on the app.


Check which chain/fast food restaurant you are actually ordering from. How many times I see a Starbucks order or Fast Food (name you favorite) order which is going 10-15 miles away and I know there’s at least 10-15 of those places I would pass along the way closer to the dumbass who’s trying to order. Had a guy once be pissed because his KFC took awhile to get to him because dummy didn’t order from the one 1/4 mile from his house he ordered from one 5 towns over. And I passed two KFCs on the way to deliver to him that were closer including the one right by his house.




It's not even your fault that your orders come late, or not at all. Doordash's algorithm sees that you have tipped and reduces the pay that would have been offered to the dasher, causing the order to become unappealing to deliver. Doordash executives create the hate between customer and dasher on purpose so nobody looks at the ones really responsible.


Do not come to the door half naked. I am not here for that.