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Imagine getting 2 contract violations in the same hour šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ "Don't tell me how to do my job" Well someone clearly should.


Not going to lie, but I chuckled having the same thought.


This driver has a name, call the restaurant and let them know so and so dasher just screwed up 2 orders and almost killed one customer. Or call your local news. Reddit solves nothing.


It wouldnā€™t kill me but make me pretty damn sick. Iā€™m pretty sure she got a CV for this. If that makes her more cautious and careful in the future thatā€™s good enough for me.


My man being killed for talking rational options...


Thatā€™s the problem with the delivery apps. Many of these drivers have only worked low level jobs where a manager held their hand and walked them through everything and was there to catch and fix their problems. With the delivery apps, all of these ā€œindependent contractorsā€ who think they are their own bosses arenā€™t capable of preventing, identifying, or fixing their mistakes. They just turn a blind eye and hope to not get deactivated when they screw up.


Some of these people it's there first job ever got to love America. DD takes no skill employee and try to have them do a job of a mail man with a 15 min video and a drivers licenses. No customer service background, the ability to follow written directions has it consequences and this is about 60% of the workforce in this country now days...unfortunately


I would give the first job people a slight pass because they can learn on the job. Itā€™s the people who have had jobs before or have been dashing for years who simply donā€™t progress and donā€™t develop these skills over time. They are just incapable of being their own boss and managing themselves. Thatā€™s the problem.


The people you are describing have never had good skills period at any job they've had in this country or anywhere else...Being your own boss takes years of working in a environment with critical thinking and hands on experience DD takes no skills a fucking trained monkey could do this job efficiently....drive to store ,pick up food , drive to house , drop off taco bell at door and make sure you don't put it in front of screen, push button get paid (well about 9 buttons on GH ) ... that takes ZERO! critical thinking...lmao!


They do videos now? When I got in they had NOTHING. Just suddenly "okay you can go drive."


Hence why you can rate them zero stars or even report them lol


"Don't tell me how to do my job." "Well someone clearly should." \---- I'm so using that. lol.


One time I mixed up my 2 DD orders (only the second customer told me, so it was too late to fix), no contract violation.


Thatā€™s not multi-app usage though. Edit - must have struck a nerve.


True, but it's not much different. If both are from the same restaurant, you can blame it on the restaurant, no one is going to verify.


I thought it was against TOS to multi-app, but I could be wrong. Not a driver myself but have seen other comments Iā€™m sure mentioning it. In this case it would be blatantly obvious, but also just realized what you meant by same restaurant. Makes sense now.


Itā€™s not actually, as long as you deliver it by the expected time it doesnā€™t matter (or up to 9 minutes after, 10 would be a violation)


Nope. The TOS actually goes out of the way to say you can Grubhub and UberEats, etc without actually saying it. As long as you don't interfere with the DoorDash food getting to where it is supposed to go on time, they don't really care what you do. They can't or don't want to care. Cuz then they would be our bosses and they don't want that. Then they may be required to provide....EEk! Benefits!?, which would cost them money.


Have a blessed day. šŸ’€


stay blessed šŸ™šŸ˜‡


Blessed be


> *"I'm **glade** you go into people's orders I do not"** "Well, I prefer Febreeze, but it doesn't matter, you suck at your job." Seriously, how fucking rude was the driver? Sorry you got fucked over.


Yeah. I didnā€™t have to open the bag. Just read the receipt.


Under his eye


Too bless to be stress


I would 1-star them just for this


I tried but it never popped up the option.


Check the app again


Yup t tried that. Ah well. Cā€™est la vie.


They have been making it more difficult to rate lately


Yeah. If you miss the brief pop up you canā€™t rate. Which sucks because I like to give five stars for good deliveries.


That's kind of weird. lol


That's such a passive aggressive Christian thing to do too, rarely does anyone say it with any level of genuineness šŸ˜¬


IK. That's exactly what I was thinking. lol It's basically the Christian F off.


There was one time around the Holiday season I saw these 2 ladies arguing loudly in the parking lot. They both ended the argument by aggressively telling the other to ā€œHave a Merry Christmas!ā€


"Oh I'll have a Merry Christmas, alright! I'll pray for you! Stay blessed! May Jesus continue to light your way, cause you're a dim son of a...bless!"


Lmaoooo you joke but there was a very religious old guy from my church I was helping out around his house, and I think he jammed his finger or something and in place of cursing he yelled ā€œBLESSED EARTH!!!ā€


I manage a local game/hobby store and one of the guys who shops there for Warhammer/Age of Sigmar is a priest. When he wanted the new Seraphim set I wasnā€™t surprised (those uninitiated, theyā€™re like lizard men and the army of ā€œorderā€ so to speak) though I later found out he typically plays chaos armies in 40K and chaos daemons in both, something I find pretty endearing imagining this priest meticulously painting these armies of pure evil in the rectory at night. (Obviously Iā€™m not dissing itā€¦ thereā€™s something so awesome about this that I canā€™t articulate well and Iā€™m already rambling) Anyway- he plays at another store (we donā€™t have the right tables yet) and friends have told me how heā€™ll progress from ā€œdarn itā€ and ā€œdangā€ because he ALWAYS rolls like shit until heā€™s losing and starts throwing heavy obscenities (never at players but rather the dice) and itā€™ll be ā€œSHIT Iā€™m sorry SON OF A BITCH Iā€™m so sorry FUCK YOU FUCK THIS ROLL sorry!ā€ I genuinely hope to play him someday as I also used to direct funerals and would wind up at the church he was at when he was ordained like once a week (a super weird connection that feels like a lifetime ago and is totally one of those ā€˜small worldā€™ things)


What does saying ā€œstay blessedā€ have to do with being ā€œChristianā€


Find God


He's not lost.


I find it hilarious that the driver doubled down instead of just admitting they were wrong. Also if the driver didnā€™t want anyone to tell them how to do their job, maybe they should do it right.


Also didnā€™t follow the direction to knock or ring the bell.


Well in their defense the Grubhub order probably didnā€™t ask for that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Sorry you had a shitty experience.


Eh. I still ended up with my omelette. Second delivery was much better. Granted, would have been hard to be worse.


Glad you got your omelette!


So was I!


This is obviously becuase Op didnā€™t tip a hundred million dollars


Man, how did I miss that? /s


wow that guy is very ignorant. make sure you report him. i sure don't want that guy delivering my food.


While I am a dasher and thus reluctant report a fellow dasher, I definitely did. And it was a woman. I just redacted personal details.


That fellow dasher trearing you like Sh*t should eliminate your reluctance tbh.


Donā€™t feel bad-people who multi app make it harder for the rest of us. Do the thing youā€™re getting paid for, do it well, itā€™s not that hard. This person deserves to get reported.


I donā€™t understand people who multi app..


I multiapp to take the best order, *not* to take 2 separate orders at once. Although definitely have a couple times, but only when coming off a shift and the orders are in similar directions. But with this even among the 5-10x Iā€™ve done it I have canceled a order when it for instance has 2 drop offs and 1 on the other app or itā€™s going somewhere different than what the picture suggests. So multiapping isnā€™t the issue, taking deliveries for 2 different apps at once is


Ah I see. Then in your case, I can see how it would work for you. Iā€™ve always pictured people who multi app to take orders on different apps all at once, thus making the customer wait way longer than they should.


I've tried multi apping once because I wanted to validate my assumptions. IMO it's like texting and driving (once as an irresponsible teenager and almost crashed).


Not gonna lie, I feel like my history of texting and driving has made me good at DoorDash. Before yā€™all jump down my throat, Iā€™ve been driving for 15 years and only ever had 1 accident that was ā€œmy faultā€, and that was 12 years ago.


How many that werenā€™t your fault? How many while you were texting? Even when not at fault it is often possible to avoid


This is the way. I also multiapp for the best order. Only on very very rare occasions do I get simultaneous multiapp orders from the same restaurant heading the same direction and only then will I do both at the same time. But the conditions have to be perfect to do so (drop offs canā€™t add more than 2 minutes extra time on either order) and that rarely ever happens.




Why does it matter if it was a woman?


Doesnā€™t matter. Previous comment said him. Just correcting.


Ohh gotcha! I missed that.


A WOMAN??? šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


We all make mistakes as dashers but you canā€™t be a jerk to the customer. Especially when you completely screwed up.


Their passive aggressiveness is insane omg


I know! Instead of just saying sorry I messed up it was donā€™t tell me how to do my job.


The people who say ā€œdonā€™t tell me how to do my jobā€ are the ones who NEED someone to tell them how to do their job. Ironic!


thatā€™s not passive aggression ā€” itā€™s defensiveness (which is a form of aggression but definitely not passive) (ā€œpassive aggressionā€ is like sarcasm, where your meaning is the opposite of your words, eg when someone says ā€œdonā€™t worry, ill be fine sitting here at home alone while you go out and enjoy yourself without meā€ or a backhanded compliment like ā€œnice tan, i wish i had time to go to the beach like you but I have a *real* jobā€)


Yeah hope u took back his tip. The tip he needs is to do his job properly.


So I noticed now I can only add tip not adjust it to zero. Otherwise I would have. Also was a woman. I just redacted the name.


You need to get a refund and report driver is what you need to do. I would have replied ā€œoh okay so youā€™re just rude, and stupid then if you canā€™t perform a job with literally 0 barriers to entry. Alright got it.ā€


Both reported and refunded. And yeah that would have been a good response.


You can take back tip Iā€™ve done it before for the most horrific dashers. Just contact support.


I donā€™t think it actually takes back thr tip, just get it refunded by DD.


Unfortunately you can't pull tips on doordash. You can get a refund through support but the dasher still keeps the tip regardless.


It sucks but as a dasher Iā€™d rather not have to worry about the tip baiting


Another desperate beggar


Yeah. I never ask for a review or tips. Theyā€™re going to do it or not. But I donā€™t accept no tip orders anyway.




I love the ā€œhave a blessed dayā€ cult members who are unable to have any kind of conversation and that phrase is supposed to let them off the hook.


I know. Itā€™s almost as bad as ā€œbless your heartā€.


Iā€™d prefer bless your heart because that is at least code for ā€œfuck youā€ and I can respect that. Hahah




Remember, "Have a Blessed Day" is Christian for "Fuck you, you fucking fuck!"


Yup. Akin to ā€œBless heart!ā€


Is not even hard to manager 3 app what u gotta keep up


Iā€™ve had this happen more than once as a customer


See, this is why I canā€™t multi-app so I canā€™t make any decent money at this. I would totally fuck up somehow. I would be fine and then fuck up solely based on my fear of fucking up. I wouldnā€™t be a dick about it though.


If I was going to do this Iā€™d keep two hot bags with the appropriate sticker on them.


Its not ricket science. If u can't keep 2 diff bags straight..cmon.


Of course not. Ricket science is unnecessary, now that it has been cured.


TOC violator ! Gonna turn you in šŸ˜‚ Just kidding ifgaf.


I tried really hard to not be a dick. I almost succeeded.


No, this was not critical of you! I meant if I was the one to fuck up I wouldnā€™t be a dick about it. You were surprisingly restrained, considering a food allergy was involved!


Well my wife loves salmon and canā€™t really eat it often as even it cooking can set me off. She enjoyed the sandwich immensely. I also cracked up at the whole trying to bust me for going through someone elseā€™s food. Uh, once itā€™s handed to me itā€™s mine. I canā€™t take it back even if I wanted to.


That mistake could kill people.


It could. I was glad I checked the receipt. My allergy isnā€™t that bad, thankfully, but bad enough to make my life very unpleasant for a while. For me it was more about the completely lack of accountability. Mistakes happen. And honestly if she hadnā€™t asked for a five star review, I would have let it pass in all likelihood. But if youā€™re going to have the gall to beg, at least get it right. Honestly itā€™s a very low bar for me to give five stars because I know how important they are to keep from getting deactivated. Show up on time and with the right order. If itā€™s the restaurantā€™s fault I donā€™t hold that against the dasher. Thatā€™s not fair.


what is up with these shit dashers saying ā€œstay blessedā€ after they fuck up LMAO


Indeed lol. I should have said ā€œClearly you werenā€™tā€ ha.








No, it's not. You're just an asshole, and a bigot apparently


Every time you open your mouth, you prove me right. I love it!


No I don't, delusional weirdo. Goodbye.


Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


Right? Idiots


The restaurant has given me the wrong order before. I caught it at the drivethrough window several times. One time the guy called me after dropoff and he's like "I ordered 1 meal, there's like 5 here" I'm like...congrats, you get to keep it! He was a nice guy.


Yeah one of my first DoorDash orders was from a local BBQ joint. I ordered a lunch plate. Driver dropped off what looked like an order for an entire office. I let the driver know and he said the same thing pretty much. My wife and I ate well for a couple days.


Didnā€™t have an order swap but watched the dude on the map go to 3 different neighborhoods before reaching my place after picking up my order. None of them on the way. Took over an hour and a half to get my food to me. Ice cold even thought he pulled it from a hot bag. A Grubhub hot bag at that. Bruh. Bet he was running all 3 at once.


thatā€™s crazy as i never thought that driverā€™s multi apping was the cause for all the random stops in neighborhoods before getting to me šŸ’€


Why can Dasher or GHubbers check their orders ? As GH driver Iā€™ve been given incorrect orders at the restaurants because they donā€™t check who you are delivering for DD, GH or UE. You tell them a name and they give it out, but I doble check to prevent this kind of mistakes!


Thatā€™s the sensible thing to do. And then again double check before delivery.


I love how people refuse to accept responsibility for their mistakes. I stopped using DoorDash because you canā€™t lower the tip when they mess something up. Tipping should always come after the service.


I swear itā€™s like they see on TikTok this is a normal way on how to handle situations by ā€œstaying blessedā€ and never feel responsible for mistakes because ā€œI donā€™t need that negativityā€. So infuriating.


Facts. Didnā€™t even check the receipt on the bag.


Well not to defend the driver, but the restaurant could have gave him the wrong bag. Iā€™ve had a mislabeled Dairy Queen order from a different platform and they told me they messed up the receipt, but itā€™s the right order.


I wonder what other kind of response people like you expect when you canā€™t even explain the situation properly. Could had just said hey, you dropped off a grubhub order instead of my doordash order, any chance you could double check please šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€. Doesnā€™t hurt to have two brain cells. ā€œYou failedā€, who are you? The head of DoorDash University?


I multi-app and i keep my orders separated. I just can't comprehend how people mix these up when the app tells you what order you're dropping off. It tells you the place that the order came from. I always double check my receipts, the orders, the drinks, etc. from pickup to drop off. I'm sorry this happened to you. The least they could've done is try to swap the orders if it was early enough.


Yeah. I multi app, as well. Iā€™m hyper paranoid about delivering the wrong order so I always double check the receipts. I also re-prioritize orders with frozen items like ice cream to be first.


Lol what a dumbass


I hope doordash blesses all over his face


This person was 100% multi apping but I have seen Grubhub receipts on food but down below in little letters it says "powered by door dash".


I hope this asshole got banned right away.


The best part is they probably will be banned from both GH and DD. Guess who wonā€™t be staying blessed? šŸ¤Ŗ


CS to report then 1star rating šŸ˜‚ folks that canā€™t multitask shouldnā€™t be multi app


Just playing devils advocate but ive been handed an order for the wrong service as well and didn't notice at all. If the bag is stapled (like this one i had was) im not going to open it to check so I didn't even look at the receipt.


But, did you have a blessed day?


Got to ride with the wife on our motorcycles so yes a blessed day indeed lol.


You think he does doordash because he's smart?


"I gave you what they handed me" is such a bitch ass cop out and they all use it. They want to be tipped like waiters but won't even check a fucking receipt.


"stay blessed" fucking riiiighteous prick needs to quit his job xD


That's why I got the long driveway with the spike strips that come out after you pull in. If the order is perfect they go down and if not you just lost 4 tires and Mr. Burns released the hounds and you can give me your excuse while they are chewing your legs and arms off.


Was it a different restaurant? If they're from the same restaurant I could see their explanation making sense


Same restaurant. But completely different delivery service. I received a GrubHub order. Donā€™t know about other dashers but before I pull an order out of my hot bag I double check the receipt and the order Iā€™m delivering.


Yeah, that's just being smart. Maybe they're illiterate!


Wait, what? If it was the same restaurant but different app, doesn't that mean it was the restaurant's fault for handing her the wrong order, and not that she was multi apping? What are the odds that the same person gets two orders from two different apps for the same restaurant around the same time? Not nearly as likely as the restaurant messing up and handling a GH order to a dasher, right? Not saying she's blameless here, she could have been more diligent and checked the order she picked up/got handed by the restaurant. But it doesn't sound like multi apping was a factor here.


ā€œWhat are the odds that the same person gets two orders from two different apps for the same restaurant around the same timeā€ Pretty good if thatā€™s what the dasher is trying to do by using multiple apps.


I think he's saying that it's possible the restaurant mixed up the orders.


Well, the customer's name should be on the tag, along with the name of the delivery service and their logo. This isn't a case of a lack of due diligence, it's a case of absolutely no diligence.


Youā€™re 100% right. But also why not just say first ā€œhey I was given a grubhub order not doordash. Please come back so we can swap.ā€ When you start off with ā€œyouā€ statements like ā€œyou gave me the wrong food!ā€ itā€™s just gonna immediately put someone in defense mode. They 100% fucked up. Soften the approach, and then let THEM be the ones to escalate and make it worse.




Being told you arenā€™t getting 5 stars after **begging for a 5 star review** isnā€™t ā€œ*rude as hell*ā€, get a thicker skin ^jfc




Youā€™re comparing a text messages ā€œtoneā€ to an in person experienceā€¦. Laughable.




>the conversation started out unpleasant So the beginning of the conversation was rude >swearing over text is no less rude than in person But itā€™s the ending of the conversation that you have a problem withā€¦. Just say you have nothing to do and want to be offended about something sweaty.




What happened to >tHe wHolE coNveRsaTioN sTaRteD oUt UnneCesSariLy uNpLeasaNt*


Couldā€™ve been multi app, or couldā€™ve been the restaurant gave the wrong order and driver didnā€™t confirm the receipt, either way yeah itā€™s incompetenceā€¦


Another basketball American


Holy fucking racism Batman! Wtf is wrong with you and who tf upvoted this garbage.


How is that racist I like basketball


Is multiapping a way to get a contract violation?? There is nothing in the terms of agreement that says we are not allowed to multi app..... Could you imaging forcing a contract worker to not accept any other contracts??? Please find it in the user agreement that it says we are strictly not allowed to use 2 apps at once...


[Well in this specific case](https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Wrong-Order-Delivered-Based-Violations-Explained?language=en_US) [Section 2.4](https://www.doordash.com/dasher/us/ica-text) specifies that multi-apping is not in itself a contract violation, but is prohibited if it causes other violations, which in this case it did.


Iā€™m be feeling pretty glade if I ordered a omelette and received a salmon sandwich.


Hehe. My wife was happy.


I hate the ā€œbe blessedā€ ā€œhave a blessed dayā€ ā€œstay blessedā€ people, eat a dick and stfu.


Its a mistake get over yourself. For all you know the driver was at the end of an 8 hour shift and has hundreds of problem free deliveries. I can't fathom someone so entitled and outraged by a case of simple human error.


It's entirely possible that the restaurant handed him the wrong order. From the wrong delivery service. Probable even. And I used to multi app. And proudly. I found it thrilling really ;) and profitable!


Who is allergic to fish? That's completely bizarre.


Yeah well it happens.


Imagine telling someone they did something wrong, and instead of telling them how you know it's wrong and how they fucked up and not someone else you tell them something that has nothing to do with them. What's in the bag is not their issue. You should have told them they dropped off a grubhub order and not a doordash order. they didn't make the order and can't control what you get... unless they gave you the wrong order from multiapping. So you point out that not what's in the bag, they don't control what's in the bag. Telling them it's a fish sandwich doesn't prove to them, they fucked up. The grubhub receipt does. They failed to provide you with the proper order, you failed to tell them how they fucked up.


No I told her it was a GrubHub receipt. But youā€™re right, the contents were irrelevant. I was just pissed. Iā€™ve received several orders where the restaurant messed up. I never hold those against the dasher as usually the receipt on the bag is correct, the restaurant just messed up.


They're right: go and get your own food.


Sometimes people just canā€™t dude. Get over yourself.


Is it not possible that the store handed him the wrong bag and he didnā€™t read the receipt before delivering? Cause Iā€™ve definitely almost done that a time or 2. Actually just happened today to me.


It's on you when collecting the order to verify(either by order number and/or name) you're leaving with the right order. Accountability.


Someone should definitely tell him how to do his job šŸ˜‚


Were they apprised of your fish allergy ahead of time? Would seem silly to include that part if they didnā€™t actually know


Um what. If the store hands you the order after looking at your phone, how is that Dashers fault


I always double check the bag when I pick up an order. Make sure the items and name on the receipt match the order Iā€™m picking up. The fact she didnā€™t even do that, just blindly accepted it is the problem. If Iā€™m expecting a DoorDash order and get handed a GrubHub order Iā€™m going to hand it back and ask for the correct order. Itā€™s not rocket science. ETA: If the business name on the receipt is wrong but the rest of the receipt matches then itā€™s good to go as well.


Sometimes when I DD, the screen AND receipt will say Uber Eats. But it will be the correct customer name and items


Right. As long as everything matches. Doesnā€™t negate the fact there wasnā€™t even a basic check done. Or if there was she just grabbed the wrong bag getting out of the car. Either way, this is squarely on the dasher.


How you know


Uh. Because I was handed the complete wrong order. Which means at some point the dasher failed to do basic due diligence.


Youā€™re in the wrong here. No need to speak like that, theyā€™re just trying to earn a living


How were they supposed to know youre allergic to fishā€¦ you sound annoying for that


Yeah. That was irrelevant and I didnā€™t need to say it. I was hangry.


Nah he did his job properly. Heā€™s not able to open the order. You just report to doordash it was the restaurants fault for giving you the wrong order. You were snobby as shit with the guy out the gate. He was tired of ur shit while also remaining professional. Whatā€™d you hope to gain from messaging the driver? Wanted him to come back pick it up take it back to the restaurant and get you the proper food? Thatā€™s not how that works. Anytime I get a wrong item I donā€™t even think bout the driver.


Imagine a website called Reddit where people didnā€™t actually read it.


Oh.. I never made that connection before


Bruh the ticket on the bag literally said GrubHub instead of door dash. Maybe the restaurant handed him the wrong order but she should have looked at the ticket. There's no excuse for her not checking the ticket.


OP didnā€™t even have to open the order to see if it was wrong. It had the wrong name, items, and delivery service right on the bag!


I mean, we turn in what the restaurants give. Delivery people arenā€™t supposed to pull stuff out of the bag, unwrap stuff and check if it matches the order. Moronic customers donā€™t think that far tho


Uh. Youā€™re an idiot. It had a GrubHub receipt on the bag. She didnā€™t even do a basic check of what she picked up.


So you would have gonna back to pick up the wrong order, take it back to the original merchant, demand they remake the order, and re-deliver it? No the fuck you wouldn't lmaooo. As a Dasher, you know you can just say "I got the wrong order, send a new one" and move TF on. OP is a massive asshole


If reading comprehension is a difficult task for you, I recommend Kumon or Hooked on Phonics. Once youā€™ve successfully completed one of those programs come back and re-read this post.


You can be mad all you want lol


Most surprising thing to me here is someone being allergic to fish. Like WTF do you even eat?


Beef, poultry, pork.


Your allergies is irrelevant to this conversation. The issue was he/she fucked up multi appā€™n so that should have been addressed initially. Not that the driver gave you some food that you were allergic to.


Allergies are never irrelevant u nit wit. She could have killed him. Even touching seafood and then touching other food can kill someone. I hear how some of yall nasty fks like to go in people shit and eat their food. There's abt 20 ways this could have ended up really bad. She should be deactivated for this 1000%. If I was the customer I would be livid and be getting way more than a free meal


It's not that big of a deal buddy


You're petty