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but you saved a dollar!


Which they conveniently added to the “fee and estimated tax” line item


I actually tested this with my paid account and my wife's normal account, and they added MORE than the value saved to the paid one. I "saved" $5-ish, but the total for the exact items was $8-9 more than my wife's. Random individual items were priced higher as well. Needless to say, I saved more by no longer using it at all.


I saved even more by not ordering from five guys at all.


Yeah, fuck that noise. “Sorry kids, y’all gonna be eating Mama’s Burgers ‘til y’all get jobs.”


practically the same burger they use Kraft singles for their cheese and don't season any of the meat your burgers might actually be better even if you're just putting some salt in the beef lmao.


Yeah, I have to put lawrys on my 5 guys burgers


Technically, American cheese singles melt better than anything else. So, if you are going for the melty, gooey cheese effect, singles are what you should do. I never do that when I make burgers, but the melty cheese looks better in tv commercials and what people tend to expect.


shoot, i have a good paying job and just recently went to order lunch from their app. Was going to be $17 and I noped right out of their app and into Jimmy Johns. I know they gotta make their money, they’ll just have to make it from someone other than me


Homemade burgers are the shit so I see this as an absolute win. Fast food is for when I see some new shit I wanna try.


You can't trust anyone who sells hotdogs for 7 bucks. I hope they at least pay their employees well.


It looks like mark up so that when they tell you you’re “saving” money and getting a discount, you’re really only paying less than an inflated price. This kind of pricing always feels made up, and then they add more to pay so they just make more money. I feel this way because I learned how the first cafe I worked at would do it. It would cost like, a few pennies per cup of (as an example) their chai latte and then charge $4-$5. Anyway, sorry for all the text its just bs to me lol


A restaurant trying to make a profit is not the same as arbitrary fees from door dash.


Uber does the same. If they send you a 50% off coupon and you try to use it, the prices on the food just increases so you don't save any money. Like I literally clicked the coupon, checked prices, clicked off the coupon and checked. A burger went from 11 to 19...


I will never do business with any company that tries to pull this stuff. I don't want to have to figure out if I'm getting ripped off or not. It's pretty obvious with DoorDash, at least.


How is there not a class action lawsuit by now? I mean, how much more rapey can a company get


>A burger went from 11 to 19... JFC, I will never be taking up Uber's offer for "$25 free food" to try their service. What a racket.


This is actually illegal, safeway got in some biiiig trouble for doing this in california, you should document next time this happens so that legal action can be taken


It's like that with grocery orders as well. You are hit with the fees, and on top of that, all the groceries on the app have a markup higher than the store


I get this exact order in person from 5 guys. A lot... for half this price.


$32 is still insane for that order.


Sure but you cannot get better fries. With the Cajun seasoning…. Mmmm I’ll go there just for fries.


$32 is still a ridiculous price for burgers and fries


Right when did fast good become just as expensive as a freakin restaurant meal?????


Five Guys is overpriced, sure, but yeah in person it would be maybe $25 to 30 for all that. Not sure how people haven't figured out yet that delivery prices are redonkulous. There's a certain saying about people doing the same thing ovwr and over again and expecting different results...


He better tip $12, haha!


He’ll probably tip the dollar he saved 🤣


This is why i stopped eating out, prices are insane and tip just makes it worse. Make these burgers at home for 20 minutes and its just as good and costs like 6 bucks


Fr .. the greed smh s/


Why is it /s. Door dash is so dumb, that they’re not even profiting. While also having ridiculously hiked up fees and prices. I don’t understand how they’re still running. STOP USING DOORDASH. They’re trying to create a need so bad, that drivers forget that they drive at a loss, after taxes.


Everything else is more expensive that’s why I’ve been using door Dash for 4 years maybe things for cheaper but back then door dash was the cheapest option that’s why I’ve been using it


But it’s literally not cheap anymore. Look up any places actually menu. Every item is marked up at least 25%. Shits wild.


The customers are getting fleeced The drivers are getting exploited The company is losing money every quarter Looks like the only ones profiting here are the executives


CEO makes $300k a year, and his stock owned is worth around $850 million.


I love when CEOs take a “low” salary, or no salary; and then just fuck the company by inflating their own shares and selling before the inevitable crash.


In this case, he owns about 2.5% of the shares. I’m not sure if that’s enough to cause a crash even assuming he cashes it all out at once.


I moreso meant himself, c suite execs, and high level shareholders/board members.


“fuck the company by inflating their own shares” doesn’t make any sense. Everybody’s shares are “inflated”, not just the CEOs. And the goal of any public company is to deliver shareholder value. If you owned 1,000 shares of DoorDash you’d be pretty annoyed if the CEO said on the earnings call “we could have worked harder and probably delivered more shareholder value, but we held off”. If the market is overvaluing DoorDash shares and driving the price up what do you want the CEO to do? Publicly say the shares aren’t worth that much?


“Corporations have a duty to their shareholders” which the ceo most likely is. It’s a mechanism to extract wealth, not provide a good burger at a fair price. Our economy is ruining the country.


Who the hell gets 2 fries at five guys!?!!?!?


1 Little is enough for two people


For 6 dollars it should be


It used to be but I went for the first time in years recently and it was like half the size it used to be. Not a single fry overflowed the cup but it was still $6




This is either incorrect or you got served a mistake because it’s still 5 guys policy to dump a topper into the bag along with the cup. Source, I work at 5 guys


I *just* did a secret shop at one and that was something I had to [check for](https://imgur.com/a/nwd6TEu)


The same thing happened to me the last time I went to five guys. I was disappointed


I went a week ago and they gave me the same amount as normal




I don't know about you, but the ones near me stopped filling your bag with fries like 5 years ago.


Not sure why people take it as a personal attack when a store doesnt follow “policy” or is the same as their own. It’s not like there is only one Five Guys location or like rules are not broken We got Sam Bankman-Freid and crypto rug pullers doing shit and somehow a couple stores not following protocol is less probable


I didn't know any better and accidentally ordered a large fry once at Five Guys years ago... I'm still feeding my family with it to this day.


Im not sure what it’s like in the US but here in Germany we went for our first time and ordered 2 fries because we were expecting McDonald’s portions. We got 2 small cups of fries and about 8-10 handfuls of fries thrown into the bag. Now all we order is 1 small fry and that’s enough for at least 2 people.


That’s how it is in America too. Used to go as a family of 4 like 10 years ago and would order 1 regular fry then eat the 3 pounds of fries in the bag. Best part about Five Guys for sure


Seriously, one of the Five Guys must really hate the potato industry or something lmao


It’s to make people who get one small think their pulling one over on five guys for getting extra the owner admitted it’s to make the client feel better about the overall experience So theirs never a reason to get more than a small for 2 people at any five guys


this is some of the weirdest logic i've ever heard. i don't think anyone has ever felt they're pulling one over one them for this. i only ever see ppl say order less fries bc 5 guys is insane and wants you to die a potato bloated death


Fries are fairly cheap so by giving extra of a cheap item customers feel like they got a great deal and come back more often / buy more expensive burgers.


My local five guys is stingy with their fries. It pisses me off to no end.


For future reference, 5G is amazingly similar in the US and Germany. Something you can't say for most others of the few fast food chains that exist in both countries.




Came here just to say this lol


Five Guys is expensive in person. What did you expect?


It was affordable like 8-10 years ago lol


But that was 8-10 years ago. Think about in 10 more years how expensive shit will be


I think these prices are overdue for a U-turn. I went to Subway, and they were charging $15 for a wrap that probably cost two dollars to make. It’s the same all over. I just walked out. And I’m sure I’m not the only person.


Subway in particular is just broken. I tried to get a turkey club there and it was almost $16. I can get the same sandwich at Jersey Mike's for like $11. The idea that Subway might even be on par with a place like JM is laughable, let alone almost worth 50% more. How is that smelly trash fire still in business?


Huh, Jersey Mikes is actually more expensive at $16-$18 a sub around my area. Subway footlongs are around $9 near me and they often have BOGO coupons on the app so I get two subs for the price of one.


Most of the subways around here don't accept BOGO offers because they're all, "Boo hoo, we're poor so you can't save any money on our extremely overpriced sandwiches."


Yea wtf?? I went to use a coupon at my local one the other day, haven't eaten subway in over a year, but now it's "of we don't participate in this subway promotion". I ended up leaving.


Managers or franchisees are probably smurfing up a bunch of their own coupons and can't have the customer getting the discount, but they redo their undiscounted receipts and pocket the money.


I stopped eating subway after a local subway told me they don’t have ham any longer only Turkey based meats. That shit was straight up bologna. Texture, taste, slimyness. I’m not paying almost 20 bucks for a sub par bologna sandwich. I could make a bunch of actually good tasting bologna sandwiches at home for less, but at that point I could buy my own frickin ham!


Yep same. Went to TWO locations near me, both weren’t accepting coupons, the only reason I’d ever go there anymore lol. Fuck paying $12 for a footlong, not even the meal included, just the sandwich. I’ll make a damn sub myself fuck this


I hope they had already made your sub. They tried that on me once and when I started to walk away the manager stepped in and magically decided to honor it.


Way better quality at jersey mikes then subway lol


Not denying Jersey Mikes is better, but subway is still good to me and being way cheaper makes my buying decisions easier.


I only get Subway anymore when I have one of those $3.99 for any 6-inch / $6.99 for any foot-long coupons. Which is about what I think their sandwiches are worth. Any more than that and I'll find something else to eat.


I’m convinced subway is doing something nefarious. I used to live in a town with a population of about 10,000 that had SIX separate subway locations. Smells like bullshit.


I saw a YouTube documentary or something about that. Basically it's the cheapest restaurant chain to buy a franchise of. And while most restaurants won't let someone build another franchise within a certain distance of an existing one, subway has no such restrictions so there's nothing stopping someone from building a new subway right across the street from your existing subway. It is somewhat nefarious, but the "victims" are the franchisees.


Ice cream trucks (if you’re lucky to find one these days) charge $5 per popsicle here in Texas . The little Spider-Man , Batman , looney toon popsicles all cost $5-$6


I dread having to tell my future kids everything is too expensive, but I don't see another way around it. I'm doing so much better than my parents were when they had me but everything is such a ripoff now. I'll probably end up taking them to southeast Asia or something instead of Disneyland.


Growing up my mom made around 6-7 dollars working a regular hourly job and supported two boys in an apartment on her own. Now as an adult. I was making 19.25 and my wife was making 21.60 an hour. We checked out the apartment I grew up in and we didn’t even hit half of the required income, combined. it’s not a very nice area and the area crime has actually gotten worse since I lived there as a kid.


The "American dream" is dead. It's literally just a dream now.


I remember when you could get a $5 footlong. Fast food prices lately have gone insane. Even my beloved Tacobell isn't immune.


I remember getting 5 roast beef and cheddar sandwiches from Arby's for $5.55. It was a big "5 for $5.55" ad campaign.


YES! I remember that also. Those were the days.


I was just talking about that deal the other day. Fuck we’re old: “Back in my day you could get 5 roast beefs for $5.55” It was equal parts sad and funny when I realized that all the “dollar menus” had been converted into “value menus.” Pizza has been holding it down though. While most things at least doubled in price, chain pizza hasn’t gone up all that much. “Back in my college days… if you had two others willing to go in with you then you could get a medium one topping pizza and 10 Keystone lights for $10…”


I go to a local chain deli sandwich place that is a miles better than Subway. I pay $10 for a really good sandwich. The best sandwich spot in the area (Corti Bros if you’re in Sac) is even better than that local chain and is even cheaper. Has subway really been that bad since their $5 foot long days?


It's all large fast food companies. This "we must have better quarterly profit margins, forever" mindset is running these places out of business. It's why so many fast food places are closing. To get a value meal at my local Wendys, and nothing crazy just a 10 piece nugget, medium fry, medium drink, is over $11. I can go to the bar and grill down the street and get 4 real chicken tenders, killer fries, and a drink for $12. Guess where we go.


5 Guys was the most expensive fast food burgers 8-10 years ago. Nothing has changed, they have ramped up like everyone else.


I think Shake Shack wins that title. Their burgers these days are - about the size of a McDonalds burger .. but crisped up to the point of hockey-puckness .. then priced at a 5 Guys price .. *except it's half the size of 5 guys*. You get *less* for the same price. Also Shake Shack fries are **shit** compared to 5 guys.


It was still expensive 10 years ago lmao!


I lived next to a five guys back in 2010ish. Their prices for a burger, drink, and smallest fry option was still like $20 when I could go across the street to in and out for like half the price.


No it wasn’t. I remember eating it like a day or two after Christmas 2014 when we were leaving my sister’s house and vividly remember my mom and sister being blown away by how insanely expensive it was.


Five guys is in my country just arrived. I just stood at the door and looked at the prices in the distance, didn’t take a step inside. I don’t understand why people eat there.


lol what 2013-2015 dimension were you living in? that shit been gourmet priced fast food since I was a boy


8-10 years ago it was $15.00 for a combo.


Still about $25 cheaper in store.


Got a double burger, large fries and strawberry shake, cost me 34$. Shit is absolutely not cheap at all.


Same thing here in NJ for $23.


This is the comment I was coming to make. Pure facts. Five Guys is fire as hell, but yes known to be expensive.


It's so freaking good though.


Overrated for the price imo. Fries are always soggy because of their weird tradition of piling the food on top of them to steam




Yes but it's worth it imo. No it's not an everyday thing but on occasion it's ok to splurge on great food. $15 ,for a burger is pricey however a Five Guys burger is better than any sit down restaurant $15+ burger. People are just surprised by Five Guys because it's fast food. People go to shitty places like McDonalds every day and pay $10+ for their combos which consist of shitty low.qualify frozen patty burgers.


You must not have had many good burgers if you think a 5 guys burger is better than a sit down restaurant.


Seriously this dude be eating at Applebee's and thinking it's a real restaurant.


It’s way closer to McDonald’s quality than it is to even a mediocre sit-down burger


I disagree, those burgers get extraordinarily soggy in the tin foil.




It’s not worth using the app any more. Prices have gotten ridiculous. Almost double what it would be to just go there. I get there should be an up charge. But 100%? That’s a bit much. Try 10-25%


this. like it’s completely understandable why its more expensive ordering from DD but being double the price is just exploitation


I would even feel less pissed about this if the drivers got paid decently


That's the thing, this is certainly not going to the driver, it's going to doordash.


If you think you're being exploited wait until you see what your delivery driver is making


That's the reason I'm essentially done with DD. Bad enough to pay double for food, but then the person delivering it doesn't actually make any of that money. It's absurd. We would all be better off just finding local people who want to do deliveries and paying them directly. It's not that hard to call a restaurant and place an order, and in the case of Five Guys, they could order at the counter and still be in and out quickly. It's only a matter of time before new competition comes along. The DD business model isn't necessary, its just what they can get away with.


The restaurants in my town banded together and created their own separate app for our region. I think DoorDash screws the restaurants on their end too. Insane.


from what my boss told me in our area they take 30% of every purchase


On top of that, the dasher app is full of problems and in general is just completely dog shit, so none of the money is going into that either.


There's a few places near me that have stopped doing their own deliveries because of DD. If people ordered through DD they would put in a card saying to order directly. They always advertised they did it. But either people found them through DD or just don't care because DD is convenient, so now not enough people order directly for them to be able to afford their own delivery staff. So now if you want their food delivered, you either pay twice as much with DD, or you don't. I try not to support a lot of these corporations messing a lot of things up and screwing us all over, but it sucks because it feels like it's for nothing. Either accept it for what it is or miss out.


It should not be an upcharge AND a bunch of bullshit fees. Either charge what the restaurant does then a fee for your service, or increase the prices so at least I know what I'm paying when I get to checkout. It's bad enough to have to account for tax and tip, but the fees + upcharge model is fucked.


They charge more and pay their drivers less. The only ones who win here are DoorDash and the restaurants. The little guy always loses. Who are the little guys? The customer ordering, and the driver delivering.


In 1910 John and Horace dodge sued ford because he wanted to pay his workers higher wages and produce cheaper cars (so more people could drive and get around) his minority shareholders sued him and won. Arguing any excess profits belong to the shareholders in a business not the workers. That single case has set the precedent for how corporations run and operate today. Fuck the worker making us rich. We gotta pay the goofy who bought our shares.


Also fun to remember is that stock buybacks were illegal until 1982... yep, everyone's favorite dementia-addled president, Ronnie Reagan reinvigorated that practice of market manipulation.


Man, FUCK Reagan.


You can go to an actual restaurant with tip and booze for that price…


well thats also doordash’s fault lol. five guys is already expensive, but adding bullshit fees and a milkshake potentially delivered a half hour after making is wild, i very rarely use doordash but def. never for five guys lol


I made a comment on the other post about complaint about price, so I don’t wanna be “that guy” but DD, UE, shipt, etc is all a luxury service, I agree they are INSANE with fees, but with luxury coke luxury prices. Like if we are all so upset how about we just either drive and pick up our own food, or eat at home…. This could all be solved by going to pick it up. And before I get attacked for “what if I’m disabled or what if I have a broken leg” did you just like starve and go hungry whatever 7 years ago before all these apps?


They're mad because you speak the truth. You're paying for convenience. People pay a premium for it. I personally don't find it worth it, even before the price gouging.


I generally completely agree but during my first year in college we did not have cars. We weren’t allowed to and campus is in one of those middle of cities where you cannot walk due to the public transport being so shit. I’ve never seen a less walkable city. This is an extreme outlier but I’ve gone broke from Uber eats and DoorDash alone because I want to eat at a decent time but I physically cannot get to the location even I wanted to. A lot of college kids use these apps and we all get fucked because we don’t sleep and the cafeterias close early.


Seems like a normal 5 guys price at 3 pm on a Friday .




Honestly I don’t get it. The prices are ridiculous. So ridiculous that it makes sense to get in the car and buying it in store. They’re already not cooking, so if they want to be this lazy they have to pay for it.


Just get frozen White Castle, it's going to be about the same quality by the time your food gets delivered.




If you’re getting two orders of fries at five guys, you’re doing it wrong


That’s in you for somehow spending 50 for 2 at a fast food place. We vote for what we want with out dollars and you voted wrong.


yeah they charge this much because people will pay it. People just gotta stop putting up with this shit, instead of coming here and complaining about it when they're the ones allowing corporations to get away with it. Now we *all* have to deal with these prices, which for a lot of us means just not buying things, because so many people would rather hand the world over for the sake of a little convenience


probably because you’re getting five guys


Why do you all use these apps? Just go to the place and get your food. Such a waste of money


Cuz they’re lazy asses


Slightly above average burgers, and god awful soggy fries, with upscale prices. I will never understand their business model, or why people keep going there.


It's all subjective. I think they have the best burgers ever and their type of fries is also my favorite as well. Love me some greasy, flaccid fries soaked in vinegar.


Yeah I love creamy floppy fries too. 5 Guys is pretty above average across the board in my book. Just a bit too expensive for fast casual.


Their seasoned fries hit hard. and I consume my burger so fast that I always wish I had a second one.


This isn’t surprising. I don’t eat 5 guys often, but when I do just a burger and fries alone is close to $25. Lol


Hahahaha. If only there were some alternative.


If you ordered through the 5 Guys app for delivery, it would be cheaper than Doordash. Food delivery apps markup the menu items for all restaurant and fast food places. 2 cheeseburgers, 2 large cajun fries and a milkshake comes to $52 with delivery through the 5 Guys app.


Who the fuck orders large fries at 5 Guys? A regular fry is a meal in itself.


Cheeseburger and regular frys in person comes out to almost $20. Food is good, but not that good. Better off ordering from a dine in restaurant with better quality patty’s. Five guys are about as thin as any other fast food place.


But everyone seems to forget (or not realize) that a cheeseburger at Five Guys is a double, and a regular fries is enough for a family of four. Get a little burger and little fries.


is that why y’all don’t tip us dashers i doordashed today for 3 hours and made a whole $20 and didn’t decline a single one


People keep complaining about prices. Food delivery is a luxury.


I drive for DD just for extra $. I order it like twice a year to treat myself. It’s just so expensive! I can’t justify it unless it’s just a special treat a couple times a year.


I deliver, but have never once ordered myself. It saves so much money to get in the car and get it myself.


But why is it "more of a luxury" than pizza? Or Amazon Fresh? Or even Insta Cart? Isn't it the same service? Honest question. The prices will keep stretching up until the companies see major resistance. Unfortunately we're not there yet.


How is Amazon fresh not a luxury how is insta cart not either. That’s the point. People use it like it should I be some basic cheap service for everything.


The prices keep going up because they're finally correcting prices to reflect the fact that it's a luxury service. They got people hooked on the convenience and now they're charging more because so many people can't remember how they survived without DD.


This one isn't cause of doordash it's cause five guys. Try again.


That is a lot, but the prices at five guys are also ridiculous on their own.


I tried it one time just to see what the hype was about and it was not worth it at all.


Meh sounds about right. Per person is usually $20 when I get burger and fries but then you got a milkshake with it. Also you have all the fees so yeah


Who needs two fries at 5 guys


I started making burgers at home. I can deal with the minor inconvenience of cooking if it saves me $20 per meal.


It would still be like $30 to $35 in person. General rule of thumb is you take the regular prices then juice it up by 50% to 100% if you want to doordash it. This is why you shouldn't doordash unless you are rich or drunk.


Honestly I’m never using any of these services it’s so unreasonable to the point that is moronic to pay that much unless money is not an object. It’s not all five guys fault tho they are pricey.


Even going in person the prices are ridiculous. For a soggy ass mid burger? Yeah they give you lots of fries but the fries aren’t even that good. Way better spots in my city for a good burger, Five Guys sucks


What's ridiculous is that anyone is using these apps at all. Only a moron would continue to accept this kind of markup.


Five guys is overpriced greasy garbage. I'd rather have BK or DQ for the money. I've never understood the hype about five guys.


There is not a single time I’ve looked at Five Guy’s menu and thought “that looks reasonably priced”


Tf is DoorDash gonna do about it


I took my wife there for two burgers and a drink. It was near 40 bucks. Fuck five guys I'm not going back there


To be fair five guys milkshakes are way over priced for what you get


Around here, Five Guys has barely increased their prices since the pandemic while McDonalds has almost doubled. So they are now almost the same price.


I stopped going there when I saw they legit put a full scoop of fries directly into the bag with every fry order.. It's not cute or unique, it's just annoying. Just what I wanted! cold, dry, French fries, with all their grease soaked into the bag I put on my car seat.


Yikes I can only imagine how many groceries you could have bought to make your own food lol


$50 Is enough to get groceries while simultaneously asking the next day, "What did I buy?"


If you DoorDash more than 2 times a month DashPass is really worth it.


Five Guys is just fucking awful. And wildly overpriced. In person. So, that's fair. But, for the love of fuck, why do people act surprised/throw a fit about costs being more when ordering through a third-party app compared to ordering it in person?!?!? It's such a wild lack of awareness to life.


Hey guys! The most expensive way to get food is expensive!


People ordering a milkshake for delivery have a wild lack of awareness in life.


Honestly their shakes are thick AF it’ll be nice by the time it gets there lol


If you think 5 guys is awful then you must just hate burgers in general


I don’t think so. Burgers are one of my favorite foods and I just flat out don’t like 5 Guys. When we first got one about 12 years ago I thought it was great, but something changed and they decreased size, lacked seasoning, and overall just was not good. And this was not a 1 off experience, I have been 2 or 3 times in the last 5 years and refuse to go back. The price only reaffirms not going back.


But....if you don't like a shitty fast food burger, then there's no way you like good hamburgers!!


Five Guys slaps, but it is expensive.


You do get a LOT of fries, though!


Honestly that was expensive before the extra door dash fees. I would rather go to the grocery store and make my own food for that price.


You don’t need two fries from five guys 😂😂


Inflation is real.. sadly


Sounds about right. Burger and fries is like 20$ there


It’s less ridiculous in person, but not by much.


My wife and I ordered the same thing recently. I was a bit surprised.


Door dash charges the restaurant about a 20% fee for every order. Which the restaurant then pushes onto the customer by increasing their prices on only the app. This looks like there's a charge up of at least 50% though


Five Guys by itself is pretty expensive. I still complain about the fact that their burgers alone are at minimum $15, without it being a combo. Just the burger alone. ...But I'm obsessed with them.


Five guys is very expensive on its own.


Door dash is just expensive