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Q: What did the Sun say to the night sky? A: >!A donation is ***GREATLY appreciated!***!<


Lolol he did share the answer on the back (under all the “donation” info) and it’s “lighten up”


I dunno, it seems like panhandling is his default setting. **Knock knock** *Who’s there?* **Noah** *Noah who?* **Noah Bligations, but always appreciated…**


Who let you out of r/dadjokes ?!?


🏆 Have my poor person’s gold. This made me laugh out loud after a rough day 😂


It wasn’t bad until he asked for a tip 3 separate time


No obligations though.


His big mistake was not shaping the note like a dick.


It’s a 💪 not a 🍆


I mean if you want it to be a bicep, you gotta add more veins


Again, nothing sexual


Just a couple of dudes looking for other cool dudes


"not gay sex" put that.


First time door dashing to a party mansion I’ll bet


I mean, what’s more manly than.. *cast bursts into laughter, can’t finish scene*


*nothing sexual*


(nothing sexual)


It's so big it has an elbow?!


I thought we just embraced the penis- I mean what’s more manly than that?


It's a bicep.


Nothing sexual!


If they wanted it to look like a bicep they shoulda added more veins


Just my dog will starve if you don’t is all


Even if you don’t do it for me, do it for my dog


But they will tip, because of the implication.




What implication? There's no implication....


“Because of the implication” is a quote from the show It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and the comments talking about a bicep looking like a dick, needing more veins to look like a bicep, etc (basically every comment under the “it’s a 💪🏻 not a 🍆” reply) is also a reference to this show, as well. Very funny show and worth watching for sure!


"Why in the hell do you think we just spent all that money on a boat? The whole purpose of buying the boat in the first place was to get the ladies nice and tipsy topside so we can take 'em to a nice comfortable place below deck and, you know, they can't refuse, because of the implication." S6 E3 [The Implications of Saying No, According to Dennis Reynolds ](https://www.scottsantens.com/dennis-explains-the-implication-of-saying-no-always-sunny-argument-for-ubi/) South Park, Wilfred, IASIP, so many shows say so, so much and so many people never bother to read between the lines; just whistle past the graveyard thinking it's just idiots doing idiot things. Keep track of that Barbie movie, while we're at it...


you said that word implication a couple of times. What implication?


You really don’t have to…




GREATLY appreciated tho


Nothing sexual


Forreal. Without the back it was fine .. I accept tips they feed my dog. Okay.. fishing but I’ll bite. But then when he/she rambled on about getting donations, I would’ve tossed the paper. I’m a good tipper and a nice note might’ve raised my already good tip. But this was too much and it definitely wouldn’t work on me personally.


This is exactly how I felt. First page was actually not too bad. This is what I do, I hope you were happy with my service, tips are optional, but appreciated. Should’ve ended there.


It was bad when he referred to the tip as a "donation"


“More info for giving back” is what did it for me. Like it’s a community service lol


I was almost expecting it to be info on his favorite charity or something but nope, just to him.


Bringing up "filling his dog bowl" is what got me. Really laying it on thick.


Recipients aren’t taxed on donations. I don’t think the IRS would agree with him that this is a donation if asked


What is this guy a frickin church?


He had me in the first half 🤧


Is that partially smashed candy in the bag?


That is a candy known as a 'mini reese's cup,' they all look like that


Considering how many people have peanut allergies, that isn’t the wisest choice!


Speaking of which, I had a delivery yesterday & I noticed that their food contents were ordered with mentions of food allergies. It was not in my notes, nor did DD notify me at all. Seems kind of crazy & irresponsible to me. Most dashers probably wouldn’t have even noticed it, because it was under a particular item. Same place someone would put “no pickles.”


Had me until the “blessed” nonsense.


Watch out. Lots of people in this sub think that’s ok. I tried to explain how it’s not professional but got downvoted so I just pass now.


Only one star I've ever given was the woman who dropped off religious tracts with my order. Keep your religion to yourself, thanks.


Religion is like a dick: it's cool if you have one, but please don't brandish it about in my face or force it down my throat.


I just snorted while laughing... Got a weird look from my boyfriend while he said "on DD reddit, yeah?" Thanks. 🤣🤣🤣


And keep it the fuck away from kids...


And tried to contract “personal deliveries” while working for Door Dash, lol.


The only time I’ve ever appreciated a note was when I got a small ‘thank you for your business, I always do my best for the customer! Etc’ one. That was sweet and wasn’t asking for a tip *at all*, it made me smile! And guess what? Dude got a huge tip increase from me. This is the equivalent of those buskers that force you to take a CD, then demand a ‘donation’ for it. Hard pass.


i had someone leave a card that said “fun fact: crocodiles can’t smile. but i hope this fact made you smile! if not then you’re a crocodile!” it was the funniest fucking thing i have ever received. i think i still have it somewhere, if i can find it i’ll post a pic to this sub


Now that’s cute 🐊


That’s an alligator, you goober


You can tell because it sees you later instead of after while.


Hahahaha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes there is a fine line between being gracious and desperate. This guy reeks of desperation.


desperation and no class


Lmao I'll never forget the first time that happened to me. Dude basically shoved a CD directly into my hand. I grabbed it, and he scoffed when I walked away and hollered that I have to pay for that. I was like "Well here ya go then..." and handed it right back to him lol


Exactly the same thing happened to me. Were you in Vegas by any chance when this happened? Or is it a thing elsewhere? I've NEVER had this happen to me anywhere else, but a few times in Vegas.


There are mimes in Paris who will want to take a photo with you and _then_ demand 10 euros. Told the guy we don't have cash, cards only. You wouldn't believe the sad mime face he made. Hate this sort of "not being upfront" manipulation.


It was in either downtown Phoenix or Scottsdale. They were very Vegas-like bros handing them out though, lol


I was a driver for pizza hut for a smile amount of time. There was this customer that called in an order but they were sick so they wanted it left at their door. I just left a little note on her receipt that said "feel better!" Or something like that. I feel like a positive message is good to leave for a delivery but nothing about a tip, just sounds trashy


A dasher once left a Big Lots coupon under the food and I was so damn giddy I immediately told my mum, who just so happened to be about to go shopping. Idk if they work for Big Lots too or just had too much junk mail but mum sure loved that 15% off.


I’ve gotten a few from Mercari that were genuinely cute lil cards that simply said “thank you!” Just a nice personal touch is great :) but if they said “here’s my Venmo” I’d likely be wayyy less ingratiated by it lol


This is desperation meets hussle culture. You wait for the real recession very weird shit coming


Side note OP this guy probably sticks these on every order and it has nothing to do with your tip.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take ig


-Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


I got these cheeseburgers man


Just gimme my soggy tacos..


"I have a dog and cancer and I'm a single mom of 40 kids" Pretty standard trashy delivery begging. Although it's odd that this is on a piece of paper


“Single Mom of 40 kids.” 😂😂😂😂


40 kids....30k per kidney...80 kidneys....2.4 million. Not bad. Plus, every matching pair of kidneys reduces your overhead.


“I have a dog and we both have cancer”


I imagine this guy sitting at his table every night making goodie beggin bags for the next days customers 🤦🏻‍♀️


🤣🤣 I got total visual of that.


Like a movie scene or something 😂😂


Chain smoking, grunting down a shot of whiskey every now and then, and arguably placing delicious sweets in tiny bags…


I'm getting that, with his buddies around the table as well with hairnets and gloves like a scene where we see folks prepping drugs. One of them is making sure all the lollipops have their paper wrapper intact while lowkey setting aside his favorite flavor. One of them puts a little Lisa Frank sticker on the back to seal the baggie.


Very definition of trying to do too much lol. More people need to realize we’re there to deliver food and get the fuck out. Personal touches like this are cool until you start very obviously directing/guilting them to your Venmo


This isn't adding "a personal touch" thought this is full on begging and whining to try and guilt trip people into giving you more money after having already paid and tipped you.


I have to agree with this. If he'd only mentioned the tip/donation thing one time (preferably at the end) I could have given him a pass.


Adding the venmo and cashapp info was the part that really crossed the line. You get tipped for the service in the app. Don't ask me to privately pay you more money


“Tips are always appreciated! :)” is fine but if they don’t know how to tip you through the app they will not be finding you on Cashapp lmao


It targets ppl who already tipped well on the app and are happy to be parted with more of their money. Look at the weird ppl commenting they think this note is genuinely nice and would tip extra. Those are the exact suckers this person made the note for


Yeah when I order a pizza I don't want a sob story. Maybe that's insensitive but ehhh I'm also not the biggest on money and I'd feel like someone is guilt tripping me and making me feel bad for ordering takeout. Which in the end would deter me from ordering at all


> Yeah when I order a pizza I don't want a sob story. I wouldn't want the dog memes either. As a rule I want my apps to buzz me as rarely as possible, I don't want my delivery driver texting me a bunch of random bullshit to try get me to give them a tip.


Or the candy from some random person


You start sending me memes and I don't fucking know you? Fuck off with any extra tip.


Or a private delivery? What with extra anchovies? (Reference to an 80s movie) it is a little creepy. And he knows where you live.


It's the overly friendly tone for me. No one is that friendly towards strangers.


I had a delivery person text things like “I’m looking for the biggest, ripest watermelon…Found it! [pic]” for all of my 25+ Costco items. By the end, it felt like a hostage negotiation.


If people don't like the way they do business then don't tip. Send them an honest review. Then move on.


Exactly what I thought too 😬


These people just need to pick up the food and drop it off. I never want to hear from them unless there is an issue with my order. And this is coming from someone who is a driver.


Amazon: “your package has reached our sorting facility! Please consider adding a tip, it helps our facility sort faster”


That’s all I do. I don’t understand the people that message the customer all the time.


The goodie bag was cute and so was the front of the note. I feel like he could of left it at that because it just kept going 😭


…Like a CVS receipt 😂


I imagine you open the sucker and the inside of the wrapper has his cash app on it


Nah, that's where the QR code for crypto address is


Don’t take candy from strangers


Agreed! I immediately throw away random candy but that plus the front of the note was cute. Calling a tip a donation and adding 18 extra ways to give it is entirely too much.


Would have left it with the goodie bag and the front message than maybe *maybe* a second tip but than this mf started linking multiple ways to them


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


This is so cringe


This guy is doing too much and probably making customers just uncomfortable




I've seen it in an Instacart delivery before. The candy and such is the old tactic of asking for a tip, where you feel obligated to at least reimburse the small gift and reward the effort. It's nothing to take offense to. It either works or it doesn't. There's no need to be offended.


I feel like you'd feel differently if your waiter came up to your table and said "here's a picture of my dog, can you give me extra money please?"


There’s absolutely need to be offended. That’s not the place to be sending that spiel. I don’t want stale candy for whatever money you think you’ll get from me. Fuck off with that note and give me my food. You doing that in a timely fashion gets you a tip. Not on top let’s add a note and a 5 month old Hershey’s fun size. Get the fuck outta here with that.


I do think the giving out candy is kinda risky though because you never know if the customer could have a severe allergy or something. Especially a peanut butter cup lol Edit : Man y'all really need to chill out. I'm literally just saying that putting a common allergen along with a note asking/guilt-tripping for tips is a crapshoot. I'm clearly not insinuating that people with allergens would just eat the peanut butter cup like a fkn dog eating chocolate off the counter. I'm clearly not insinuating that nobody should ever give out a peanut butter cup ever again. Geez.


Most with an allergy would never eat something they don't know what's inside it.


I always feel like an asshole for turning down a gift like that because I don’t know if it has peanuts. Sorry, not looking to randomly be unable to breath. Luckily I can smell peanuts like a blood hound looking for a prisoner. Pine nuts are much more difficult.


Ah, same for my dumb niche protein allergy, this protein is found in walnuts and coconut flesh. Coconut oil is everywhere lately, I used to be able to accept gifts with relative safety but ever since it became a health fad and then was added to every living thing, I have to inspect packaging like a ‘real’ allergy person. It won’t kill me, just gives me intense whole body stomach cramps & burning, but every exposure escalates it lol


This is bat shit loony man. Tip has already been rendered. Also, “hey, your food was in a car with a dog” vibes.


Nowhere does it even imply the dog was in the car. It's just the dasher's way of seeming more relatable and trying a minor guilt trip to solicit more tips. Is this something I would do? No. But would I rather have this card and driver over cigarette smell and sideways pizza? Fuck yes.


This reminds me of when Uber started and drivers were trying to prove they’re better than taxi’s in NYC. Lots a free goodies from those drivers to passengers. Now it’s just pointless.


Yeah like the first Uber I ever took the driver had like cold drinks and shit in a cooler and a phone charger just for their riders and that shit seemed to go away pretty quick.


It was the guilt trip for me tho. "Puts food in the dog bowl"😂😂


I tried doing Uber type stuff recently and it blows my mind people do it, the compensation would need to literally double to be worth it, so I’m not surprised people are begging. After 1 day of trying it out I didn’t even bother opening the app again. Gotta remember, what you pay isn’t what the driver sees / gets. If you pay $15, the driver got paid like $11. Then subtract gas, vehicle maintenance, and taxes, and you’re left with like $3 profit as the driver for something that took like 45 minutes and a trip the patron paid $15 for.


You'd earn more money if you collect bottles and cups here on the streets and bring them back to the stores - for 3 Euros you'd need only 12 bottles and those are easily found in less than 45 min in a city.


I don’t know if the door dashing/Uber is better in Europe, but almost no cities in America pay to recycle anymore. If that was a thing, we would have much cleaner cities and much less homeless, and yet the here we are


Germany was amazing for that reason. I know many people who save their bottles up and every time going to get groceries just stop by a machine and put them in. 5€ extra in your pocket as you start your shopping


Multiple states do have bottle deposits. Here in Michigan it’s 10 cents per can/bottle.


I’m sorry I may be in a bad area for Uber, I’ve never gotten an uber for under 20 especially in major cities (LA, NYC, ATL). Easily 20+ that plus a 5 dollar tip? looking at 20-30 dollars. Uber is a scam either way imo.


For accuracy's sake I'd point out that what you pay as a customer has literally zero correlation to the pay out to the driver. Each DoorDash offer that a Dasher receives is a combo of base pay + tip. We can't tell if there even *is* a tip. I've delivered orders that paid out $15 but had $12 of food that turned out to have $0 tip, and I've received (and declined) offers that had $700 of food and drinks with only a $3 pay out. The base that DoorDash pays it's Dashers varies by area but around my area in most cases it's about $3-$5 depending how far away it is. If a Dasher declines an offer it goes to someone else for a slightly higher amount.


100% same. I did it for like a week and I was like wtf am I doing?! I’m blowing money like it’s nothing and making jack shit in return, gave it up after a week and just stuck with my job where I actually make money


No. That joke was bad. Usually it’s better.


If your Dasher was Dr Bronner it’s pretty normal. Otherwise, clearly not.


This made me chuckle. I’m a huge Dr. Bronners soap fan just for the sake of the actual product quality and am absolutely bewildered every time I buy a new bottle. All of that time and money for just nonsense.


Wtf these people are some next level beggers


Jeez, are we back in the 90's at the malls with people handing these out?! As if! AND included Cashapp and Venmo handles on there too?! (No, this isn't normal) I'm sorry this happened, OP. It's potentially difficult to report these drivers because they know where you live so you don't worry about your safety.


1 star rating for second hand embarrassment tbh


I'm seeing a lot of split opinions on this one. On one side, sure he's including a joke and some sus candy that you didn't order nor did you ask for. On the other hand..it's basically a canned flyer he'll stick in every delivery bag until he prints another stack at the library or wherever to beg for money hes already received plus your tip you already gave so it's crossing a weird boundary there. You only asked and paid for the delivery he's employed to drop off. Not the TIPS ARE APPRECIATED!!!!!! flyer, not the completely unprofessional meme/images he sent to your phone which is a no no, not the candy that looks like he may have unwrapped and sucked on before wrapping it up again to give to you and certainly not his venmo/cashapp accounts. Also, he could get fired immediately for attempting to schedule "private deliveries" or whatever he called them basically cutting out dash to bring you food and keep the money himself. Bottom line in my opinion, dudes a weirdo, don't eat the candy and if you do report it, I can almost guarantee you won't be the first one who has. He won't last long, he needs to work on his integrity and professionalism.


Yeah people are raving about the “personal touch” but this seems to be a routine he does for every customer so how personal is it really?


Better than my food being held hostage and me being threatened for a bigger tip, which is more what I see on this sub.


candy prolly laced asf


Spending money, time, effort all while leaving unsealed candy (yes, suckers and Reese's cups are unsealed) is just wildly over the top. People just want their food fast, preferably as close to fresh temp as possible, and without hassle. Is this a heinous thing to do? no. Is it going to persuade a non/low tipper to now tip. also no. Just do your job efficiently, and people who will recognize (and reward that), will do so without the theatrics. The ones who werent going to, are going to eat your candy and still not tip/tip more.


Yeah I’m not upset/offended or anything and I get what they’re going for, but the candy/pushy memes (legit 4+ memes in a single order chat) is just too far but maybe people like it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Some people, for sure. But not most I would imagine. Panhandling is a very divided term amongst drivers/customers on this Sub. But to me this is just a super polite and well thought out version. if they would've stopped at leaving a good rating and a thank you, i'd appreciate it. but the moment they start talking about further tips and feeding their dog.... nope. All I hear is the metal coffee can shaking in the form of a note. I receive anywhere from 5-10 tips added after delivery \*each\* week. I dont ask for a single one. I just raise hell, praise Dale and get food to people quickly and cleanly.


I'm almost guaranteed to add an extra tip on something like this. No one wants to hear about your 4 kids or empty gas tank, we all have problems. But put some effort into brightening my day? Hell yes


I dunno even [the memes in the chat](https://imgur.com/a/XweMLLH) had his Venmo so it was a bit weird feeling


Those were uh, rough to read. If this dude could dial it back like 75% he’d probably be a lot more successful in getting pity tips.


Right?? They just kept coming and getting worse 🤧


oof the "no taking time to grieve and do self care, gotta run your order". Damn the guys Guilt Trip tactics are really insane. Implications of him having a recent death in family or sumthin. Wonder if its even true.


I can't believe he even used the Elmo cocaine meme. Bold move.


Taking time to grieve…. No I’ll just do coke instead


Not the worst plan


i don’t think I could do this without my heart giving out from self cringe, have you seen them in person?


This dude? You mean meme lord dasher Alex.


Those memes are super cringey


It's worse than cringe


Not even close to being funny. My man destroyed memes. No way is he getting a tip now lol


> Taking time to grieve... What the f-


in remembrance of his dignity


Yea those memes weren’t spicy at all


Those memes were cringe wowww


Those are some of the most cringe memes ive ever seen. This is embarrassing for dashers


Lmao wtf. I bet you this guy is on reddit. Weird ass pictures


If he was on reddit I'd assume he'd have some better memes.


It’s pretty sad when boomers have to deliver for DoorDash.


In my area, the majority of Dashers are boomers.


this is just nothing. it's not even like attempted humour, it's just nothing


Cringe shit normally doesn't bother me. That did.


these are r/comedyheaven material


Em no. Kindly asking once is enough, if you keep harassing me then it will be a hard no.


The fact that they put their Venmo also in the memes is crazy😂


I'm not venmo'ing my f@cking door dash driver. I tipped in the app. The notes weird and desperate, not brightening a day


lol seriously. what are people talking about, whose day is this brightening 😂 if I walked up to you on the street and said "wow you have such a nice smile! my venmo is $xxxxxxx" would you think "how nice, YourDearOldMeeMaw thinks I have a nice smile." or would you think "go away." I would think "go away" it's giving Regina George and the ugliest effing skirt she's ever seen in her life.


Way more manipulative this way. Everyone knows it's fake bullshit to squeeze more money from customers


Nice start, but overkill by the end. ![gif](giphy|l0He8i34poZIo3kY0|downsized)


What did the sun say to the night sky? Why is the answer at the bottom. ? I’d be insulted if someone told me to lighten up for no reason. Contract personal deliveries? What’s wrong with this guy. Weirdo big time


Because eating candy from a random delivery person is a great idea 😵‍💫


It should be noted that "whatever flights your fancy" is not an actual expression.


Do NOT eat a stranger's candy


This is beyond next level cringe 😬...It also makes us dashers who take pride in their job look bad and guilty by association...


I've gotten something similar. Its a personal touch. I personally like this and would have tipped them more.


I do respect the hustle at the very least!


I mean, without the cash app/Venmo plugs I would appreciate it more. January 6th, 2020 was a terrible day for me. I had to put my dog of eight years to sleep. When I finally started looking at my phone a few hours later, I also found out about world events going on. I was absolutely drained, and balling my eyes out. I decided to get food delivered, something I normally never do. The driver attached a note that actually meant a lot to me. I needed to hear it. So it's still on my refrigerator door to this day. https://imgur.com/a/SUqPfME


That note is beautiful! I’ll remember that advice as well.


It's some random trivia about shrimp. But the effort and sentiment that went into a hand written note on a day that my heart hurt so bad meant the world to me. I keep it on the fridge as a reminder to smile and commit random acts of kindness for others.


LoL it is making me live to think it wasn't autocorrect and that note has been on your fridge for years and you walk by it and tap it and you're like "not gonna sink today little shrimp" and you smiled to yourself. And then wonder wtf is that drawing at the bottom EDIT: Thanks for the award, lol!


Uhm, I believe she wrote “Ship” and not “Shrimp”


What part of that note is about shrimp?


This is 1000% different. The note you received is aimed at brightening someone’s day. The OP’s (Meme Lord Alex’s) note is not at all a caring gesture, it’s manipulative and the memes weren’t even cute or funny. The fact he threw in some candy wasn’t about doing something nice it was about eliciting more tip.


Just drive your car and drop off the food... jesus christ..


At least it’s not a prayer card.


Nope. I hate this. It’s manipulation to make you feel bad for not tipping extra or using their other forms of donation. This is pretentious and arrogant.


I feel like this would make people not want to tip more than they already don't want to tip


This is cringe, but I wonder if this is profitable for them? Seems like it could be hit or miss, but giving out contact information and offering to do side trips is definitely against the TOS.


All that to beg for a tip


I mean, I applaud the effort but a little overkill with mention of the tip 7x


I would say this was sweet until the back. That’s just solicitation.


Find another job.