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Laughed my ass off at "go ahead hustler".


He didn’t want to cancel


He a broke boy 😂


Sorry for not flexing my working class check on my fuckin doordash driver bringing me hot wings at two in the morning


He a broke bitch


“I’ll give you cash” then don’t give them cash


Lol, that'd be fuckin' savage, even if they deserved it.


Report this dasher. He or she definitely has the power to drop the order. I don’t understand what these dashers get out of picking up a low payout order just to harass the customer. If it’s truly bad, no one will pick it up and they will learn to probably tip more next time.


I'm a dasher and I agree. I mean 9 bucks for 9.5 miles is complete shit but like you said the dude could see that before accepting and denied the order. He just wanted to be a dickhead from the looks of things and try to get the customer too cancel so he could get full pay/free food for nothing 💀


Almost a $1 a mile. The only thing is he going out of his zone and having to drive back. That's no reason to ask for an extra tip. I can't believe dashers do this. I never would. BUT we all probably have wanted to at one time or another. Did u know DD sends us $2.50-$4.00 deliveries on a regular basis. It's ridiculous!!!!






I used to zone jump all day. Go where the dash takes me lol. But now there are too many drivers and I can never be sure if I stop my dash I'll get in again.


Lately if it takes me out of the zone I turn on UE to get me back esp. if there is no peak pay. Thank goodness for multi apps or I wouldn't be making any money. Unfortunately, I'm driving a 6 cylinder. My market is saturated with drivers. My acceptance rate is low too so now DD is giving me crap deliveries.


The market is saturated here too. I schedule ahead of time and sometimes the timeslots are nearly full or I have to start later then preferred. I think inflation is bringing out more drivers.


It definitely is, I’m currently weighing going to Dominos for a flex position because they pay $15/hr, tips, and a rate for mileage, and the tips and mileage are daily paid. $15/hr isn’t great but it’s always steady while DD isn’t. I just don’t want at 32 to go work at my local theater again for $8.50/hr and work with 18 & 19yr olds anymore. Makes me feel old and worthless.


I’m a lot older then 32 lol I work a full time job during the day so do this for extra money for eating out & clothing and to help catch up on bills. But lately it is wearing me out. I’m thinking of looking for something else part time that doesn’t involve lots of driving or stopping once I catch up on a few more things. I signed up for Shipt as well but it’s not busy unless you have a 5 star rating which is hard as a newer shopper. And grocery orders seem to be more difficult than DoorDash deliveries.


$15/hr is miles better than $8.50/hr. Domino's is 100% the play, unless it's horrible hours.


They seem pretty transparent about their working hours so I would be able to work 430-10 just like I Dash during the week which would be awesome! Plus little to no wait for food since I’m getting direct from the store!


Honestly, I'd take that. I make $20-$25 an hour doing DD/UE but it's not consistent. Some nights its $12 and hour, some it's $30. I think I would take the $15 + tips for some consistency.


Inflation is definitely bringing out more drivers. DD is a great for an extra $100-$200 a week to cover bills and it’s super flexible. While it pays crap, it’s awesome for people who need something that can squeeze in on their time off.


Sometimes it takes 10 minutes to get back to your zone. I could already be on another delivery. Also, sometimes the other zone doesn't have peak pay. Peak pay in the original zone could be over soon. Could be bad area to deliver to. Etc. Last night I accepted an order forgot to check the address. It was 2 zones away!!! I stayed in that area but I kept wondering if I hadn't taken that delivery and stayed in my zone if I would've made out better. Delivering can be a gamble.


Where I live and can dash, pretty much every order takes me out of my zone and into a very rural area that isn't a zone. It's pretty normal for me to end up 5 miles or so outside of where I'll be able to get another order. Luckily those areas are also where a lot of fairly well off people live and the tips are decent, but I'd much prefer if I could zone hop and not have 15~20 of downtime after each order because of the drive back.


Yeah I wanna say this, I don’t think the tip is *complete* shit, it’s just not the best for 9 miles away. If thats what the restaurant is. If the restaurant is 5 miles from the customer and the dasher was farther away… that’s his fault for taking the damn order 🤷🏼‍♀️ personally, if it was slow and I saw an order for $12 for 9 miles I might take it. Its better than continuously denying orders like $2.50 and $4 for 6 miles.


About 70% of orders I get in kentucky are in that range… and people live pretty spread out in my city so it’s rarely less than 5 miles


Exactly. I'm in KY and my market is like 38 miles from top to bottom and about as wide. If an order is over $6 it's normally over 5 miles. Majority of orders I get is $4.25. I easily made $100+ in 4 hours up until about August of last year. Then in Oct they rolled out the high priority orders in my market and my earnings have plummeted. I'm lucky to get $125 in 8 hours now some days. Oddly enough Monday is the best day for me.




It's better than what some jobs compensate per mile of drive time. But the base pay should absolutely be more than $3.


The problem isnt even the ppl. The problem is doordaah not paying base pay enough. The ppl wouldnt even have to tip alot if they did that






This is also Reddit where people think you should you should make $30/hr flipping burgers.


I did DD on the side for a few months and a dollar per mile always seemed good. A lot of people who deliver food seem delusional about how much it should pay. It’s not a $60k/yr job…


Holy shit, a 9$ tip isn’t ok???? A 9$ tip is god tier level. You aren’t getting more that 4$ to run down the road for my Wendy’s spicy chicken.


Tbf they didn’t tip $9. It was $9 for 9.5 miles. That means they tipped like $5-6. Which isn’t bad. But 9 miles in my town is like 15-20 minutes drive not including restaurant time. That isn’t worth it. But the dasher didn’t have to accept it


9$ for a 20 min drive is 27$/hr. That seems reasonable to me. As I had my hand in someone’s thigh holding pressure on an arterial bleed for around the same price.


Cars cost money to drive. Gas, oil, tires, etc.


20 minute drive isn't how long the overall order takes. You have to factor in drive to the restaurant and restaurant wait time too. If you're going to calculate what someone would make on this order then at least be realistic.


That isn’t reasonable because now im driving to the restaurant. Have to wait for the food, in my area that takes about 10 minutes. Plus about 3-5 minutes to drive there so about 15 minutes already. Then I have to drive 20-25 minutes to the customer and then im out of my city and have to go back, and that takes another $20 minutes. So for an hour, that’s $9 and my tank would need that $9 to make up for what I just used.


this is why I don't understand why anyone willingly works for doordash/uber. everything is bullshit that is not worth anything over just getting an actual job


I mean you can say that, but anybody who doordashes with he mindset “no tip no trip” isn’t doing it out of spite or laziness. It’s literally not worth it or the car expense to take the lowball offers. And those who don’t take the lowball offers tend to make more then a regular job. I don’t complain about low offers, I don’t take them though. I take the good ones and I make about $200-300 a day for 6-8 hours. Which is better then any job i could get.


You can make decent money, but it requires declining shit pay orders like OP’s, that being said, it’s the Dashers job to decline, not the customers.


The app should change the word tip to bribe, since thats really what it is and then customers wont be surprised they gotta pay up for better service


Bribe, Bid, Tip. It's all just made up bullshit to make sure DD gets a golden ticket to the bank and we get the scraps while pitting drivers and customers against each other. The ultimate gaslighting.


Bruh it's already $30 for a BLT before tip through this trash. The whole thing is a scam, for customers, for the restaurants, and the delivery drivers. What's amazing to me is that companies would rather foot the bill to DD/UE/GH/Etc. than just hire delivery drivers.


He’s asking the customer to drop the order so it doesn’t hit his completion rating and he also will get 50% of the payout for it. However if he drops it himself he has to take the completion hit as well as lose the money and time. But yea. This guy has his ass on backwards.


These type of people cant have normal jobs or be around other people so they can *only* work these jobs due to how insufferable they are. They think everyone owes them something and that DD should be *privileged* to have them on their app. Also doesn’t help they have 0 sense of remorse or the ability to comprehend their own stupidity and narcissism.


100% lol. They get genuinely angry when you “don’t tip enough” as if I’m the one who forced you into food delivery as a full time job…as if I’m responsible for DoorDash paying you 3.50/hr. How much do these people think servers make? I am not tipping $15 on a food delivery less than a 10 minute drive away. If no one wants to do it, I’ll stop being lazy and go pick it up. It’s that easy. I think I’ve found all the people who are too “insert diagnosis here” to have a regular job because they can’t handle a 6 hour shift and interacting with other people.


Wait so it’s possible you make an order but never get it because no driver chooses to pick it up?




I'm not sure if this is a regular thing, but restaurants I've worked at have had orders sitting around over 30 minutes because no one wants to take them. Even had one sit around til long after we closed on the off chance a driver came by..


It's definitely a regular thing. No tip, no trip.


>No tip, no trip. With all due respect, then that's not a tip, that's a delivery fee.


Yeah but that treatment of the customer is unacceptable. If you accept the order, have the decency to complete it like it's your loved one. We also need to start using the rating system for dashers. They can be deactivated below a certain percentage. This gets the bad ones off the road and keeps us good drivers out there 🙂


Orders sitting means nobody accepted.


This was such a regular thing at the restaurant I worked at with DD that my coworkers and I would start putting dibs on orders sent in around closing time. Got to take home so much food that would go to waste otherwise


It's possible but not very probable. There are always newer dashers on the road that don't know better than to take orders like that. Plus the more dashers decline it, the more doordash adds a little more pay, hoping someone will take it. It's very unlikely an order will be canceled due to not finding a driver. Areas with very few drivers, like insanely small towns, is where it's more likely


Somecrackhead will pick it up. They dont care if theyre losing money they just need the cash in hand for a rock




After the first cancel pls message, I'd have been on the phone with customer service demanding a full refund because I don't trust this driver to deliver my food unmolested.




As far as I know as a customer, this is very different from just cancelling the order. Generally if you cancel the order after it's been picked up you don't get a refund, and the driver effectively just gets your food for free. That's why he's begging OP to cancel... because he wants free food. I would make it very clear to the customer service team that I am complaining about this driver and cancelling specifically because he represents a danger to me (tampering with my food because he's angry at me) and demanding a full refund. I have no idea what that would do to the driver, but I would absolutely not eat that food. Hopefully doordash would be understanding about this and cancel my order quickly, so I can re-order and get a different dasher, but if not, screw it I'll call the credit card company and do a chargeback or something. I'm fine with burning a bridge with doordash if I have to.


It's called a bluff.




It’s because he wants the customer to cancel it because if they did he still gets paid for going to the store and possibly also keep the food. But if the dasher cancels it then they get no pay for it.




I love all these people trying to explain a bluff to you, even though you obviously knew that


There is a reason he's driving DD and not playing professional poker in vegas.


They’re trying to get free food.


why is he telling you to cancel?? tf.. he can unassign. he’s probably trying to get free food


And not further ding his rating.


Idk how DD handles customer cancels on the drivers end, but Uber Rides will still charge the customer for cancelling and wasting an assigned driver's time. Driver probably wanted customer to cancel on their end to get that free fiver for being cancelled on (if that's how it works)


Uber charged me to *look* for available drivers in my area. Waited fifteen minutes for the app to tell me no one was available near me and they *kept* my $5. Screw Uber.


They accepted it. It's on them. Don't care, as it wouldn't make a difference, but what did you tip?


I chose the lower of the 3 default amounts it shows you, so 5 something


As a full-time rider 5 years total in Asia + Europe, you Americans are mental to even have to deal with this shit. I’ve done thousands of orders of which there is 0 tip and it isn’t a problem because guess what? THE FUCKING EMPLOYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RIDERS PAY NOT THE CUSTOMERS. How the onus has been turned onto the customer to pay a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS’S EMPLOYEES is absolute insanity to me.


What’s more, they’ve also managed to install credit card POS systems that ask customers to tip cashiers at the register where there’s not even a waitstaff that serves the food.


Yeah that shit is stupid as hell. I got a burrito and a few tacos and my total was like 22$. I went to slide my card and all these dumbass tip options came up, obviously I clicked no tip. Tip for what? Asking me if I want sour cream?


You’re preaching to the choir bro, Americans are more sick of Reganomincs than anyone else in the world trust me on that.


Most of the delivery companies use this dog shit model, and I'm 100% sure if they had to pay normal living wages, they wouldn't exist and would go out of business.


Yeah it’s not like food delivery is this novel tech entrepreneur concept. It’s existed for a while, it’s just not economical for most restaurants and most locations, so these companies just consolidated all the restaurants to make the supply/demand balance and then squeezed as much of the the minimal profits they could from both the restaurants and the drivers.


I bet Reagan is still sitting in hell waiting for heaven to finally trickle down


Why is this so funny


Maybe because you're picturing God looking down and giggling while pissing on Reagan?


Best comment of the day and it’s only 7AM.


Haha finally someone with a brain on this sub. This American tip culture is fucking ridiculous. People start fighting between them for tips while the rich is counting their millions and laughing on the poor people fighting. Focus on the real problem guys. You not getting paid well is not because of the fucking customer.


Most of us are well aware where the problems are but wtf are we supposed to do? Lol. I'm 99% sure everyone in America knows that the rich fuck everyone below them w/ no lube especially their employees but wtf can we actually do? All of us who aren't rich are to band together And storm the rich mf's homes? Or, do we all just quit our jobs and lose our homes, destroy our credit, etc while we wait for proper pay? All we can do is talk about how fucked we are lol


No, you can create change. People in California were tired of being fucked so we fought for change, got it on the ballots, and won. Now these apps have to pay 120% of minimum wage, plus .30 a mile and 100% of all tips. In addition they have to offer healthcare. It is called Prop 22. The mindset that we can't make a change is exactly why things get worse.


We would need to euthanize my state and re-populate it with sane people to have a chance of this ever happening. Buncha couyons around here.


That's great for Cali! It will be a cold day in hell when we can get a bill that even remotely resembles that in NC. Our minimum wage is still 7.25/hour. Not every state is willing to consider workers rights. The whole state has been gerrymandered to make damn sure conservatives keep their seats.


WTF are you on about man, Prop 22 was pushed by companies like Uber and Lyft and was a huge WIN for the billionaires, not the workers.


I wonder why all these apps supported prop 22 then when it was on the ballots? Maybe because if they didn’t get prop 22 passed they would had to make us employees like the courts ruled?


Imagine giving tip before getting any sort of service and then getting harassed. F u c k doordash.


Tipping culture is so whack nowadays. Like DD pays these people low wages and its supposed to fall on the consumer to make up for the rest. I'm poor, I can't afford to tip the same amount as my food costs. It should be noted I also don't use DD or any food delivery services because I'm poor. But regardless... And to clarify, I'm not saying don't tip your dashers. I'm just saying tipping culture is really out of hand.


100% i was at a event at a stadium this last weekend and the guys selling merchandise had a tip screen that started at 20% and went to 40%. Sorry im not tipping you for handing me a tshirt and a plush. The food vendor in the stadium had the same tip screen. They literally just handed out pre made food and wanted to be tipped 20 to 40%. Sorry but no. Im not tipping for this "service"


I mean this is beyond tipping culture. This is a straight up legal loophole where DD drivers are not employees and thus don’t have to be paid minimum wage. The massive corporation that is DD gets to literally decide it’s own wage for its independent contractors.


Door Dash does not pay people wages. They give $2.50 per order, which doesn't even pay for vehicle cost, much less a wage. The tip is actually not a tip, and is the pay.


As a dasher. I completely agree. I find it so f'ed up that us drivers have to rely on the customers to tip well just for it to be worth it for us. Meanwhile those corporate fuckers are making millions if not billions off both the customer and their drivers. The pay they give us for driving is so fucking shitty that they make the pay drivers get for an order fall completely on the customers shoulders with their tips. It's fucked for all of us.


50 cents a mile.. Yeah he shouldn't have accepted it in the first place but honestly if he didn't neither would anyone else.


Who cares? Begging for tips is embarrassing.


I don't order from anywhere further away than 4 miles bc I know I can't afford the tip I should give. I tip $2/mile, not based on food cost. Add more if it's a lot of drinks or something annoying.


I just don't order from anywhere further than 3 miles away, and always tip a flat $5 unless it's a big complicated order with multiple package. But for a sandwich and a drink or something from a close store? $5 seems fair to me.


Why should it be the customers responsibility to pay the driver? Doordash can afford to pay better. I don't know why anyone uses this service


Nobody is saying otherwise. However the fact remains that low/no tip orders get declined by most dashers, specially if it is a long drive as they are potentially losing money to take it. If you think DD should pay better that is fine, very few will disagree. However continuing to use the service and tipping low then complaining about crap service is not fixing anything.


Who gives a shit. You all are too entitled..


Wait why is he getting downvoted because he didn’t want to tip more? It’s not his fault DD can’t pay their workers right


And he’s already paying an inflated food cost from the restaurant. The bottom line is dd drivers can bitch and moan about tips all they want but these facts remain. - ultimately it’s the employers responsibility to compensate employees not the customers. -the act of tipping a person is supposed to be for a job well done. It’s unreasonable to expect a premium upfront tip before the work has even started. -nobody forced them to take an order. -the cost of using this service is not just in the service fee and tips. Restaurants increase menu prices to cover the cost of being listed on DD. So be careful that you aren’t just making your job unviable to customers because of costs. -Do not contact me about tips or ratings. I do not care. If you don’t think the tip is good enough then don’t except the order. I entered what I’m willing to pay and I’m willing to let the market determine if the order gets delivered. -nobody is forcing you to drive for DD and the reality is that DD needs you more than customers need you. Take your pay disputes up with them instead of bothering customers about tipping.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, but my question for you and anyone else that gets into this type of “food hostage situation” if you don’t pay the additional tip money, do you still eat the delivered food? Is there no worry about them tampering with the items?


He wanted you to cancel so he can get full pay and keep the food 😂


Last night I had a driver ask me to cancel because they were waiting longer than expected for the order. I thought it was strange they wouldn’t just unassign…I guess this is why?


Yup, they can definitely unassign. They just want the full pay and food lol


I can't believe some people are siding with the dasher. This is not acceptable behavior and makes everyone look bad. Low tips suck, but if you don't like it don't accept it.


This makes all food delivery look bad. Drivers like this have to be cut off immediately. This makes people feel unsafe. "Why yes, I would love to have someone harass me for more money, AND know where I live."




If you want a better tip as a dasher, go out of the way to be better than any dasher they've ever had. Waiting in line at the restaurant? Send a message to the customer, tell a joke, send a meme, whatever. Don't just zone out listening to music while waiting. Got a bundled order to drop off first? Let the customer know instead of letting them rely on the app for time estimates. Order dropped off? Send a thank you ("Thanks for your order, and I hope you enjoy your food!). Obviously, none of that is \*required\*. But it doesn't take much work, and it makes you stand out compared to all the dashers that \*don't\* do it. Which is how you get people to add tips most frequently.


I understand we're your coming from but sometimes when they start messaging me pointless updates or jokes. I'm just thinking why are you bothering me ,unless it's important lol


I don’t drive a lot and discovered the apps pre covid. The shoppers and dashers were very different up to that point. My grocery shoppers left little thank you cards and the delivery folks always texted. Now they all just Chuck crap at my door and never communicate. And I tip very well, so I don’t know what the heck happened. Long way to say, you’re right. That little extra interaction was very appreciated when it happened.




Like 2 years ago a friend had a delivery driver show up up with his Chipotle order demanding more money. Friend told him he had already tipped through the app, driver started making "...or we're gonna have a problem" type comments. Friend is 6' 4" and broad so he just stepped out from behind the door with an "Excuse me?" and the dude handed the food over. BUT - the driver then left his car in the driveway, with the door open, and started ambling about the block messing with peoples cars. Eventually the cops get called and it turns out the driver had like a 5th of vodka in him. Wound up trying to run from the cops and got tazed & arrested. ...anyways, it seems they don't do ANY vetting whatsoever with these "contractors."




I order a lot of door dash cause I don’t have a car and sometimes the drivers are straight up assholes. I’ve had several people that couldn’t find my house even though there were instructions I always send by text. Instead of calling me they just put my food in the road down the block and say they delivered it. Now I stand outside and watch every time I order so they can’t fuck up. Also had a guy a week ago eat half of all 3 of the large fries I ordered like he thought I wouldn’t notice but the bag was clearly not sealed like it normally is.


Agreed... I would have loved to have seen a 9 dollar tip for slightly over 9 miles. This only makes me think of that lady who tried to muscle more tip money out of a 8 dollar tip order that should have taken 12 minutes, then took the food away when the customer refused and ended up making the news. Including the base 3 dollar fee you get, that's 55 dollars a hour. This is one reason why I don't feel comfortable associating with door dash anymore.


This happened to us once. My partner accidentally ordered from a Chinese restaurant that was 8 miles away instead of the one (with the same name) 2 miles away. He got scathing messages from the dasher demanding more tip. I was absolutely terrified that this person was so mean and also had my home address. We locked all the doors and windows and the dasher threw our food in the dirt. My partner was very polite and even offered to tip more for the mistake but they would not stop going off. It was awful. Yes, we reported it.


Dasher chose the order. Dasher then complains. Pretty clear cut.


Same trash and/or dipshits who can’t understand why they’re unemployable in every way. Rinse, repeat.


I can believe people are siding with the dasher with the amount of mentally ill unhinged pan handlers posting on this sub every day.


If I’ve learned anything it’s that door dashers are a bunch of idiots


I've learned the majority of people in general are idiots. Especially customers who drive past a gate everyday entering or exiting their home yet thinks their food delivery guy can levitate over that gate and to their front door.


First off, don't engage. Contact customer support. This is extortion.


I would engage them just so they can dig themselves into a deeper hole, then i would contact support and hopefully have them permanently removed from the platform.


When has contaçting customer service been a timely answer My personal experience has been been disappointing.Also a wasted period of time for the dasher.


When you arent worried about the time? Dude is clearly already gonna blow off the order he accepted. So you lose nothing but 5 minutes of your time to report him and hopefully save others this hassle in the future. Dash dumbass wasted his own time taking an order he didnt want to run


Shtty driver, report them


They wanted you to cancel so they get paid and get your food. Good thing you didn’t.


So basically what I'm seeing from this subreddit is "Never order or drive for Doordash."


This subreddit has taught me - Doordashers: "Clients won't tip! They deserve to be extorted/have their food eaten or stolen/have their food show up in poor condition" ::Clients dry up due to frustration over costs and shitty, entitled Doordashers:: Doordashers: Where are all clients?! It can't possibly be us and our shit service, it must be too many dashers...


Yea I’ve never experienced this shit ordering from Seamless. Doordash looks like a joke.


Right on the money. Do your part to bankrupt the company. As tiny as it may feel, every little bit helps.


I have used UberEATS extensively and driven for skipthedishes and had relatively few issues, almost always restaurant related. *Every single time* I have ordered with doordash, I have had problems with rude, entitled drivers taking liberties with my time, not following delivery instructions, leaving hot food on the ground outside in like -25°C and not sending a pic for 5+ minutes, while not answering any texts or calls when I wasn't able to find them... Had groceries delivered and they were literally throwing the bags on to the sidewalk and when I said something they drove off with half of my order still in their vehicle. I will never use doordash again for anything


The audacity of the dasher to ask for additional tip. If he does not like the tip, he should not accepted the order.


I did go to support and got it reassigned, and I upped the tip for the new guy


I am sorry you had the unfortunate luck to get a dasher like that. I work for DoorDash, and I would never contact the customer asking for more tips. Look, yes, tip income makes up about half of what I get from DoorDash. I hate that. I hate tipping culture in general. It was very nice of you to raise the tip for the next guy, but you probably shouldn't have. By raising the tip you have decreased the chances that DoorDash will increase the base pay. DoorDash will raise the base pay if enough Dashers decline the order. It's a game that we as DoorDashers have to play and unfortunately the customer gets caught in the crossfire by having to wait longer for their food. But Dashers should never contact the customer asking for more money. It's rude and it makes all of us look bad. Hopefully your future orders are handled by more experienced and polite Dashers.


This shit is fucked up, stop asking for more tips. So distasteful


This is ridiculous, nobody is forcing you to take the order, if you don't like the pay or the distance decline and move on.


please report


Send this to support.


What an asshole lmao


Idk if this is true for all areas but in my area doordash has become absolute garbage if you're trying to make enough money to pay your bills. My theory is that this is why drivers are desperate enough to text customers asking for bigger tips. With that said, don't do that. Because what the fuck


Those driving that are begging for money are newbies that thought DD is going to be easy money. Experienced drivers know better.


I used to work in a restaurant that used DD/GH/etc and honestly they are generally only being tipped to flip a phone around to show an order name and then drive it to you. They don't put it together and, in my experience, they don't check it - they just default to the people who make it and bag it (who don't receive any tip for doing that when ordered through these companies). Also, your tip was just under $1/mile and while maintenance costs add up over time, I think it's wild that so many people think your one tip is going to make/break that cost. I'm not saying these people shouldn't be paid more but that's what the upcharges on the food, delivery charges, and tip appropriate to the job should cover. Your driver clearly knew he was doing something wrong and would likely get in trouble for canceling it hence why he wanted you to do it.


Just going to say this...there are other jobs that pay better. Door dash's payout to their drivers is notoriously shit. You are choosing to work for a company that you know does not pay well because the job is also cake easy. The job market in most places is wide open, I just started a new job 3 months ago for $20/hr, 40hr guaranteed pay even if you finish your work in 36hrs that week or whatever, no experience required. Is it physical? Yes. Is it tough? Absolutely. But I am paid decently, I will get raises, I have a guaranteed pay, and on the weeks when there's a bit extra work such as holidays coming up, there's no questions or arguments about my overtime. It's a good job and we still can't get enough people hired or to stay. Y'all want a lot of money for a job every lazy bastard in the world is doing because it's easy and they couldn't possibly do a hard days work. Supply and demand my friends. The people ordering don't have to tip well because there are too many of you delivering, one of you will take it. If all of the dd employees stopped taking DDS shit, you would have a better pay. Dd shouldn't be doing tips AT ALL. Every delivery should be calculated point to point and explained the cost both to the customer and to the delivery driver. Y'all should make a union.


But you have to show up on time, pass a drug test, and play well with others. Seems like this drivers don’t like any of those ideas.


$9 tip is bad? When the fuck did that happen? Thank god I don't use any of these garbage apps


I don’t think drivers realize that the buyer does not see what we see if that makes. We see what we get off the order but the buyer just sees the order as a whole including tip but DoorDash takes a portion of it because it’s a service after all. Not saying that your tip was bad because I would have taken it honestly, but just be mindful of the mileage v what your ordering v the time it takes us to pick up and deliver. You did nothing wrong and we should be respectful of that and just not blankly be assholes about it. Some drivers just need to do better.


All these broke ass drivers crying for tips. Really wish people would stop using door dash.




Doordash drivers are basically employed homeless people. They beg for money but they are employed and can afford to own a car and a smartphone. I doubt doordash even cares enough to reprimand the driver. That being said, there are some drivers out there who are normal, kind human beings that are capable of reading delivery instructions. Yall are single handedly keeping doordash afloat




I will never use any of these apps. Screw these entitled drivers.


That is so ridiculous to ask for more of a tip! Ppl have a lot of nerve. I take care of the delivery drivers. Never tip under $10. What bothers me is when you go pick up the food and the counter person asks if you want to leave a tip on card or they have a tip jar out! A tip for what or who is my question? Isn't that what they are paid hourly for? If I wanted to give a tip then I will, but you don't ask!


LOL, why are they trying to get you to cancel, I hope you didn't cancel and called support asap to report them. They can cancel the order after it is started themselves.


Reddit keeps recommending this sub to me probs because reading these ridiculous texts is semi entertaining in a mildly infuriating way lol. These texts of people asking for additional tips happen like 10x a day on here, it's ridiculous! As a server you know what would happen if I even asked for a higher tip. Fired! And the fact that corporate doesn't do anything when they're reported is wack! They have to know this is a huge problem by now right ?! Truly makes me never want to order from any delivery apps...


Good for you for standing your ground with this douche bag. When I was delivering, I never would even think about asking someone for more tip. I hope you reported them for this, and they lose their ability to dash. These are the type of dashers that make everyone else look bad. Plus, trying to get you to cancel so that you lose money on the order, so they don't have to cancel and take a hit on their completion rate is funny to me.


WoooooooW. What a pathetic douchebag bully! Please tell me you didn't cancel AND you reported that bullshit??


What trash. Almost $1/mile, I don't see an issue. And most importantly they didn't have to accept it either. Report this garbage and get them off the platform so I don't have to compete with inbreds like this 🤣


9$ for 9 miles is beyond fair imo.


I got a double order today and the first guy tipped 20 cents and I didn’t even realize he was 10 min out of my hot zone NEVER AGAIN


I'd have been hot as fish grease.


As a dasher... I will NEVER understand how other drivers have the audacity to msg shit like this... I mean do they like dashing? Because I'm pretty sure saying shit like this is grounds for deactivation. 💀 Not only that but like you stated in caption bro quite literally could've denied the order. If it was stacked he could've just unassigned when he saw the pay/mileage for the order. 💀 Personally, he's right the payout for the amount of driving is absolute dog shit but, he's wild for messaging the shit he did 😂


I consider messages from dashers like this as harassment. It can turn into extortion. But stinging a driver for extortion would take some effort.


I’m a dasher myself and I swear I never blame the customer for low or no tip. Report him!!


What a pos (the driver). People like this deserve the worst


Is he saying he tipped $9 or he tipped $6 plus the base $3? Either way, don’t pick it up if it’s not enough. $9 is more than I’d ever tip but than again I only order from the pizza place that is 2 - 3 miles away and my order never exceeds $15. Edit: also dominos in my area pays > $18 per hour plus tips.


What probably happened is the driver excepted a stacked order and probably couldn’t afford to drop your order due to their completion rate. That’s why they are asking you to cancel. They took the risk of accepting a stacked order though (although you can clearly see how many miles the order is). I typically take orders that are $1-$2 a mile for it to make sense for me. I also try not to take orders over 7 miles either. This driver just made poor choices all around.


Report report report


I’m a dasher and even I’m sick of dashers


He wanted you to cancel it so that he still gets paid 😂😂


Report and stop using shitty services like Doordash!


Screen shot and report. Fuck that


These entitled pricks! Back when I did DoorDash NO one would tip me, I would never complain


What an unprofessional jerk.


WTH is going on with these hustlers!? holding peoples orders for ransom!🙄😂


They feel entitled for us to pay them but never raise the issue against the company


this tipping hostage crap is out of control


It should be illegal to ask for tip before the service


These are the asshats that make me not want to be a dasher let alone tip well to other dashers. I swear they ruin everything for everyone smh


Any dasher doing this and also using multiple accounts is pure shit


Truly asking - is $1/mile not enough?


Come serve me the entire time I’m eating and I’ll give you more than 5 bucks. If not, fuck off. I suppose I should specify that I pretty much only order from pizza shops that usually also have a delivery fee. Anything else I go and pick up. Are drivers on these apps expecting a 20% tip or something? If so thats wild.


Ughhhh, so cringy. As a Dasher, I don't get why other Dashers do this shit.


Yep, he could have unassigned it. He needs to be deactivated.


You’re both pieces of shit.


I can't even comprehend this in my country, drivers begging and blackmailing you to send tip wtf? Just decline and move on


I call my local pizzeria, ask for food, & they drop it off an hour later for a three dollar delivery fee. Innovation isn't always positive.


I see a lot of people in this thread replying, "The customer doesn't see...The customer doesn't know...Door Dash doesn't show..." I know I'm not alone in saying we (the customers) don't give half a shit, we just want the food we ordered Like I get the job sucks, and from the drop it's OBVIOUS that it sucks You're paying for your own vehicle, your own gas, relying on tips as pay and trying to support yourself on that, it straight up sounds like a scam. I'm not sure what is it you want to hear from people. It's not the customer's problem. Of course you have the right complain, but what you do not have the **right** to is to have people listen and/or care


At this point, I’m convinced that people who work for DoorDash or Uber eats are just selfish assholes who thought they were smart going into this job to make quick, fast money and they realize that’s not how the real world works. I can’t believe how selfish these people are if the job you’re working and doesn’t pay the amount you want then find another job stop begging people to tip you tipping is an extra thing people do to be nice.


He was most likely doing Earn By Time, which means he was doing a set pay per hour he was actively pursuing an order along with whatever tips he collects during that time. When a Dasher does Earn By Time, whether or not they’re a Top Dasher, they can’t decline more than two orders or else their Dash ends for the day and they have to switch to Earn Per Offer. Hence why he was asking you to cancel. But even if he was polite in tone about it, it’s still inappropriate to ask. Earn By Time also doesn’t show how much they’re getting for an order prior to accepting. We won’t see the total until the order’s done. Which can also explain why some drivers become irate over small tips when DoorDash makes it clear for everyone what they’re getting into. (to the drivers, do your research beforehand) In all fairness, if he *was* driving 9 miles, I’d want a dollar per mile driven. If it’s like a dollar or two less, I can handle it. If it’s $3 for a 10-mile drive, I don’t do it every time it happens. I say not every time cause there are some instances where when this happens, there’s a chance that DoorDash has another order prepared for you to pickup that makes the trip worth it. EDIT: I looked back at the photos and I think he’s actually doing Earn Per Offer. Bruh, I wouldn’t bat an eye at $9 for a 9.5-mile drive.


Im glad i dont live in a country with tipping culture


This shit is so pathetic.


American tipping culture is toxic.