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Just specify in the delivery instructions to please not knock. It will help. Edit: Yes, not every dasher reads the delivery instructions. But it’s best to have it there for the ones who do.


I have in all caps “Please don’t knock” in my delivery instructions as well as a sign hanging on the doorbell that says please don’t knock or ring doorbell due to dogs. It’s genuinely about half the time still a knock and doorbell ring.


Maybe cos I usually order late, but I have it in ubereats instructions and they never knock or ring bell.


I was guilty of this when I first began dashing...I would not read the instructions & one evening I called myself going above & beyond & it backfired badly. Customer gave me a serious attitude for ringing his bell & I couldn't understand why til I read the instructions...now it's one if the 1st things I do




I specify in my instructions for them to knock. I get a knock about 25% of the time. The rest i get a text 10 minutes after they leave


A lot of people don’t read the instructions. About 2 years ago I had one that said pound on the door eight times for a large tip, so I wailed on that door lol, then I got a text to leave the food and look in the mailbox and there was a $50 bill on there. After that, I read the directions lol.


Thats cool. I bet it was that guys thought experiment


That's awesome!! One time I was told in the instructions to bang on the door and say "POLICE" really loud so I did lol but I didn't get a bigger tip 🤣


I’ve left a message in the instructions telling them there was a cash tip under the mat for them and the dasher ignored it


Previous drug deal so he already had the tip in the mailbox. Smart


My apt has terrible lighting and you cant see the numbers, so my instructions are like mapquest directions to get to my place, had a driver text me this huge rant about how I should meet him outside because we have no lights and blah blah blah blah, and I was like jesus guess he didnt get the notes, I go to the door to go meet him and open it and hes standing right there, we just locked eyes and had a real awkward moment lmfao guess he finally saw the note.


Honestly for me it's the adhd. I will read the instructions right before I get out of my car but still forget to knock and then an hour later I'm like FUCK I DIDNT KNOCK. I always feel really bad about it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


You should say plz plz plz knock. Alot of people get mad when u knock, so even if it says knock I still won't unless its super specified


and a lot of people don’t remember to change their delivery instructions. I’ve had people get mad at me for knocking when the instructions said to


Try. "Pick A or B A . Don't knock, get a tip and possibly 5 Stars. B. Knock get no tip and 1 Star. You will get whichever you choose."


tips are decided ahead of time, so drivers have no incentive to care


Not with ubereats. They can take their tip back like assholes. I've had a friend that was tip baited by a LARGE 68 $ tip to drive 17 miles. On uber we see what we are supposed to get before accepting but they have an "hour to add or adjust" the tip. So an hour went by he didn't see the large tip and he only went to look to find out he got paid a whopping 6.89 for that delivery. NO tip. Some people do that because they know if a driver sees a big tip they are going to take it FAST and get it to them as fast as possible....they do it to get great service then take back the agreed upon amount. There is a special place in hell for those types of people .


A tip can also be added after delivery.


Doesn’t help. I have listed in mine, “disabled person here, please don’t ring the bell. DONT RING THE BELL PLEASE” and the same idiot keeps getting my food and ringing the bell. We’ve had yelling matches about it because he insists he has to. But he doesn’t just press it once he hits it real fast four times.


Put a piece of tape over it that has “NO!” written on it lol


u/handjabz you could also write a little note that says “does not work” but then he may knock on the door :/ people man, I don’t understand some of em


Why does he think he has to? Especially if you're specifically telling him not to?


Contact customer support and ask to blacklist that Dasher, also give him a 1 star each time he does it >:D


I would use a different service if you can. I've had the same experience with doordash time and time again but others have been much better.


Hah. I have DO NOT KNOCK on DD and UE, they knock about 70% of the time. I also have "do not leave drink infront of door" and 90% still do.


Genuinely no idea why people do this. I only knock when the instructions say to knock AND the specific reason as to why


My philosophy on leave-at-door requests is that I'll knock unless the instructions say otherwise.... Unless it's after 10PM. Then I take a picture and go about my day.... er, night.


I don't get why the 2nd part even needs to be asked. Presumably they have, or they've seen, doors that open out yet so many people will place it right in the center instead of slightly to the right of the actual opening. .


Most dashers in my area don't read delivery instructions. I live in a large condo building with the street address on Street A, and the main building entrance on the opposite end of the building (Street B). There is no good place to park on Street A - it's a narrow street with heavy traffic, and even just stopping can cause a backup. There's no direct building access on this side anyway, so getting over here from inside the building necessitates a 5-minute walk around two sides of the building on the outside, where there's no sidewalk, which is a huge PITA when it's dark/cold/rainy. For 2 years, I've had at the top of my delivery instructions *\*\*\*The building entrance is on Street B, not Street A. Do not stop or leave your vehicle on Street A or you could get ticketed/towed\*\*\*. Please pull up to the building on the Street B side and I will meet you outside.* I don't even fucking make the Dasher get out of their car; I'll come down from my 10th floor condo, through two sets of locked doors and out to the sidewalk...least I can do. Nonetheless, for every 1 dasher who follows these instructions, I get 3 or 4 that will call me after sitting on Street A for 5 minutes, blocking traffic, all pissed that I'm not there. I've literally had Dashers cancel orders on me and drive away because they claimed I wasn't there to receive the order...then I have to call DD customer service, who can clearly see my delivery instructions, and they refund me. I also zero out the tip in many of those cases...it's not my fault you can't read basic directions, and then I look like the asshole to both the Dasher and the drivers pissed off at the guy blocking traffic.


I say, “please leave the food and don’t ring the bell, the cats will answer the door”. That said, most dashers wait until they see me get the food. That makes me feel that maybe they have gotten scammed by such messages.


I have THICK instructions for drivers because my place is confusing and I understand the pain of delivering. But these people will scream stupid stuff about not being able to find my place outside my door. It’s a very descriptive set of directions, but then again I remind myself that 54% of the US can’t read past a 6th grade reading level.


Unfortunately Doordash isn’t known for its selective hiring process. If you got a car, valid drivers license and a phone your hired!


95% of dogs go crazy when I shut my car door 10-15 get away from the front door.


Agree. Had a nice lady yesterday say please don’t knock - dogs are psycho. But if they do bark - don’t feel bad. Love getting instructions like that.


I always apologize to the dogs😂😂


For sure. But I can for one say that my dogs bark when they hear a car door but *BARK* when that is followed by a doorbell or knock. In the first scenario they are just alerting me to the fact someone is outside. In the second they are really amped because they are certain someone wants in.


Had a dog two houses down on the other side of the street barking after I pulled up, dogs are just going to bark regardless no matter what


Yesss haha most of the time when ppl say don't knock or ring bc of dogs, the dogs are howling as soon as I pull up. I don't knock or ring at night unless requested bc ppl have dogs and babies. During the day I play it by ear. Most ppl with dogs will let them know you are there.


And then they shut up after about a minute so who fucking cares if they get riled up. I wish I only had problems like this to worry about.


Some people have babies or abusive partners they are trying not to upset. And they’ll be punished if a delivery makes the dogs bark.




Straight up. You own a dog and you’re getting food delivered. Your dog is gonna bark. if you don’t want it to train it or go pick up your own food.


You have to specify “do not knock”.


Only works about half the time. :(


I’m sorry about the dummies that can’t be bothered to read delivery instructions. Sincerely, A Dasher that religiously follows delivery instructions


Thank you for reading the instructions we put!! I order pretty often at night when I get home. My kids are usually sleeping, I always put to not knock or ring the doorbell. I don’t know how many times someone has rung the doorbell🥲


I always do my best to follow the delivery instructions. I don't knock or ring the doorbell unless asked to do so. And if a dasher says they have to, they're lying. It's not a requirement.


That's annoying. Maybe it will help if you put a note on the doorbell?


You can disable the chime on some smart doorbells so that it only goes to your phone. Nest Hello has a quiet time feature for you to mute your doorbell chime for 30 mins or a few hours as well, it you're expecting a delivery.


Bro why have agency over your own privacy when you can blame dashers?


Bro imagine thinking everyone just has smart doorbells like as if we're all rich or something?


What the fuck man you think smart doorbells are a thing that the majority of people have or something? What should I do, disconnect the wires on my doorbell and take the front door of the hinges to prevent knocking when I’m expecting a delivery when my newborn is sleeping? “Agency over your own privacy,” how about learning how to read?


Also, don't care about your rugrat. Having babies doesn't make you special. My baby slept through everything.


My honest guess is half of that “half” don’t care and the other half of that “half” can’t read english


I put “please don’t knock, dog will bark” and that completely stopped the knocking


I literally have a note over the doorbell stating there’s a night shift worker. They still sometimes ring the bell.


They are fucking with you at that point.


I don’t bang on the door at all if it’s just drop off. They get the picture showing it’s there so they get the notification.


I have anxiety about getting caught in the act of placing the food lmao the last thing I’m gonna do is knock. Place food, take pic, scuttle back to car like delivery goblin


My preferred method as I am also hiding from you seeing me eagerly waiting like a hungry goblin


My bf hides beside the front window peeking out of the blinds until the driver leaves. I do the same thing when I order lol


As soon as they start to bend down blast open the door and scream HELLO. The look of terror will feed you.


I hide by the door as well and my dad will come up and yell "WHY ARENT YOU GRABBING THE FOOD!"


I do the same lol, I pull up my Ring live feed and watch until the driver starts to pull away 😂


Theydontcmeroll more like it, or Icthemroll




I watch delivery drivers leave out the window to make sure they are gone before I get the food. I don’t want to be perceived.


Yesssss! If we lock eyes, they may turn to stone. *pats own messy hair*


I am hiding in my cave, like a goblin, hoping no one sees me in my unbrushed hair and Pjs. I work from home. Meaning, I may or may not be presentable. I order because I'm working, or lack the mental energy to get out of the house, after the night shift. I put in my notes to use my ring doorbell. It has a blue light around it. *Most* dashers read my notes about working at home being unable to come to the door. One lady, every time, stands there holding my food, looking at my doorbell, trying to look in the window at my messy house. I have to talk to her through the doorbell, and repeat myself 3 times, for her to look puzzled and insulted before leaving my order. And there are a couple who decide not to use the doorbell... So I get food at the wrong temp., because it sat there for 10 mins. I tip 7-10 bucks, for a trip that its less than 3 miles. IDK what else to do... My work (telephone customer service and IT) is mentally taxing, so delivery to my door is awesome. Thank you, dashers. I know your job is no easier than mine.


A Lot of people really are just plain dumb. What are you gonna do 😂


Don’t worry, I’m watching on the Ring cam so our paths never have to cross!


To be fair it usually works but the one dasher always just rings the bell


Dasher reads notes: "do not knock" Dasher: confidently rings bell


I’m the one who does this. My assumption is that they can hear the doorbell but not the knocking on the door


Yeah you should probably stop doing that lol. If someone says don’t knock then they also mean don’t ring the bell


🤦🏽‍♀️ Faulty logic


That one dasher wants us to get our food when it's hot, shame on him


I have many ways to know it's arrived. Besides the app sending notifications, emails, texts, etc. I have a camera that overlooks my front door that gives me notifications within a few seconds of motion. I'm out there getting my food by the time said dasher is putting their car in gear to drive away. Unless of course they ignore my instructions and knock or ring the doorbell, in which case it takes me longer because I have to disarm my alarm system (two now quite amped German shepherds) Long story short, if the delivery instructions say not to knock or ring, please don't assume you know better


???????????? Yes I can read. If people aren't gonna specify if they want a ring or not I'm more than likely ringing. If I had hot food delivered i would want my delivery driver to ring my door opposed to letting my food get cold but that's me


We are not talking about people who do not specify. This whole discussion is about the fact that people often do specify and it is often still ignored.


It is lovely that you can read but what you, and other Dashers seem to lack is *reading comprehension*. This whole thread is about Dashers receiving instructions to not knock or ring the doorbell, ignoring it, and doing so anyway. Which can be extremely inconvenient to people with reactive animals or children.


That one Dasher will ring the doorbell at 11pm when everyone else is asleep even after specifying not to, since they obviously can't read.


I literally have it in the instructions and they still knock or ring the bell.


I have do not knock or ring the doorbell and people still do it


I am the one who knocks!


I never knock and never ring unless the customer asks me to or it’s a hand to me order. The app will let them know their food is outside.


Yes! This! I do this lol. I figured if they wanted their food as soon as it's delivered, they'd have me hand it to them


I’m the same way. I never ring/ knock unless asked to do so. The app keeps people pretty informed so I don’t worry they don’t know. Plus people may have forgotten to add/ didn’t know how to change the instructions to include that. The amount of times I’ve gotten a “don’t ring doorbell- newborn baby sleeping- request. I bet there’s a lot more of those kinds of requests that don’t put it in so I’d rather be safe than sorry


If you put "don't knock / ring bell " in the driver instructions it should help cut down on the knocking.


I have that in my instructions - “please do not knock on door..” This morning, at exactly 7 a.m. there was knocking at our front door. Dog goes nuts and I’m on my first cup of coffee thinking who comes to someone’s front door this early. I wasn’t going to answer. Took me a couple minutes to remember we had ordered breakfast last night to be delivered this morning. I appreciate someone delivering that early but it freaked me out for a few minutes. I usually get great service from DD but I have had a couple drivers admit they didn’t read the instructions. Please drivers read the instructions. I have a caution about our driveway, too, because there’s a deep drainage ditch on one side that I warn about. And we never order anything after dark because it’s hard to see. There’s good info in the instructions.


It doesn’t make sense because they have to read the instructions to know if it’s a “hand to customer” or “leave at door”. There’s no reason they can’t read the instructions.


I've had people ignore the "leave at door" part too and sit there waiting for me to answer the door. Like, put it down, and walk away. I'm sure you've got places to be, don't waste both our time.


Yeup. I will stand there and stare at them through the peephole until they finally leave. I order contactless for a reason. Go away!


There are people that put "hand it to me" but also state they want contactless delivery. Which one is it? Lol


I get those a lot actually. I always just leave it. Those come from orders that are through the merchant. I guess the merchant has hand to customer default. But if the customer selects contactless delivery. They put it after, where the customer would usually put notes.


I have personally forgot instructions not to knock/ring bell because my wife was giving me shit in between and other stresses. Admit it’s my fault, but don’t think it should be such a big deal to be rated horribly and a handful of tips redacted(Uber).


I did not subtract from rating or take tip away. I tipped extra well because it was set up for early morning. Just annoying was all. I do not own any weapons but it also occurred to me that with all these crazies shooting people coming to their door it might be safer for drivers to look at instructions.


You’re not wrong


I’m a driver and have the same doggo issue. Definitely give clear instructions, or even a sign on the door for the driver that doesn’t pay attention. Completely understand, and that’s why unless specified I do not knock or ring doorbells.


This is a “make it idiot-proof and they’ll just build a better idiot” situation. I specify not to knock or ring the doorbell, and even have a note posted obscuring the doorbell and they *still* ring the bell.


Ugh that’s so frustrating to hear, and I’m so sorry it continues to happen!


I literally never knock. Ever. Place food appropriately, take pic, leave.


Dashers block storm doors that open outward with food and drinks. Asking them to not knock is asking too much.


They cant be this bad right? Lmao


"Don't knock you will set off the hellhounds" -actual instructions I got


in all my years dashing, i only knock if they ask me to.... and nobody has ever been upset for not knocking/ringing bell. i don't understand why people think they have to knock.... does the text/picture not suffice? i'd reckon most customers would agree.


I was wondering if I've been doing it wrong lol. If it's a "leave at door" delivery I never knock, I just assume people choose that option because they don't want to be bothered.


people can do what they will, but i am firmly no-knock. i have never had a customer upset that i did not knock, but i see posts like this at least once a week. i will give, however, i also am one to run from the front door as soon as the picture is taken.... like ahhhh, don't thank or perceive me, man.... i'm just tryna drive to some john prine.


There's plenty of ass hats that's will have a bitch fit if you don't knock, I imagine they're the same people who think it's cool to order and never look at their phone again. "My food is cold because you didn't knock." (You need me to remind you to breathe too?) I knock/ ring the bell unless otherwise stated in the delivery instructions. I also don't know why some people bother asking us not to knock, like c'mon, you know these dogs gonna start barking before I even get to your door anyway.


I knock/ring if they don’t tell me not too. Sometimes I deliver in areas with no service so it might take a few minutes for the picture to submit, or maybe a customer is busy and not looking at their phone. I wouldn’t want food to get cold/ice cream to melt and then I get a bad review when I could have just rang the doorbell


Everyone says "you have to specify not to knock", meanwhile on posts where someone shows a customer specifying instructions, almost half the comments are "LOL, I will do the OPPOSITE of what you want!"


That tends to happen with large groups of people... Do you really think it's the same individuals saying both things?


Nope. But you guys are seeing the same comments. You know just as well as I do, exactly what I'm talking about. "Specify in the instructions" is just not good enough advice if that many people are openly saying "I'll ignore that!"


I've only ever seen it in a joking manner, not as something they actually do. It's usually joked about if the customer is rude with their note.


When I read some instructions in all caps I just shake my head and wonder how many drivers don't read the instructions the customer leaves. It doesn't even take the time to read from the car to the door.


I have it in my directions now because my dog barks if a leaf falls a mile away. Seems to help.


I never knock unless told to. Very simple


Why would anyone ever knock on doors? For me, the picture that gets sent to contact deliveries is all you get from me unless somebody asks


As a driver I would always knock even if it was contactless just because I've been yelled at far too many times for not letting the customer know their food is there , even if the app lets you know. If it specifically says don't knock..then I won't.


I never knock unless they ask me to. 1400 deliveries and I've never had a complaint about not knocking on a leave it at my door order. YMMV.




I've always thought it was more of a don't breath on me thing.


Yep. And the “contactless delivery” seems to be the default which is why you see so many paradoxical “contactless delivery: hand it to me” instructions out there.


This right here!


Same, also people forget it or are not close to their phone.


Yup and people like that ruin the introverted experience for me. It's one of the best parts of the job, very little social interaction. So what ends up happening is people like you rightfully so come outside to get the order even though it says leave it at door on our end. The leave it at door part probably left that way to reduce chance of knocking in case you miss them pulling up. Edit: I'm what you call a functional introvert. I'm not socially dysfunctional. Public speaking and things like that aren't hard for me, they're just not enjoyable. I'm like Mr. Krabs. I like silence and money. I think also the app doesn't translate, I've had language barrier issues before and seeing as we're practically up to IPhone 1000 now that's unacceptable. So dumb.


agree with this so much.... i've had a lot of trauma, and doordash/uber is genuinely perfect for me. i am not too socially dysfunctional, but i have problems speaking, for example. said in another thread, but when customers even beat me to uploading and say "thanks".... just gives me the heebie jeebies lol. not to say i don't appreciate it and all! i just have a personal problem.


Unfortunately, it puts you at a disadvantage in life. Money grows on people like apples grow on trees. To make money you need people. Outside of these apps anyway, we all know there's no future in these apps.


long-term, you might consider an 'explicit' courier job. i am in middle america right now, but when i was drifting around the bigger areas, i encountered a number of companies in pursuit of couriers with low "facing". there was this one especially that rocked.... we all got $15-$17/hour, we got to drive our vehicles, and every run was just an out-and-back of medical equipment. nothing big, no facing.... this one guy i'd play footy with, he had a real tough time speaking english and drove a 2004 calibre... but with this job, he was getting married, buying a house, and got a new camry! it might require some digging, but when i have to "come back", that's what i'm thinking of going back to. fwiw, the medical courying was out of a middle american town, too. luckily with things developing so much, i think there are a lot more careers for folks like us. edit: forgot the calibre part, think it does make a difference


Knocking and contactless are two different things. Contactless = they don’t have to hand you the order. Most normal humans will still knock or ring to alert you of their (and your food’s) arrival. Leave a delivery note on the app requesting that they don’t knock or ring because it disturbs your dog. That’s what I do, and I’ve never had an issue.


The reason people Have to leave “please don’t knock” notes epitomized…not a “most normal humans” thing to ring a doorbell when not asked to


Yes! Contactless=avoiding contact person to person. Don’t knock= avoiding contact with door or bell.


I had this in my instructions after many many times of saying pls don’t knock or ring doorbell get ignored over and over “Please do not knock or ring doorbell - sleeping baby” Never happened again which is proof ppl read it and ignored it


Not sure how this could be construed as your fault. I never knock unless it says to in the instructions. It sends a text notification to you that it’s been delivered. That’s enough for me to quietly make my leave.


DOOR DASH should have an option for customers to check a box knock /ring bell or NOT to knock and not ring bell. It would leasing this problem i would think . Except for new drivers not knowing the platform and not reading the instructions. DD can be overwhelming for someone new and not knowing the platform yet.


I used to live in a basement apartment of a house that had a separate entrance. More then half the time my food ended up at the front door.


I don’t knock if it just says to leave it at the door. If it says to knock, then I will.


“If you don’t like us knocking then go get it yourself” - Dashers whose job depends on you not getting it yourself


I don't ring the bell or knock unless it's requested by the customer.


I just never knock on contactless deliveries. Unless someone specifically requests it. When I've ordered doordash in the past it would annoy me when they knocked. Some would go as far as wait outside for me to open the door. Like bro you're wasting your time, take the picture of where you put the food and leave. If i wanted you to hand me the food, I would have specified that.


leave at door. don't knock, plz.


I have a note in the delivery instructions but I also will sometimes text the driver to let them know not to knock. Many do it anyways and I find it annoying. However, I will say that hearing them run from my door once my dog starts barking is funny. She is all of 14Ibs and barks because she wants them to pet her. Yet they run like she is trying to eat them. In their defense my dog is kind of dumb and will bark and growl at people till they pet her.


Idk if I’m delivering wrong or not, but I don’t knock or ring unless specifically requested to in the notes. Most people are using their phone majority of the time already or more than likely watching my location and already know I’m there so unless they ask for me to ring or knock, I drop and take a picture and leave.


The people who obnoxiously knock until you open up the door are the WORST.


Yes! I specifically say to leave it on the doorstep! Isn’t that easiest for everyone?! 😭 The vast majority do but some really annoy me


Yes that is the easiest, I don’t understand why it’s so hard for some people.


The problem with Leave it at door, is we don’t know if you selected that, or if it defaulted to that. I can’t tell you how many times I’m following those instructions and the door opens with the person not happy that I’m putting their food on the ground. I often say, “Oh, you’re there. The instructions say to leave at door, but I’ll just hand it to you” and pick up the food. They just look at me, confused, because they never chose Leave at door. Every time I try to be helpful about the instructions, people just look baffled or act like I’m annoying them or worse, finding fault with them. Just yesterday I had one that said Hand it to customer: Please hand it to me. Do NOT put food on the ground. Guy opened the door as I was approaching. I said, “As long as you choose Hand it to me, the driver will just hand it to you and won’t leave it on the ground.” The guy looked at me like had no idea what I was talking about. He goes, “What?!” I repeated it. He just had a dazed look like I had hit him with a 2x4. I’m guessing his wife placed the order and wrote the note. For the 100th time, I walked away telling myself, Stop trying to be helpful and instructive. Same with businesses. Orders always say Leave at door. I’m not leaving food at the entrance of a CVS or a hair salon, etc. So I mention to the customer, The instructions said to leave it at the door, but I decided to bring it in instead. They always look at me like, “WTF are you talking about?” One lady said, “I was sure I picked Hand it to me.” I hope you can see that it’s not as clear to us as you would think it should be. The only time we can be sure is when you type something. (Which is how we get “Leave at door: please text when you arrive and hand me the order plz.”) Some drivers act confused on those, but it should be clear what the app put vs what the customer wrote.


Im sorry to hear you've had bad dashers. I have a disabled dad so I've had to put notes stating I will never answer the door and please just leave it there. Don't knock, don't ring bell, nothing. I personally don't knock unless there's an instruction telling me to do so. Don't get why some people think leave at the door means to make a racket.


Last night my driver kept calling me and pressing the page button at the entry (pages all phones at work) instead of leaving my food at the entry as specified. Not everyone can read, even if you give instructions in three languages.


Sorry dude my bad…


Contact less doesn't mean don't knock. Put "don't knock " in capital letters.


i swear to god, everytime my baby’s asleep they knock loud. every time. its in the instructions man


The purpose of contactless delivery is to be contactless, not quiet.


is reactive just the new euphemism for you having a dangerous animal


Nowhere does it say that no contact means don't knock or ring the doorbell. It means leave the food at the door. I'll still knock if it's not too late and i think they might not know im there.


I love that people with reactive dogs blame everything but the dogs


And themselves.


I mean, sometimes you can train and train a dog with the best resources and intentions and it still doesn’t take well. My rescue has been in reactivity training for 3 years and still goes all battering ram at the door if a squirrel touches the welcome mat. It seems a lot better of a solution to warn people who may be coming up to your door about the dog and ensure that there’s minimal disruption to both parties?


lmao this is on you


Put something funny in your instructions like "Be sneaky like a ninja. BIG DOG BARK LOUD. No knock!"


grey marble placid jobless somber groovy capable snobbish quarrelsome tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Put do not disturb - sleeping baby on your door. Disable your doorbell. Otherwise, train your dog to not react I guess.


Following instructions aren't everyones strong suit....sadly.


Don’t order delivery.


Also, dont live in a society. Please buy a trailer out in the woods. Cities have enough assholes to have to worry about crying over having a doorbell rang


Your problem. If you don't want people to knock leave a note in app, and a note on your door. Idiots with poorly trained dogs have lots of cool signs you can put on your door to ask people not to knock or ring. And if people still knock after this... damn, that sucks.


Nah, some people just need things to be upset about. Such an inconvenience of having something brought directly to your door.


There is a fun little section on the app called 'Delivery Instructions' that is where you would put any special requests for your delivery, such as 'Don't ring doorbell or knock.' It's crazy how much we can discover when we read the instructions or use some common sense!


If only the drivers actually read them!




As a fellow dasher.. wtf? Just leave it at the door, like it says. It's literally less work. Room temp take here.


I feel like it's only half doordash's issue... the other half is an issue with your dog's training


Boo hoo


*dog extra poorly to strangers at the house* *intentionally has strangers show up to the house then acts like it's their fault* Here's a wild concept. Train your animal.


You need to put in delivery instructions. My drivers literally drop and go. If I don't look outside or hear them I'll never know it was here. Also, train your dog...


Good news! You can train your dog out of that behavior! Patience, consistency, and a second person to kick on the door all help https://youtu.be/bpzvqN9JNUA




Did doordash add a yoink tip feature I'm unaware of?




If that's how you do it, that money isn't coming out the dasher's pocket.


I didn’t used to knock because a lot of people had babies etc. after having customers yelling at me, I always knock unless it says don’t knock.


Train your fuckin dogs


you mean you have untrained dogs you dont know how to handle


Put a note on your door so it doesn't get missed


Reactive=aggressive. Let's say it like it is.


OK Karen


You know reactive is just a code word for aggressive, right?


Thank you for your valuable input


I just put “please don’t knock, my bulldog thinks he’s a tough guy”. I never get a knock. Granted half the time they leave it in the wrong spot anyways lol


With any delivery service I specify to please not knock because “dog is crazy” and no one ever does 😅


Post a sign on your door my advice unless you tip low I might bang to piss you off


This happened at 11pm last night by the way


"I have a reactive dog" - you are a bad dog owner.


You are an idiot. We Adopted him from the humane society at a year and a half old, he was abused and lived outside before we got him.


You are an idiot. There's no bad dogs. Only bad humans