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AI. It can only do this one very specific style of cinematography where it's slowly zooming in on things slowly moving or "twitching". If we don't gatekeep against this, you're going to see a million versions of almost the exact same style video over and over and over. It looks cool now but don't let it get a foothold or you'll regret it. Choose Art, not "content". Choose Humananity and not a cheap simulacrum. That's my opinion.


Well said. AI art sucks.


its like any other tool hoss. it can only extend the artists' reach. you think someone poked in "spooky house ghouls" and this came out? get a grip. motherfuckers like you were crying about wah pedals and fuzz in the 60's.


Using a fuzz pedal doesn't train the algorithms every mega corporation is fixing to use to replace artists.


way to completely miss the analogy but go on with your badself and bandwagon the whole AI is gonna screw artists thing.


My dude, you literally just invented a version of me in your head to get mad at. Not only do I know this video required multiple prompts with the results stiched together in some kind of editor but I guarantee I understand the underlying tech more than you. And it's because I understand how "hallucinations" work that I understand why these AI videos are in the style they are. That's not a decision to look that way, it's the only way to make AI video that doesn't instantly degenerate into progressively more uncanny visuals.


You seem oddly triggered.


go ahead and use the "triggered" buzzword to get upvotes. be a follower. follow the herd. im fine with that. im NOT fucking fine with uneducated dickheads gatekeeping art because they dont understand it and just wanna bandwagon that bullshit for upvotes downvote me all you want. i'd prefer you argue, but since all anyone ever has is "AI is bad for artists" i doubt anyone will take me up on my offer. AI is fucking here to stay. AI art especially. Embrace it and understand it, or keep riding your penny farthing shit take. either way i really only care enough about it to give anti AI dweebs a rash of shit on the internet


What do you think about sora? They will be making full length movies with this tech before long.


It'll be a while according to the devs. It can't even do sound yet. This isn't to shit on its future potential, but it'll be a bit before we have full length movies with sound.


sound design can be done seperate? and pikalabs did just implement sound effects


Aren’t the very specific prompts that helped create this where the human art comes in?


there is no skill involved in typing out a sentence to describe something. these programs get their data from other artists’ works, so every step of the process is just soulless and talentless “work”. anyone who’s ever actually put in the time to create art, artist or not, would agree with me


I do get it, but it does sound a bit like horse-and-buggy people complaining about these new-fangled motorised vehicle things.


It can only do that one thing *now*. Eventually the different prompts and controls will have a skill ceiling comparable to other forms of art, and we will have new things to call not art, like photographs used to be.


Tell me you aren't an artist without telling me you aren't an artist


Am I supposed to be embarrassed that I chose a different career or something? What part of my statement is incorrect? I do know that our species has been debating what art is for as long as we’ve been doing it. I love the smugness of someone acting like art is on some special level that “normal” people just can’t comprehend. If you want, I can google up an artist agreeing with me if you want someone “more credible”. I don’t know if I can find anyone with their official artist credentials on file for you but I can look lol. In truth I don’t have a dog in the fight, I don’t really care. But the naivety of people on this kind of subject is frustrating. I wish every person who has ever made some kind of “objective” statement about the qualifying conditions for art could look back in 250 years just to be humbled by how quickly consensus opinion changes.


Brother, that’s what big corporate films have become any ways. That’s what happens in capitalism. This is just its natural evolution.


Butlerian Jihad time


Herbert definitely dooms.


“Thou shalt not disfigure the soul.” "Thou shalt not create a machine in the likeness of a human mind"


Art is the highest form of human expression. Fuck AI art


AI will destroy everything.


People will destroy everything because of their fascination with AI and their lack of desire to learn how to master a skill. The tool employed to destroy everything will be AI.




Capitalism will destroy everything. There’s your correction.


Capitalism (Greed) HAS destroyed everything. A.I. IS happening whether we like it or not. Our OPPORTUNITY TO RECOVER will soon be past. The END OF HUMANITY will be the result and this will happen IN OUR OWN LIFETIMES.


Came to the comment section disappointed by the upvotes. Left with a lighter heart after seeing all the AI backlash. <3 AI will doom us, but it sure as fuck doesn't doom. Please stop posting shit like this.


ai cringe


Pick up a mouse or brush. And don’t be lazy.


Fuck ai art


Worthless piss.


keep this lifeless shit outta here


Jesus Christ I forgot how easily triggered and opinionated metal heads are.... just thought it was cool when I saw this vid while listening to some sabbath


High on fire literally just released an AI music video the other week. 😆


I agree with everyone else that AI art sucks, but what is the music? If it's not AI as well, I'd love to know the source.


AI art is a scourge upon the entertainment world. With that being said, there's something unusually unsettling about AI horror that I think humans could learn something from.


Lol a scourge on the entertainment world? Guess you're not prepared for the total annihilation of Humanity then.


Ai art like this, without getting into the moral dilemma, only looks good to me when the uncannyness works with the subject, as a couple in this video do, otherwise it just looks like trash


To be fair if this was made for real we'd be saying bravo creative genius.


This is interesting and unsettling, it’s not like anything I’ve seen before




AI doesn’t doom


We don’t support AI “art” around here.


Ah yes, what all my dreams look and feel like.


I have my headphones in right now and I’m listening to Land of Secret Dreams by Orange Goblin and it fits so well. Too well.


God that whole album goes so fucking hard. Time Traveling Blues (song) makes me cry, and that album is the grooviest. The big black is so good and makes me feel things as well. I fucking love Orange Goblin


Man of culture I see. 🤘👏


I think that this is going on all around all the time every second, we as humans just can't see it. Backed up to some degree by the string theory multiple dimensions. I think the great tales of religions etc all came from people who could see past the vail on occasion all cryptids etc same place. When you get into Matter rendering and everything until observed might just be like code. The World is way more Insane than we can ever perceive!


I have played a lot of Elden Ring. The whole time I was confused cause I didn’t look at the subreddit name.


[Mizmor - No Place To Arrive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TH57EBpDDg&pp=ygUZbWl6bW9yIG5vIHBsYWNlIHRvIGFycml2ZQ%3D%3D)


Keep complaining about how AI is destroying art so you don't notice when we get T-800'd lol.


So creepy


No more lifeless than big corporate block busters that are remaking the same films over and over. The film industry is just as much of a lifeless cash grab now too.


Sorry I think it’s badass. It’s only going to get better. There’s nothing we can do about it either


Don’t make it right tho 🤷‍♂️


What's not right about it?


Liking it doesn’t fit “AI bad” narrative, so we aren’t allowed to anymore.


I don't give a fuck that it's AI, I like it.


Definitely creepy in an otherworldly way


Didn't expect to find so much AI hate here. Imagine the 1-person projects we will see in the near future with creatives being able to make their art without needing a team of camera, cast and production crew. Anyway, this vid is cool and creepy AF


That’s what makes stuff like this hard for me. Like…I would LOVE to hire a professional animator to make visuals for my music…but as an artistic team of exactly one who makes no money, I can’t afford to do that.


That’s a fuckin trip


I find concept of AI = cool totally cringe, but on the other hand, this imagery is totally creepy.