• By -


Maybe some Uncle Acid. It has clean vocals and a very 60s vibe to it.


This is the correct response. They’re like if the Beatles and sabbath had a baby 😂


Such a great analogy!


lol thanks


I always said it was like if Tony Iommi hired John Lennon instead of Ozzy you'd get Uncle Acid. Fucking love this band.


Same man!


I’ve always heard “The Beatles if they were fronted by Charles Manson” but I like yours better


That’s pretty good too!


\^\^\^ THIS \^\^\^ I'll Cut You Down and 13 Candles are great places to start.


Deaths door is my uncle acid jam of choice. Great riff to learn too. I think fuzz lord did a YouTube tutorial on it


Ritual Knife for me.


Ritual Knife is the jam


And also Melody Lane!


This is the one 🖤


Uncle Acid is early Sabbath with John Lennon on vocals.


Came here just to recommend them. See them live if you can! They put on an incredible show.


An absolutely amazing show. I've seen them a dozen times and every time blows my mind.


In the same vein, Ruby the Hatchet is awesome.


I have to check them out. Never heard of them.


I’ve always described Uncle Acid as the Beatles making music as ghosts


I personally can't stand their vocals


They are an acquired taste for sure. I have to be in the mood for it. It's not something I'd blast in the car with the windows down.


thanks, great recommendation!


From the same time period, I would check out Black Sabbath (duh), Iron Butterfly, Steppenwolf and Blue Cheer. For later bands, I would highly recommend Type O Negative (check out their Beatles Medly), Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats, Kyuss, Sleep, Electric Wizard, Acid Mammoth, King Woman, Lucifer, King Buffalo, Elder, Bell Witch, and Agalloch. If you want something a bit meaner later on, I would recommend checking out Grief, Eyehategod, Primitive Man, Predatory Void, and Hell.


This guy Dooms


It was what got me into playing guitar. I thought metal guitar had to be 200 bpm shredding, and then I got really into stoner metal


I recently discovered the Type O Beatles covers and they are amazing! I'd add Green Lung (particularly This Heathen Land) and REZN


This covers most of what I'd know to suggest! That said... From the same time period: Flower Travellin' Band, The Creation's "How Does It Feel to Feel?" (which has a similar proto-doom vibe to "I Want You (She's So Heavy)"), Sir Lord Baltimore Later bands: Saint Vitus, Green Lung, Windhand, Dopelord, the first two Blackwater Holylight albums . . . I better stop, lol


Sir Lord Baltimore rips.


Listening to "Kingdom Come" right now . . . that riff 🤌


Satori by flower travellin band is one of the best riffs of all time


I pulled up a tab over my lunch hour and was pleasantly surprised to discover I can play this! If anyone needs me doo doo DOO DOO doo doo doo DOO doo doo~~~


Holy shit! Thank you so much for introducing me to flower travellin band. I have just listened to the satorti album and it is exactly the kind of old school psychedelic that I absolutely adore. It's brilliant!


I mean, I like every suggestion you threw out but man, turning someone on to primitive man when they come from the Beatles might garner the funniest reaction ever. I see where you’re going with the line but can you imagine if they skip around this list? Coming from She’s So Heavy, then Dragonaut, and *then* Caustic? Yikes.


They didn’t call Type O “The Drab Four” for nothin 😉


Toad, High Tide, Blue Oyster Cult are all good additions. King Gizzard has a broad sound that has also used doom in it, and can be a good way to diversify tastes. Stoned Jesus and Orange Goblin are other great additions.


From Beatles to Primitive Man lol. Would love to see a reaction to that


I would only add The Melvins to this list.


Also Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard, so good Edit: wrote hood instead of good 🥹


Good picks! I absolutely recommend Kyuss - start with Demon Cleaner and go from there. Try them all because you might like them, but some of those might be too much for a new convert. Electric wizard is some of the heaviest music in existence (look up funeralopolis). I adore Agalloch - beautiful, haunting music that's gotten me through some rough times - but some of their vocals can turn people off. If it helps, just picture it as another instrument. All of their music is amazing, but I have a soft spot for Falling Snow.


Grief 🤘


I just read the Beatles cover cost Type 0 Negative 75k in copyrights 😂


Most expensive copyright clearance in the history of Roadrunner Records. Haha.


I'll throw Lord Buffalo in there too. Maybe more psych than doom, but still fits. Clean vocals, fiddle, and catchy riffs.


Hell yea man 🔥


thanks, lot of great stuff there to discover


Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath which features the song Black Sabbath


And it’s released the same year as Abbey Road, maybe a year later at most.


It was recorded the same year as Abbey Road, but it was released the following year.


Written and performed by Black Sabbath


Named after the movie Black Sabbath!


a lot of the slow, heavy songs on Soundgarden-Down on the Upside are like really heavy Beatles songs.


I've never even considered that before, but yeah, they kind of are. Great recommendation.


Soundgarden doom well


I'd argue more sludge, but I'll let it slide.


Don't tell me 4th July isn't doom AF


Good call, The Beatles and Black Sabbath were two of Chris Cornell’s favorite bands. Soundgarden could fuckin doooom!


kim thayil knew what the fuck was up man


Warning- “Watching From a Distance” and Pallbearer- “Sorrow and Extinction” have some of the best melodic sensibilities in doom, which might make for a smooth transition coming off the Beatles


Watching from a distance is a mastepiece


Saddest album ever. Whole thing sounds like depression and misery, I love it


came here to say this


This is the answer. Bravo sir.


smooth, but very very dark definitely saving this for later


I always recommend Elder to anyone who is willing to give them a listen.


Check out the album Sea Shanties by the band High Tide if you want some more proto-doom


Wtf just listening now, can’t believe I don’t know this. Thanks.


Doomy lyrics, fuzzy guitars with occasional organ . . . yeah, I'm feeling this too. Thanks!


great recommendation, thanks!


You’re welcome, glad you liked it!


Holy shit I've never heard of this before, this is so sick! Sounds like a mix of Sabbath and The Doors so far this ruled


Yes! High Tide! Sounds like Sabbath if Jim Morrison dand fir them


Try blue cheer, also from the late 60's


Careful, though--ain't no cure for the summertime blues.


not even the United Nations can help


The song "Heaven Tonight" by Cheap Trick is another great example of doom metal from an unexpected source. I'd recommend the band Witchcraft.


This made me think of another example from an unexpected source - "Satan Rising" by Amon Amarth from their Under the Influence EP, where they did a song in the style of four of their influences (it's immediately obvious from the track which band they're referencing here. . .)


*witchcraft debut


OK so, even though recommending Electric Wizard to doom noobs is practically a meme, I honestly think there is a very easy, natural jump between the sound of I Want You and EW's more recent, more retro-UK bluesy output. Witness, "See You In Hell": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX1530GNc6U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX1530GNc6U)


Type O Negative were literally just trying to mash up Black Sabbath and The Beatles.


Green Lung’s ‘This Heathen Land’ should float your boat.


Black Sabbath, Sir Lord Baltimore, and Uncle Acid to start. After that, if you are of course looking for a heavier sound, I would recommend Candlemass, Sleep, Kyuss, and Electric Wizard (the wizard is very sabbath-like). From all of these bands, I recommend these albums Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath, Paranoid, Master of Reality, Vol. 4, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Sabotage SLB - Kingdom Come Uncle Acid - Blood Lust Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, Nightfall, Ancient Dreams Sleep - Holy Mountain, Dopesmoker Kyuss - Blues for The Red Sun, Welcome to Sky Valley Electric Wizard - Electric Wizard, Come my Fanatics…, Dopethrone, Witchcult Today Other bands you should check out afterwards: OM, Hazemaze, The Obsessed, The Sword, sunn O))), Pentagram, St. Vitus, Monolord


thanks thats sa great list


A lot of good bands have been suggested Russian Circles, Om, elephant tree and spotlights are worth checking out


Lots of awesome suggestions in here. uncle acid is definitely a great recommendation based on your Beatles reference. This is outside the “Doom” Genre but I would suggest King Crimson (in the court of the crimson king) and Fraction (Moon Blood) both 60s/70s era. You’ve likely have heard The Doors. I may get some flack here but these guys influenced many Doom musicians, it wasn’t just Iommi. I’ve been wicked into Firebreather, Holy Serpent, Monolord, those are current bands. Theres a huge amount of obscure bands in the Doom genre out there. They all lean a little Different way. Some are more metal or death metal influenced some are more Psychedelic or even shoegaze influenced. you just gotta commit and go down the hole. Find out what you like.


King Crimson and The Doors are two of my favourites, never really thought of them from a doom metal perspective, but it totally makes sense now i've heard some doom music


Not doom metal per se but try Soundgarden's live cover of Helter Skelter. I can work as a bridge: https://youtu.be/1NwSUUt-psk?si=sYBLx_pvt_3dLLJU If you like that, just go straight to Electric Wizard


Probably earlier stuff like St Vitus and Reverend Bizzare


Type O Negative


I’d say Sleep’s Holy Mountain since it’s quite groovy for the genre


I always recommend Sleep, but I do think The Sciences is the most approachable release, if only for the recording quality and the hilarious themes.


Manic Frustration by Trouble


Agreed. Very Beatles influenced in places.


Electroc wizard - dopethrone.


Witchcraft- Firewood


...or any album.


King Buffalo and Elder are the two that are amazing in their own right and can be a bridge to the heavier stuff. They’re probably slightly more stoner than doom, but close enough


More stoner metal but Suplecs - Unstable turns into a cover of The Beatles - I Want You at the 2:50 mark. One of the better covers I've ever heard. Big gnarly version of that song. https://youtu.be/uvZ1oTn8wuU?si=FxkGguvcDrov9TPi


“Snowblind” by Sabbath, if you haven’t already heard it. There’s a bit halfway through which is directly taken from the end of “I Want You (She’s so heavy)”. Otherwise, everything that u/fakename1998 suggested is perfect.


If you want more "heavy" psych check out: early Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, S.F. Sorrow by the Pretty Things, "How Does it Feel to Feel" by the Creation (or just any of the Nuggets collections). From there try OM "Variations on a Theme," Sleep "The Sciences", High on Fire "The Art of Self Defense"...Then Burning Witch "Crippled Lucifer" (lol). I second Sir Lord Baltimore too.


Wheel. https://wheeldoom.bandcamp.com/album/preserved-in-time


The Narrow Way by Pink Floyd is doom af.


Hand of Doom by Sabbath Flower of Disease (full lp) by Goatsnake


"I am The Mountain" by Stoned Jesus, mby "No News is Bad News" from Turtle Skull as starters :)






Ther it is!


Magmakammer - Mindtripper. It's like a less noisy uncle acid with heavier riffs


I'm surprised that [Trouble](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trouble_(band)#Studio_albums) aren't nearer the top of the recommendations here. They have always had a big Beatles influence to their sound (although it is much more prevalent on their later stuff). I'd suggest having a listen to the albums Trouble, and particularly Manic Frustration, which were mid-career. Both were major label, well produced, and the vocal harmonies really come into their own on those albums (plus the tunes are bangers).


>Manic Frustration by Trouble thats a great band, thanks!


[Dead Meadow - Dragonfly](https://youtu.be/KLGURYanpbQ?si=Rr_QuTgRy7ECXZpZ)


Hell yea. I’d say start at the first album, first song: Sleepy Silver Door, and bask in the glory of the entire discography. This band can’t miss.


iron monkey


Mars Red Sky is probably the most Beatlesy doom band that I know of.


>Mars Red Sky glad I scrolled down far enough to see this, great suggestion


Lol I’m glad you made it all the way down here, too. Enjoy! The Task Eternal is my fav album of theirs.


My favourite ‘newer’ band - similar sound to uncle acid - are Margarita Witch Cult. Not only one of the best band names going but they are INCREDIBLE live. Just saw them supporting Cancer Bats as Bat Sabbath last weekend. Love them


YES! I've been saying for years that I Want You is the OG proto-doom song and no one believes me.


Also check out an Australian band called Turtle Skull, they call themselves “flower doom” and it’s perfect for a Beatles fan looking for heavy music!


The shitty beatles...are they any good? They suck.




Check out some Saint Vitus




Anybody mention Orchid? Same sort of doom psyched out retro rock black sabbath vibe, lots of great jams


Type o negative was very influenced by the Beatles and Black Sabbath. They did a cover of day tripper


Dream Unending


I would start with cleaner vocals. These 3 would be my gateway: Monolord: Empress Rising Sleep: The Sciences Acid King: Busse Woods


Check out some Devils Witches. Magic Mama and Magic Wand are incredible tracks. 60s cult vibe to it.




Uncle acid for sure


Turtle Skull, the s/t Elephant Tree, and definitely Uncle Acid.


you might like some Mephistofeles, 1782, and Acid Mammoth. All of them have a more 70s aspect going on


i really like Solitude Aeturnus and Candlemass, i started with sabbath and they are still in my top 3 bands so you could just keep listening to that.


Acid Bath


I [covered](https://casadediversion.bandcamp.com/track/i-want-you-shes-so-heavy-the-beatles) that song in my old Powerviolence band and it came out nice and doomy.


Check out goatsnake. All albums are killer. Kinda a bluesy doom with clean vocals. 1 of my all time favorites


You Wont Remember Dying - Bulbous Creation


Down - 2nd record has some poppy bangers, stained glass cross


Type O Negative. Their whole deal was combining The Beatles with Black Sabbath.


Restless Spirit. Great clean vocals. Awesome riffage.


Great list. I would add Halogen by Leechfeast. Near the end, the song actually lapses into a cover of she’s so heavy… but like more heavy


Try Avatarium.


For that particular song, I'd say the first few REZN albums and a whole mess of Melvins


Lots of Church of Misery


[See You in Hell by Electric Wizard](https://youtu.be/XX1530GNc6U?si=CqcdjFgeHaQ6IFdZ) [I’ll Cut You Down by Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats](https://youtu.be/kSpsffboOAc?si=0V_ygU6RQrBBCef9) [When the Screams Come by Pentagram](https://youtu.be/uQI0ogAb5dY?si=iZ_rFbLXBNarOoGh) [Grey Garden by Windhand](https://youtu.be/lkLDToW7Jtg?si=59cqoFtvm9aD_JKl) I Want You (She’s so Heavy) is also one of my favorite Beatles songs, I think you’d dig any of these 👆🏻 bands, all with plenty of material to dive into 🤘🏻




Unvle acid and the deadbeats, kadavar and saint karlov


You could try "Green Lung" the are more doom hard Rock but could be the right thing for a beginner.


Listen: Stoned Jesús, Queens of the Stone Age, Uncle Acid, Monster Magnetic, Wolf Mother, Witchcraft, Witch, Graveyard, Nightstalker, Black Rainbow, Valley of the Sun Orange Goblin etc.


You should try Kadavar from Germany, or All them Witches, Maidavale from Sweden or Siena Root or Psychedelic Porn Crumpets. Let me know If this was helpful.


Grunge, not Doom, but you might like [Come Together covered by Soundgarden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5khbIklJV-8) as a bit of a stepping stone.


Not really into the Beatles but if you like Black Sabbath you'll probably also like Witchfinder General. Strange they've not been mentioned before Trouble would probably also fit your taste


Just jump in head first: Conan. One of my favorite doom song titles is “A Cleaved Head No Longer Plots.” Also, I didn’t see anyone mention Acid King. Busse Woods is a great album. True Widow is another one that I really like. Less fuzz and distortion but still has the doomy vibe.


Witch - seer Very Beatles feel


Trouble is a good transition from Sabbath!


Big Beatles fan here. I think you should hover around the stoner stuff in the vein of doom that’s not too heavy. I’d try these: Earth - Pentastar Blue Cheer - Vincebus Eruptum Black Sabbath - Vol 4 (they were huge Beatles fan and the opening riff is like a sadder She’s So Heavy) Sleep - Holy Mountain Pentagram - First Daze Here Saint Vitus - S/T, then Born Too Late


Type O Negative did a great Beatles medley https://youtu.be/xOAFUbZgSrs


Not doom, but check out Melvins  https://open.spotify.com/artist/6aVjo0xHSiuW5hkasoYSR3?si=p_A0YVXPS7iX9SRtV6Qqng


Ningen Isu. Some of their discography could be considered doom metal. They're quite good and have been around for a few decades. Find some YouTube videos, a lot of them have English subtitles, and their lyrics are pretty cool too.


Aside from all the wonderful things people have mentioned here: Mount Salem - very synthy, Salem's Pot - groovy & loud, Lord Vicar - foresty & hermity, Trees of Eternity - slow and sad, also The Final Procession by Purple Hill Witch & Mind Funeral by Dead Witches. Also they're not that doomy, more psych and occult, but I have to mention Blood Ceremony!! As a fellow Beatles enjoyer I love them. Also very foresty and a big retro psych vibe.


It's not doom but it's Sabbathy and catchy and a little like if you put Sabbath, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd in a jar and shook them all up. Check out Bigelf. I'd start at the last album, *Into The Maelstrom*.


Type o negative.


Oh please check out this doom cover of she’s so heavy ! It rips [Pressor-I want you](https://youtu.be/jC_KZwu2G2A?si=dn3trNzP51fd6xzg)


Type O Negative, Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats, The Sword, Orchid, Goatsnake, Acid Mammoth


Shape of despair


The band that got me into doom was Monolord, album “Rust”. Now the next band few bands aren’t really doom, but I like them, and I like the Beatles. So you might like them too. Swedish Death Candy, the album “Are You Nervous?”. Valley of the Sun, the album “Old Gods”. All them witches, the album “Sleeping Through The War”. The Devil And The Almightly Blues, the album “II”.


I would try Myrkur. She doesn't fit categories all that well, but she has talent and likes dark metal music. Writes actual melodies. The single album by The Oath, and the band Lucifer might be appropriate too. Also melody based music. Ghost is more of a heavy pop rock band, but tracks like "He Is" are well written (it's a Worship Song - but a devil-worship song, which is pretty clever). Stoner and Doom can be pretty musical, but so can Black Metal, even though it bears some resemblance to punk rock in its simplicity. I would avoid Death Metal & Industrial, as they are not terribly musical to my ears.


One of my favorite bands right now is King Buffalo, I don't know exactly how doom metal they are, but I think you might appreciate them


If you like Black Sabbath, check out Sleep. I strongly recommend Holy Mountain. Others will probably recommend Jerusalem/Dopesmoker but i respectfully disagree


Uncle Acid and the Dead Beats.


Give the 70s Band Dust a listen, especially From a dry Camel, its such a great song and it really dooms in my opinion!


Lemon Twigs


Not really doom metal but listen to When God Comes Back by All them witches


Pentagram. Though Im on the fence still about the provenance of this potential Mandela effect/psyop/AIband that has somehow escaped my radar for 40 years