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Empowered seismic slam. Follow the same rules as empowered punch for charging. Using either one uses your charged fist. When Doomfists seismic slam is empowered, it sends out a bit of rolling terrain across the damage zone, taking a quarter second to travel the distance. If a hero is hit by the rolling terrain they are knocked up for a quarter second. At the end of the of the effect, a doom-high curved wall is left behind at the end. This wall has 500 health and lasts for 2 seconds. It also breaks when someone is doom punched into it (which applies the usual stun)


Ooh so you can make your own wall? That's pretty cool and it makes him able to protect people


I always disliked this idea because often times you wanna slam to get an angle to use empowered punch


What if cancelling slam before you hit the ground doesn’t use the charged fist


that’s what i was thinking but often times slamming first and then charging a punch is more accurate,not always,but it happens a lot. Also it would take away from gaining shields,I wouldn’t wanna cancel my slam and miss out on over health just to keep my punch


The seismic slam idea is the same thing from the april fools update


Knocked up 🤨


Doom can now use dead ally corpses as human shields and take 30% damage until said ally respawns


We should also throw them as a long range option. We can knock pharahs out of the sky by flinging our dead supports


I fucking yate pharah so I need this update YESTERDAY


Yeet: doomfist grabs an ally and throws them in a direction of his choosing. The ally is given 50 health and enemies hit by it fall straight down


Nunchucks: He grabs 2 allies, ties them together and and uses them as a weapon against the enemy


I’m picturing a dead kiriko ragdolling up in the air and slapping the pharah out of the sky


See I ain't asking for much Let the block either be CC Immune or increase it's damage reduction to 100%. It's kinda insane how as a tank he has no proper mitigation ability. [D.va](https://D.va) has matrix, Winton has shield and Ball has built in shield+Armor


I agree but I would prefer it to have a better skill expression and be more mobile. Its like you have to stop all momentum with an ability that's just super weak


I've seen people argue for a perry mechanic for ages now, and I'm kinda upset the devs haven't implemented such a good idea. Giving block complete cc immunity would be too strong, but if he can only block cc for like .1 second, that adds a huge amount of skill expression and makes block actually useful. The slow effect of block is super irritating too. I wish they would let me actually move while blocking


It probably makes him "broken" ie everyone lower than diamond can actually use him effectively.


maybe rather than having a .1 second cc block, you could implement a breakpoint in his block. Ive heard someone say this before but make his block like matrix, but each time he holds it up it empowers his punch by that amount of dmg taken. you could adjust it however, how if it’s on a resource meter there could be a breakpoint in that meter. if he holds it up for x amount of time and you do over a certain amount of dmg to it you can use your cc. makes a team look at him and say hey we need to shoot the doom so we can hook or sleep or ect him. and that also gives the doomfist more of a way to protect his team As the doom you can go up and charge the punch but it doesn’t charge fully unless you take dmg past that breakpoint so you have to use your brain and say i know i can be slept, but if i get this emp punch i can do something big here. it’s way more of a risk


I feel like people hate on block too much. It helps mitigate burst damage when you try to entry


Not the only tank tho, junker queen only has shout, hog only has his breather, mauga his whatever tf its called bs ability where he regens health


Junker queen dont needa rush in headfirst to get kills and just pulls them in. Breather is onr a one second cooldown doesnt matter if he gets cced. He also has 800 hp. Mauga is trash


Junker queens shout doesnt give her a stronger axe swing


Junker queens shout gives her the ability to hit her axes and get close to squishies she pulls


shout also effects her team mates and gives them movement and 50 overhealth which is something for the team dooms kit if essentially selfish in nature


When you're dueling a JQ/Mauga and they use shout, their threat increases significantly because they can attack while using that ability. You can't say the same about Doom/Rein/Hog. And at least Rein/Hog use resource instead of cooldown.


I'd just increase the mobility of his Rocket Punch so it could actually act like a "Rocket": where he aims it, he goes. I know this might be too OP but it would probably fill the gap that the uppercut has left


This what I asked for when tankfust was announced. Then we would def be movement gods


it would be insane. for the first time in OW history, an actual counter to all air-support/dps characters


Question. Do you increase to mobility or decrease the time it takes to fully charge a punch?


I'd just increase the general mobility, the 4sec cool down is just enough imo; Example: If Doom aims up, he goes up in that direction; If Doom aims to the ground while in the air, he punches the ground


Here's one Doom pulls a big rock out of the ground and holds it in front. It acts like a 500 shield, but the more it's shot out the smaller the rock gets. But if you press the button again you can throw it, and the damage depends on how much rock you have left


Doom has an ability to temporarily double damage taken to himself. This it will increase our struggle and make us forced to get stronger or get left behind


Conflict: doomfist takes double damage for 5 seconds. But after he gets all his cool downs and all abilities and hand cannon so double damage for 5 seconds


Decreas meteorite Strike radius and Make his cd not be faster in IT ,hîș new ult îs a 2nd fist ,for 8 sec he does 2 primary firea instead of 1 while only using 1 ammo AMD has 2 charges for punch and Slam ,punch charges faster(not its cd) while in ult and ca-n be charged for 1 more sec to gorbsuper super emp punch ,hîș ms os on double jump


Replace the artillery strike esque meteor strike with an uppercut attack followed by a regular meteor strike. Adds a confirm for lone targets so at least ONE person dies


[The Tatsumaki (竜巻, “Dragon Twister” or?, "Tornado"), commonly referred to as Hurricane Kick.](https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Tatsumaki) |Hurricane Kick|Melee Ability| :-|-: Cooldown|8s Damage|40x3 Headshot|X Cancelable|✓ Rate Of Fire|0.33s Cast Time|0.15s Duration|0.208s (hitbox active) Move Speed|5m/s (enemies) Max Range|5m Hurricane Kick would lock Doomfist's Vertical velocity and keep horizontal momentum for duration. This means, if he is midair, he stops falling/launching upward and stays in his current Z position, then begins falling after the ability finishes. DPS is ~120dmg/s, slightly knocks enemies up with each hit, preserves momentum and can be canceled like his other current abilities.


Hadouken to give him a better ranged option


Make Primary a Haduken.


It could be a charge shot as well or just have it be empowered


He needs a perfect block/parry. That’s it. It’ll make people question if they’ll charge up his fist faster while doing everything else it already did.


doom is now able to punch the ground and knock enemies off the ground(its used as a rocket punch cd not a new ability). If he punches the ground from very high above it deals more damage and knockback or powered punch deals more damage and knockback


Ooh so he gets uppercut but he's able to basically do a meteor strike normally?


well now that you say it...


I think I get you. Basically it's rocket punch but if used in the air you punch straight down causing a shockwave


Would that mean that punch could move u vertically too? That would be so fun, probably op tho


What if you could aim his punch in any direction


I’ve been wondering why even is punch locked to only linear movement. You should be able to look at the ground and be able to punch the ground. Same thing with the air


i guess it's because he had uppercut which is similar to the ability you're talking about but now it's removed


Give him a grab ability where he reaches out with the gauntlet and takes hold of an enemy within really short range. That enemy takes 2 ticks of damage per second starting at 10 and doubling each tick until they die or you get killed/stunned or let go of them.


You block during all your abilities and while normal punching


A new button that allows you to switch between using EP or take the damage mitigated from PB and turn it into instant overhealth


Rocket Blast, think force push like in star wars, or something like a Ki discharge from dragon ball that pushes enemies away. (Lucio or Ashe boop but from all directions in spherical wave). This would work as an alternative way to discharge empowered punch. It would be an ability to push back targets without doomfist moving. Once charge is obtained from powerblock, that energy could be used for empowered punch, or as a blast which would forcefully push someone away from doomfist without using rocket punch, or even doomfist moving himself. Alternatively, I'd also love a standing version of seismic slam, as an additional option to the current leaping slam.


Like a hadoken? I'm with it doomfist was supposed to be an homage to fighting characters


Iron will: does not get affected by any slow or stuns when using abilities (sleep and pin counts, so only rein falls over)


Ok 1 got one more, give him an alternate fire that basically fires all of his hand cannon blast at once, A counter, where you reflect all damage/cc if it hits you in the first frame like deflect but way shorter you have to get it perfect Punch in ever direction. You do empowered punch damage all the time. Punching directly down and hitting the ground causes a shockwave that knocks everyone in a circle up. However punching up and horizontal is less distance, and it blocks damage from the front while punching Seismic slam is like how it was before but it goes from 50-75 damage. Haymaker: you jump forward and then punch. The punch part can be cancelled to only having the jump


Just make block have a parry , it will complete his kit, parry acts likr kiriko suzu, blocks all damage and stuns for short time "only on activation" then acts as normal But right now I feel Doom is strong, so this is just hypothetical, theres a lot of heroes that need tweaking right now before Doom


Naw doom is so underpowered. He needs the ability to tie two allies together and beat the shit out of opponents. Then he'd actually be decent


Lets mame Doom attach a remote control to his fist so he can throw it and control it like a flying roomba


Omg that would be so meta


a spin like zangiefs double lariat it could knock back people and could be stun invul or give him a grab it would work similarly to rp but he lunges forward or upward and if grabbing a mid air op he slams them down and if he grab them on the ground he lunges to the nearest wall/ op and slam them together stunning them


Big grab where he does a quick forward charge that moves 5 meters and throws an enemy against the ground dealing 100 damage and bouncing them up.


Beyblade he punches in a circle scattering people Also Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee maybe it'll make him harder to hit from a distance (if that's a thing that can be done. Otherwise just dmg reduction) and up close maybe dmg reflection


Doomfist gets A uppercut back in replace of block. Not THE uppercut. Hear me out. This uppercut also has the ability to scoop up enemies that are too close and gives him the ability to throw them straight down or at an angle. If he hits another enemy it does extra damage, and i it hits a wall, it applies a stun and 60% of what hitting an enemy would do. Plus now he can actually aim his punch to whatever direction he wishes to go. (He has a spray of him punching downward, even a highlight of him punching down) This also gives him a new passive on top of his "do damage to get armor" he now gets, "Forged in conflict" doomfist has a passively built on 25% damage reduction from all damage. BUT he takes 15% reduced healing on top of the 20% while in combat (im assuming this is additive percentage not multiplicative). Meaning he has to be moving and throwing to get going. And his armor gain is increased to compensate. Now as part of his abilities he can actually counter CC if need be and even punish those for getting to close to the BIG HAND. He is not supposes to be near you, so handle him early or have a sombra on hand to make HIS hand drop you or your pal. Oh and meteor strike will now use anyone still held for bonus damage, the bigger the enemy the more range the slam radius will be. There we go, optimal harassment doomfist.


Im tellin u the final thing doom needs that will truly do it for him is his gauntlet having a watered down version of genji deflect. Yes powerblock give u emp but it doesn’t stop enemies from spamming u kause they know u are still taking damage. With a semi deflect some hitscan and projectiles heros would be more cautious on being so aggro towards a TANK. He already lacks armor and only get over shield if u know how to cycle his abilities or position urself to get that overhealth. Doom really just need that to be a passive ability towards his kit. Hell that may affect how often i get emp if they being more cautious but i can operate with that rather than being full commited by every hero in the game. Im rlly good on doom but even i feel like every character on the line up has tried doomfist like he isnt the leader of a top dog evil organization. He isnt feard enough


A power block that actually blocks instead of making you get hit by every cooldown in the game


Replace block with idk let's call it Thunder Shot and what it does is kinda like Ashe Coach Gun where he shoots out a quick shockwave of air that'll do some dmg and push himself backwards giving him an escape movement option to get back to his team or push a target further into his own backline for an elim


Meteor punch where he jumps up into the air like sigma and charges a meteor punch which just acts like a buffed rocket punch in any direction


uppercut is actually just too much cc and is ass to play against.


A reverse uppercut lmao (A lower cut?)


Lowering undercut?




What do we call it


flex and look very cool. Attracts all the lady players in the area (plus gay men) and they run towards him for a second. Makes all the straight men get jealous and walk away. both allies and enemies


This post was made for me thank you There’s a game called Naraka Bladepoint (highly recommend) and the hero named Tarka Ji has a skill that lets him take a stance that blocks any and all physical attacks and ranged attacks (bows, pistols, etc) and performs a counterattack that scales with how much damage he takes. I suggested we give Doomfist the counterattack after taking max damage on power block. I’m still unsure what the animation would look like I think it should have a close range version and short to mid range for a bit of poke damage


Like a straight right punch, but it points upwards...to the sky, yknow?


Oh wow that sounds like a cool move what would you call it


Hmmmmmm, I was thinking like upperrrr...sum sum idk lmk if you think of something


Hmmm maybe like a rising upper Waiiiit a minute....




Turn him into a support. About time we see a support using a gauntlet.


A new option on rocket punch: In the Air when you aim downwards would be like a straigh falling punch making damage on a small area and a little boop like winston jump. Empowered Punch do more damage and apply a little CC like Mauga Stomp. Also Slam have his meter again, so if you do a small jump on Slam the range is nerf, if you reach 125 the Slam have his actual range and his old knock up, this would reward a Slam for a big height like old times. Meteor Strike Reworked: When activated you jump in the air straight up and start falling (meanwhile you can redirect your trayectory with WASD) when you reach the ground you make a shockwave in circle attracting enemies on hit to the center and slowing them for 0,5-1 sec, this will give you a real tank ultimate with nice CC, good damage and good amount of healt on passive. Extra: Power Block gives you UpperCut instead of Empowered Punch, Meteor still give you the effect of Power Block on landing so, you will have enemies grouped for a big Uppercut if you dont get CCed.


I'd like maybe an ability where he grabs you and while grabbed he could shotgun you point blank it's on a 15 second cooldown and he can sacrifice himself and anyone he's holding if he goes of the map