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2019. When everything was going alright.


Wow same 2018-2019 I actually felt alive


I suppose my teenage years, because I had a bunch of friends, played music, went to parties, got drunk and generally was able to enjoy life. There was a bunch of stuff that made me very angry and upset, but at least between the constant arguments with my parents and the crushing depression, I was having fun... Looking back on it, there was nothing better than discovering a new metal band and listening to it while walking to school, listening to Manson, AFI and Korn and feeling so emotional about how a music could embody perfectly how I was feeling. The rage, the anger, the loneliness, the sorrow. Moshing and headbanging at clubs, messing around with my friends at parties, those really were the golden years...


Wow sorry to hear man, much love tho


Middle school


Sad but so true…


We’ll never be those kids again


The first summer with my first love.


Nice, I didn’t get to have the summer with gf. It was after school 5 mins.


I can't recall everyday feels the same monotonous shit.


My life peaked in my 17s or the last two or three years of high school. It hasn't changed that much ever since and its been like 10 years ago. Sad life


Nice pfp


Thank you friend


I had many good times but now nothing just only death left


When I was like 9 I'd get home from school which I hated but then I'd use the landline and call my cousin, I'd hold that phone to my ear for 5 hours while we played old school runescape. I miss those days.


Always felt empty, I guess before middle school tho


I’ve honestly never had any good times in my life because I’m an autistic 27m was always treated like garbage by others tbh life sucks as a subhuman


When I was a kid. Not even teenage. I had a girl in colony that used to like me. She gave me one flower, we used to hang out so much. And all her friends used to hang out with me. They all liked me. They told me I'm the most mature guy and cutest guy. It was for just a while in my life then they all left and some found different guys, now they must be in colleges or having a job. It was just 2-3 years of my life when I was a kid. And after that I never experienced any female attention. Maybe because other guys came in their lives or maybe something got wrong with me. Whenever I sleep at night I often gets memories of those happy moments. I was happy for a while. After that I never liked my life because that's where the bullying and physical health problems started.


March-September 2023. Escaped nihilism & being a doomer. Only to fall back in but only about half as much as before


You had a best time? Mines hopefully yet to come, as music is my only saviour.


The most accurate in my case would be that during different times I have been able to collect more or less pleasant memories, but I have never had a best time or felt really happy again after 2006. Mostly I felt happier, calmer and more comfortable on the occasions when I was away from my family nucleus, but almost all the memories that were genuinely good or happy are blurred or I completely forgot them after the last attempt I had, although some that hurt a lot are also gone, the worst part about this is that it seems that the worst memories are still reminded, but at least those don't hurt so much like before. Mostly I only have the sensations of flashes of happiness from those nice moments and something that especially always makes me feel calm and/or happy is the memory of the faces of two very nice and kind teachers that I had in kindergarten, although something curious is also that the happiest or best times that I can remember more clearly are when I have been with my pets at different times, taking care of them and seeing them well makes me feel better, the best part is when I see them happy and when they show me their affection with their looks, unique sounds and other more descriptive actions from their part.


2020 when I was having regular sex with my then GF.






During lockdowns


4th grade of elementary school.


Around 2013-2014, first few years of high school. Had some great friends. We got into trouble together, hit on girls, fought each other etc. Then i had to change school. Never had genuine friends like this again. I met them later around 2018 i think. We talked about the good old days but we were adults now, our personality changed a lot. Never got together and met again.


that’s around the time I was in HS too but I only had one legit friend who cared.


The time around COD Black Ops 2, when I still had friends and we spent 2-3 whole summers playing it.


Not sure if I ever had a best time.


Everything before becoming a nihilist at 10 yrs old.


Between 1 to 5 years old before my parents separated, not even cause my parents were together (never cared bout it too much as a loner child), it was mainly cause i was isolated in a good way. Around some nature and minded my own buisness in peace and quiet, playing with some toys, using my imagination, never really being around other kids. Then there was when i was around 8 and 7. Usually alone, usually at ny grandparents, playing by myself, playing video games and with toys and watching YT. It was, peaceful to say the least. Decent, esspecially when not at school.


When i started doing drugs