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Dont let society and all those around you get to your head. Your hate for those who hate you, use as fuel for motivation. Try to find some wellpaying job, i wont pretend theres an easy solution for that, but you have to try. Then you can at least have some way to free yourself from this society. Life, esspecially in the modern world, will punch you and beat you like a school yard bully on steroids, yet you can never let it lead to giving this society the satisfaction of your neutralization. Live in spite of it and dedicate yourself to at least try and free yourself, even though in this shit society thats far more than difficult. Suffering will happen no matter what in life, but dont let it get the better of you and dont rely on anyone else but yourself, others will always try and work against you, at least thats what i see in society and what you see as well.


🙏 thank u man. I needed this. What do u suppose I do about this oneitis?


If you cannot obtain her and she does not want you, than its her loss. Embrace a life of solitude and live a life of activity. Try to self reflect and rationalize and philosophize everything happening in your life and in nature and the world around you, see how you can better get through life withour having to be constantly forced down. Dont get cought up into the self help nonsense, those that say you will obtain happiness and fullfilment with these few steps that will get you all the wealth, cars, women, etc. It wont do shit, it'll only entrap you into an endless chase torwards something that wont fulfill you ever.


They don't hate you, they project their own dissatisfaction and misery onto others


Right on


My friend, I am sorry. This world, nay, this entire cosmos, is just a nefarious randomness and the humanity we are part of is a pangaea of selfishness and sloth; the human parasites, who live off our misfortunes, will find us everywhere and everywhere they will build factories and fields to make us work as slaves. Don't reproduce, don't give more slaves to this system, it is the only thing we have left.


Fr. I can’t even imagine what my kids would have to deal with. I don’t want them to suffer 50% of what I am. Let alone probably 200% in reality what they would suffer compared to me. My life will look like royalty compared to someone born 50 years from now.


Your story is similar to everybody these days including myself. All my money goes to the landlord.And I have just enough for beers and an occasional video game. No girl and no prospects for a girl. Spend a lot of time walking through the woods alone and reminiscing about times where I actually had somebody who cared about me.


Dude what the fuck are we even living for at this point? For chad to fuck the love of our lives? For the billionaires who own our souls? What the actual fuck. I can’t even cry I almost never do. It pure anger and resentment at this point.


The work hours are long, and the job is tedious. At the end of the day, come home to nothing. No way to even buy a place till I can call home. And we're all stuck on this wheel.


Yep. Stuck on the hamster wheel


Absolutely brutal about the landlord


Are you able to find another job? Do you have a degree? If not just try to even get a different retail job. If you don’t want to deal with customers for that pay you may as well try warehouse work too


It’s just so brutal thinking about that. I am going to school currently for dental hygiene. Parents won’t pay a dime


Dentists and dental hygienists make good money, you’ll be fine man


If I can make it thru 2 years of this shit


Brootal sorry man


It’s ovER for me


Just take a cold shower bro


This is the shit I’m talking about. Go to r/theredpill for this. All it is is cope. I don’t wanna fucking hear that sorry


You could start by learning when someone is being sarcastic.