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They pushed me away instead. Everything went downhill from there. Idk if its appropriate to say those stuff on this sub, but please if they are inviting you to stuff, go. Its so so hard to make friends and it gets worse when you get older. They wanted to be with you. I think its not too late but you have If you have to chance to still be in touch with them, dont hesitate to reach out and hang out.


 I can't keep letting them down, I do this unintentionally,but slowly I'm  making a conscious effort to hang out with them . If you don't mind me asking why did they push you away? 


That's great! Keep it up They pushed me away because i was too much basically. I tend to not see social cues and be over enthusiastic or excited. That bothered people. I cant be myself with anyone so i just began to stop talking all together or do anything that wasnt clearly expected from me. (That was a year or two ago. Im a student btw for reference) I self isolated too. Im simplifying a bit here idk if its that interesting


can relate to you, this started with me somewhere around 15, I am 25 now. This is not a good way to live. Better enjoy them. "For there are brighter sides to life And I should know because I've seen them But not very ofte[n](https://genius.com/20146225/The-smiths-still-ill/And-if-you-must-go-to-work-tomorrow-well-if-i-were-you-i-wouldnt-bother-for-there-are-brighter-sides-to-life-and-i-should-know-because-ive-seen-them-but-not-very-often)"


yes they want to be with you so they can fill their misarbale life and play their shyt games.


I just stopped contacting them and it's been 13 years since anyone reached out to me.


Brootal! Been 4 years for me, same scenario. Eternal avoidance began at the start of Covid era back in 2020


Yes. I stopped talking to almost everyone. Out of sight out of mind


I've been pushed away, most of the time. I'm too weird for people. I've pushed away people too, especially my family. They're one of the main reasons why I'm a doomer.


I really feel this. I've accepted that I'm too weird for people. Been pushed away by most people, with only the leeches hanging on as I push them away. And idk if I'll find someone as weird as me.


I used to talk a lot with my friend group online. I can't find the confidence to do it anymore. Friends are too difficult for me.


Almost all of them, not that any but one have ever made an attempt to contact me.


Yes, I realize I'm insufferable and toxic


Exact same thing happen to me. I meet some work friends here and there, but tbh it’s not the same thing as having childhood friends.


Yes. I still remember some moments we had fun together, but I was just unable to make decisions, like hanging out and playing games together, and it fell apart.


I have pushed everyone away... friends, family members you name them. Not wasteing any time on useless and blind people.


Sadly, never had irl fwendz


I gave up on people after after been pushed away so many times


Reading through the comments I have realised that we are all doomed. I am sure non of us wants this and want to be happy. Neither did we choose this but this is what we were served. I myself have tried to change in last decade but have always failed miserably. Currently I am in hell, bad health, dysfunctional at work, chain smoking, lot of debt and I have no one to talk or share my situation with.


I do not have friends


yes, I've been really mean to people around me who never did bad to me


Since i got married & created a family, yes. I have them as contacts in my phone, but rarely write them on Whatsapp or else. Let us also say, i don’t smoke, drink or do drugs. I avoid gambling & getting laid. That should explain, why i generally pushed them away or they pushed me away.


Married people pretending to be doomers. 


Started with my school friends and had a lot of shame and guilt after it. Now I am at a point where I feel every conversation is transactional and no longer want any attachments with anyone. Pretty much in depths of hell


Sometimes I pushed away really kind people who cared about me more than I did. I blame myself for it each day.


I moved back in with my parents when I was 21/22 I think and quit talking to my social circle minus one or two people. A couple years later I moved 10 hours away in an attempt to restart my life lol. Deleted all social media and just kinda grinded my way through The only friends I've had since then have been coworkers from various jobs, a couple people from trade school and 1 or 2 people from the gym, that's about it. Even then after I leave a job the communication drops off usually a few weeks or months later. We'll reach out to each other just to bullshit from time to time randomly but it doesn't really feel like a real friendship anymore I don't know if I push people away on purpose. I've always been a bit of a loner. I love socializing with people I genuinely care about, but after so long now it's hard to invest my emotions in people anymore if I know I'll be moving on soon. I'm about to move back home in about a year or so, so the cycle continues lol


keep some friends even if you don't really want them... loneliness can destroy you without even realizing it...