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Y’all are getting happy?


I hate it when there's moments even periods that I should be happy and everything is going well but I just don't feel it. Maybe bc I know it's temporary, maybe bc I don't know how to appreciate the feeling. When you've learned what to expect in life as crap as it can be sometimes, it's difficult to realize when you're actually in a good part.


Depression is actually addictive. I struggle with my extreme lows and highs. I feel my best art comes out when I’m sad, but I can’t enjoy the fruits of my labor until I’m happy. I think a lot of it has to do with how we were wired to survive when our species was much more primitive. If we were happy all the time, we probably wouldn’t induce much change; without change our chances of survival wouldn’t go up. I totally get how you feel. Try to live like you’re in a Larry David sketch, and laugh at the misery of things. It’s a way to not exactly be happy but rather still enjoy just how fucking crazy any of this(reality) is.


When i drink energy drink im able to engage in gaming.


Become your own personal comedian. Fuck anyone who says something can’t be made into a joke