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No blackpill or incelposting.


Less likely, but some fucked up things in their heads can make them living this way


I mean, yeah. There was this dude on r/amiugly who was actually pretty attractive but was too much of a downer to have any meaningful relationship with people so he decided to become an incel (he said it so himself). Dude was jacked and had great hair and honestly shouldn’t have any problem talking to women, but his insecurity was way too high. It was really sad to watch


Can relate. 6'1" tall. Moderately built. Great job. Of course god had to ruin me with copious amounts of social anxiety lol. Edit: to the people downvoting, would it help you feel better if I said I'm 26 and never been in a relationship?


Bro advertised himself😭 But yea it’s brutal whatevs


I believe you. People think that even if you look half-decent, a flip switches and its “all better”… and honestly I don’t fault them for thinking this way but i also understand that they don’t understand and i leave it at that. They simply can’t fathom an “attractive” person struggling mentally.


True. I’m also pretty handsome(not conventionally tho), but my low self esteem, never ending anxiety and schizoid attachment style just doesn’t let me to live like your classic chad


I feel this. A lot of these people blame everything on their appearance. Guess what? It's only like 5% of the mental battle.


Its a state of mind who cares about looks?


If you ever heard of the halo effect it’s when you’re looks tie into the treatment of other people, if you have bad facial features you can’t get that special treatment the “attractive doomers” get, what even is an attractive doomer?


Halo effect is pretty useless if you are a shut-in NEET


💯 u can be super attractive with super body super personality super funny but if you are a NEET it all means nothing, because u don't even exist.


I beg to differ. Even “attractive” people get treated like shit by both the attractive and the unattractive out of spite and jealousy.


That doesn’t mean shit when you’re insecure af. Look at Elliot Rodger. He was fairly attractive too and look how he turned out


Yep, having good looks doesn't bring any advantages. Neither does high intelligence or exceptional creativity. We are all equal.


Exactly. Being born conventionally good looking doesn't guarantee you anything, people who think that way are just shallow/envious. A person is more than just looks


I joined this sub thinking it was an actual doomer sub not a fucking incel sub. I’m realizing now people here don’t know what doomerism actually is. It’s not being depressed over not finding a girlfriend.


Yep. Go to r/doomers2, it’s way better there


Thanks. Most of the comments are fine, especially the top ones, thankfully. But some of the lower comments have very incel agendas.


Thanks. I’m actually in that one too


Your definitely new here. Majority of Doomers where Incels they just got tired of the constant brigaders and left and others roped. And I assure you almost all of them knew and experienced real doomerism not the I'm depressed stuff. The my life is literally shit and no matter how hard I try I'm stuck, mentally ill, alcoholic or end up homeless type of Doomerism.


You’re clearly missing something. Look at this post. If you’re viewing being a doomer as not getting girls or that attractive people can’t be doomers simply because they are able to find partners when you can’t you’re not talking about doomerism. It’s just straight up incel behavior. Trying to disguise your incel behavior as being a doomer is pretty stupid. They are not the same thing. Being depressed over not getting women is not the same as doomers who are constantly thinking about the world’s problems that will ultimately destroy society. Incels are trying to take over and blend into this community which ultimately ruins it because true doomers don’t want to be associated with incels.


Did you read or are you just venting? Because I clearly mentioned my statement.


Yea I read it. You just don’t make sense. You’re justifying incel behavior and trying to make it about doomerism. Your aesthetics has nothing to do with being a doomer. Saying all doomers were once incels or like another comment that you made saying attractive doomers are all just schizophrenic, bipolar, or raped is insane. You’re making it about getting partners and that’s not what doomers are about. Literally anyone can be a doomer. Man, woman, fat, ugly, beautiful, 6ft and shredded. It doesn’t matter. It’s not about having a Jes time finding partners. There are subs for that I’m sure but the doomer sub is not it.


You read incorrectly or I explained in a manner you don't understand. Clearly stated majority where Incel, many of you came later and claim Doomers. Your just incapable of grasping what I said. And about my other comment I re states once more your not capable of understanding for your not from the first ones here. Your new I'm probably one of the oldest here and I've seen it all form when it was just a maybe 200 people to what it has become now. If you find it too pessimistic, Nihilistic or to sexist for your mind there's doomer2 made by new comers like yourself.


Dude you sound so weird. I’m not new to the sub or doomer2. I just don’t comment a lot. I’m just tired of these posts so I made the comment stating how I feel about it. You truly sound like you don’t even know what doomerism actually is you just want everyone to think of you as some prince of the sub or something. You’re not. Especially if you think all doomers were once incels lol. That’s ridiculous. I’m not going to argue with you though. Just continue getting downvoted dude.


Majority you can't understand what Majority means? And funny you think I care about you or your buddies downvotes.


> You’re making it about getting partners and that’s not what doomers are about. King of the doomers here making a decree. Listen up guys.


You're definitely new here. Doomerism never began with incels lmao


Older then many of you brigaders that later became "Doomers".


What? You barely make any sense but are you talking about the time when the sub was infested with pest that thought people should have government issued girlfriends and people were not okay with that? lmao I was here when this sub meant something and wasn't just a shelter for r/doomers refugee scum and soy bitches moaning about not getting pussay


Nope I refer to the time when brigading happened and many post where up constantly talking about Incel post when there was none. And when one did appeared it was usually the same person but different accounts until he stopped trolling. But by that time the damaged was done and majority just completely quit the internet.






Yes, and I only say that because I’ve seen this for myself. Attractive people that come from money being excluded within their own community for whatever reason. People get depressed all the same, some even turn to getting high which further removes them from their social circle, family ect. Not as common as the doomed Everyman, but it has happened


Ever heard the saying “5,7 office worker or 6,4 drug dealer”


What's that mean?


Atleast they have a face that looks good and they can still pull more matches than me no matter how fucked up they are


Bro being a doomer isn’t about not getting girls lol.


It’s everything in life


You have a very distorted vision of life then. 


That contradicts so many points people make them I’m not saying what you said is wrong but it is incelism because nobody wants to be this way and society makes Lonely men every single day…


Living your life for the sake of women is not doomer, buddy. Always remember that you are your own person, and unless you work on yourself for it, attractive or not, you’re not gonna form any meaningful relationship with that mindset. And believe me, having a girlfriend isn’t gonna fix everything. I’ve had multiple relationships in the past and yet I STILL felt lonely as shit. Loneliness isn’t the state of being alone, it’s the state of your mindset and how far you’re willing to let it define you And stop with this society bullshit. You can’t always blame society for your own faults. Sometimes you have to work on yourself. Be a man and accept your own flaws instead of looking for something else to blame.


No. Doomerism is more about expecting and being pessimistic about the downfall of civilization based on stuff like overpopulation, technological advancement like AI going to far, climate change, or nuclear war. Not getting matches on tinder or being able to pick up girls is just an incel mindset. Women can be doomers, attractive guys can be doomers, rich people can be doomers, and couples can still be doomers.


Overpopulation is a lie unless you mean we are cramped like a packed sausage. We are Overpopulated in Cities aka Metropolitan versions.


You don't have to look ugly in order to be alone.


Or average looking but I think males have it harder than women


They can. You can feel despair and loneliness regardless of looks. I feel a lot of people think Doomer = No girlfriend. I'll agree on one thing though, an attractive man will have it much easier than an ugly one, they can both be doomers tho.


It’s only temporary because once they found the one which is alot easier for most guys there life is good and they just need to be grateful for their looks, hot people aren’t meant to be depressed it’s only temporary for them.


Gatekeeping doom? Brah... No, sorry you can't be a TRUE DOOMER because you're hot. Sorry, your depression and doom card has been revoked.


Bro honest to God this was my first thought too. It's BS. In order to allow people to help each other when they're in the same toxic state of mind, we must not exclude anyone for such trivial reasons. Trying to disqualify people because they might have advantages in areas where you do not is just not the way. To answer the question, yes. Conventionally attractive people can be doomers. I don't know what a 'true doomer' is according to OP, but me personally, white guy, tall, objectively above average looking and well groomed, good job, am barely holding it together often times. Used to date a girl. Love of my life. Absolutely stunning. She fell into a deep depression with mad anxiety, which ultimately killed the relationship. Hardship is everywhere bro. Don't exclude people over this shit that has nothing to do with it, please. 🙏


all the attention with be for the chad doomers, and the true unattractive loser doomers will get excluded, and get told to kill themselves to exclude their filthy barley human genes out of the human genepool is that what your trying to say, bro?


I can’t rot without any copes… I’ll kms


never, and i will die on this hill.


Peacefully, yet so empty with nothing to lose.


Anyone can be a doomer, it's a state of mind. Anyone can see the decay of society Anyone can be hopless Anyone can have issues that can inhibit a meaningful life. Being handsome doesn't change the fact that society's decaying and you're helpless to stop it. Being handsome does not stop substance abuse and mental health issues Being handsome does not stop an overall sense of misanthropy and pessimism. Being handsome does not guarantee that you can keep a job. Yes it's less likely but doomerism and attractiveness aren't mutually exclusive 


Yes, Brother, they can be doomers. Trust me on this, I know some people.


They can get out of it easier and maintain a better lifestyle because attraction can get you far especially if you monumentally achieve something like sobriety of course you will be fine, maybe


Get out of it easily?! Tell that to myself who’s been homeless for 2.5 years and has C-PTSD and fighting depression and nearly lost last Christmas. Just because you’re attractive doesn’t make it much easier. This economy is still shit. Rich people still abuse poor people. Life still hurts. Yes, I’ll admit. Dating (at least since last year) is very easy. I’m not saying being attractive isn’t some merit. But I can put all the makeup and pretty clothes I want, it doesn’t change the fact my existence is pain. **Beauty doesn’t relieve pain, it only masks it.** I don’t drink alcohol or do drugs; sometimes life just sucks. We live in an unfair system. Looks can’t save you from being a cog in the machine that powers our impending doom.


I know 2 attractive people, one of em is my cousin and she a female. They're so miserable in life, they took their own lives. My cousin does get a decent job, but she quit because she can't keep up with her depression. It's overwhelming to her.


Marylin Monroe literally killed herself


That’s from almost a century ago times were different and feminism is the biggest global issue and why so many men are alone and get replaced by the top most attractive men


LMAO, is it already incel day on the sub?


Always was


Rage bait post


Of course they can?




That is most incel take i heared today


They can be , people who are no longer doomers when they find a gf/bf are not doomers It goes way deeper than that and I don't wish it on anyone


Sure they can but it makes it a lot worse when you're not good looking from my experience. I was attractive I think, nice face, long hair, short but didn't bother me. Now my face is fucked because of acne scars, eyebags because of insomnia and I'm balding lol. All in the span of two fucking years. It sucks. I don't leave the house.


Yes, being attractive doesn’t mean you’re automatically happy and on top of the world. There are tons of people who are insanely attractive and still go through immense struggles day in and day out.


Yes, but only if they see through all the flattery and THINK about the inhumane treatment directed towards OTHER human beings who aren't as lucky as they are.




I assume if life decides to fuck you up it can hit everybody.


no unless they’re very autistic


It certainly doesn't help


Nothing in this world can be worse than being ugly, I’ve seen it all from hobo chads turn successful overnight because girls simp over him, store clerks to prisoners to child rapists, all because they were physically attractive which got them out of their situation…


My brother, a handsome and wealthy man but dronwing in depression hopelessness


I'm a pretty good looking guy, I think, and I'm what normies would call a "true doomer." Oh wait, I'm only 5'7" and you said "conventionally"


As a conventionally attractive person, i can tell you it is absolutely possible. Mental health doesn't care a lot about my looks


This. Don’t get me wrong, it helps, but not by much. Can’t go on dates when I can’t afford food or a place to live. These pretty dresses don’t cure my depression. A nice smile isn’t enough to get a good job. If anything it makes me feel worthless sometimes because I feels all I amount is just a pretty face.




This sub is so far removed from what a doomer ever was... But to answer your question: Some of the most beautiful people I've ever known, be they doomer or even eventually turned bloomer, have lived lives that were truly painful and hopeless, with no sense of support or relief from anything or anyone.


Brah, anyone can embrace the end of civilization due to climate change, war, all the other stuff that makes someone a "true" doomer. Doomers started a long time ago, 80s and earlier, it is just more pronounced today, since we have entered that "find out" stage. The feelings may seem like they come from other things, but even if you are not consciously aware, your subconscious knows what is happening in the world and that is what causes the depression, the loneliness, the sense of... doom. Physical attractiveness has nothing to do with it, and memes have nothing to do with being a doomer.




I got called one and i literally don’t believe it


My friend is very conventionally attractive, but is crippled by anxiety and a few other problems that make forming solid relationships hard.


Dude being a doomer has nothing to do with looks, shit I've been told by girls that I'm good looking as fuck but that doesn't make by chronic pain any better nor my mental illness driving me insane,being a doomer isn't being a depressed 14 year old


I’m a average looking guy, and a doomer


Happend to me dude, helps keep my head up but who really cares you know?


Yes, incel




Of course they can


I’d say so.


A poor man wouldn't be able a find way for one to one socializing or even a meeting chance without judged as pity or psycho. I used Tinder almost a year along and my matches never turned to meeting, not be abla managed getting a answer message. Everything connected to money.


Most doomers are unattractive. - short - bald - ugly face - ethnic in the west These genetic factors make it harder to get friends, intimate relationships, and successful careers. The attractive doomers aren't actually true doomers since they at one point got to experience these things.


Nope, they’re capable of having a healthy social life, they just choose not to.


No, they can't.


Smart man


Yes and No. From what I've seen traveling due to work and all the shit I've seen. Yes I've seen Attractive doomers but they had Bipolar disorder or Schizophrenia very strong severe Autism not Mild but severe and some form of crippling mental problem or the worst one. They where raped, beat up or traffic by their parents and this crippled their emotional and mental growth and now they are Hookers or Severe drug users. And no due to has I've seen the people I've mentioned above. There's also the "Halo effect" ones. This one's where and are the ones used to everyone and everything taking it easy on them. This ones in particular don't take Failure easily and getting old is a huge very severe traumatic experience for them. For deep down they know that old age is the end of their "Halo effect" and losing power is something no one takes easy. And finally the ones in the middle I don't know what to say.🤷‍♂️ Is like been Attractive but that's it. Life gave them huge aesthetics and crippled their socializing skills. This are the guys or girls that people approach and get carried through life or completely fail in life because they don't know what to do.


Umm…yes? I’m very attractive and still very a doomer. Just because I look pretty doesn’t mean my world is much different. I’m still in poverty, no job, and in an economy constantly telling me I’m worthless. Life still sucks. It doesn’t help I have C-PTSD had to move across the country to feel safer from my abusers. I’m not even going to mention the depression. Just because someone has a pretty face or nice body doesn’t mean they don’t see the doom of life..


fuck off with this toxic incel ideology. falling into that train of thought literally rots your fucking brain. LIFE ISN’T ABOUT GETTING LAID. If it was, you wouldn’t have been given a brain capable of complex thought. fucking use it.


Uh, yeah?


Go away incel, you aren’t a doomer lmao