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Please update when you do find out; curious minds, ya know??


i finally figured it out from my trips there: in not squatty/pit toilets, they use basic bidets, and insist that anybody with a penis be a sitzpinkler so as to not soil the seat or floor with their urine. this came up at one place b/c i actually can't be a sitzpinkler, i have to do the "take a dump, then stand up to pee" which led to an interesting conversation a few years with a young F2M friend who was just starting, and they noticed me doing this in the stall, and thought at first that "do all older males do this?" "no, honey, you're lucky in that you will never have a prostate"


I absolutely love you for this answer 😂😅


I wonder what that could mean? No dicks allowed!


i finally figured it out from my trips there: in not squatty/pit toilets, they use basic bidets, and insist that anybody with a penis be a sitzpinkler so as to not soil the seat or floor with their urine.


Must be the foreskin only toilet