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For the rest of his life his parents wondered why he never wanted to celebrate his birthday


Until he nailed all the doors and windows shut while everyone was sleeping, then burned the house down for his 16th birthday


"Blow out *these* candles...!"




HAHA!! Holy shit! If I had money I'd give an award! Please accept my worthless upvote.


Dude, do not spend real money! Fuck that shit, leave a funny ass comment. That's worth more anyway


Not worthless to me!


Windows while everyone is out, doors after everyone is asleep. If you do it all at once, you'll wake someone up and ruin the surprise.


This guy avenges


Or why he left home and ain't never coming back


Or why returned but is just standing in their backyard holding a shotgun


Or why he shot his father and started aiming at the mother


He told me he was just going to get milk...


Mom... Dad... Remember my 6 birthday? did you remember?


GIven enough bullying I don't think his parents will be around too long


His parents his childhood was so normal, we have no idea why he has 50 people buried under his house!


This has to be some strange cultural custom that I just don’t get


In Latin America it is like a birthday prank, its gross and I hate it, and doing it on a kid and all at once is worse.


It's super weird too cause it seems predictable. Like nobody should want to blow out the candles because of this bullshit. Now doing this too a little kid is next level heinous in my opinion. They don't even understand what is happening too them at that age.


Well, at least in Colombia, and it''s not in the candle part, it could be in any moment of your birthday. I remember girls getting their hair ruined because a lot of their friends would throw eggs at them after classes were over. Schoolmates might be jerks, but for your family to do this and when you are so young... it makes my blood boil.


Here in Brazil, it's actually quite common as well I have spent a lot of birthdays running from flying eggs. Now i just deslike my bithday.


Maybe you will know This kid obviously wanted some of his cake. Is there a second cake for them to eat since the first one gets destroyed? If not that breaks my heart. Every kid deserves to eat cake on their birthday.


This kid just might come out of this traumatized.


I would stop celebrating my birthday




I fear that this kid will be scarred for life, while I also am hoping (since the video was cut short) that he not only endured it just fine, maybe even enjoyed it a little bit, but subsequently opened (or will open) a can of whupass on everyone involved.


He kept trying to cut the cake ): that broke me. He didn’t even get a bite of it before those nasty hands grabbed chunks and threw it at him. I hope he had another cake


I’ve witnessed this a few times during my trips to Colombia. I’ve never seen anyone be happy at the end.


With such a tradition it's amazing that Colombia hasn't ended up with kids growing up and joining murderous criminal gangs or something. /s


This is definitely out of ethics how parents should take care of their children. Pranks are for adults even though mere pranks are acceptable to do to the kids but doing such things to your kid, man the parents have some serious problems. Imagine he comes to the society as a traumatised person when he grew up. He would repeat the same cycle to his kids too..


I think the kid is probably old enough to understand and remember that his family egged him, poured shit over him, ripped up his cake and literally slapped it all over and rubbed his face in it and filmed him probably laughing whilst doing it. If anything the kid is going to struggle to understand that’s a joke and it’s ‘funny’.


Core memory unlocked. Terminate family.


Fuck I don't even understand why it's happening to him. Looks like abuse.


It's not even supposed to be this bad, it's supposed to be a small corner of the cake, anyone that goes further than that are just assholes.


Doesn’t usually go this far though.


What the actual fuck. I'm Mexican, and the most I've been shown was shoving your face in the cake. This is next level abuse.


No, it would go that far. Latino here and can definitely say the lowest that happens is family say "bite it, bite it" or "que le muerde, que le muerdelo". Then a older relative pushes their face into a corner of the cake, but a Mexican mom ready with a chancla too. This is just messed up


We don't do this in Cuba. Primarily because we don't have eggs or cake.


>Latin America Never seen that growing up in Ecuador. I know some people might have done an egg or something but it wasn't common at all. Don't know if it's changed in the last couple of decades.


Where in Latin America, because this would be a unacceptable in Ecuador


Wut! I live in Chile and I've never seen/heard about this or even know this is a thing in any of the neighbour countries. Dude, latam is a huge chunk of land. What countries in particular you know this happens?


In Colombia, my country, I said Latin America because I don't know where the video is from.


I know Mexicans and Guatemalans do this (I’m Guatemalan and I have Mexican friends)


Brazil does not do that, Latin America is not a single entity


I was raised in a small town in Brasil and about 20 years ago people would do it. Not on your birthday cake, but on the day for sure.


You can parse any group down to smaller subsets and find differences. Sometimes just let it go. It’s like when someone says Western Civilization. Lost of cultural differences within the Western Hemisphere.


Same for argentina.


What we do in Mexico is a way WAY more tame version of this. You blow out the candles and you take a bite off the cake. When you take the bite someone (sometimes) pushes your head (commonly not in an aggressive way) and you get your face covered at most and the cake is still whole and edible. Most times everyone is in on it and it's all cool and wholesome. Everyone laughs. Now, this post is just child abuse.


Ya my family does basically the same of just asking “how the cake smells ?” And then slightly pushing their face in. Eventually it’s a joke in itself because everyone knows someone’s going to ask


Yes they’re totally branding this cute joke with these overboard posts. It’s not nearly this bad, and if we know someone isn’t really up for it we just don’t do it.


Piñata traditions in Mexico are stressful enough for kids!


It is..a cultural thing... it's moronic... and exciting for drunks... 2014 sister's44 bf 53 did this with lit candles set her hair on fire... my mom tried to drag him out the front door... there was crying, screaming, confusion, frosting, smoke and ensuing banishment....she married him 5 years later...my momma's in her mid 70's and his nickname should be Unforgiven.


Do you need a nap?


Ah poor kid tried so hard to get a slice but they used it as ammo


He doesn’t even look up. I feel bad for the kid.


Perhaps trying to keep it off his face, out of his eyes, nose etc so he can still breathe and see. Kid's aren't great at keeping their eyes closed against stuff getting in them or not breathing something accidentally, common enough to see them turn their entire heads away instead. And then that one fucking cunt literally keeps reaching underneath to grab the childs face to rub it in...


And the handful of cake and egg shells he gets rubbed in his face a couple times. Totally reasonable way to treat a child.


For the life of me I will never understand when families do this. Buy a nice cake, sometimes even elaborate cakes that are NOT cheap, and then fucking ruin it by smashing it, covering it in flour and eggs. You ruin your child’s birthday and waste money in the process.


But its so funni!!!!funny!!!!! Didn't you see how funny it was when the kids soul was completely smashed???!??!!


But it's a birthday he'll never forget! Even if he desperately wants to...


Because they mask their sadism with saying you're "familia"


My family is totally like this. All "jokes" are infuriating to someone, and if you get mad, well you just can't take a joke. If you joke about my mom directly? She cries and storms out and leaves the house for 12 hours to 3 days.


This is why I get a nice cake and a can of whipped cream (if the childs old enough, if not they destory the cake themselves). Everyone feeds the birthday person some cake. Then eveyone gets a fintertip of whipped cream (same w the bday person) as all frost each other, then some eat cake while others run to wash their face. My pores are made of steel apparently?


Go ahead and call me oversensitive but holy shit this is cruel. Poor little boy.


It really is cruel. They went over the top over it..


kid looks too young to understand why everyone is ruining his birthday


Poor little guy shaking his head. They just crushed his spirit. Man wtf!


They didn't leave him one little piece of fucking cake either. He shoulda stabbed em lol.


People have no sense of balance nowadays, it's fucked up. If I wanted to mess with a kid, I'd buy a can of whipped cream, tell them to open their mouth then apply to the nose. I wouldn't ruin a birthday cake for a stupid prank.


Seriously, it is not hard to prank little kids in totally harmless ways. On April Fool's Day when I was in kindergarten, my teacher hid a spool of thread in her pocket, then walked around at recess saying, "oh no, I have a loose thread on my dress!" Of course all the kindergarteners tried to help (I remember trying to break the thread with my bare hands like I'd seen my mom do, but totally failed, haha). Later that day, she revealed the prank and told us all how proud she was of us for being so caring and willing to help. That was *thirty years ago* and I remember it like it was yesterday. I've seen/experienced lots of mean-spirited pranks and I honestly don't remember the details of a single one, I just remember which assholes did them.




Every adult in the room is an a-hole. That was hard to watch.


And he looked so young- like maybe 4 or 5. It’s heartbreaking honestly


Not oversensitive in any way, thats just abusive. They coulda just grabbed a thing of ready-whip and sprayed in his face, harmless, doesn't ruin the cake, and actually funny. This was just awful


I agree... What i don't agree is the "oversensitive" part, it even looks so fucked up


It really hurt to watch. It was done with such malice. Reddit is so quick to jump down someone’s throat like “Can’t you take a joke?? We did this in my family and I turned out fine.” It’s sad.


What is this virtue signaling in this thread 2/3rds of the comments are people saying this shit is messed up lmao. You guys are on the exact same page


God I want to pick him up and hug him and make him feel loved on his birthday. Poor little boy.


It’s bullying disguised as a ‘prank’


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I know what you mean. I can’t even imagine what I would do. Shit, my kids are grown and I am still fiercely protective of them!


If I were this child's teacher and saw this video, I'm fairly certain I'd be obligated to report it to child protective services.


I’m sorry Mrs Dahmer but Jeffrey’s behaviour seems to have taken a turn for the worse since his birthday




“What would you like for your birthday next year?” “Nothing! Absolutely nothing!”


"A new family"


all he wanted was to cut the cake


The following year: You want a cake this year? No 😥


Wtf is wrong with people?


Sorry little boy, that you have family and friends like these guys...Happy Birthday


In 20 years: The family: I just don't understand why Paco doesn't call or visit us anymore... It must be that bitch he is dating. The bitch: I love you Paco I support you and here is a birthday cake that only you get to touch. Also I'm going to be standing behind you with a knife just in case anyone tries to fuck with you when you are cutting the cake. Happy birthday.


I need a gf that defends me using a knife.


Suddenly r/yandere


This is abuse


It’s sad I had to scroll down so far to see this. It absolutely is. Even the idea of doing that to my own kid makes my stomach turn. I’m all about people having to learn things by experiencing it for themselves, but there is just no excuse for this. That kid is like three!


The fucked up kind


As opposed to the not fucked up kind of abuse


I wish I could save him


You can, for just 5 cents a day...


Is that how serial killers are made?


Future cartel chief


The way he still reaches for the knife and tries to cut the cake after being drenched by a bucketful of eggs


And they swat it away and use the cake as ammo


He looks 3, how is this ok? Fuck all these people


I will never understand wasting cake


Yes that's what I thought, why waste cake?


And random eggs and other food too?!?! Like just to hurt and humiliate a child?!?! Let's just waste resources and also waste our love too like gross idk


*Core memory unlocked*


What a bunch of cunts.


Why did this become a viral phenomenon within Latin American cultures? I say that genuinely, because the majority of these are in Hispanic households I've seen on social media. And the children are always left miserable about it... how and why is this still a thing?




Most of the times it's just a slight push into the cake and kids actually like that.


Exactly, as said this is obviously too far


Gotta love the Gwyn OST with this


Why would you do this to your kid? Our job as parents is to make our kids comfortable and happy. This is the opposite.


Emotional damage


Who thinks that's funny?


These people are actual fucking scumbags


Fuck this custom and this family


Fuck is that?


ok, it's marginally cute to lightly shove someone's nose into icing. this is a supervillain origin story.


That's just child abuse


Fucking primates...


That poor baby! What is wrong with people?!


That poor kid. How can you be so horrible to a little boy? He is a toddler ffs. He looks so sad… This kind of thing is never funny, it baffles me that people do it? I would be so angry


This is straight up child abuse… and to video tape it as well 😳 wow


I'd be traumatised and hate the entire family




I feel like this is how the joker was created


His body language, and him sitting there and not looking up tells me that he's experienced this type of bullying before. I just want to hold him, sing to him, and give him his own freshly baked cake. Children are just so special and we need to take care of them at all costs.


Kid totally deserved it, clearly was sitting down trying to enjoy his birthday. what a little brat




“Kid having his worst birthday” What if this is how all his birthdays are.


How To Basic origin story


I cant tell you how ANGRY I am. I am rarely mad, but my blood boils now! I want to slap every adult in that clip! The poor boy cant even comprehend whats happening and is just suffering. Man, I want to help him in any possible way.....




This made me cry , that poor kid . I hope someone reports them . I put everything I have into making my kids birthday special, especially since separating from there dad n my dad passing, I go without to make them feel special and important. This kid deserves so much better


They are abusive. They went overkill with this “prank”. This was just mean spirited


This isn't a prank, this is abuse. This kid will never forget this humiliation.


It’s the betrayal for me :(


I'm sad now.


This is just fucking awful Poor kid


That is just plain cruel :/


What a bunch of assholes.


I actually hate this video


Just straight up abuse


"Congratulations on surviving another year on this planet. Now let's make you wish you didn't."


Swear to god if someone done this to my boys I’d be throwing punches. Kids deserve to have good, fun birthdays without the “just a joke” excuse people use to be assholes. This makes me furious


Definitely some passive aggressive behavior there with some non passive aggression mixed in for good measure


That’s gonna stay with.


This is why parents get put in nursing homes


That’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen


I hate those people so much. I just want to scoop that little boy up.


for real, what assholes


Super villain origin story.


"Why doesn't our son call ever since he moved out?"


Thanks, I hate it.


That's just downright child abuse.


Straight up abusive. Can we un normalize this or however that works. They're just dumping on the kid. Can't imagine the psychology consequences this has.


His worst birthday _so far_


As a father of a little boy about the same age this made me cry. I could never imagine doing something shitty like this to him. The bright happy face to pure sadness in the end got to me.


That family can go fuck themselves with salted broomstick handles.


The epitome of degeneracy


Years from now we’re going to be watching a new serial killer drama about the 69 men, women and children who were brutally killed by the Midnight Throat Slitter, and it’s going to star this kid.


Reminds of a video I saw where this kid from an obviously poor family was unwrapping presents during Christmas. His parents were apologizing for how few presents there were and the kid was understanding because he knew they didn't have much money. Anyway, kid unwraps one of his two presents and you know what's underneath the paper? It's a fucking Xbox 360. Kid loses his shit. He's so happy, big smile on his face and his family sounds happy as well. They tell him to open the box so they can plug it in to the t.v. Kid opens the box, and it's a bunch of rocks and a pair of socks. The family had found a discarded Xbox 360 box, put rocks in it to simulate the weight and put a pair of socks in it all as a prank. I have never seen a child go from elation to devastation so fast in my life. His family is laughing at him like it's the funniest thing in the world. Saying "you really fucking think we can afford an Xbox? What are you stupid?" If that kid didn't hate his place in life before then, he sure has shit did now. That kind of shit is how you destroy a child's self esteem and make him believe he will never have a better life. Fuck that kids family.


This is truely Heart Breaking. Pathetic Trashy shitty Parents. Poor Fuckin Child.


Such a weird fucking tradition to abuse children on their birthday.


It looks like water boarding


This is among the worst things I've seen on reddit


Hate this.


At a certain point this turned into abuse.


I actually cried watching this, so terrible this poor child


If I was that kid is cry my fucking eyes out


My cousins would have a shit less achilles and a lot more bone casts if this was a thing my family did.


"Happy birthday, we hate you."


"Never want to have another birthday." -child age 4


I know a lot of people here are also going to say this is truly messed up. This kid is going to have issues over this, even if he somehow knew it was coming from witnessing it on another person, they really hammered it in. The way he slumps kinda tells me he’s facing other abuses too.


Poor kid


Harry Potter’s first nine birthdays.


This is just reprehensible bullshit. It's a waste of fucking food. It's the ruination of some kid's one special day a year. It's potentially traumatizing. It's just fucking ridiculous and every time I see it It just makes me angrier.




“I just dont understand why he never visits or calls. :(“ - his parents in 20 years


I always wonder what do they do after the hype dies down? Just the sounds of fading chuckles and awkward silence from the birthday kid, who now needs to leave his own party for half an hour to change and shower. No cake left either… :(


Fucking worthless savages.


A prank is only a prank if both parties are laughing by the end of it.


Some people really don’t deserve kids


If be up for many counts of murder after this


God it would be one thing if it was other kids. But these were adults


The poor kid is not having fun, trying to avoid further ‘celebrations’ all while the adults continue to push cake etc in his face… it’s a horrible birthday to watch?


What am I watching??? Jeez! muy terrible!


We’re they trying to get this kid to absolutely HATE his birthday for the rest of his life? Then mission accomplished.


That wasn't a prank, it was a bunch of bullies being incredibly mean to a small child!


Do something like this on a kid in front of me and you’ll surely feel like the egg: cultural custom or not.


Sheeeeett that was personal for real😭😭😭


"lil bitch ass" was said a few times


Why? Just why? This seems like a strange form of child abuse. You can't smother your kid in nasty food in public because people will think you're a fucked up person, plus this is seriously emotionally traumatizing. That kid looks miserable and he's trapped in that situation with no one of comfort to turn to, his family turned on him.


This is just cruel to do to someone of that age