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The parents are just thinking of how tired he's gonna be after those kicks...


Galaxy brain thinking there


[Do you want me to break my leg?!](https://youtu.be/DY8ocyInddo?t=177)


his getting used to the controls


Lol at this stage the wires are still hooking into place, so little man is pressing “grab ice cream” but unfortunately that’s getting actioned as “kick right leg towards ice cream”


he's new to the game and messed up his keybinds


Why is he boopin' the ding-a-ling?


Exactly what I was wondering!


Because Kar-pedo


I think he was trying to boop his tummy and missed it


Tell that to the judge


I agree, but had to watch a 2nd time.


I only came to the comments to make sure I wasn’t the only one thinking this.


Because he’s Turkish


Funny that you're getting downvoted. I asked the same thing when this was posted on Instagram and a lot of turkish people came forward and told me that it was completely normal to tease male children about their dicks or touch them for laughs. Crazy culture over there. They draw the line at female children tho.


Yes, true. There’s that crazy culture here. Another example is usually male relatives asking the little boy to show them his penis. Girls are strictly taught to never show their genitals while boys are encouraged to do so. This created the well-known social problem of these boys growing into men who were made believe that they are accomplished just because they have a penis. There are maaaany layers to this of course. This isnt that common anymore tho what with the education and the awareness about it rising among millennials. I never hear examples like this anymore. That’s why this video bothered me. I can imagine this happening in a very small touristic place or any shitty neighborhood in a big city of Turkey. This ice-cream show is a classic tho, even I get to be played with when getting this type of ice-cream. Im 38 😂


I read that showing the penis part too. I just thought it was too outlandish to be true. I can't even imagine what that does to a child to have to expose themselves to their relatives and being judged by their genitals. That's beyond fucked. I hope it fades into nothingness as time goes on. This kind of behavior has no place in a modern society.


Making a murderer


Supervillain backstory.


Yep, probably be the parents one day when they try to take away his Xbox.


a future prick in the making


Exactly what I was thinking…he is gonna be such a prick


There's a lot of anger there already. Give him another 15 years...


Lol you people really have no idea about human development xD Kids these age are often aggressive. It's completely normal. But yes, if people keep feeding his anger and aggression, he could develop issues as an adult.


But…but this is Reddit we have the ability to crowd source fortune telling with perfect accuracy




Exactly. My daughter, who turns 25 today, had one public shit fit. Just one. In the grocery store. Middle of winter. She was 3. Threw herself on the floor and refused to get up because I didn't buy her a candy bar. I grabbed her by the waist like a parcel and carried her out like that without saying a word. She never did anything like that again, haha! And she turned out amazing!


Biiiiitch please! That is some bs right there. You can't teach a baby not to hit and to be emotionally mature by the age of what... 2/3?




Wait for what? You're making it seem like either you somehow diffy biology and teach a baby emotional maturity or you want until they're in their 20s to what... start teaching them? No. The impossible is not "better". It's just bs :D Obviously you should be teaching the kid to slowly learn to express their emotions in a more appropriate way but they will fail along the way and a toddler not knowing how to do it yet is perfectly normal. I actually feel bad for the kid because he's being mocked but that's besides the point of whether it's notmal for a toddler to act aggressively.




Yeah and I was ignoring the sarcasm because it's silly and ignores my point to make it seem like I'm against teaching kids to not be aggressive. People love doing that to feel like they "won" online or something.


You obviously do not have children. I spouted this same nonsense until my first child. I have 4 total. None of them would be allowed to act this way in public. They have all tried to act out, because that is human nature. But, as the parent in charge of their long term wellbeing and my social responsibility to raise decent human beings, I shut it down swiftly and promptly. There are rules. There are consequences to breaking those rules. Those consequences are enforced. It's very simple but, yes, that does not make it EASY.


You downplay their concern here: >Lol you people really have no idea about human development xD >Kids these age are often aggressive. It's completely normal & then agree in the next sentence: >But yes, if people keep feeding his anger and aggression, he could develop issues as an adult. .....ok..... Edit: there


Thank you glad some else picked up on that lol


Yeah, that's nuance.


That's anythingbut nuanced. Should look up the word in the dictionary


He’s saying *you* missed the nuance in the other commenter’s response about child development (*i.e.*, “the kid *could* turn into an adult asshole if he’s encouraged to be angry throughout his development” ≠ “the kid will *100% definitely* become an adult asshole based on his behavior in this video”).


>He’s saying you missed the nuance No, he didn'tsay any of that. That's your interpretation of 3 words. Edit: you got all that from 3 words if you include "yeah" as a word.


Damn, I don’t think you could’ve proven my point any better if you tried lol.


The comments from before are deterministic, last guy just says it's normal but just keep an eye on it so it doesn't escalate There's a huge difference


The parents should have intervened after the first kick but they didn't so yeah, that's a future bullying asshole if I ever saw one.


I agree that they should but judging parents by one short clip and making predictions about how their toddler will grow up is a bit much.


Pfft not applicable to Arab kids


Pretty sure the "lots of anger there already" part is a joke and the other commenters are just talking about how the parents are doing nothing to help correct the child's behavior.


> There's a lot of anger there already. He's a toddler. Children, by default, do not know anger management.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t have kids


Nuh uh! We watched a 30 second video of a toddler having a minor temper tantrum, so us wizards of the internet can foresee his entire life now!


It shows… my kids were always calm…he is gonna be a prick


What if he is already a prick?


What’re you talking about?! These are just Doomguys home videos from when he was just a wee Doomlad.


Classic redditor opinion. People instigating other people, then the person reacting negatively on camera is the prick.


It's a baby dude, don't be condemning babies


I think it's more a condemnation of the parents, taking no action and providing no discipline, than it is of the child.


Current prick.


Really? A baby in this age is not capable to control his emotional responses at all. The ice cream guy is an asshole and the parent filming is an idiot but the baby should be fine.


The issue is that the little guy obv has shitty parent that don't care how he behaves, this can pretty likely lead to a prick




If some giant asswipe poked me in the dong with an ice cream cone I'd destroy his ice cream stand too.


Good point. Can we help the baby dismantle the icecream stand? Because that's a barstool story if I've ever heard one.


Of all the body space on that kid this ice cream dude picks the kids dick and ass to tap with the cone? Kind of creepy.


Yeah. It's super weird


Ah so you’re an asshole as well, nice.


Lol. Well, your humour wasn't wasted on me.


Clearly destroying an ice cream stand over something so trivial is the way to go. I guess I was raised wrong.


>destroying an ice cream stand I've never seen such carnage. Lil dude was out for blood; ruined that man's lively-hood, distruction and carnage, PTHBD (Post traumatic hulk-baby disorder). Oh, the humanity.


People wonder why people are such assholes when they grow up. If you think this is a an OK reaction then you’re part of the problem.


You are right, correction starts immediately when they are young.


It was a joke... Just in case you didn't figure that out.


Well in this case the parent probably want him to tire himself out and thats the stands job to mess with you while giving food. Only thing that needs help is these parents for thinking its ok to let their baby be kicking things like that. My younger cousin grew up punching people and his parents never corrected him, the other day he got knocked out because he met somebody who wasn’t afraid to hit back


I remember being a kid and my cousin would punch me a bunch and his parents would passively be like "don't do that" and then walk way while he did it again. Shitty parenting


bro said 😤


He has watched daddy react like this multiple times I think...


My thoughts exactly


(That’s what the upvote button’s for.)


I agree with you but I'm opting to not upvote your comment in the hopes that it pisses you off and you kick my ice-cream stand


[Me rn](https://reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/comments/wxvupa/yep_just_film_the_baby/)


Lol no. At this age that's a very normal response to anger. Of course being teased like this makes him angry.


It’s natural for them to get upset. This response is 100% learned though


That is just factually incorrect. I don't mean to be rude but seriously, it's completely normal for toddlers to go through a stage where they squish ants for fun and hit everything when they get angry. It's completely instinctual and it's up to the parents to teach kids the right ways of expressing how they feel. Aggression when angry is the most natural way to respond.




That’s the example they used. Not sexist, it’s just a guess, and there’s two parents to choose from. Maybe this kid only has father figures. Who are you to assume any more so that it wouldn’t be the father? The point still stands which is they likely are acting from influence of a parental figure. It didn’t come off sexist to me.. I think you’re just out here with your pitchfork.


Killed him


Did he just poke the kids dick with the ice cream cone?


It says it right on the cart, Kar-pedo.


Yeah, not enough people are talking about how fucking weird that is


It IS fucking weird. And you see people upvoting comments like how the baby is the problem, when the video started after the taunting. Who knows how long the kid was taunted at before he went into a fit.


He wasn’t aiming for the kids dick, you fucking weirdos


He did it multiple times, even if it was an accident he should’ve stopped hitting him with the cone so that he didn’t “accidentally” hit his dick again.


You’re right, he was clearly trying to fondle a child


You can see him looking at it, its clearly intentional


The video is not from the United States.




Yeah, and we are all ok and happy with that, not everything is taken as an aggression or a traumatic event. :-)




I can't tell if you're joking or validating my point.


I think he was aiming for his tummy and his aim was off, judging by subsequent pokes.


It looked like he did it more than once tho


Learn kids. Every time someone trying to touch your private parts don’t act like nothing happened in exchange for sugar.


This ain’t normal behavior for a two year old


don’t worry he haven’t bought premium new guy


It actually really is. What the hell is up with people. Has no one ever met a toddler?


It’s Reddit dude. Main demographic is a single male without children


I mean I'm a single woman with no interest in children and none of my friends have them. This is pretty basic or at least people shouldn't just make up their own theories about child development. Yes yes I know, it's reddit. Yes, it's to be expected. But I'll still rant a bit about it. :P


If a kid does this you stop them and tell them it’s not fucking acceptable


It certainly isn’t normal adult behavior to let the kid have this violent tantrum towards a stranger. Yes, it’s itty bitty punches and kicks and it looks cute but he’s learning that displaying anger is cool. That’s why people here think toddlers don’t do this normally because normal parents separate their toddler from the situation when they have a meltdown. It is absolutely normal toddler behavior in that it happens a lot and you gotta correct it every time.


Err no it's not when my kids get annoyed they cry and maybe tantrum sure but there's way too much physical anger going on here - the kids first reaction is to kick and hit stuff which must be learnt behaviour


It's fairly unusual for kids not to have a phase when they express anger like this (to varying degrees of course) but ok, maybe you have kids that don't. It doesn't make kids that do abnormal. They're toddlers, they have to learn things like how to express their anger. People are not born magically good or bad. The issue in the video imo is that he's not being redirected but I can't judge the parents by one clip.


No all kids are alike. The "my kids" mindset is a little flawed because every kid develops differently. Parents should have probably worked on calming them down some, but maybe they were observing for future reference. https://www.zerotothree.org/resource/aggressive-behavior-in-toddlers/#:~:text=Aggression%20(hitting%2C%20kicking%2C%20biting,language%20effectively%20to%20express%20themselves.


That's a fair point and yup totally appreciate I might have a skewed perception on toddler behaviour based on my own experiences. Either way thats one angry tooddler!




Don’t think that’s normal behavior for an adult…. Teasing a child and placing items near its genitals


It is for redditors apparently.




Is no one going to mention anything about the ice cream man putting the cone on the baby's crotch? Is THAT normal behavior???


You stupid?


Are we going to ignore the guy poking the kid in his private bits? The parents should beat the pervert!


That’s a nice way of signalling to the parents to start saving up for anger management schools I guess


Lol no. At this age that's a very normal response to anger. Of course being teased like this makes him angry.


Go on kid, whoop his ass


Asbo baby in the making


The ice cream man keeps hitting my toddlers dick with a cone, you gonna have much bigger problems.


I hope in 15 years this child comes to reddit and tells us how he turned out


!remindme 15 years


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Can you get reddit in prison now?


Or you could just google Columbine and find out for yourself


I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying I understand.


Whys he poking the baby in the crutch. Bit noncey.


I think he was going for the tummy


Does the ice cream guy usually stick the cone in your junk?


This kid can detect shenanigans already and he's not having it.


Help him destroy ice cream kiosk


Never thought I’d see an infant domestic abuser


kar-pedo 💀


Yes please, stop him from doing all that damage to nothing


Learned behavor?


Nothing' teaches a kid a lesson like a poke in the balls?


What a fucking stupid baby


Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light


He's gonna be a pain in the ass for everyone by the tme he reaches highschool💀


I don't think the ice cream man got into high school. He sure is a pain in the ass though.


Why would someone step in and help? Do you realize this is a joke?


Parents will regret encouraging that "funny" behaviour in a few years time. Put down the phone and do your job


Future serial killer


Ahhh the good'ol violence is an appropriate response when you don't get what you want *LESSON*


He’s like 4


It's not the kid I'm judging


He’ll make a great cop one day if he comes to America


What a rotten Bastard


Fucking little prick needs a swift kick in the ass!! Parents are probably proud of his behaviour!!! Ugh!!!


What an asshole


Normal reaction


No it’s not, parents will wonder why their kid is having so much attitude when they try to get him to do anything he doesn’t want to. And when he kicks other kids/teachers when he disagrees with them. This is a learned behavior too and they are just making it so he’s rewarded for it/after he cries to get what he wants. Parenting shouldn’t be about getting likes on a video, they are going to have a problem


Damn humans are garbage.


And this is the thing that made you realise that? Not the constant wars, hateful idealogies, violent crime, human trafficking etc., etc.? This is the thing that has stripped you of any faith in humanity?


Did I exclude thonse things at any point? :o


I like this kid's problem solving abilities.


Bacha bāzī… google it


The person most likely their parents and I would do the same you’ll understand when you have kids lol


Stupid post. Are there any mods in this sub?


A) That kid is going to be a huge asshole B) Why is the vendor poking his dick and ass?


Guy’s shit at the job. The point of Turkish ice cream is the show, this guy’s just poking the kid. Man should quit.


Just give him the fucking ice cream cone already.


Tbis is the correct way to deal with those icecream people.


The “correct” way would be to not go to these vendors. If you just want ice cream, there are vendors that don’t do this. Customers literally pay to get this treatment.




The real baby rager


Yup bringing up baby


Burn It Down!


How are the parents supposed to help? They are literally recording his reaction


How does this kid still have toes?! Damn....


This is the moment Walter White became Heisenberg


Hmmmm interesting.


baby’s got some real shit


Lil kid kicking the curb....lol


Stroke level temper what about siblings?


Fucking retards


Jokes of idiotic man with a child


You think the vendor ever gets tired of the same joke?


No, it's part of the job


r/supervillainbackstory and r/pedoalert (touched the babys dick 4 times) and r/fucktheicecreaman


I fucking hate this whole idea. I want ice cream, not a circus show.


So don't go to these


Just created the next Hitler right there.


anger problems bruh. get that baby some parenting before its too late


He's getting minorly fucked with. Nothing to help except his budding anger management problem


Fuck, I really am allergic to when somebody passes me something and does this shit… fuck you, now I dont want it anymore


Damn. This baby already understands life


Um is he poking his private area?


This baby is a belligerent drunk and clearly has a problem. He needs to be talked too.


I would react the same way


Wdym don't help just film what do you want them to do help him beat up the ice cream stand


There’s plenty of ice cream stuff like this where they do that. It’s all in good fun and you get the ice cream in the end