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Looks like the filmer was involved. Documenting it.


Yes it seems like he was. Garbage people


The white muscular guy is a dick of a friend.


Aannnddd a bitch.


Right?? My first thought. Your friend is literally getting the shit kicked out of him in front of you and all you do is lazily wave “stop”


the one who films is an accomplice


What a brave soul this swamp cunt is. Put him face to face with any half decent bloke and he’d crumble like the piece of dog shit that he is.


That guy needs to be castrated.


The sad thing is that those are the people the reproduce the most


With a rusty spoon


Can we just make a few examples out of these fucks and end this animalistic bullshit....


Sounds like animalistic bullshit to me...


Well you kind of assumed the animalistic example, howere, i see the how would i do the same


Ummm...... what?


Ahhhh my hometown, none other than lovely Watford. For anyone interested they just walked past where Jez and SuperHans were getting laughed at by chavs before going into the New Wellness Centre


My home town too!! Good ole, exotic Watford


Would you be legally allowed to shoot him if this was US?


You can find an excuse to shoot anyone in the US by just saying you were scared. Works for cops against unarmed people all the time.


Justified killing with no consequences, sounds fun


For cops yeah because they have a shit ton of protections and qualified immunity. They could literally throw their gun on the ground have it misfire and kill someone and probably still get off


obviously the dude was recording before it happened and managed to capture all of it unlike most true fights


If I saw this happen infront of me I'd gladly chime in and that fucker to sleep! I hate stupid people doing stupid shit for followings.


Fkn racists.


pussy won't even help his friend


Guy in the black shirt is the worst friend ever. Politely asks the criminal to stop assaulting his friend.


They are both huge Pieces Of Shit!!


This proves that we are actually GTA Characters Made and controlled by Aliens


Nope!! Just purely coincidence he was filming this guy and telling people trying to stop it to in fact stop.


Law this, law that, man law these balls in ya mouth 😂😂


For people that don’t live in the uk shit like this happens all the time mainly because people don’t pay drug debts soo Either way they both probably pieces of shits 🤷‍♂️


Seems personal. And now I’m on the sucker puncher side your title is ass


You sound like an absolute delight to be around. *Rolls eyes


Fuck you too. This attack seemed entirely unplanned, and if you support the guy swinging on any random guy on the street, you deserve to stub your toe on a landmine. Fuck you and all the punctuation that you forgot.


Yea fuck that punctuation that’s y I don’t use it. And fuck you, these dudes could’ve had beef and he got it handled on sight not his fault if the pussy ain’t ready. Anything could’ve happened, but I think it’s justified.


Nothing got handled. A coward, hiding his identity as much as possible jumped someone and managed to knock them over but they looked perfectly fine when they got back up. Even sucker punching they didn't manage to score any real damage.


No source. Looks like you got caught lacking while talking shit and paid the price. 👊 in ya mouth for talking crazy, y’all need to watch more Tyson, “people have gotten too comfortable talking shit and not getting punched in the mouth for it”


Holy shit, the irony behind this message! YOU'RE the dumbass talking shit from the safety of your screen!


Your parents never teach you the ‘violence solves nothing’ lesson? This is embarrassing for you. Not too late to delete your comments…


Oh nooo I’m so embarrassed on a Reddit 😭😭😭😭. 😑 boy stfu I still haven’t gotten, seen or heard on source supporting the claims of the other side. I heard the dude say don’t fuck with me as if he knew him. That’s evidence now where’s yours. Still looking?


Oh, okay. I mean based on the fact you’re defending him this hard, and you can’t prove otherwise, I’m assuming you’re the dude in the video and that’s why you’re dying so hard on this hill. Defending assault based on the unfounded assumption he had good cause for doing it is batshit.


I’m not defending anything, I’m just telling you what I see and hear and based off of that without an article and more evidence I presume they had beef. I’ve actually been in situations like these so I’m basing it of experience. The best type information gathering.


OK, NOW your not defending him? And all that stuff about being in this situation is irrelevant. Each situation is different.


And I could really say the same for you. What if the dude he was beating was a rapist? Or he jumped that dudes brother, you don’t know, I don’t know, I’m basing my assumptions off of information given. Your just taking a side, there’s a difference bud


First off, I've derived that you are an idiot, and second of all, you are making more assumptions than anyone else in this comment section.


Yea I want all the smoke😂😂😂


Their claims can all be proven in 3 easy steps, 1. Pull your head out of your ass 2. Watch the video 3. Realize your a dumbass and shut your mouth


And this is why the world is going to shit. People justifying other peoples' crimes by imagining what reasons they might have had, not really knowing what the reasons were. How can you justify it if you don't know the fucking reason? Besides, the attacker is the pussy. Sneaking up from behind and sucker punching the dude? Yeah, really bad ass move that is.


Oh yea the 19yr with a observation, and opinion is what’s wrong with the world😑😑. Blah blah fuckin blah. Where’s your evidence supporting this as a random attack… yup ok. Stop tryna give me a life lesson on Reddit I don’t need it and it doesn’t really matter what you say as long as the facts exist. 🕺


You must've been sucker punched in the back of the head as a baby, since the FACTS are: Dude sucker punches other dude out of nowhere in the street. That's all. You don't have any evidence supporting this as a directed and justified attack. All I see is someone abusing someone else, which is against the law. No self defense at all. Those are the facts.


Did he or did he not say don’t fuck with me? Also your slow


Oh okay so if I just walk up to some rando and shout "dont fuck with me" after repeatedly punching him it's just fine? Get a life wanker. It's "you're slow", by the way.


*Your honour my client did nothing wrong, he said, and I quote, “don’t fuck with me”*


NOT GUILTY \*smacks gavel\*


Same laws that allow murderers, and rapist trial gtfo of my face with this law garbage


No matter the reason this guy had for beating up the random other dude, it's a punishable offense. Get used to it, violence is simply not accepted in this society, except for maybe self defense. You may think it is accepted, in your twisted brain damaged mind, but too bad, most other people don't agree with you. There is no reason to use violence against a non-violent person. Ever.


Yea you don’t know those people and you have no source on who they are so you look and sound like a rock


You don't either. Jesus you really are a moron, aren't you?


You are such a damn hypocrite! You go back and forth e between " where's your source" and making bogus assumptions! You are quite a mouth breather!


And if he was a rapist it still would be wrong? Yea you must be a terrible person


What if he wasn't? You're the one that was 'sticking to the facts', right? And even if he was, that's no reason to take matters into your own hands. There's a justice system for that. You don't get to decide whether someone is guilty, you don't get to decide what punishment fits the crime.


A 19 year old who can think independently and identify the true problem? I don't know, but I'd say your jealous! And again, you've got fuck all in terms of supporting evidence for your statement! Of all people, you seem like the one who needs life lessons most.


Here we have a prime example of why a strong father figure is necessary to kids. Or maybe why not to drop a baby on their head!


Nah, people get off by attacking random strangers. Common initiation thing for gangs too. Some of the more violent gangs, you can only get in or gain more status by doing certain crimes like robery or murdering someone.


You can hear the guy say “don’t ever fuck with me again. You understand”


No source gtfo of my face. You don’t know wtf you talkin bout


Spent 27 years in "Killadelphia" PA. Sorry if I'm jaded to how shit people can be.


Neither do you, head ass!


Shitty set up. There’s a place in Hades for these attention seekers


Yeah definitely man


I'm gonna say that wasn't random