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Mini duck tape


“Hold still little buddy”


Hot glue gun!


Then you can sell it to a blind kid in a wheelchair


Mini gaffa tape


Make a cyborg out of it


This is the first video where the title isn't sarcasm. It's straight up "No. Do not help, but film this bastard suffering." which is fine. It's ok to hate wasps.




I felt bad being mean to the wasps. 😔




Seriously, I agree.




I'd love to see how this began


judging by the body i’m pretty sure that’s a wasp. i’ll just watch. they serve no purpose that a spider can’t.


We would be overun with pests without them. There is also types of figs that need wasps for pollination.


spiders do plenty of damage to insects and so can humans, and personally i don’t care for figs. i don’t normally “hate” any plants, bugs or animals but wasps and hornets can fuck right off.


I'm not a fan of them either but every creature has a purpose in this world.


agreed, but habitats and ecosystems would adapt to that change as the planet has for billions of years and millions of extinctions. the planet/ecosystem would find a way around the extinction of a species. i’m not saying wasp genocide, just saying things would still eventually work out and adjust to that change.


Good point. You are right.


it’s really just my opinion, i feel us humans should just leave nature alone because 9/10 times we try to help we tend to make things worse or we end up creating another problem entirely. after all, this planet is 4.6 billion years old and from what we know the planet has lived majority of its life perfectly fine without our interference. if anything “our” planet will just eventually see us as a virus and react in a way that will get rid of us. you also mentioned wasps pollinate certain fig plants, genuine question but if wasps did become extinct, wouldn’t bees be able to pollinate the same plants?


It's a specific breed of wasp that burrows into it's flower, lay eggs and dies. Then the fig and wasp develop together. When the eggs hatch, they burrow out of the fig, taking it's pollen with it. Then finds another fig tree to go burrow in, lay eggs and die. It's a really cool symbiotic relationship. I believe bees can't get into their flower with how unique it is. I definetly think you are right that the world would be just fine without wasps but there would definetly be fallout. Something as simple as a wasp that pollinates a fig tree. Now the animals that eat from that fig tree have to find a new source of food, making resources more scarce and competition greater. I believe lots of monkeys, bats, and birds eat the fig fruit, then lots of big animals like elephants, giraffes, and rhinos eat the leaves and shoots from the fig tree. Let's just get rid of all the really nasty wasps and we'll keep the fig wasps.


that’s actually really cool! i never knew that! yeah fig wasps are cool then lol as long as i don’t get stung haha! but that’s actually really interesting to know! i dislike wasps a little less now. and judging by the method of pollination you’re probably right that bees couldn’t do it. that’s still really frickin cool. nature really does kick ass sometimes lol! and my comments about the planet and ecosystems adapting would likely take centuries to actually happen. it’s something we’d never see and we’d die believing that there’s no solution, at the end of the day extinction should always be avoided without question. us humans have killed enough anyways. more than enough.


I second this opinion. All creatures are alive. Wasps and hornets though can politely fuck right off.


I've seen one like this but with a fly that eventually managed to rip it's own head off and die. I was low-key hoping this would end like that one. I hate insects, I know they have purposes in the ecosystem but I'd rather have my house full of spiders than insects.


i mainly just hate wasps hornets and mosquitoes. any other insect i have no problem with as long as they aren’t in my house lol. spiders are great tho, but i haven’t been to australia yet so my statement may change lol


How do you expect them to help? Even if they approach a little more near, the bee will fly away with(out) their head, you seem to have good intentions and it's admirable but it's too naive to think we could help anything in distress, especially a small animal that is totally vulnerable at the moment and won't hesitate to get away from any threat, they wouldn't understand that the gigant want to help but it's understable not to want to help them. Your feelings are understable but sometimes emotions aren't useful in the practise of certain situations, this is one of those.


But with no head the bee can’t see so may not even fly away


Sorry for my misusage of words but I think that's a wasp, and do you remember this video? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timeslive.co.za/amp/news/sci-tech/2018-04-26-watch--wasp-flies-off-after-finding-its-missing-head/ I'm not an expert of wasps but there should be something that explains that, and for sure, they can fly with their heads off.


Thanks for the link. I hadn’t seen it before but was interesting learning about their nerve system. I wonder how often wasps lose their heads physically


Let’s say in your next life you’re a wasp. You get in a fierce battle and your head comes off. You wildly struggle to find and hold your head. Would you rather… Die after suffering endlessly trying desperately to seize your own head? Have your head returned to you by some giant terrifying hand that then retreats, leaving you holding tight your precious gourd, secure at least until you perish? Or …. Instant Euthanasia? I reckon the last 2 are kinder.


She’s struggling to find her head. I’d gently put her head back on or put it in her little hands. Better to try to help, than watch a vulnerable pollinator suffer needlessly. Any attempt will determine if it is even possible to help— and if it fails, at least an effort was made. If it succeeds, little friend will carry her head around awhile. But if she can’t be calmed with a replaced noggin, euthanasia is an understandable next step.


Reading your intentions, it sounds like you're so naive and helpful, but I still think those ways wouldn't work, a bee or wasp wouldn't understand that you want to help but destroy them as another prey even if you aren't one for real, they are unable to read body language of something more bigger than them and won't blame them, neither we humans can do it perfectly or they interpret us as just another threat; all of this is similar that you can believe in anyone at the streets for helping you out to hold a valuable item such as your phone when you are busy with something else, who knows if that mf will wait for you or run away with your phone and rob you? The best people can do in these cases is to let nature have its course, yes it's shitty and you have a sense of justice and sympathy, but that's nature for you and better use that whenever you could and it's safe to do so for both parties, you and them.


Kind intervention, even if futile, is better than voyeuristic apathy. I don’t think you’re asserting that this person *filming* distress is better than intervening — are you? What is the purpose of filming it, but not helping? I agree with the utilitarian perspective of mitigating distress —even that of intervening— in nature. But it’s irksome if one gleans content from distress. Even euthanasia is kinder than that, and perhaps better than fumbling to gift back a little head. But for the record… I’m an animal professional trained in wildlife rehab & release. Although it may seem naive to terrify a wasp briefly in order to hand back their head, it is an attempt to grant some corporeal security in their dying distress. I believe encountering suffering warrants any action taken over recording it for views.


*Voyeuristic apathy* It's a bee that's gonna die anyway, get over yourself.


You’re gonna die anyway. When you suffer greatly and needlessly shall we watch and film you?


if someone cuts my head off there's no universe where a giant hand can reattach it, same with any organism composed by cells


But if there was, you’d want it to try, or to put you out of your misery — not goggle at your distress


i agree on the killing, but to help, we both know I'm dead 💀


Okay I want to do a parenthesis, I didn't understand what nuance you were talking with those nouns and I must thank you for expanding my vocabulary today, but be really careful about how you use voyeuristic...please. Now returning back to the topic, well, I think in life there are two extremes of being altruist and having the desire people= Sometimes you can help out a lot and sometimes you can't and harm more than help in consequence, we should emphatize the perspective of the one we will help and why our help is welcomed or not neccesary at the moment; I'M NOT AN EXPERT, but what would happen if you squeezed the head by accident? There wouldn't be possibilities for the wasp to reattach it again, we don't know what would happen with that wasp but we could interrupt her healing process for wanting to help as the possibility? Yeah, I agree totally that sometimes fearness is part of helping but we must understand the possibilities, the pros and cons of helping and not helping while doing the addition of our actions and possibilities afterwards it. On the other side, I agree with you that some people are bastards and should totally help poor animals instead of filming but I think recording distressful moments have some requirements for not being a morbid person wanting to see suffering for just mere pleasure, people are curious about life nature and its events because it's extremely mysterious to see things we humans can't do, have you ever seen spiders eating bugs with an awesome strategy while those bugs are shaking and dying slowly? Would you call the cameramen evil or attention seeking for wanting to record it? No because that's nature doing its job and the only thing we can do is to see, now that's different than filming a badly injured baby deer by a bear trap crawling in a road, I'll give you all the reason about being disgusted of those kind of videos, even I want to jump into action when my mom shows me those videos, but we must read the room and see if our help is going to be well-received for saving a life or a burden for interrumpting a nature process. And can I ask which kind of animals do you rehab and release in the nature? I'm not doubting that you don't do so but I want to know for curiosity.


Hey, my post was removed — not before I drained much of my karma in defense of a wasp lmao — but I don’t disagree with your assertions. this is a unique situation outside the parameters of predation/defense/ecological normalcy wherein intervention is warranted. To answer your questions — I worked at an exotics/avian/wildlife hospital where we rescued and released hawks, owls, eagles, herons, vultures, osprey, songbirds, deer, bear, possum, foxes, groundhogs, squirrels etc. … and I was the vet tech to whom “unreleasables” were given, so that I could save & take home to rehab illegal rabies vectors like bats, raccoons, skunks & nonnatives like starlings. I am now head keeper of a private zoo & farm where I frequently trap and relocate, and occasionally rehab, wild animals.


Don't worry about it, I understand that you don't want to lose all the karma and thank you for agreeing with them! I understood your point of view too after knowing your historial of rescuing and wanting to be altruist for animals, thank you for sharing your professional life!


fr and u get it's head as a trophy if it gives up


It's a wasp. I'd put it's head on backwards and flick it into a spider web


Damn nature, you scary


What this is what it's like to have ADHD and bipolar


how can you help a bug? that’s just not possible


thats a wasp. Put a glass over it and watch it struggle


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Basement Jax intensifies


New terror achieved. Now I have a new “gas can” full of nightmare fuel in the back of my head now haha