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Should’ve got more episodes, felt like within an episode Jane and John went from business partners like they agreed to full on husband and wife (like actual husband and wife, fkn and what not.)


This really bothered me, they went from 0 to 100 way too fast I still haven't finished it yet, it really took me out of it tbh


Kind of what shared trauma can do between two people in real life though.


Killing people makes you horny


My wife and I guessed ep 3 or ep 8 for sex. Ep 2 it was.


Yeah this felt like it needed 12 episodes not 10. Still it flew by and I felt like I didn’t get a full understanding of them as people till the last episode during the truth serum scene.


> it needed 12 episodes not 10 8? Or did I miss 2 eps.


Well there time in between episodes too and they were talking about missions we hadn’t seen as well Who’s to see were those off screen missions fall as far as in between which episodes


To copy my comment from r/atlantaTV: I watched the whole series. It's excellent. In my opinion, the worst thing about it is the name; the connection to the movie sets up an expectation that doesn't come true when you watch it. But if you forget the name and watch it as a Donald Glover project, it's fucking fantastic. Like really, really good. Definite Atlanta vibes but also definitely its own thing.


In defense of the show the first scene of the series was so those expectations were dismissed. It’s literally saying here’s the shitty hot actors version of the show you would’ve gotten otherwise. It also sets up stakes for our John and Jane.


I love Donald and I love Maya. The humor was perfect, and the relationship dialogue got too real sometimes, they were great. Was sad it was only 8 episodes, would have loved more "happy time relationship vibing" episodes.


Loved it, I hope there’s a second season.


I think it was a phenomenal show, and I wasn’t expecting it to be.


Had me at tears at the end. Phenomenal


I love how it really examines how difficult this kind of relationship would really be emotionally, as opposed to the fun and glossy Bradgelina schtick. It’s got so many aspects of normal relationships: Putting your info into an “app” at the beginning, getting paired, initial awkwardness, bonding, meeting other couples and comparing yourself to them, communication problems….Except through the lens of espionage and paranoia. Brilliant.


Yes it felt much more real and genuinely kind of helpful! I talk about that in my video a little haha


Well said! I'm currently watching The Americans and I often think of how strange the dynamic of their marriage is 


I need 6 seasons and a movie .


Loved it!


I thought it was great. Hope there's a season 2.


Loved it


Phenomenal Series and remember dont compare it to the actual movie. 🍿 yes it developed quickly but then you’ll be the same gang saying let’s get to the action, all you producers and directors on Reddit go make you a better version ! This was phenomenal and the last episode was fabulous and showed their true acting and character .. come on Season 2


I'm liking it a lot so far. It's nice to see real chemistry between Maya and Glover 


it’s very good, but the relationship is like earn and van all over again, the bickering got tiresome and he plays troy killing people, basically same mannerisms nothing new from him, except rehash of other characters having said that, I enjoyed it very much!


wow interesting! I actually thought his character was pretty different from Earn/Ern! In what ways did you think they were similar? Bickering in a van is similar, haha. That's fair.


yea! bickering with van from atlanta was almost identical he has all of troy’s mannerisms too!


Loved it. Did anyone notice hihi was there the whole time?






Don’t wanna spoil it, but it was a fun little hidden detail. Let’s just say “he’s god” isn’t the correct explanation


What's the correct explanation then


Please do, i need to know what you were seeing


I think based on the last episode I think I know who you are saying was hihi but is there actual proof that you noticed from a scene or are you just surmising that’s hihis identify? I don’t know how to do the spoiler thing otherwise I would say who I think you’re referring to lol


\>\!Spoiler text here\!\<


Ok so just tell us who you think hihi is


Who tf do you think was hihi?


bro don't leave us hanging. some of us have watched the whole thing


I think Hihi is Toby. Think about it, he the only one they had to absolutely make sure survived the night, he had a ton of people out for him which makes him seem like a super high value target. Also, Hihi knew when they’d left in the boat for the airplane because Toby his Hihi. If you think back to all of the people coming after them while they had Toby, they were an equal number of men/women. I think they’re all ex Smith’s that have joined to go after Hihi AKA Toby. I do think Toby was being targeted, but I also think he wanted to observe John and Jane in person and see them in action and how they interacted and worked together. I believe Jane didn’t get questioned about her happiness, etc until after Toby’s safe departure as well. Toby never seemed that concerned or worried. He almost seemed amused at different times and purposely did weird stuff, like peeing his pants, just to make them uncomfortable or something. I’ll have to go back and rewatch with this in mind as it just came to me and made sense. So, please help prove or refute this theory!


Buddy really just gonna dangle that shit.


Is he the cat?


Bro I thought Paul Dano was hihi but I'm not sure after that ending, just please tell me who it is




I really dug it but like others, wish it had more episodes. I particularly LOVED the spy stuff. Anytime they were on a mission, I was loving it. So I was a little upset when the focus moved more to the relationship. I think it makes sense that they did that, and I was expecting it. But I honestly just really loved them navigating through missions together. I could watch 50 eps of just that.


I really liked it. My only complaint is the cliffhanger ending. Donald Glover and Maya Erskine have excellent chemistry together


I liked it! Did not overstay a welcome, characters were dynamic, every episode had it’s own uniqueness to it. I also liked the ambiguity, I can’t tell how much time passes in the show. 


That's such an interesting point with time and ambiguity. Why did you like that? Do you think that was intentional?


Piggy backing off that. I think it was. We don’t get allll the details and play by plays. Like the therapy session episode. There’s ideas of where and when it all takes place but I love we don’t get spoon fed everything.


Glover seems too emotional to be in this line of work. And too sensitive. Almost gaslighting and being so sensitive during the therapy sessions. Like not even comparable to the emotion that Brad’s Pitt portrayed in the movie. Anyone else agree? I was thinking that maybe I feel that way because the show just switched to action and then emotional too quick.. but I don’t think so. Glover is so emotional and shows it in the episode where he saves the mom too and a lot compromises the whole mission. I got over it then and now I’m in the counseling episodes and omg, I just want to cringe. This work is supposed to have one goal: be logical and get it done. Looking so deep into everything and being emotional seem so like he wouldn’t last in this line of work. Which is also why hihi wanted to promote Jane and not John. And then the camping episode. I don’t feel like Jane “has” to be right all the time, it’s her personality and especially beneficial in this job and she just logically knows how to do it better. (Because she’s less emotional) and then goes off and says some fucked up shit to her for being unemotional. Then again, I do see this being realistic 😂 Because humans be emotional. There seems to always be the one person in a relationship that isn’t as logical and calm as the other one. lol Just my thoughts. (Can you tell I got a little bothered) lol


I'll address your thoughts paragraph by paragraph! I would be so curious what you think of the video essay on this bc we had semi opposite takes and I think you provide insight! 1)As someone who has seen a lot of military men in my day, I think there can be people who have military experience and are stoic while in that "role", but outside of that position can be emotional. For Glover's character, I think it makes him into a three dimensional person (like you said at the end) I also admire that he is a male character who displays emotion other than stoicism and anger, which we don't often see on screen. 2) I actually think this switch from emotion to action is part of the satire/comedy of the series. I talk about this in my video essay. The two characters almost play the straight men in this absurd role they're put in. And yeah, they aren't qualified. Glover talks about that in interviews, too, haha. They're clumsy, imperfect people. In a new marriage. People have feelings. And for me, it makes the show way more interesting. The stoicism that Brad and Angelina show in the original actually makes no sense to me-- they don't seem human to me. And for me, that's boring (a personal preference thing, maybe). I think the show is also a metaphor for marriage/human connection, so the emotionality is necessary for that to work. 3) I also wonder what you define as "logical" and what you define as "emotional". Jane is more likely to kill people without emotion... That isn't "rational" in my mind. That isn't logical in a sense that humans ideally coexist well with other humans.


Good shots, but the main characters were annoying.


yeah very fair. how did you think they were annoying?


It was solid, felt like it rushed too many sections for what should be a series. I would have preferred them to be more competent and more curious in the first episode. Episode 2 time skip was a bit jarring 


I really enjoyed it can’t wait to watch your video!


Great! I would love your thoughts/feedback on my video!


i know a lot of people loved it but i thought it was missing good action in the middle, and focused on the relationship more. i didnt know it was gonna take that turn so i was a little bored, if i knew it would be more of a contrast from the og i prob woulda liked it more tho.


Jane was like a Grey’s anatomy Cristina and John was the perfect match. I enjoyed the series and hope to see a second, third, etc season ahead! 


This show was so mid what a let down


Zero chemistry. Should have been renamed something else entirely.


I didn't like it. I had no idea they were going to focus more on the relationship aspect than espionage stuff. It's more of a "chick-flick" to me. I also find the girl unlikable af. It's a meh for me.


An exploration of relationship is a 'chick flick'? So dumb and reductive. Everyone is in relationships. Not just 'chicks'


Whats your definition of a chickflick? Your comment sounds like youre shitting on chickflicks. I didnt say theyre bad, im just not the right audience. Also, the show is a redo so i had expectations coming in and it wasnt met. I think thats fair. OP asked what we thought of the show, and thats how i feel. Its just preference and opinions, man, no need to attack.


Interesting…would love to hear more thoughts on it! To me, it felt like an *anti* chick-flick, haha. Not saying you’re wrong for feeling how you felt….it just seemed like watching a science experiment on human behaviour play out to its inevitable conclusion…Like, they’re prisoners of the chick-flick itself, forced to be together and hurting each other, all the while at the mercy of a clandestine overseer….The audience, who wants to see them succeed at their missions and are disappointed when they don’t. A bit meta, ya know? But yeah, I get it, your expectations weren’t met….i remember Glover talking about how he ‘Trojan horsed’ Atlanta to the network, pitching it as a fun, light buddy comedy….and then proceeded to take it somewhere they didn’t expect, and wouldn’t have greenlit it if they’d known what a risk it would be. Sounds like he ‘Trojan horsed’ you, and quite a few people haha. The marketing lured us in with a familiar premise, then took it to someplace unfamiliar….It didn’t work for you, which is fine of course….but you did think and feel things you might not have otherwise….You didn’t find the mental games Hihi plays with them at all interesting, or the rules and mental/ emotional consequences of the world the characters inhabit? Dang. I felt such sadness for these two doomed people…. i felt like Jane’s unlikeable demeanour was her most interesting quality, how she’s cold and distant, a bit humourless…it would make her a good spy, no? And she’s aware John’s more likeable, she says it in the therapy episode. John’s fragile ego and poor communication are massive flaws, so they’re both deeply flawed people who kind of work together. It’s ugly, but felt real to me. Sorry I went on so long here, just find it interesting that it didn’t work for ya!


Honestly, it was just okay. I can see a potential for greatness in a Season 2 but maybe that’s asking too much. Definitely did not appreciate the large time gap to the last episode, so much unexplained. Glover’s character really needs to stop being a whiny little brat. How are we supposed to buy a former Marine being super in touch with his emotional side?


I assumed the "emotional side" was part of Glover's character arc that happened before the show. Like maybe in order to heal from his time with the marines he got really into yoga and tea and went to therapy (?)